Ccmms Student Handbook 2015-2016

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CCMMS Student Handbook 2015-2016

7/22/15, 9:06 AM

CCMMS Student Handbook 2015-2016

Centennial Campus Magnet Middle School

Student Handbook 2015-2016
The mission of Centennial Campus Middle Magnet School is to provide an exemplary educational community
that encourages students and staff to actively discover, integrate, and apply knowledge in a dynamic global
and technological environment.
Policies and Procedures
All students are responsible for complying with and are expected to be familiar with the WCPSS Code of Student Conduct and
school board policies governing student behavior and conduct. All Code of Student Conduct policies are contained in the WCPSS
Student/Parent Handbook, which is distributed to all students and parents at the beginning of each school year or upon enrollment in
the WCPSS and is available online. If there is a conflict between the rules expressed in this handbook and the Code of Student
Conduct policies, the WCPSS Code of Student Conduct policies shall take precedence.
Todos los estudiantes son responsables por el cumplimiento y el conocimiento del Cdigo de Conducta Estudiantil y de todas las
polticas de la Junta Escolar que gobiernan el comportamiento y la conducta estudiantil. Todas las polticas del Cdigo de Conducta
Estudiantil se encuentran en el manual de WCPSS de Estudiantes/Padres, el cual se distribuye a todos los padres y estudiantes al
principio de cada ao escolar o al matricularse en el WCPSS, y online. Si hay un conflicto entre las reglas expresadas en este manual
de Estudiantes/Padres y el manual de la escuela de su hijo(a) las reglas expresadas en WCPSS manual deben tomar prioridad.


Agendas are provided to each student at the beginning of the school year. The purpose of the agenda is to help our
students with organizational skills. The agenda also aids in our communication with parents. We encourage teachers
and parents to use the agenda for written communication.

Students are required to purchase an agenda for $6.00 at the beginning of the school year. If a student loses his/her agenda, a
replacement may be purchased for $6.00.

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It is essential that students attentively watch the news program that is broadcast daily. Information presented at this time is
important and usually affects students and staff. There are also scrolling announcements on the screen throughout the day.
At various times during the school year, we will have assemblies. At all times, a students behavior should be refined and
courteous. Each student acts as an ambassador for CCMMS. Therefore, inappropriate conduct could result in forfeiture of
assembly privileges.

Arrival and Dismissal

The school day for students begins at 7:30 AM and ends at 2:15 PM. Students who arrive late or leave before the end of the
school day should report with a parent to the front office in order to sign in or out. Students reporting after 10:50 AM are
considered absent for the day. Parents who wish to check out students early should do so prior to 2:00 p.m.
At 7:05 AM students should report to their homeroom or directly to breakfast. We ask that students who carpool arrive between
7:05 AM and 7:30 AM. Students who participate in our breakfast program should be in the classroom by 7:30 AM.
Success in school is directly related to regular attendance. Therefore, we strongly encourage students to be in school at all times.
Parents should keep students home from school only when necessary and for those reasons that are approved as excused by the
WCPSS Board of Education policy. (See WCPSS Parent/Student Handbook).
Excused or lawful absences may include a death in the immediate family, religious holidays, quarantine, sickness, or a doctors
appointment. Unexcused or unlawful absences may include haircut appointments, oversleeping, and missing the bus.
Students should bring notes from home within two days after an absence. If the student does not bring a note, the absence is
considered unexcused. Once students bring a note from home, an office staff member will give them an admittance slip. This slip
is to be taken to all classes for teachers to code.
Students are responsible for obtaining work from teachers and making up all missed assignments.
In regards to a parent sponsored educational trip that requires missing school, the Wake County Public School System Board
policy provides participation in a valid educational opportunity with prior approval may be excused. The educational
opportunity must be defined by the parent and approved by the principal. To request such approval, parents should complete
form 1710, which is available in the office, at least five days in advance of the absence.
The WCPSS Board policy states A student shall be in his/her assigned area at the beginning of each class or be recorded as
tardy. A parent or guardian should accompany students arriving at school after 7:30 AM to sign them in the office. The parent or
guardian may send a note with the student if he/she is unavailable to accompany the student.
Tardies will be marked excused or unexcused according to the WCPSS attendance policy as mentioned above. Students who are
tardy in arriving to school are reminded to enter their classrooms without disrupting the teachers lesson or activity. Parents of
students who are tardy excessively will receive a letter or letters from the school encouraging them to arrive on time.
Check-In and Check-Out Procedures
Students who need to leave school early for reasons such as a doctor or orthodontists appointment must be signed out by a
parent/guardian. The student will remain in class until called by an office staff member. Students returning to school after being

