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Aldo Fernndez Zapin

WDD 100 Intro to Web design and developing

Brother Travis Sheffield
June 2015
The LDS ripple effect
Just as the waves expand in water, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints can expand their influence over the web by sharing,
participating and being examples of the truths of the gospel.
Do you find difficult to preach the gospel?
There are many opportunities we have now a days to participate preaching the
gospel of Jesus Christ and sometimes they are even easier than knocking at out
neighbors door or wrapping a Book of Mormon and sent it by mail. In the past,
printing was one of the only media someone may use to spread news or make
information to get to people around the world, in our days we have crossed the
barriers of distance and time using the internet and any device that can access
to it. We must try to post even short quotes from the apostles or links to Church
videos on our social media profiles, and by doing this, people will start asking
about those, then we can join the conversation.
After start, join the conversation
Join the conversation means we will have the opportunity to answer questions
once people start commenting on our post, and we have to try to do this by the
most simple way we can and being respectful of others beliefs, there is no need
to be offensive or aggressive even though we dont receive the same
treatment. Remember that even if we dont know the answers to all the
questions we can always share our testimony and ask for divine help to be
examples of patience and respect.
Next time you sign in your Twitter or Facebook account think for a minute if all
your contacts know that you are a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints, if they dont post this link: and
wait for two minutes, then join the conversation, and remember: The words you
type will tell more than the simple words of you do it respectfully and following
the promptings of the Spirit.
Total words: 341

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