Ancient Rome Presentation Rubric

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Name: ______________________

Ancient Rome Presentation

4 3 2 1

Posture and Stands up straight, Stands up straight Sometimes stands Slouches and/or
looks relaxed and and establishes eye up straight and does not look at
Eye Contact confident. contact with establishes eye people during the
Establishes eye everyone in the contact. presentation.
contact with room during the
_____ everyone in the presentation.
room during the
Contributions Routinely provides Usually provides Sometimes Rarely provides
useful ideas when useful ideas when provides useful useful ideas when
participating in the participating in the ideas when participating in the
group and in group and in participating in the group and in
_____ classroom classroom group and in classroom
discussion. A discussion. A classroom discussion. May
definite leader who strong group discussion. A refuse to
contributes a lot of member who tries satisfactory group participate.
effort. hard! member who does
what is required.
Graphic Each section in the Almost all sections Most sections of Less than half of
graphic organizer of the graphic the graphic the sections of the
Organizer contained organizer organizer sections of the
information and contained contained graphic organizer
_____ many facts information and information, but contained
pertaining to the many facts more facts could information and
topic were listed. pertaining to the have been listed. few facts were
topic were listed. listed.

8 6 4 2

Content All facts in the 99-90% of the 89-80% of the Fewer than 80% of
presentation are facts in the facts in the the facts in the
accurate. presentation are presentation are presentation are
_____ accurate. accurate. accurate.

Total Points /20

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