Core Competencies

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Leadership Competencies

S.T.E.A.M. Administrator
Robo9cs Program Administrator
World's Best Workforce Project Leader

Organiza9onal Management
Grant Wri9ng
Summer Programming Schedule
Budget Experience

Diversity Leadership
Interven9on Planning Leader
Community Educa9on Advisory Council Leader
Tapestry Project Planning

Policy and Law

Early Childhood Needs Assessment
RALLI Mee9ngs
Wellness CommiNee Member

Poli9cal Inuence and Governance

School Board Presenta9ons
World's Best Workforce Project Leader
Robo9cs Program Media9on

Robo9cs Program Communica9on
Annual Report on Community Educa9on
Leadership Mee9ngs

Community Rela9ons
Annual Report on Community Educa9on
School Partnership Mee9ngs
Community Educa9on Advisory Council

Curriculum Planning and Development

for the Success of All Learners
Out-Of-School Time Program Planning
Adult Diploma Project
Career Pathways Project

Instruc9onal Management for the

Success of All Learners
S.T.E.A.M. Program Review
ECFE PLC Facilitator
Teacher Goal SeRng

Human Resource Management

Teacher Evalua9on Training
S.T.E.A.M. Personnel Training
Robo9cs Recruitment

Values and Ethics of Leadership

Robo9cs Personnel
S.T.E.A.M. Program Issues
Curriculum Mee9ngs

Judgment and Problem Analysis

Community Advisory Council
Robo9cs Program Problem Planning
S.T.E.A.M. Program Problem Solving

Safety and Security

Emergency Protocol Review Enrichment
ECFE Safety Audit
Mandated Reporter Training

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