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October 22, 2009

Strong, Safe and Supported - Practice Change Products Map

2009 2010

Research and similar Assessment, planning and Assessment, planning and

CAPP practice description Assessment, planning and Assessment, planning and CAPP Train the Trainers Assessment, planning and
Assessment approaches documented
and frameworks
practice Frameworks practice Competencies curriculum
practice training
practice training
and available description curriculum

Clinical Supervision
Clinical Supervision
Clinical Supervision Framework
practice description (Incl. Competencies Supervision Training
roles & responsibilities)

Integrated Quality
Integrated Quality Outcomes and Measures
Outcomes and Measures
First Draft
IQA Standards Assurance Policies and
Integrated Quality
research paper IQA Standards Assurance Competencies
Assurance Procedures

Additional Standards for

Draft Standards, including
Revised Draft Implementation of Plans of Integrated Child in Care
Standards and Policy Child’s Rights, Plans of
Practice Standards Care and Permanency Standards Matrix
Integrated policy for CAPP
Care, and FDR

Integrated Case Training for the IT Tool in

Business Requirements IT Tool for recording
the Early Implementation
Management System for CAPP Business Practice

Terms of Reference,
Analysis of existing
Residential Redesign Project Team and
Reference groups

Realignment of Roles and

Aboriginal Conceptual Framework for Identification of Key
Functions throughout the
the Internal Management Products for Aboriginal
Transformation Work Ministry to support the
of Aboriginal Work Transformation Work
Conceptual Framework

Management Roles and

Management Practice Resource Management
Management Decision-making Responsibilities for
Leadership Competencies Plan for Redesign and
Change Principles / Values Processes and Structures Collective Management of

Practice Change Support

Plan Commun-
Change Management Change Management
Information Employee Communication Reporting and monitoring Support for Early Change Management
ications implementation
Implementation Plan system for Practice Change Implementation Sites Implementation Plan
and Communication reporting and Plan monitoring and reporting

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