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checked out during the school day should also be signed in by a parent/guardian in order to receive a class admission slip. Any
student who checks in after 10:50 AM is counted absent.
In an effort to provide a safe and orderly learning environment and to protect all of our students, official photo identification will be
required from anyone requesting release of a student.
Change of Telephone Number or Address
If telephone numbers, emergency information, or address changes occur please call the school office at 919-233-4217. You will
be asked to submit a lease or utility bill as verification of your permanent address.

We encourage all students to participate in our child nutrition program. Students may pay for meals in advance. Checks may be
made out to Centennial Campus Magnet Middle School Cafeteria and should be deposited during breakfast hours only with a
Families may pay for school meals online with a My School Bucks account. Go to or call (855) 832-5226 to
enroll. You will need your childs student ID number, available at your school.
Once your account is established you may:
Securely deposit funds to your childs account
Check balances
Set spending limits and diet restrictions
Prices for breakfast and lunch are currently below, but are subject to change.
Full Price:
$ 1.25
Reduced Price:
$ .30
Full Price:
Reduced Price

$ 2.25
$ .40

Adults pay a la carte prices for each menu item.

Cafeteria rules include:
For lunch, students will be escorted in line to the cafeteria by a staff member and follow the directions of those staff
members who are on duty in the cafeteria.
Students should get desserts, snacks, and all extras while in the serving line. Additional trips to the serving line are not
Students are expected to remain seated until directed to dispose of trash by a staff member.
Students are permitted to talk with their friends at their table. Talking from table to table is not permitted.
Students assigned as table washers and floor sweepers will clean the tables used by their class.
Students are expected to dispose of trash properly.
Code of Conduct
The Centennial staff believes that a safe and orderly climate is necessary in order for a student to learn.
All teachers at Centennial Campus Magnet Middle School follow a school-wide management plan that promotes student success.
These plans are discussed with students and shared with parents during the first days of the school year. Students will be
expected to respect the authority of the school staff and abide by the rules and regulations set forth in the WCPSS Code of
Student Conduct as well as CCMMSs school rules. Students should refer to the WCPSS Student/Parent Handbook and the

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information shared by teachers to acquaint themselves with these policies. Appropriate behavior facilitates the learning process
and benefits all students.
When behavior disrupts the learning environment of the school or the safety and welfare of other individuals, it may become an
administrative matter involving the assistant principal and/or principal.
Centennial Campus Magnet Middle and WCPSS do not permit:
Class disruptions
Tobacco products/lighters
Weapons (guns, laser pointers, razor blades, knives, etc.)
Drugs or alcohol
Threats of any kind
MP-3s, iPods, headphones, or other music-playing devices.
Vandalism or property damage
Hats and headgear worn in the building
Electronic games, or other electronic devices that are not approved by the teacher or the administration.
Chewing gum
Students who violate school board policies or school rules will be disciplined according to the severity of the misconduct and/or
accumulated incidences of referral.
Communication Devices, Electronic Devices, and Laser Pointers
Except as permitted by school board policy 6410, no student shall use, display, transmit or have in the on position on school
property any wireless communication device or personal entertainment device including but necessarily not limited to: cell phones,
pagers, two-way radios, CD/MP-3 players, and electronic games, or any laser pointer or similar devices until the conclusion of the
instructional day.
Wireless communication devices may be used by students for instructional purposes with the permission and under the
supervision of the teacher. School principals may authorize an individual student to possess and/use for personal purposes
wireless communication devices, if in the opinion of the principal, there is a reasonable need for such communication. Parent
pick-up will be required for confiscated items. Consequences for violations are outlined in school board policy 6410.
*An updated policy will be provided as we begin the Bring Your Own Device Pilot later this year.
Parents have the legal right to pick up their child at school at any time unless specifically forbidden to do so by court order.
Please provide any relevant custody papers or restraining orders to CCMMS office staff. CCMMS will exercise reasonable
precautions to protect the rights of our parents and students as determined by the courts.
CCMMS and/or the PTSA sponsor dances throughout the year. Typically there are 3 to 4 dances. The dances are designed for
all students to attend. Since CCMMS considers attendance at dances to be a privilege, we do hold the right to require students to
display positive behavior while at school weeks prior to the dance. Students who are not assigned in-school suspension or out-ofschool suspension in the weeks prior to our dances are eligible to attend the dances.
Dress Code
Students are expected to dress in a manner that is considered appropriate for school. All are expected to observe rules of
personal hygiene.
The Wake County Board of Educations policy governing dress code is as follows:
Students are expected to adhere to standards of dress and appearance that are compatible with an effective learning
environment. Presenting a bodily appearance or wearing clothing which is disruptive, provocative, revealing, profane, vulgar,
offensive or obscene, or which endangers the health or safety of the student or others is prohibited. Examples of prohibited dress

