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Quyd VLVO 1VOIHOLSIH ELEwtiodYsby S| Da tes fpr st fiat ‘cauuaaeNvaL| OZ dea ST]99 WHT ET | ‘Shave or wn SOT ‘puemoD uoFreazodsuery WaGey is OW apeSyag uopreazodsuery yz “ueduoy by 9 bY Tau Tworgw Gav aOTVaND Boreas eR VST ave EE nave Teas ish Hy Co, 425¢h) th tat ic Comend nore 7 Ba Bob ited Pease the ame a at CONE orcnana’ 5 i (26eh deansvortation fetes teguvore Comtand Hd, WBS aSietass Wain RRS SE son/ & Hq Ov. ,425th Highvay Transport Service (26) 4 Cos ioeh Signer Sranmort. Services % A Manila, Pel. | Inactivated Wortd War 11 ~ Fenn NN penser TAOTIVATED _ On Hodoy, Wisi SOMGR TRATYING — ISFELS-LJGLLS = Weritoriouy Wire Coprenaatroy = GOI0S; Chicrgo, 111. JulsS—SJank6 = eps oriou: a 2 Op UeGoy, Wi Smner Trainthe dation (decond amdra) — ([00 133, USAF, Chicago, Tl. West PAG, 1 Way Q HcGoy, Wise MER TR: IND sec EE s Cuicago, TL SUOER Asiatic Taci*te Tmenter wi tation tl wm an oh, 1ehy Fort Leonard Woo TRAINING Saat sEELOEE) hs ta Gieago, TL. : a tt a oe suman me | A ST, Feo -27y 77 7 a Chicago, ia E 8 ~ 28 5un53/17 Jud SS- 1G Ato AE, 2 _ _ _ Ft. Gustis, Vas (1) “AL Jul 5h [25 Jul SulfField Tae 2 Chicago, Til. Py /25 Jal Uhh, aug <7 ea) eae a ~ py Recoy, “wise. (n) i Aug Sef suc S5ilrield tng Chicaco, #21, (e) bs | efeareeaa = |— — Fe. Bustis, Vas (2)_ PT Sep 56) Field Tag fe : Ghicago, Til. (fir Sep 8 Tp. "eCoy, ses hh Jul 57p8 Mold Tae | eee eee thigese, enn Oak Pack, TH, 7 [Field tae —_ L Oak Park, Ill. — a — : aaekeaeaee fi, Mages ied tz] e Oak Pane Tite Forest Park, D1 7259 Yo p00 20m O16 WiSTORY CARD Hq ’& + 100th Highway Transport Service, Trancpartation Corps 1c constituted, ya érdance with 1/0’ 1 Secoet (7 Yay WsFu/ak (ate. 25°0¢¢, 140, 101 HO) and vil be aativated at the earliest proctienble date tthe Commander ee ef, US Army, Pacific at a station vithin his command, assig;ed to US Forces, POA ‘AG 322 (22 3 = June U5 (8) Unit activated at Vantin, Pot, efffective 17 duly Pestiadiy Sede aGer, Ry a) ee NR ante, hig? Forees, Pacific Command, Manila, P.I. dated 27 July 1945(S) Algo per GO #7, ge US Forces, Western Pacific ata 22 Jul U5 (8) The inactivation of the Eq & Hq Co., 100th Highway Transpert Service, Transportation Corps ae azthorised by CH-3IE3331, 12 April 1946 4 confiraed by AG 32? (12 Apr N6)AO-I-E-M, dated.18 April 1946. Inactivated effective 31 May M6 at lazen, P.I. =per radie MC-IN-50WM0 (2 June 46) frem CINCAFPAC, Tekye até 31 May 46. Alse ver GO #138, Hoe USAF Western Pacific dtd 10 May lé, Organteation Racords, of Hq & Ho Co... 0 ce hava been 0 2 ane! : Wo, CEB SRE 9" Eageeds of Ha, He, Co: 200th Myghway Franmnozy Service have been returned to Org. Records Branch, A00, St. Toute 100th Etghvay Sransport Service (10) 1s redesignated Hq & Hq Co., 25th Highway Transport Service (30), alletted , Be seigned to the Fifth Arny end will be activated at the earliest practicable date at Chicago, Ill. ae 