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Fourth Semester D
Dr. Daniel Yepez
Name: Ivn Chango

Date: JULY 16 th, 2015

The Rosetta spacecraft.


Main ideas.

Reading is the main idea of the creation of the Rosetta spacecraft in order to fly to
the space and to study a comet called Comet 67P.


Secondary ideas.
1. The comet 67P orbits the sun every 6 1/2 years
2. The comet 67P travels between the orbits of Jupiter and Earth.
3. The orbit of some comets lasts tens of years but the orbit of other comets lasts
thousands of years.
4. In 1705 Edmund Halley discovered that Halley's Comet would return to Earth.
5. The European Space Agency decided to create a spacecraft called Rosetta to land on
the comet 67P.
6. The comet traveling at 55,000 km / h and had only four kilometers wide.
7. Rosetta traveled for ten years on the 67P comet and turned the sun five times
against great extremes of heat and cold.
8. In the November 12, 2014 Rosetta launched a small lander called Philae on the
9. Philae will send information about the comet, its composition, if I had water and
gases contained the comet, the information came to earth in 30 minutes.

3. - Summary
The main objective of the Rosetta spacecraft is to investigate the composition and characteristics
of Comet 67P, which can provide information on the formation of the system solar. There is a very
well-founded assumption that comets are the least modified objects in the solar system since its
formation 4.6 billion years ago.

An important hypothesis that can be confirmed is whether the water on Earth comes from comets
that hit it from that lower temperature cooled and allowed to retain water. It is believed that most
of the water in the oceans has this origin, since it is unlikely that this water is a remnant of the
original formation of the Earth.

Another crucial question is whether comet water has organic matter and of what kind. The answer
may help understand the origin of life on Earth.

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