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Rehearsal on 3/3/15

Lesson Context/Rational:
- The beginner band is comprised of all the 4th grade instrumentalists plus
some 5th graders who may have switched instruments. This will be their
4rd rehearsal of the year. They normally start in mid January, but were
delayed with all of the snow days. This is the 2nd band rehearsal that I
will have run with them.

Lesson Goals:
- The rehearsal etiquette will still be a priority as they begin to turn them
into habits, especially how they enter and set up. I want to continue to
expand on their group warm up process, and keep pushing forward in the
piece Dragonfly. A new piece will also be handed out, A Prehistoric

- students will demonstrate proper rehearsal procedures in the beginning
of class
- students will play through their band warm up sheet in long tones (1st 5
notes of Bb major) up and down
- students will go through band warm up sheet in different fruit rhythms
and in cannon
- students will rehearse call and response section at m. 21

- 1.3.5.B.1 Sing or play music from complex notation
- 1. 3.8.B.2 Perform independently and in a group with expressive qualities
appropriately aligned with the stylistic characteristics of the genre

- chairs, stands, instruments, music, pencils
- score
- wood block or metronome
- iphone for recording/amp for playback

- canon
- immitation
- call and response

- students will enter the cafeteria and set-up according to their band sheet.
This week, the friendly reminder on the easel will be, Do you have your
pencil? and Sit with your section

the on their own warm-up will be shorter than normal this week because
I want to work on a couple of things with the group warm up sheets
o first will be whole notes up and down Concert Bb (first five notes)
o next will be the same scale, but using a fruit rhythm, like straw-
ber-ry-wat-er-mel-on or something similar. I will choose one and
then the students will pick one.
o Then we will do the scale in a 2 part canon
Does anyone know what a canon is? (row row row your
boat as an example
band will be split into two groups, for a half note canon
record audio and play back through amp the canon
Transition into working on m. 21 in Dragonfly
o Woodwinds, bells vs. brass in call and response, relate how it is
tricky back to canon
everyone has to be responsible for their own parts, but at
the same time be aware of what the other instruments are
doing around them
each group can play their part separately and then add in
add in rs on single quarter note rests to help count, 1, 2
on rests that begin measure and are more than 1 count
brass will play it first, if the rhythms are going well, they
can move to the mouth piece
Hand out parts for Prehistoric Suite

- Things from last rehearsal:
o Did you enter on time and quietly?
o Did you set up in the correct order? Cases-stand-instrument-
o Do you have a pencil?
- How far and well they get through section at 21 will determine plans for
next weeks rehearsal

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