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EXIDE INDUSTRIES LIMITED 1314 2012.13 (Rs.inCrores) (Rs. In Crores) ‘38 OTHER EXPENSES Stotes and spare parts consumed 61.84 64.88 Power and fuel 258.59 261.19 Battery Charging / Battery assembly exoenses 257 9041 Repairs an maintenance Buildings 9.28 801 Plant & machinery 3356 28.45 Others v9 823 Rent & Hite Charges 6% 2353 Rates and taxes 72 297 Insurance 3.42 236 Commission 13442 683 Royalty and Technical Aid Fees 2753 27.08 Benefils poi to Life insurance pofeyhokders 1153.40 3270 Pubtcity and Sales Promotion 16282 75.46 Freight & Forwarding (net) 189.91 200.94 ‘Cash Discounts 55.33 58.11 Aer Sales Services 4023 32.92 CAF boenses 305 aii Traveling & Conveyance 3497 2112 Bank Charges 662 271 ‘Communication Costs 1548 57 Donations 001 0.26 Directoss Siting Fees 008, 0s Loss on Fted assets sold/dscarded 029 053 ‘Auditors’ Remuneration ‘As Auditors + For Statutory audit o97 o71 -ForLimited Reviews 031 026 For Others oo” 004 As Tox Auaitors on oo7 ther Senices 019 005 Cut of pocket expenses 009 006 Bad Debts wien off 004 0.06 Provision for doubtful debts 0.10 040 Provision for doubtful loans and Advances 0095 088, Net foreign exchange rate dilerence Loss 012 127 Miscellaneous expenses (refer Note 39) 6854 43.93 |} ElLhas a fulfledged Research and Development Center andit has thereby been able to considerably futher its efficiency. During the year, a sum of Rs. 12.72 cs. (85. 11.10 en}, inelucing capital expenditure 85. 305 cs. [Rs.0.20 cis), was spent on Research and Develoomen! work Stores and Spares consumed of Ls exclusive of Bs. 0.33 cr (850.69 crs) being the amoun's allocated 10 cher heads of expenses. |i] Rent ond Hite charges of Al include Rs 0.47 cr (850.51 rs} towards lease of residential opariments. These ‘fe cancellable leases, renewable by mutual agreement. Generally, there is no escalation clause and no clherrestictions imposed by the lease arrangements, There are no sub-leases. @

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