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or appearance include, but are not limited, to exposed undergarments; sagging pants, excessively short or tight garments, bare
midriff shirts, strapless shirts; attire with messages or illustrations that are lewd, indecent, or vulgar or that advertise any product
or service not permitted by law to minors, head covering of any kind; see-through clothing; attire that exposes cleavage; any
adornment such as chains or spikes that reasonably could be perceived as or used as a weapon; and any symbols, styles or attire
frequently associated with intimidation, violence or violent groups about which students at a particular school have been notified.
Individual schools are free to specify additional examples of dress or appearance that are prohibited at that school under terms of
this policy.
If a students dress or appearance is such that it constitutes a threat to the health of safety of others, distracts the attention of
other students or staff from their work or otherwise violates this dress code, the principal or the principals designee may require
the student to change his or her dress or appearance. A second or repeated violation of this policy may result in disciplinary
Emergency Response
Fire Drills
Fire drills are required at regular intervals by law and are an important safety precaution. When the fire alarm is activated,
students are to walk quickly, following the prescribed route to exit the building. Students are to stay with their class/teacher and
are not permitted to talk during a fire drill. They are to remain quiet and obey all instructions given by staff members.
Disaster Drills
Disaster drills are performed to instruct students about safety rules that they should follow during an emergency situation.
Disaster drills are announced over the public address system. During severe weather drills students will move to a safe location
and get into a kneeling position and remain there until the conclusion of the drill.
Crisis Response
CCMMS has in place a response plan that will be implemented in the case of other emergencies or crises or lockdown drills.
Field Trips
Field trips are an important extension of classroom instructional activities. Our goal is to involve all students in field trip
experiences. To make field trips safe and successful, we ask that parents or guardians participate as chaperones. Parents must
register as volunteers with the school system. The policies governing student behavior that are in place at CCMMS are enforced
during all field trip experiences. Field trip financial deadlines secure transportation and safe accommodations. If students do not
turn in money by the deadline, they may be ineligible to attend the field trip. Financial arrangements maybe secured online by
utilizing Centennials online payment option located in the quick links section of the schools website.
Gang and Gang Related Activity
The WCPSS does not support or condone gang membership or gang activity. The Superintendent or designee shall regularly
consult with law enforcement officials to identify gang-related items, symbols and behaviors, and provide each principal with this
No student shall commit any act that furthers gangs or gang-related activities. A gang is any ongoing organization, association, or
group of three or more persons, whether formal or informal, having as one of its primary activities the commission of criminal acts,
or the purposeful violation of any WCPSS policy, and having a common name and/or identifying sign, colors or symbol. Specific
examples of prohibited conduct are outlined in board policy 6424.
Grade Reporting
Report cards are issued four times a year. The first three report cards will be given to students on the dates shown below.
First Nine Weeks
Second Nine Weeks
Third Nine Weeks
Fourth Nine Weeks

October 16
January 8
March 24
Around June 3

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Interim reports are issued to all students at the 3rd and 6th week of each reporting period. Parents can access student grades via
PowerSchool. Grades will be updated every 2 weeks.
Grading: Letter grades have the following numerical values:



