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Taekwondo Numbers - How to Count in Korean

One - Hana ("Ha-na")

Two - Dul ("Dhool")

Three - Set ("Set")

Four - Net ("Net")

Five - Dasot ("Da-sut")

Six - Yasot ("Yo-sut")

Seven - Ilgup ("Eel-gope")

Eight - Yodol ("Yo-dull")

Nine - Ahop ("Ah-hope")

Ten - Yeol ("Yull")

For 11 through 19, add the Korean word for 10 in front of the last number. For example,
eleven is Yeol Hana ("Yull Ha-na") - the Korean words for 10 and 1.

Eleven - Yeol Hana ("Yull Ha-na")

Twelve - Yeol Dul ("Yull Dhool")

Thirteen - Yeol Set ("Yull Set")

Fourteen - Yeol Net ("Yull Net")

Fifteen - Yeol Dasot ("Yull Da-sut")

Sixteen - Yeol Yasot ("Yull Yo-Sut")

Seventeen - Yeol Ilgup ("Yull Eel-gope")

Eighteen - Yeol Yodol ("Yull Yo-dull")

Nineteen - Yeol Ahop ("Yull Ah-hope")

Twenty - Seu-Mool ("Sew-mool")

Taekwondo Words & Commands - English to Korean

Arc Hand - Ageumson

Arm - Pal

Attention - Charyut (sounds like Chari-yut)

Begin - Sijak

Belt - Ti

Block - Makgi (sounds like Mah-key)

Bow - Kyungnet

Breaking - Kyukpa

Continue - Kaesok

Dodge or Evade - Pihagi

Elbow - Palgup

Fist - Joomock

Foot - Baal

Foot (Ball of Foot) - Apchuk

Foot Blade - Balnal

Foot Instep - Baldeung

Forms - Poomse or Poomsae (sounds like Poom-say)

Grab - Japgi

Hand - Son

Head - Moli

Instructor - Sabomnim (sounds like Sah-bum-nim)

Jump - Ttwigi

Kick - Chagi (sounds like Cha-gee)

Knee - Mureup

Leg - Dari

Neck - Mok (or Mog)

Punch - Jireugi

Push - Milgi

Ready - Joon Bi

Referee - Joo Sim

Return (i.e. turn & face instructor at the end of a form) - Baro (sounds like Baa-row)

School (Taekwondo) - Dojang

Self-Defense - Hosinsool

Shin - Jeonggangi

Sparring - Kyorugi

Stance - Sogi or Seogi (sounds like Say-oh-gee)

Stop - Kalyeo

Strike - Chigi (sounds like Chee-gee)

Thank you - Kamsa Hamnae Da (sounds like Kamsa-ham-ni-da)

Thrust - Jjireugi

Uniform - Dobok

Yell - Kihap (sounds like Kee-yah-p) - word to use when you are kicking or punching for

Korean Names for Taekwondo Kicks

Axe Kick - Naeryeo-Chagi

Back Kick - Dwi-Chagi

Crescent Kick - Bandal-Chagi

Front Kick - Ap-Chagi

Hook Kick - Huryeo-Chagi

Push Kick - Meereo-Chagi

Roundhouse Kick - Dollyo-Chagi

Scissor Kick - Kawi-Chagi

Side Kick - Yeop-Chagi

Spinning Hook Kick - Dwi-Huryeo-Chagi

Taekwondo Kicks - English to Korean

Axe Kick or Naeryeo Chagi

Back Kick or Dwi Chagi

Crescent Kick or Bandal Chagi

Double Roundhouse Kick - Narae Chagi

Front Kick or Ap Chagi

Hook Kick or Huryeo Chagi

Flying Back Kick or Twi-myo Dwi Chagi

Flying Side Kick or Twi-myo Yeop Chagi

Jumping Front Kick or Eedan Ap Chagi

Knee Strike or Moreup Chigi

Push Kick or Meereo Chagi

Repeating Kick or Geodeup Chagi - This technique is where you do the same kick two or
more times with the same foot.

Roundhouse Kick or Dollyo Chagi

Scissor Kick or Kawi Chagi

Side Kick or Yeop Chagi

Spinning Hook Kick or Dwi Huryeo Chagi

Twisting Kick or Bituro Chagi

Taekwondo Kicks - Korean to English

Ap Chagi or Front Kick

Bandal Chagi or Crescent Kick

Bituro Chagi or Twisting Kick

Dollyo Chagi or Roundhouse Kick

Dwi Chagi or Back Kick

Dwi Huryeo Chagi or Spinning Hook Kick

Eedan Ap Chagi or Jumping Front Kick

Geodeup Chagi or Repeating Kick

Huryeo Chagi or Hook Kick

Kawi Chagi or Scissor Kick

Meereo Chagi or Push Kick

Moreup Chigi or Knee Strike

Naeryeo Chagi or Axe Kick

Narae Chagi or Double Roundhouse Kick

Twi-myo Dwi Chagi or Flying Back Kick

Twi-myo Yeop Chagi or Flying Side Kick

Yeop Chagi or Side Kick

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