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GTD raises Sales Order for CAT on FLO Warehouse as the Transaction type
& Do the Drop Shipment Process on LOUD
2. When we progress the order -Supply Eligible will take place creating
requisition/PO on LOUD(Drop shipment Setups)
3. Work order will be released manually (if we are doing the regular transactions
we need to install ORACLE CONFIGURATOR, ATO/PTO models are within
Configure to Order (CTO) Model).
4. Material will process through five main flows laser cut, fab, weld, paint, and
assembly. Prime (FLO) will also be added when material is shipped to a
second location for further paint process. After each flow material will be
moved back to inventory before being issued to the next work order.
5. Once Fab Assly is done at GTD we move the Fab Assly based on FAB, we
create ISO from FLO to GTD all the FAB Assly will move to FLO (Optional).
6. FLO- Process the Weldment/Welded Parts and then creates OSP work order on
7. LOUD(OSP) will process the Painted Weldmart/Parts/Assly and then Invoice to
8. ASN(Advance Shipment Notice) will be sent to GTD, based on ASN we receive
the FG on Logical Drop Shipment Sub-Inventory and complete the Sales order
with Caterpillar.

System Configurations
FLO Inventory Org to be added
Existing Items/New BOM/Routings to be added to FLO
Sub Inventory Transaction Flows needs to be defined for WIP Transactions GTD/FLO
Drop Shipment Setups
Shipping Networks
BOM/Routing/WIP setups for FLO
LOUD OSP needs to be added in ASL
Buyer Setup needs to be defined
New Transaction Types ATO/PTO/CTO for GTD/FLO to be defined
BOM Costing to be defined for FLO

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