0 Clase "O" unit of the Organized Reserves with an ultinate status of Class "0-1", organized in accordance with 1/0 & B 55-ho2? (7 May W5)v/cl with an auth. str. of 26 Off, 1 WO; untt is entitled to history, battle honors and any colors formerly belonging te the Hq & Hq Co.,100th Highvay Transport Service (70)(inactivated eff. 31 May 46) ~per AG 322 (20 Dec 46)A0-1-GNOCR-M até 1% Jan 47. Hq & Hq Co. ,W25th Highway Transport Service (TC) activated effective 31 Jan Wf at Chicsge, T11. -per GO #29, Hqe Fifth Aray, Chicago, T11. ata 6 Feb h7. 3a & Bs Gop Na5eh Mighiay Transport Service viii be ‘ydeotenated ao Bs & Ba Co, La5¢h Tranmportation Bighray Transport “ 8 date - per AGAO-I 322 Org Res (3 Oct 47)-M dated 3 October 1947. « PATABSERs Cle TRUER RT BN? £e gloved Srecctive 15 Feb GME pee G0 flee Hoe Fitts hoy, 13 Fen isle, Hq & Hq Oo. ,N25th Transportatten Highway fransport Division is affiliated vith the Central Meter Freight Assectation, Inc., gazegtivy 3 2al MI -per var Dept Aarittation Agromnent Sotneen the Var Departeant aad the Gouarel Meter Broth Aswwotation.sinee asa . aster ib 322 Org Res (20 Dec M6)A0~I-GNGOT-M, 1! Jan ¥7, as mended, 1n further amended to authorize Hq & Eq Co.,W25th Trans, Etghvay Transport Service (20) to be activated in finel status Close "A* with on auth. str. of 28 Off, 1 WO, 101 Bf; unit to be affilisted with the Central Kotor Freight Aes'n.,Ino., 29 Z. Madicon St., Chicago, Ill, -per ACAO-I 322 Org Ree (23 Jan ls)GNOOT-M 13 Feb 1948. Confirmed by GO #26, Hgs Fifth ary, 4 March 1948. Hqaiiq Co, Mo5th Trane Huy Trens Diviston participated in Summer Training at Cp MoCoy, Wis. for period 10-24 July 1949 - ver Ltr. Office, Chief, Argy Field Forces APTNO-18 353/43 (ORD) (4 May 49), 4 Mey 1989. Amended by Ltr. Office, Ohtef, Army Field Yorces AGTHG-18 353/83 (ORD) (4 May 49), 16 June 1989. Wg & Hq Co, 425th Trans Evy Prone Div, ie reorganized in Final Status "A" in accordance with 1/0 & E 55-02 7, 7 Yay 5, (v/C 2, bse 298, DA, at ‘as amended) vith an authorised strength of 22 Off; 7 WO; 101 IM; effective 14 "Fov 1949 per GO #16, SAT, ORC State f T1Linots, 1 How 1949, ce rmetts huatth Prone. Ey Transport Div 48 empanted from Class "0" to Glass "3" effective 5 Tec 1948 per 00 #262, Hae. Fafth emg, 5 Dee 1949. 1 a 00, Repth Drape, Thy ane. Devaston itn parttotyate tm gamer Rrtee. Op MeCoy, Wis, for period 9 - 23 July 1950 per ltr. Office, Chief, Aray Field Forces APING-18 353.01/88 (ORC)(5 May 50), 5 May 1950. Bq & Hq Co, ROFth Fons, Lighiay Transport Dive 10 reorganised in accordance with 7/0 & B 55-Oz?.