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Action/Evaluation Plan

Lacey Gooch

ITEC 7410, Summer 2015

*Goal: (Skilled Teachers)

All teachers will be able to use and implement the schools learning management system,
ItsLearning, to its fullest, including online discussions, page creations, and uploading videos,
notes, handouts, etc. to promote higher-order thinking skills and collaboration.
Success Indicator:
Evaluation Method:
*Online quiz about ItsLearning all teachers
*Administrators check teachers ItsLearning
score 80% or above
*Each content level group of teachers presents
*Teacher and student surveys about ItsLearning
and shares an ItsLearning assignment they have usage
used and discusses their successes and struggles
with the staff either online or during staff
development meetings.


3 by December and 3
Development Sessions by May
with ITS and county
technology coordinator

PLC meetings

Once a week choose

a meeting during each
month to focus on

Budget/Funding Source

Person(s) Responsible

No budget is necessary School ITS and county

for this, as these
technology coordinator
sessions would simply
be more focused on
ItsLearning instead of
random technology
No budget is
All teachers
necessary, as PLC
meetings are required.

Goal: (Instructional Change)

All teachers will use technology to promote higher-order thinking skills through the use of
multimedia projects and performance-based lessons.
Success Indicator:
Evaluation Method:
*At least 5 online projects will be shared on the *School website checks from teachers,
schools website in various content areas, within administrators, and ITS
the year.
*Administrator and ITS evaluations of lesson
*Every teacher will submit a detailed lesson
plan of a performance-based, multimedia project *Teacher surveys
to an assigned administrator and the ITS to
evaluate and provide feedback.

Teachers and staff

study the book
Transforming Schools
Using Project-Based
Assessment, and


Budget/Funding Source

Read the whole book

$21.74 per book for
by the end of
roughly 100 teachers =
September but use it
all throughout the year.

Person(s) Responsible

Teachers and Staff

Action/Evaluation Plan
Lacey Gooch

ITEC 7410, Summer 2015

Common Core
Collaborate with
community and
businesses within to
create these lessons
and assessments.
Get at least 2 more
iPad carts with 30
iPads to use with these

All teachers should

reach out to a
community business or
member for a project
by May 2016.
Get carts by December

Unless compensation
for collaborating with
community is
necessary, no budget is
needed here.
$6,299 for learning lab
of 10 iPads; $12,598
for 2 labs + 40
additional iPads @
$199 each = roughly

Teachers, Students,
Community businesses
and members
Administrators and

Goal: (Student Focused)

Students will take responsibility for their learning by participating in online discussions, blogging,
and being actively involved in performance-based, technology assignments and projects, and as a
result, class averages and state assessment performances will increase in all content areas.
Success Indicator:
Evaluation Method:
*Class averages increase from previous years
*Compare summative test averages from this
*State test performance increases in all content
year to last year (these are recorded)
*Compare this years performance on the GA
Milestones to next years performance in every
content area.
*Student Surveys

Include students in
assessment process
Teachers will assign
students real-world
roles to play during
these tasks and
projects so they will
know what their
expectations are to
Have a curriculum
night where students
show and guide their
parents through a
technology lesson of


Budget/Funding Source

Person(s) Responsible

Every time a rubric is

created or summatives
are graded
All throughout the
year. Should be
proficient by May

No budget is necessary Teachers and Students

for this

March 2016

No budget is necessary Teachers,

for this.
Students, and Parents

No budget is necessary Teachers

for this

Action/Evaluation Plan
Lacey Gooch

ITEC 7410, Summer 2015

all content areas.

Have each content area Have a community
(Math, ELA, Reading, partner by October
Social Studies, and
Science teachers and
students) choose and
partner with a
community member or
business that connects
with their content and
student interests to
collaborate with to
complete these realworld projects.

No budget is necessary Teachers, students,

for this, unless
community members
teachers would like to and businesses
do something nice for
the community
members helping out.
*Set aside $1,000 in

Goal: (Diversity Considerations)

By Spring 2016, all Math and ELA teachers will implement technology-based lessons to meet the
learning needs of all ESOL and SPED students, including students of low SES. These lessons will
also be used to engage female students in particular, according to their interests. As a result,
improvement throughout the year should occur and state assessment performance should increase
within these subgroups.
Success Indicator:
*SPED and ESOL teachers will use an online
program to monitor student progress weekly in
Math and ELA. Progress should increase each
*State assessment results for these subgroups
will increase at least 1%.
*Class averages should increase at least 1% for
these subgroups in comparison to previous

Evaluation Method:
*Skills Tutor
*Compare GA Milestones results this year to
*Compare summative assessments from last
year to this year for these subgroups.



Budget/Funding Source

Teachers will
participate in a variety
of differentiation and
technology webinars
Teachers will
collaborate during
PLC meetings to
create these lessons
and analyze classroom
Send Math and ELA
teachers of varying

All throughout the

school year; August
2015 May 2016

No budget is necessary Math and ELA

for this.
Administrators, ITS

August 2015 May


No budget is necessary Math and ELA

for this.

February 2016

Based on last years

price, $110 per person.

Person(s) Responsible

Math and ELA


Action/Evaluation Plan
Lacey Gooch

ITEC 7410, Summer 2015

grade levels and who

are interested to the
annual ESOL
conference at KSU.

Up to 12 teachers may
attend = up to $1,320

Goal: (School Related)

Teachers, administrators, parents, students, community members and all other stakeholders will
work together to implement a technology-focused shared vision to work together to fulfill at our
Success Indicator:
Evaluation Method:
*A technology-focused shared vision is
*Surveys for all stakeholders
developed and actively being fulfilled by all

Share information
regarding the
development of a
shared-vision with the
Have teachers
collaborate and bring
points of interest to the
leadership team during
grade-level meetings.
Host a school meeting
for community
members, parents,
students, and other
stakeholders to attend
in order to give input
toward the shared


Budget/Funding Source

Person(s) Responsible

September 2015

No budget is

Leadership Team

2 weeks during
October 2015

No budget is

All teachers and

leadership team

November 2015

Money for snacks

about $300

All stakeholders

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