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go to particular cell=F5
2.want to sum entire column=Alt+=
3.format a cell to number=ctrl+shift+1
4.format a cell to percentage=Ctrl+shift+5
5.fill column or row series=enter a value,go to home ,editing section,fill->seri
es in Row or column->step value and stop value->ok
6.sort out blank data->control+g->special->Blank cells d
ata->home->cell styles->color
7.copy all and paste it into new document=control+a+c+n+v as-F12.
9.paste transpose-Alt+H+V+T
10.Insert new work sheet=Alt+Shift+F1
11.move to the right one cell=Tab
12.merge Cells=Alt+H+M+M
12.Split cells=Alt+H+M+U
13.Insert new work sheet=Shift+F11
14.Delete sheet=Alt+E+L
15.insert New sheet=Alt+Shift+F1
16.copy cells down=Ctrl+d
17.Copy cells to the right=Ctrl+R
18.Delete Sheet Rows=Alt+H+D+R
19.Delete Sheet Columns=Alt+H+D+C
20.Draw Grid table=Alt+H+B+G
21.Rename Sheet=Alt+H+O+R
22.Move or COpy Sheet=Alt+H+O+M
23.Convert date to days
enter current date:go to Number Format->custom->select d
then copy and paste the values to the successive cells.Select the cells.type tex
t(C4(cell address),"ddd")
24.Highlight weekends in excel
select the dates,go to conditional formatiing->use a formula to determine which
cell to format.
Go to Format values (comment box)-> type =weekday($A3(cell address),2)>5-For Ver
tical...Donot use $ for horizontal cells
25.convert text into percentage format with two decimals
26.hide certain cells in excel= ctrl+1->custom=;;;
undide cells =ctrl+shift+1
27.insert comment=shift+F2
28.Remove the Inserted Borders in the excel=Alt+H+B+N
29. TO find the no of months between two dates

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