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9 major areas of people activity in the known universe:

1) Economics
2) Education
3) Entertainment
4) Labor
5) Law
6) Politics
7) Religion
8) Sex
9) War
These are areas that we as black people are at the bottom,
And When we have a proper understanding of these 9 areas, we can make the
proper changes, as a people and within our communities!!
In Economics we are at the bottom, Why? we don't deal in Business as a
collective whole.
In Education, Our kids are not being taught properly and 85% of our Adults
read on a 5th grade level, and please understand, there is a difference
between reading words and comprehending what you have read and being able
to apply the Knowledge.
In Entertainment our babies focus on the worse that can be done when it
comes to any aspect of entertainment, and we are not in control of any
aspect of it.
in Labor, we are still waiting on others to do for us, what we should be
doing for ourselves,
In Law, well we all ready Know,
In Politics, we vote without proper study or research at all, as a
collective whole.
In Religion, in the black community, there is a church on every conner, and
the condition of our people have not change, and as you see now, those
other people will kill us in the church, they burn our churches down, why?
because they don't fear us, as a collective whole.. Our Youth don't go to
church, they don't believe in Jesus they Believe in Jeezy, Little Wayne,
Young Thug Gucci Mane,
In Sex, we have turn recreation to recreation, its sport and play, a drug
of choice, to make us feel good.
In War, we don't understand the Art of war, we are even scared to form a
group or movement with a military mindset, we are at war and been at war,
the killing in the streets due to gangs being at war with each other, we
Live in a war zone....
The nine elements found in a combat environment are as follows:
1. Violent, unnerving sights and sounds
2. Casualties
3. Confusion and lack of information (fog of war and friction)
4. Feelings of isolation

5. Communications breakdown
6. Individual discomfort and physical fatigue
7. Fear, stress, and mental fatigue
8. Continuous operations
9. Homesickness

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