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Arnold: Good evening and welcome to Value of truth. Well, Id like you to
meet tour invited tonight: Roberto Joaquin Martinez Veratudela, 46 years,
married, he was professional soccer player and currently he is businessman
Its time to know the truth of ROBERTO MARTINEZ
Mr, Welcome, How are you? Good evening
Alvaro: Very well, thank you Beto
Arnold: Sit down, please. Mmm I see your wife is here, were going to
introduce her, quickly. Gisela, welcome again.
Gisela: good evening dear viewers. I am happy to be here and meet this
wonderful viewers.
Arnold: Dont steal the camera
Gisela: dont worry Beto, your viewers also love you
Alvaro: we already meet you.
Arnold: Fine, Lets start with the first question, Roberto: Did you have an
affaire with Janet Barboza?
Alvaro: yes
Arnold: Im really surprised, I didnt know this story, how was it?
Alvaro: I was in Piura and she arrived with some of my friends and they
introduced us, we talked, she invited me to her show, after that, I found her
and we go out.
Arnold: Continue with the next question, did you get much money from the
account you had with Gisela?
Alvaro: Yes, Im embarrassed about that, it was an immature act.
Arnold: Lets Continue. Roberto: Did you travel to the US to meet Viviana?
But before the answer were going to present our special guest: Viviana
Rivasplata, please come here
Arnold: How is the business of the jeans going?
Heidy: Very well, Im a businesswoman and currently Im opening new
Arnold: Continue with you Roberto, Whats your answer?

Alvaro: yes.
Arnold: Gisela, What do you think about it?
Gisela: I dont know, sure Roberto has an explanation for me
Arnold: Roberto Do you have any explanation?
Alvaro: It was a business trip
Gisela: it is ok because Roberto told me, that he had to do a business trip
but did not know who was with Viviana
Arnold: Viviana, Do you want to add anything?
Heidy: I spent half a year in USA, I met him at an event we go and told me:
I was on a business trip.
Arnold: Ok, continue with the next question, were you unfaithful to Gisela?
Alvaro: No
Alvaro: Its not possible, Im being honest
Arnold: But the polygraph doesnt lie, and the production has a video, that
we should watch, Ahead Mr. director, please
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: VIDEO :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Gisela: I cant believe Roberto I loved you! Why did you do?....... Why? But
now you will suffer!
Alvaro: me too, trust me, I say the truth, I would not do something like that.
Gisela: you were my best friend, why did you do that?
Gisela: but this is not so!

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