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Chapter 1 Notes

Critical Thinking = a type of reasonable, reflective thinking

deciding what to believe , what to do or is something true
A. It involves :Evaluation, Analysis, Problem Solving, Asking Questions and/or
Checking for accuracy
Environment= everything and anything that affects an organism
Environmental Science = Human impact on the environment

Concerns of Environmental science are:

A. Science= is new technology creating new environmental problems?
ex: Batteries from electric cars- where to dispose of them, Toxic materials in computers and cellphones. Rare
earth minerals being used in many new products- what happens when we run out of the rare minerals?
B. Economics = how much will it cost to clean up the mess we make
C. Political issues = not all nations agree on all issues (Ex: Japans whale hunting is more than the accepted
limit), and wars can break out when one country runs out of a resource and wants what another country has
(Ex: One country needs the water in another country = Water wars or Oil needs)
D. Sociology = some cultures think differently than our own. EX: Some cultures believe in having large
families which increases the world population even more.
E. Globalization = we are connecting to everything and everyone (EX: The Internet of Things = connecting
everyday things, We can travel to a new country in a matter of hours = quick spread of diseases, or invasive
E. Regional= Environmental issues by region
1. Wilderness North= Government owned, easily damaged and does not recuperate very fast, Concerned
with oils spills, ice melting (Alaska)
2. Agricultural Middle= (middle of the country) where crops are grown- concerned with overuse of
fertilizers, pesticides and lack of water.
3. Dry West= several western states- concerned with lack of water for growing cities and human population
4. Forested West= Pacific Northwest (Washington, Oregon) = concerned with logging
5. Industrial North= Northeast areas (Ohio, Illinois, etc) Older cities with old sewer systems needing
replacement, and old building torn down
6. Diverse South = southern states- concerned with many of the same things as above- water, fertilizers etc.
7. Great Lakes & the Industrial Northeast = old cities= old sewer systems, old infrastructure (bridges, roads)
Air and water Pollution

Scientific method- Steps

1 Ask a Question
2. Observations = gather facts and information
3. Hypothesis = I think this will happen --- must do TESTING during this stage
4. Theory/ law= after much, much testing with the same results

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