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Rashicer Natt, hak (Dartagh) PARAMANANDA PART I LO “ MASTERJI” ( Zinda Kaul ) LIST OF CORRECTIONS on as S Please correct to a> 309 sheep of longings 44 Seen Healer comes to help (delete next line) 5 8 ++. --. as different from The false... ... 9 6 Shiv and Narayan 9 4 unto reason deaf (transpose) 149 truth of Self proclaim 15% dy faaraa 20 10 useless strife 32 9 will grow as strong 45 2 thought used as pick 5088 lata 50%3 daa 51 ey daca 60 4 Beyond Reason is—beyond the mind 61 9 «-. from all dear ones ... ... 65 3 fara fara 66 4 :-- or the shepherds (delete ‘did’) 67 1 Thou art That 79 § aah. aaia 85 22 Shut sense-gates 95 8 alataz N. B—Obvious misprints have not been given here, They would make the list formidable. PARMANANDA PART Til Text (in. Hindi) & Translation (in English) BY MASTER ZINDA KAUL B. A. Printed at ‘Tue Fine Art Press, SRINAGAR. Rs. 1/8 KEY TO PRONUNCIATION OF VOWELS PECULIAR TO KASHMIRI Note | :— @ stands for 9,3, or any consonant, a’ as in @’q. ¥’t (new watch) ; av’, ava a’@ (all were) a 4, “4 aa. aa (you & two tailors) ; a, of aa (with cold) Zz, a. 9 (gold & sliver) ; a), et % sa (deaf & dumb) Note 2 :—The last consonant is without its 3 (W#a=aa) DEDICATION This little beok written and seen through the press by me with considerable difficulty I respectfully dedicate; To Bakhshi Gulam Muhammad, Khalid-i-Kashmir (Prime Minister, J & K Govt. ) who is taking great interest in poet-saints like Paramanand PREFACE I present this little book to the public with apo- logies for (a) not publishing it much earlier, (b) for doing so now that Ihave lost much of my? fitness for the work, and (c) for many misprints mostly of punc- tuation and faint diacritical marks, like dots and dashes, The translation too has lost much of its exactness by my presumtuous attempt to give it in metric prose, For this, again, I apologize. The word Self ( with capitalS ) is used throughout to indicate the Universal ‘Self as (against the ego or individual self. My thanks are due to Shri J. N. Bakhshi, Shri R. N. Razdan, and Shri R. €. Kaul, all of whom have made fair copies/of the Text or the Translation. Srinagar, June, 1958. Zz. K, aay RR. CONTENTS Key to pronunciation faaraal wa & ae a ac at faa gata : mma gee fara’ Tara. maa ae alata qa saw ayia faan sa erazo qa ea. FA sao Ble deze ads T IAA dat a. fe F ata a Ofer aq. aac aifa qa. aa. dao Bra aaaa al’sto ga sifa ato ae FWA WaATo aay eatfaro aga saq. af sa aac a fra xt wea, fase aoa arfas fe a fae gq wa aa at saa aa. Ba. aa aga Page Sw ~ RRSP EMH 6 © OO AV av AY 2) AD HeSDK Ar MAB Ma,5Y ae && gs ge a8, 8. 8, #2. ga a dt ga afa aa arfe ate aa gaze. He I shaved my head and grew long hair again— A widow might well laugh at me, The tree Of worldlines in me did not by pruning die. And though I all omens observed, alas! & ge. (20) My plough-share has been at the out-set caught By something under - ground ! Gia a ah derma Ga gue gaa. ge sig ar a aa aT aq. at sifeen afa aia. saz. Ho I slept at home and ventured not to join the crowd, And yet I got a beating. Ah. if I had borne, Myself arrogantly my lot would be still worse. qa @. deat Heft ga. az. alga a gaeft gaa. ae aaa cae snatft taa, ae. ho That I might live and grow I laboured bard, Not knowing that I was involved in unless strife; For bolts fell from the blue upon my iron frame | am fen aq. aq. a. al. Aa. Fe. uw. GH. dae J é1. saa Wawa zeae. afa faa ge.aqe. Ho Take me somehow across, or I am drown’d— This is my final prayer, Grant it once for all, For I feel tired of beggiug in a hundred ways. quale Qt. a. aiear aft ae. me. 9. ga aa aafia waa qeaa gs. gir gra Bx He. =e Remember God and all your births will end. Meanwhile Be ready with your luggage packed, for His commands (21) If you have naught to offer Him, you can Still use your lips to sing His praise. So 9 2 gata yRTG gt HE Fae qweaega a. aaa ! 