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B-E Music Listening Assessment

Name ___________________________

Score: ______/20

Recording ______________________

You will need your band music for this assessment. Listen to the full recording
that I have assigned to you and then answer the questions below. Remember to use complete
thoughts and to explain your reasoning!!

Question 1(5 points): Below write three general/basic musical comments that you noticed in
the recording. (ex. I could hear dynamics throughout the piece, The tempo was steady)
Comment 1: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Comment 2: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Comment 3: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Question 2(5 points): Using specific measure numbers list three things that you heard (in
the recording) that went really well for
your section and be sure to explain your
Comment 1: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Comment 2: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Comment 3: _____________________________________________________________________________________

B-E Music Listening Assessment

Question 3(5 points): Using specific measure numbers list three things that went
you or your section and be sure to explain your answer.
Comment 1: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Comment 2: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Comment 3: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Question 4(5 points): Pick three spots in the music (include measure number(s) if there is
more than one measure) that you or your section need to work on. Explain why these spots
need work and how you or your section could go about it.
Be specific.
Spot 1: measure(s) _________________
Spot 2: measure(s) _________________

B-E Music Listening Assessment

Spot 3: measure(s) _________________
**Adapted from Lincoln-Way East High School Concert Band Recording Self-Assessment Assignment

Question 5(5 points): Comment on the

overall performance
of the band.
Questions to consider in your answer:
ready? Was the band prepared and
focused? Was the music exciting to listen to? What is
thing (musical concept) that the
band can improve on for the next performance or for the next rehearsal?

B-E Music Listening Assessment

Adapted from Lincoln-Way East High School Concert Band Recording Self-Assessment Assignment

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