<than 60

Guidance/Student Support Services

Centennial Campus Magnet Middle School is committed to the development of each adolescent. The purpose of the guidance
program is to help each individual student achieve his/her highest growth mentally, emotionally, and socially. Certified counselors
and a clerical assistant staff the guidance department. Services include individual (limited), small group, and whole classroom
counseling. A student needing to see the counselor must have a pass signed by the teacher. The student may obtain an
appointment form from any teacher and return the completed form to the guidance office. The counselor will contact the student
as soon as possible. Our counselors welcome the opportunity to talk things over with any student, teacher, or parent.
Hall Passes
Students are expected to be in class during instructional time. If it becomes necessary for a student to leave the classroom during
instructional time, he/she must have an agenda hall pass signed by a teacher. Hall passes are available in each students
Inclement Weather
In the event of inclement weather, parents and students should listen for announcements on the television and radio. Since the
school may not be fully staffed on these days, we ask that parents and students refrain from calling the school. If schools are
closed; students should not report on that day. If a two-hour delayed opening is announced, students should arrive two hours
later than usual. Bus riders should be prepared to board the bus two hours later than usual. School will begin at 9:30 on a day
with a two-hour delayed opening.
CCMMS offers an intramural program rather than an interscholastic athletic program. All students who meet academic and
behavioral standards are encouraged to participate in this after-school activity.

Interscholastic Sports
CCMMS students are eligible to participate in interscholastic sports. The district has designated Dillard Drive Middle School as
Centennials partner in sports. Dillard Drive Middle School is the only school Centennials students are allowed to tryout and
participate in interscholastic sports. Students must meet eligibility requirements.
Lost and Found
A lost and found is located in each house and the cafeteria. Students are encouraged to check for items that have been lost.
Periodically, unclaimed items will be donated to non-profit organizations.
Team teachers will assign each individual student a locker to store belongings. Lockers must be secured with a lock. All students
assigned a locker are required to lease a lock from the school for a fee of $1.00; a replacement fee of $6.00 will be charged if the
lock is lost. Students are reminded that they should only use the locker as assigned. All lockers are to be kept clean and neat.

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Students are not allowed to hang or adhere items to the inside of lockers unless the item is magnetic. Periodic locker checks will
be conducted during the year. Students are encouraged to purchase a lock for use in the gym locker room. It must be removed at
the end of each PE class.
Medical Matters
North Carolina Student Immunization Law requires all students to be adequately immunized according to their age and grade
level. If an immunization is incomplete, a student will be suspended from school until documentation is provided.
Wake Countys policy requires school personnel to notify parents and arrange for students to go home when they have any of the
following symptoms:
fever of 100.6 or higher (student should remain at home until fever free for 24 hours);
nausea; vomiting (free for 24 hours)
severe headache
red, watery eyes with yellow drainage (pink eye); and/or
undiagnosed rash.
Sick or hurt students will receive assistance in the office. For students too sick to return to class, parents will be contacted and
asked to take students home. Parents should provide names of other individuals who are authorized to pick up their child in case
they cannot be reached.
If a student is hurt at school, first aid will be administered and parents will be contacted concerning an injury more serious than a
minor abrasion. If an injury requires immediate medical attention, we will use our judgment and may call 911 for emergency
assistance and then contact the parents. Correct phone numbers and updated information should be on file.
The policy for dispensing medication is as follows:
The Parent Request and Physician Order for Medication Form (1702), which is available in the office, must be completed
and in the possession of school officials. The parents may send a note requesting that the school administer antibiotics
or other medications to be taken during the last days of an acute illness. In this case, the pharmacist or physicians label,
which must be on the bottle, serves as the physicians order. All medication must be in the original container and must
match what is written on the doctors order form.
This form must be filed with the school each school year. It may not be carried over from one year to the next.
Medication is stored, dispensed, and recorded in a log in the health room. Students will only be allowed to take prescription
medication under the supervision of our office staff. They may only self-medicate with prescription medicine if they have
permission to do so as documented on Form 1702.
In regards to over-the-counter medication, students at the middle school level may self-medicate. Parents should provide written
documentation that the student has permission to do so. Should there be concerns or questions about the appropriateness of
self-administered medicine, school personnel will consult with the students parents.
A student may carry his/her inhaler if Form 1702 has been signed by the parent and physician and is on file in the office. This
form must be submitted each year.
Student accident insurance is available to all students at the beginning of the school year. Participation is voluntary. Applications
are sent home the first week of school and premiums must be mailed directly to the insurance company.
Media Center
The media center encourages students to visit regularly and circulate materials. Students may check out up to three books or
magazines. Items circulate for two weeks then should be returned. The media center does not charge overdue fines, and items
may be renewed unless they have been placed on hold by another patron. All items circulated are the responsibility of that
student, and lost items must be paid for by the end of the school year.

