Minutes Oh 2015-07-21

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Minutes of the Old Hutton and Holmescales Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 21st July 2015

150721-1 Present
Steve Capstick (chairman), Alison Nelson, Ruth Rigg, John Shorrock, Arthur Robinson (clerk) and nine parishioners
150721-2 Apologies
John Heap and Peter Thornton (SLDC)
150721-3 Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting
The chairman signed the minutes of the annual Parish Open Meeting, the AGM and the ordinary Parish Council
meetings held on 11-05-2015 as a true record.
150721-4 Chairmans announcements
a) Better Highways have said that 15 of the 29 road problems reported to them in April have now been dealt with.
b) Greenmoor Bank Lane (U5641) carriageway has recently been reconstructed from the sub-station to the
Ewebank junction.
c) New Energy for the World hopes to submit a planning application to SLDC for a solar park at Greaves in the
next few weeks. If permission is granted it hopes to build it in October/November. They will hold a public
presentation at the public hall from 4 to 8pm during the first two weeks in August when their planning
consultants will also be present.
150721-5 Declaration of interests:


150721-6 Open session

a) It has been reported that there is an intermittent smell at Middleshaw. Environmental Health will come out as
soon as it is noticed again and reported to them.
b) The following road problems will be reported to CCC: the loose fire hydrant cover in the road at the school
causing noise during the night and the hedge overhanging the road near the entrance to the quarry on
Gatebeck Lane.
c) It was noted that verges have not been cut. Enquiries will be made as to when CCC will do them. After much
discussion, it was decided that the best time is in late August after flower seeds have set.
d) In response to a letter from the WI it was decided that there should be a celebration for the Queens 90 th
birthday on the 12th June 2016. Arrangements will be made in early 2016.
150721-7 Planning applications
a) Applications submitted requiring council comments:
SL/2015/0612 outline permission for a new house in the garden of Low Bleaze Farm. The Parish Council supported
the previous application at its meeting on 23-04-2015 [deadline 29-07-2015]. The application will be considered by the
Planning Committee on the 27th August. It was resolved that the Parish Council will continue to support the application
and John Shorrock agreed to speak in support at the Planning Committee meeting.
b) The progress of the following applications was noted:
SL/2014/0252 outline planning for erection of stable and training area at Cocklea the Parish Council supported this
application at its meeting on 02-04-2014. The applicants appealed to the Planning Inspectorate and a public inquiry
was held on 09 and 10-06-2015 at which the Parish Council supported the appellants. The public enquiry will be
continued on 28 and 29-07-2015. The result is awaited.
CU/2015/0004 change of use from a barn to a house at Cocklea refused on 24-04-2015 as the barn has partly
collapsed and so does not meet the criteria
SL/2015/0461 retrospective application for installation of first floor patio doors and Juliet balcony at 6 Middleshaw
Crescent . The Parish Council had no objection. Permission granted 02-07-2015
SL/2015/0588 construction of a garage at General Chaos, Bridge End. The Council had no objections. The result is
150721-8 Payment of accounts:


150721-9 Financial report

The annual external audit for 2014/15 was accepted. It has been approved with no matters having been raised
150721-10 Correspondence
The following items of correspondence were received since the last meeting:
02-06-2015 from CALC June newsletter [distributed to councillors]
02-07-2015 from CALC July/August newsletter [distributed to councillors]

150721-11 Extension of the B4RN broadband network to the parish

a) It was reported that Preston Patrick Parish Council wishes to join New Hutton and Old Hutton and
Holmescales Parish Councils to extend the B4RN broadband network from the Junction 36 auction mart. This
makes the project viable and the group consisting of representatives from each parish will now go ahead with
preparatory meetings.
b) The Parish Council agreed to pay its share of the incidental costs of the group such as the hire of venues for
meetings, stationery etc.
150721-12 The 2013 Middleshaw flood
A meeting of parishioners, CCC and National Grid was held to discuss the draft report from consultants who have
been investigating the causes of the flood in August 2013. The parishioners felt that they learned nothing new. No
liability was admitted by any party. The report concluded that the flood was caused by the exceptional intensity of the
150721-13 Boon evening for path clearance
A boon evening will be held from 7pm on Friday 31st July to clear the path between Middleshaw and St.Johns and to
cut the grass in front of the millennium seat. Please bring strimmers, loppers, rakes, etc.
150721-14 Community led plan
This item was postponed to a later meeting due to lack of time.
150721-15 Date of the next meeting
The next meeting will be at 7.30pm on Thursday 22nd October at the public hall. However, there will probably be an
extraordinary meeting before it to discuss a planning application for a solar park at Greaves. The agenda and date will
be published when the application has been submitted to SLDC.
Arthur Robinson, parish clerk, Over Bleaze, Old Hutton, Kendal, LA8 0LU
Telephone 01539-725955
e-mail ohpclerk@gmail.com


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