16 February 2010: T F P.O. Box 124 Van Beek Street WWW - Swimsa.co - Za

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T +27 11 404 2480

F +27 11 402 2486

P.O. Box 17009, Doornfontein, Johannesburg, 2O28, RSA
124 Van Beek Street, North Wing, Ground Floor Johannesburg Stadium, New Doornfontein

16 February 2010
From: Chief Executive Officer

To: Affiliate Presidents

Affiliate Secretaries


Please inform all Swimming Technical Officials in your province of the IPC Swimming
Technical Officials Course taking place at the Riverside Hotel, Durban on the 11th and 12th
April 2010. The course presenter will be Lochlan Lister from Canada and the evaluator Ross
Bragg from New Zealand.

The requirement for attending the practical course will be the completion of the IPC
Swimming Online Course. Registration for this course can be found on the IPC website.
The cost of the course is 400AUD = approx R2800.00. SSA/SASAPD will reimburse all
successful candidates, this online cost on completion of the practical course.

It is imperative that all interested SSA registered officials, register for this online course
UGENTLY, as it could take approximately 6 intensive days working on line to complete this
course. It will have to be completed before the practical course. Registration with IPC for the
practical course must also be done.

All interested members must indicate by the 25 th February 2010 if they are going to take up
this offer so that the necessary costs can be budgeted for.

Please circulate to all interested members and indicate to Daphne Bird or Dea Slattery before
the 25 February 2010. e-mail daphne@swimsa.co.za or dlattery@mweb.co.za of your
intention to register for the online course and attend the practical course.

As there is not much time please decide and let us know as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely

Shaun Adriaanse
Chief Executive Officer

President: J. Naidoo Vice Presidents A. Fritz & S. Silent:

Hon. Secretary: R. Andrews: Treasurer: S. van der Walt,
Members: W. Albertyn, I Ball, B. Reynolds Chief Executive Officer: S.Adriaanse
Hon. Life Presidents S. Ramsamy & G. Sam

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