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The media center is open from 7:05 AM until 3:00 PM. Before and during school hours, students are welcome to visit the media
center independently with a signed pass. After school, a pass is not required.
Parent Conferences
CCMMS encourages open and regular communication between faculty members and parents. The following WCPSS Board of
Education policy governs the scheduling conferences: 2521.2 Parent conferences, volunteer activities, and visits shall be by
Parent conferences with the principal, counselor, teachers, and specialists are welcome. Parents may call the guidance office or
call or email their childs teachers to request a conference. Parents should make every effort to participate in conferences set by
the school. Please call in advance if you find that you will be delayed or unable to attend.
Party Policy
According to WCPSS policy, drawing names or exchanging gifts will not be allowed. Any exchanging of gifts must take place
outside of school. Parties for teachers or students are not permitted
Personal Belongings
Students are responsible for personal belongings brought to school. Students are urged not to leave purses, jackets, or other
belongings unattended, these items should be stored in a locker. All personal items need to be marked with the students name.
Any unauthorized item brought to school may be taken by the teacher or administrators and held for the parent to pick up. The
school is not responsible for the security of confiscated electronics. Students should only carry money that is needed for school
meals or special activities.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
CCMMS utilizes school-wide systems of support that include proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting
appropriate student behaviors to create positive school environments. A continuum of positive behavior support for all students
within a school is implemented in areas including the classroom and non-classroom settings (such as hallways, restrooms).
Attention is focused on creating and sustaining school-wide, classroom, and individual systems of support that improve lifestyle
results (personal, health, social, family, work, recreation) for all children and youth by making problem behavior less effective,
efficient, and relevant, and desired behavior more functional.
School wide discipline is a component of our PBIS program. It is based on communicating clear expectations to students and
following up with consequences. Teachers can issue consequences for minor infractions and repeated behaviors. Some
examples of minor infractions include disruption, defiance, tardiness, gum, and non-compliance. Teacher assigned consequences
range from but are not limited to: conferences with the student, parent contact, lunch-detention, in-house detention, out-of-house
detention and after school detention. When discipline referrals escalate to administration, consequences can include but are not
limited to, all of the above, out-of-school suspension and recommendations for long-term suspensions. The administration
reserves the right to review all infractions to board policy and adjust consequences when necessary.
Promotion Standards
To be promoted to the next grade level, students in grades six, seven, and eight shall:
1. Demonstrate proficiency in grade level competencies for language arts and mathematics.

This proficiency will be

determined by scoring above level two on end-of-grade tests in reading and math.
2. Attain a passing grade in language arts, mathematics, either social studies or science, and a minimum of 50% of remaining
courses taken.