1. For Him the full who fills all worlds, Purusha Nature's Lord, the Highest Bliss, The Self of all I'd sacrifice the gods and ‘anti-gods’ % aa Ws 4a ga. Wea arqa faraa afee gar aa gma ulema ga gi. aaa qo 2. Shri Krishn who lightly holds the worlds like grains Of rice within His pocket kept; whose Dyaraka Is Conscionsness ; the beauteous Shaligram That I worship within my heart. 2 a. a ars ganfergu, s al. FY. Ga, Wa Aa. we ge. aft ama, Fat aT go 3. He, Lotus-faced, in every temple is adored— The water is ambrosia; the arghya, heaven ; The flowers, stars ; the: incense, Earth, 2. a. at arhta vara, WU. GW. WTC WA aET (22) ae a fae fafa aena. rea qo With, ‘waveless’ mind I would to Him express My samble prayer that 1 migh not fall again Into that brood of Nescience—‘pairs of opposites’ « at wea fa faq fast qqEee ara ga fafa ca afa aaa Gara. qa aria waza qo He gave the boon of endless sleep to Muchakund Who should kill Kaliyavan—Krishna’s yellow cloth There serving as the ruse! qa F ay ose ame aa.fea scare Wa. Us. ae fireaa wearca qo I have a mind ‘to tell of Book Eleventh ot The Bhagavat. My mind, the King, on ‘firm belief’ Well-seated, will attend to its high sense. ferafirfe aq gaa dst ze. aca ai Sgr aa aa sq a By wsa ya Gara qo Un-noticed live hid in this ‘beggar’s rove’, The body; by the world untainted reach The highest Self that holds together all your limbs. qaaeg. Ra WH. aArea af Fage aft aaa Wag gy, aia wa eae | qo Paramanand, be at-one with God, the Highest Bliss (23) Of union the symbol is the no. 3 4 —moon day, When, mind (the Moon) is merged in God (the Sun) a = 10 g. ger F ge Aa. eax. a. oeagy wat y. fe F aga feu 1. O Beauty’s self reveal Thyself to me so that My heart be filled with love for all within, without a ae. aft wa afe fae -gat Tereq. wart gf qe ga | ATT feat, ela gfe ara go gS. Thy grace is like Discrimination’s moon in dark Delusion’s night. Oh, help me, Lord, To fully understand the Teacher’s words ; Illume my heart with lamp of firm belief ! a TAREE FaveT att aU. aT ! ated aatl wa Za) Vara Twat gq sat st ge 3. Do listen, Krishn, to my “Govinda - git” With tunes from flute of Om, spontaneous sound, Great Indra came with heavenly musicians | To sing Thy praise. gfee fi wa wala arfia feet af gfa amera ga gene | x (24) aad Deena fe da wet! ge Would that my mind might wake up from its sleep With that fresh lotus and with nosegays of love- songs Come from my heart I might worsbip Thy feet ! wa ee ga a. vais ea farat aig uf wag ya-at aa sft. aera frafs erat = ge With peace and faith and true devotion (wheres? oO And man are one) for water, red lead, incense used Such worship would bestow on mea warmth That aeons could not cool or take away. gaa. afser qf ge ast Qa. seu aa at a mara aga. atfred feral ge Love’s warmth, the Sun of life, would quench in me The oven-fire of thirst for things. My mind, the moon Would from the outer circle move within And thus be auspicious for inward peace. ae Wax afaen so a. geal foefad sare sr faa avfaa fera-feeq a. axa aac ge I should not then mind sour or sweet, nor cold or warm But should attain to non-taste state and be at peace. Why should I then to Indiarun or go to Surat port? 8. & 9. Qo. 10. (25) Re. AgIRSa HAT. NU SE. afa ga qe Tet F ee SYA qa ata aa, ara faa aia wah Fe In this our Body’s solar system, Mind and Life Are sun and moon, Said Lalla, ‘Huh’ is cold and ‘Hah’ Is warm. With patience llght your lamp; impatience may Extinguish it as does a gust of wind. glat Tal areata Aa ATA aq. aT, alae aa % faseafret seat ge not jogis’ rings ; Yogis recognise complete Tyag when one can ope The knot between Conciousness dnd the Unconscious‘ qaarfaa eafa fei aa. gett aaa fafa ra & ara.afa atet acer qala wer faa rial 8-8 My’ Karma’s field has naught in it but weeds: Mere husk, or rice-like grass, OF rotten rice. By miracle of mercy let these turn to good ripe tice And let the harvest-reapers know I had a farm. Thou didst convert a poor wood-cutter once, Who thence became the great Surdas. With wisdom’s words adorn your ears, (26) LI BM. SU. £95 fea a. Ua was @as wa, aa. wae =A Say Krishna, Krishna! day and night. Repeat With all your heart the Teacher’s Word ‘of truth, area avfaa staa ofa cara g faa PRS aA | aredt diash farqa ws go Root out Desire, be firmly seated, watch \ | The movements of the Breath. Die to the world While still alive ; mind not the multitude. ag. alae aa, aaa aay afs @earoad Wa wa sHaha wait Past ge Unlock the dvors of Moha’s Prison house— Apply the key of ‘I am He’,—set yourself free, And cross the Yamuna of births and deaths. aa sfasaaea a ae fet a Fad aaa qa.aTa aque anfs ds aigad ge Surrender self to God who, changeless, underlies All changing things—described as ‘That’ against All ‘This’. Let more and more of active life Merge into peace of Self, Samadhi called. aq. aa. sq. aga vas | ey iS ~ Vat Wa. Ta. a aaa 5 (27) way ag. a. Ves Was go 5. From Vedas learn the truth that all is one, And raise yourself by e’er affirming: this. Adorn your ears with pearls of this ‘salvation’s law &. GIgtaa WA Wa. Was TUN. AT. CA ALAA US weg. TW. wale. WAT Ye 6. By effort raise the self you’ve sunk so low, By prana-yog with sound of OM recite The Teacher’s Word and mollify your fate. frafea areata at aiaat aft sah a wa a. gala avfia 2a fea.ft saa 9 go 7. Shut:all sense-gates; on one point fix the mind; Throw out desires as so much dust; and when You know the God, beyond the temple pass. a waa a. gf fate aaa afar de wat | Ta s aia. ta af afe agast = ge ‘ 8. Your goal is far away; prepare to start Betimes ; for when the Day is spent, one gets Possessed by ghosts. Stop not to rest upon The path till you have reached the goal. a. &. was a. erat oa af wa # gq Ke aa. sae ag’a 3 fears Ll UA PANY Pas ge (28) 9. If think you must, do think of God. Let not The fear of death disturb your mind-When called, With God’s name on your lips let go your breath. Qo. aa. Wafs aa ye. aaa. Ta Was fifa af fafa fate ‘af ae oa fafa fsa a. aga = ge 10. Why ornaments and gems ? The body dies ‘And soon or late is burnt. Tell it this truth, And make it give up ‘all conceits: aR. féz. a agaa a. va. faa wa a ge ae wg TAA qh dada. se fe wast = ge 11. We build grand houses while ourselves decay. This sages madness call. Could one prevail On self one might defy the pow’r of Death. | Fe. wrafea, ae EAT af WR g ae aA Bs qua wafa a. ca. aaa gt Was go 12. O Brahmin, be not fooiish ; dwell on Brahm; Who loves this ‘Skin’ still deals in skins. Do not Believe: you die; lay death at Body’s door. coy QR. afaa faa = aafa farast afl sate gy wre. ATA an graf svfaa vast ge 13 ‘Forget all till the mind alone remains ; Watch Consciousness, till light of Self shines forth | (29) And Maya’s screens and shadows melt away. ~ Ry. avhtea pe eat was quraeg. Weg. sqaale naa fat fat ae HAs ge 14, For old love’s sake, make your love’s seat within The heart by wisdom enlightened. Let light of Self illume the darkness of the night. ee 12 a aifa aa. afa ata fiaa a. ater saa ata aa fia aga fe va a. ctat 1. Love for Thee, Lord, removes the fear of death, To lovers births and deaths delusions are, a. fafa aw. ga Fete aft aw aa wa. gare cafe Clea aft we ars wa vese fafa of aft am ara aga, Aft TGAE BTA a. Ttett BIO 2. In him who constantly pursues Devotion’s path It keeps mind’s restless steed in full control, And sends through every nerve a thrill of joy In Self, The lover’s own intuition earned By effort certainly is lasting grace of God. R Fa. AAR FN, fas @. Ogq gas