-7 May 5, w/0 1; 8B 650-60-5 effective 1 August 1950 - per GO #3, Hys. Illinois Militery District, 2 July 1950. a 2 5a Go. Na5th Rranmortation Mishiny Tanwpart Divieton te afranced frou a Glass "BY to a Class "At unit effective 3 October 1950 ~ ver GO #153, Ege. Fifth Amy, 3 October 1950, 2 Hq & Bq Co, 425th Transportation Highvey Trensport Dividon will participate 4n OR Smmer Roeedor —_— for the pevod 8-22 July 1951 = per Ltr APTNG-18 353/89 (0R0)(17 Apr 51) Office, Chief Army Field Force: April * Teg. THDRD(OPC)726.02 Letter Greer Vo. 206-26 Has I1iinois Militery District, 14 Jue 1952, “oe cap Me Ma 0, 25th Transycristion Righvay Transport DMivteton z : Sranspe1 on applied Change 2 to 1/0 & E 55-N02?, 7 Hay 1945, eh SR 650-50-5, effective 1 April 1952 - per 60 35, Fifth Amy, 26 March 1952, Also see GO ° nace Aray, ie oa Page 2 - Hq 2 Hq Co, 42bth Trensportnsion Highway Traasort Division Hq 2 Ha Co, 425th Transbortation Highvay Trensport Division sill participsie in (AR) summer trating at Fort Leonord Wood, Missouri for the period 27 July to 10 August 1952 - ver Letter Office, Chief of Amy Field Forces, ATTNG-18 353/237(0R0)(16 Jan 52), 16 January 1952. Also see Let er I11ino! see Let er T1linote Mili TiDPD=0% aly 1952, Arrived 27 July 1952 - vi DA-TH G65iMB, Fort Leonerd Wood, io., 26 July 1962 (30 Jay foie” Lr ee Changed from an affiliated to non-affiliated unit - 1st Indorserent, AGAO-I 2 ir ¥ evn SORES Gm om, aertteted yo noneatestantes raeren' 322 Army Res (28 Apr 53)65, 22 vay 1953. (4m) Smmer Tag 14 - 28 Jun - Ltr. Office, Chief of Arny Field Forces, Army Res Annual Unit Tng Schedule 1953 Calender Yeor gad 10 200-55, TLinote Military Diatrtet, ALTSO-AR 526,02, 6 Apr 1955. inendod ~ IB 200-221, Titnote Mistery District, AIESC- 2, 6 Jul BSS. Bfec- changed from a non-affiliated to an affiliated unit sponsored ty the Treffic Institute Northwestern University, ert a effective as of 11 Dec 1953 - AGAO-I (!) 322 (11 May 54)G3, 12 May 1953. Corifirmed - GO 9, Fifth Army, ~ Fed 195%, a . . Te RRORSANIZED under TOE 55~NO2R, 1955 - GO 126, Fifth Army, 26 Oct 1055. FOR HISTORY SHE: Officiel Statenent of Lineage end Battle Honors, Ha & ii; Co, 426th Transportation Hichwa; Trans.ort Division, 2 Feb 1956. Hq & Ho Co, L2Sth Transportation Highway Transport Division is 2SDESIGNATED Hq & He Co, 425th Transportation totor Trans~ port Connand, REORGANIZED under TOE 55-L02R, 1955, - GO 126, Fifth amy, 26 Oct 1955. fe & Hq Co, locth Transtortation Motor Transport Connénd 43 cDESIGHATED Hq & He Co, L25th Trensvortation i hway Transnort Command. <20.GANEZED under TOE 55-110, 1955, - 00 13, Fifth Army, 23 Feb 1956. | Weld trainine at Cp. Kecoy, lise. for the period 11 Jul to 25 Jul - ANY -eserve Anmual Unit Traininy Schedule 95h. CHANGED LOCATION from Chicago, I11., (US Army Reserve Center, Chicago) to Oak Park, I11., (US Aray Reserve Center, Oak Park) setuatire 8 Sep 196 = GO 26, U, 8, Amy Military District, Tlinois, 16 Sep 1957. aM@“DED - CO 29, US Amy ildlitary District, 20 Sep 1957. Field training at Op. .icCoy, wise. for the veriod 1h Aug to 26 sur - Army -eserve Annual Unit "raining Schedule 1955. Field training at Fe. Eustis, Ya. for the period 27 Sep to 11 Oct - ary

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