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Advanced Transport Phenomena

Course Outline

Course Content
Vector and tensor algebra, Kinematics: Motion, streamlines, pathlines and streaklines.
Governing equations of fluid mechanics: Equation of continuity, Momentum balance,
Stress tensor, constitutive equations, Boundary conditions. Unidirectional flows: steady
and unsteady flows; Two-dimensional flows: Stream function. Limiting cases: Creeping
flow, inviscid flow, compressible flow, Turbulent flow, Macroscopic balances.
Governing equations of heat transfer: Energy balance, Constitutive equations, Boundary
conditions, Conduction, Forced convection, Natural convection. Radiation, Macroscopic
balances. Concentrations, velocities and mass fluxes: Governing equations of mass
transfer: Species mass balance, Constitutive equations, Boundary conditions, complete
solutions, Diffusion in gases, Diffusion and reaction, Forced convection, Simultaneous
heat and mass transfer.
Use of COMSOL Multiphysics software to solve problems based on momentum
heat and mass transfer, which are not amenable to analytic solution.
Course Text References:
1. Bird, R.B., Stewart, W.E. and Lightfoot E.N., Transport Phenomena, Second
edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2002.
2. Deen W. M., Analysis of transport phenomena, Oxford University Press, 1998.
3. Slattery, J.C., Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer, Krieger Publishing, 1981.

Method of Evaluation

Quizzes 4 number having 5 Marks Each: 20 Marks.

Mid Semester Test: 25 Marks.
Project using COMSOL:15 Marks
End Semester: 40 Marks.

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