a aig afa afta g Mga o)3, gaa a aie 3. (30) waft ga @ afeia ae gaa aie. mrt ward sifa ga-ga a. ale To The Yogic powers follow him ; he looks Not at them; for he has above them risen— Seen through them all—he sees naught but the Lord. Peace, solitude, control of mind are his. Ge fa af a. waa a. aga aa we-srag. fat ear wa a. ga Ta a a. Gaa was a. ga Aga 7a GaGa. a wey Vag. ate Bro For him there’s naught to know or not to know Nor aught to hide or plainly say. He has No tastes—minds not sweet things or sour. This state Is balanee both in joy or pain. SY. BAT I. AA F A. aK ait asad o. gaa gy a. at 7 Gea @. mga g§ a. a afi da qa afi ga. aaa. ale? ae To talk is one thing, quite another is to die; To read the Books is not to grasp their truth; All think of God, few lose themselves in Him. These things are true to him who doesnot mind The shell, but sees the core of things. fafa Rea afs afe sia. Gat fea sas aq aaa qgU at a. Tat gra aft aq af aa aaa nat Oe. WAS aWasaa aa ana. wet Fe 8D Waste not Amrirt upon the mortal frame ; ‘ Tell it straightway it is not you, because’ It dies—decays. What can a shaft achieve” Without the arrow point? What use are Pearls Unless you pierce them throngh? The hody will Not serve unless ‘tis trained, controlled. Sa mat a. gm ay. ga Wa sam, ofa. Ga aay wd a's afa ga af qsq qsa a)y va va wt ga aa aw. afte a Mat ste Though one has read the Ved, Purans, and Books And has vain hopes from ‘Karma well performed’— Though one may quote the shruti, only when One understands their inner sense, the OM Enables une to cross Samsara’s ses. Ta et ga a. BGA ala wea Sa AL. AL, AL aaa Wears AUIAH eA A. Beara AeaqTg ata qaqa © aq den a. atat = ate Give all you have away and fear not Death Cast love of life and dread of death away, And woory not. Forget the rules of caste and stage, Even Sanyas—know, your only good is that you know The Seff—that you are He. af Afra fait Wes se, afar Rear wae Ea, ae - ae Safa sat af gs. ge. de Baw ie na a Aa so (32) 9. When ‘sincere’ love from all your pores doth ‘ooze’ Your love of All grow as strong as love of self ; Love like a fountain everywhere will gush— No matter though the world may laugh at you. Ro. Teas. TaTARe A fat ma aja aja afacra seq. aaa Z ara at ser-gifae.ra ae. faa avatar af fafafaaa a aet T° 10, Before all things, O Parmanand, attain * The Highest Bliss ; then play fresh roles in fresh Make-ups. With non-possession pay the ferry—fee And cross this .‘Sea’, Wait not, rest not, till you Have reached the Goal, the peace of Self. 13 a. amar! faq. Ta, ata, aftge ar fart gra. aaae aval Aa TAA eM FS ae 1, If I, could know Thee, Lord, while still I live, There would heno dispute between us when T die. aver ar afa far tara, ava aera a1 fart da dega aa. aria FA Shea eft Ar as PhaAa Te. aT TM. AT-TT arfat sre 2, When Death who, ruins families surprises us, We must forget the old familiar ways: For who knows’ whither each must be impelled ©» By latent cravings’ force, while survivors (33) In their. purblindness.weep and wail for him: ? 3. We. war ga amaa fee. aft fa srfat afa af ga ad daa aa Wea ae a eft saaa afa arfta_qafta ara. ave sra° 3, No longer is the. top-floorany~ place for him Who’s dead; they drag him down to lowest reom, ° No fine, soft beds await him» there—a wisp t OF grass is. spread upon, the floor) down there. v. aa. ae geka qaqa gale awa ar fret agogga ga aga ge ar Aer AX aia: ARMAS ae Hat SAAS eas fat ATA. AVIA saeae 4° To make the stiff corpse straight they twist his limbs Religion bids cremation may. not wait, They wash him clean with (tepid water, then In white sheets cover him from ;head to ‘foot: x Gta. gaa fe ar ga &. a Wey ai. sig awe aia aT ge fe area Me gaetinmarasse gaaS aq saa ary Fed 5. Tn various ways they look for any patch Of colour still onhim. or sign of life, Friends hold him then and ask; for ‘things. §. Eh avfaa we aaa ga fa aerate afa gat ear fear are fet fate Waa sa aa aaa arfe aif qags saa Th are aA sIeTO 6. When they'know’ he is dead, they close his eyes, For these seem dreadful now, ‘None lives”, they say, (34) For ever. We are now Teduced to what We were. Why do we treasure all through life One who, though born, must vanish out of sight”’ ? 