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A term paper about

Questiones Disputatae de Veritate

Question 1, articles 1 -4
Thomas Aquinas

Throughout history, there has been a problem about the
certainty of all things that exist. Many people, particularly Philosophers, who
had asked the question about things that, are actually there or not, they
asked themselves what is really the truth. Some people in difficulty or
perhaps laziness in understanding just doubted all that is there, that all of
these things are illusions. They tried; we listened, and didnt understand until
a remarkable person of God was born in the person of Saint Thomas Aquinas.
What is actually the truth? Is truth the same with reality or with
existence? Is truth found principally in things or in the intellect? Is there One
Truth that in which all things is true?

Article 1
What is Truth?
In the work of the Angelic Doctor, he collected and studied
various ideas about the notion of truth. He presented it in a style that he
postulated first difficulties of the question itself before concluding what was
true. Saint Augustine had said that the truth is exactly the same as being.
Others said in reply that truth and being are materially the same because
they had plainly said that all that is in existence is true but different formally.
Anything that is, is true and for Thomas, this quite contrary because one
couldnt plainly say that being is true because he had said that useless
repetition of the same thing is meaningless thus if we say that true were the
same as being, its just like saying that the pencil and the chalk are the same
because they can both write; say that the pencil is sharp and hard, the chalk
smooth and soft, are they actually the same? They are not the same. Plainly,
they seem that they are the same but essentially they are not the same.

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