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The CCMMS PTSA is an organization committed to the improvement of our school. There are many opportunities for parents and
guardians to be involved at different levels. All parents are invited to attend our monthly meetings which are rotated between
morning and evening meeting times. For information on meeting times, please contact the schools main number, 919-2334217or go to the CCMMS Parents tab on our school website.
Technology Use
The use of technology plays an important role in the integration and implementation of the curriculum at CCMMS. Each
classroom and the media center will have access to the Internet. All WCPSS computers connect to the Internet through a central
WCPSS site. According to WCPSS Board of Education Policy 6446, Each child will automatically be given access to the Internet
and E-mail unless the parent or guardian completes the Parental Request to Deny Access form.
Student use of the telephone is limited to emergencies only. Students may not use the phones for forgotten homework, field trip
permission forms, or arrangements for social events. Students must have an agenda hall pass from the teacher and receive
permission from the secretary to use the phone. Students may use a house phone only if supervised by a teacher. Students
cannot be called to the phone to receive calls. Messages will be delivered to students only if urgent.
Testing Program
Standardized testing differs by grade level. End-of-grade tests are required by the state at the end of grades three through eight.
In order for student progress to be individually measured, a comparison is made between the previous years score and the
current years score.
Textbooks are one of the instructional tools that teachers use in the classroom. The textbooks we issue to students are the
property of CCMMS. When they are returned to the school, reasonable wear and tear is expected. There is, however, a charge
for damaged textbooks. At the end of the school year, the teacher determines this fee. There is also a charge for lost textbooks.
Students are responsible for the care of their textbooks.
Transfer of Students
A parent/guardian must contact the guidance office to inform the school of plans to withdraw a student. A student who is
withdrawing from school should confer with his/her counselor prior to the last day of attendance, preferably two days prior to
leaving. On the day of departure, the student should report to the guidance office to receive a withdrawal form. All textbooks,
library books, and locks should be turned in and all outstanding fees paid on the last day.
All students who ride WCPSS buses are expected to board and depart their buses at the designated stops. Students may ride
only the bus to which they are assigned. Each student is responsible for ensuring his or her own safety as well as that of others
on the bus. This may be accomplished by:
Showing respect to the driver and others at all times.
Entering and departing the bus in turn without pushing or crowding.
Remaining seated at all times.
Talking in a reasonable tone of voice and not calling out through the windows.
Helping to keep the bus clean.
Not eating food or drinking.
Questions about transportation should be directed to the area transportation office at Southeast Raleigh High School. That office
may be reached by calling 919 856-2828.
The bus driver has authority over and responsibility for the safe operation of the bus. He or she is also responsible for maintaining
order on the bus. The driver will report to Centennial Campus Magnet Middle School administration any misconduct or rule
violations that occur.

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Consequences for misbehavior on a Wake County school bus include:

1st offense: After receiving the report from the bus driver, the administration will notify the parent by phone call or

letter. Depending on the severity of the offense, the student may receive only a warning.
Repeated offense(s): The student may be suspended from the bus for a period determined by the Administrator.
Additional offenses: The student may be suspended from the bus for a period of time up to the remainder of the
school year.

Students who are car riders should be dropped off and picked up in front of the administrative offices using the circular drive
designated for carpool. Students should be dropped off between 7:05 AM and 7:25 AM.
Students should not be dropped off before 7:05a.m.
All students should be picked up at 2:15 PM. We ask all parents who carpool to follow the same lane procedures. In order to
maintain a flow of traffic students should enter a car after it stops and has passed the crosswalk area.
We ask parents not to check out students during the last 15 minutes of the school day.
Changes in Transportation
Students are not permitted to make changes in their daily transportation without written permission from the parent/guardian. This
is a safety precaution. Phone calls requesting transportation changes without written authorization are not permitted. You may
fax your transportation change or request by 12 noon to CCMMS at 919-233-4268. Please include your childs name, the date(s)
affected by your request, your printed name and signature and a daytime telephone number where you can be reached.
Students are not permitted to ride a different bus or ride a bus home with a friend.
Visitors and Security
Centennial Campus Magnet Middle School follows WCPSS policy regarding visitors on campus.
All Visitors and Parents MUST report to the Main Office and obtain a Visitors Pass. This should be worn and visible the entire
length of your visit. Failure to obtain a Visitors Pass MAY result in a Trespassing Charge under NC G.S. 14-132.
Volunteers--All parents and guardians must be cleared through the WCPSSs Volunteer Registration Program. The system
believes while community involvement should be encouraged in our schools, student and staff safety and protection of
instructional time must also be maintained
The policy reads as follows:
2521.1 Parents and other citizens shall be encouraged to visit schools.
2521.2 Parent conferences, volunteer activities, and visits shall be by appointment.
2521.3 No individual shall by use of passive resistance, noise, threat, fear, intimidation, coercion, force, violence, or
other form of conduct cause the disruption of any lawful function, mission, or process of the school.
2521.4 Individuals who fail to follow this policy shall be subject to the restriction or revocation of visiting privileges.

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