8. afer at aise ee avian & qs G11 8. 97 Wa. amet aa. aa Aaa aa Fate sig Hare git sarPaaa a. af seas 7. He whom they loved must on the pyre be laid, "They all kéep: close to Pay their debts; and then ?— Leave him alone to wind or snow or sleet ! SUS. afar a. ata. srfiaa ana. a avast He. Ae. 4q aa va we. mAa Waa | ag ater: fae oR Sera a ge aac avfat sisro 8. On may be rich or Poor or keeper of A petty shop, naught of his fortune now Remains +to him 5 his ‘people grudge to him, ate master, even a broken basket old! & frat aft ate os. a AVS Tear’ fart 3a sea sq. Vea fee. qaqa aqia US. WS 4 @. fae eae ae ata aVfead 3. srr sa 9. In life the Parents ‘are regarded king and queen, Though they wear Tags; or are ‘of one eye blind, Their children could have died for them. fo ay F ana a8 ates afta arg. ar fort 1%. Gt qa at fafat age Bs wav a Re Gua ate AT'S Ta fafa gem ae g. ar’ Brio 10. He profits by advice who lives by it ; (35) For did .men never hear that they must» die ? “Oh, had I done—!” with this Tegret did pass Away our parents, and gtand-parents. too ! | 8. Game. qa Paw Ber) aan fey tal Fa Aera wea. dis qa. sq Fea a ae af 98. ae Tea Ay sat AANA seqo - When so much. has been said, need we say more ? Had we in, life. kept from the world aloof, Our souls would; never die. What great goal have We. men to win? Why so much bustle and: haste ? 14 aa gaata. geaat ga ofa at aes. ara To him none dies, none need hig own death mourn Who during life has his true Self attained. ° s waa fea arfa at stat. aT. Baa aa at ga wafer fra gat — qao He keeps the senses well controlled by Self His fevers all—within, without—are cured ; He makes-his mind and Buddhi tranquil, calm, And contemplates the Consciousness within. avfers & arfas oaft at a wag. fe wae a. aa WA. TI. YI AEG at go (36) The: yogi lives as master of his ‘house’ ; Conveyances of sorts await his choice— By this or that«means’ he will cross this ‘Sea’. Page fr fea aa Fat stga qs. saa wrt asifaca gaa fafa aa at geo © Thesman who, wnile his flowers are’ a-bloom, Already sees that they must fade “and die, Enjoys the ever-bluoming ‘ones’ in ‘Heaven A. strange bush’ this’ that fades “before it blooms ! aUa. 918.4 ge eetdsae a aa. fear are g va gu fafe g ta at quo If one before one dies is quite prepared, Death’s messengers will not be after him, No one can hate him; none need dote on him. aq We Waa gat wha gat. gar are ga wea gar at gae Who at the feet of Teachers lays his head Will not be born again. He lives as if To rest. awhile at some place not his own: a a aeaftaa gg et Wi ga a. ger aa MY ga aa aw sla. qt yao The man who always thinks of God stands firm Though winds should shake off leaves from trees, Yor God protects‘those who’ in Him their refuge seek. qa wa a af af gate. gy Tea faa Wha (37) FAA WA FAS) Maat ya 8. Devotion to the Lord excels all-arts; The clever losers are—forget their lore— The spider makes a web, which in the end Becomes its grave —its own, web-holds it fast. &. gaa Hota: aa feat sa ger ater stag ara aga wat aa B qt gao 9. We are death’s: trembling victims ‘all. So shun All drugs and. no resistance make. Know this To be the best of wisdom’s words. go. ga sara qa get afta der, sea aa dat a. ATat aT Tar que 1). Those who, when all the madness of. their.youth Is gone, surrender self to God waste not A night or e’en a single hour, Qt. gs aataaiaa ea)salet gat Tx. Maa aa qaa Waa Fa sst Pe gae 11, Those who themselves \forget find bitter things Turned sweet; they. are not tossed-by winds upon This séa—men who raise self by Self. e.g Aft aver ae. saa at waETE fH fia ara Bat. Ad. AWA AT At quo 12- O Lord, Thy Parmanand. this favour. begs Of Thee—that he may place upon his head Thy lotus-bud-like feet; for otherwise In ‘Ignorance’ he may unhonoured die. re 2. 2. z x. (38) afaa de ga sa ga mea aret fa ara, qa.) sree | Your day is past for whom -now do you wait ?_ By your own effort) take yourself across. WW A We. Wa ga gq eaeq qa ofa fra fe pq ovat Sie wa ems off Gea ama are Why does youth make you mad? In days gone by There were so Many like you, who are dead. They too in random nothings ‘wasted time. And nothing great achieved in life. Sia Wr 2 saa aeq aft eam grata aalt sea va wm sifa srisa area ao The thief who went out with a Noose at nignt Should know that.he must by, that rope be hanged, wet Sa. Bare area ate 3a gaa gy ava go ae. sa. fag ae ae seq ato No one here gains, but how great is the bustle! The lotus, cup is empty though in water grown. By reason sift the Real from the False, geva at eft oem ga. areq Te. Ta. BMA ararsy aie. fet Bea a. aA a AeA ‘ato (39) By meditation in old age begun One little may achieve ; one must_from youth A Sadhu be—that’ saves the ‘soul from death. ma: arta fra sgreq Maat. aals. way facre-eq. eae. sy diareq ato One should at dawn shake from the mind its sloth ; Be firmly Seated ; purify the organs: all's, Then regulate the breaths; and meditate on Ged As filling all the universe—its life, WS we aU area Fas. A. sears TRL wa wa frareer ate The Om-Sound chant, the mind one-pointed make, And hold the breath by Kumbhak learnt By practice in that yog; and know your Self To be Peace absolute—joy absolute. ag. frei. att a) ae area laa. aft wifrer'sttt a. aa. Gf 2 wa af area ao In field of Consciousness that Never dies Sow seed of Nada-Bindu yog, and thus True) Wisdom follows slewly, as a store Of corn by little grains is made. Bel Te, 8a, er. a. area ater dana j Ha ate ez. Bast of Geer ao Release consists of Pearls of Truth which must (40) Be ‘weighed on scales’ of ‘I am He’. It is As if one had to strain a sea of milk. Qo. quads. gfe ATTA TST aa eft d. aaa at Hafea si.aet ar. fea’ area alc Find God within your heatt,O Parmanand ; While living in the midst of men feel in A forest. solitude: By wisdom’s fire The dark thick jungle of delusion set ablaze. 16 g aH. afrerfa fafa sae Far, data. safe af srig. set By righteousness the field) of conduct fertilize Contentment sown,,produces happiness: x afe sm. aq -ya_ fea a. Ua aa Bap. eo WN. fara aa | faa. at ga a. ate Ufa aie aa to Let your in-coming and out going breaths Your pair of bullocks be,.and make them plough The field all, day and night; control’ them by The lash of Kumbhak—holding, of the breath— See that no part of‘ soil remains, untilled. Wa > ae. wage. ar faa ae. a2. gf aa. geu'far des Ge az a. dsqe Ta te (41) Let love your ploughshare be, and Firmness be The mallet with which you will break the sods So that no wet of Hate remains within them hid. faa, Va a. at aft Fat a waa ga’ faa aa wade vasa ae. SR aa do With right Discrimination build the dams. And clean the sluices by the Vedic texts, Let equal Goodwill spread the water evenly. dit ga de at. ga aga af aft erat watiga aq eet AA NT Be Ara ao The spring, your youth, afew days lasts. Waste not One hour of it. Sow now your seeds; begin With praise to God. who grants success. agfta wpeufi area get aus va aa. q.faa at faa Wet Be Aaa de Mind-waves are holes by rats—the senses—made Fill these with sods of’ Mantra-sound, and bid The rats adieu—tell them to Jeave your fields. afe éfa wafe a ane da afa Sf 99.3 94. oT. al amaats gfe Wate. sa de The field of Practice will: the fresher be For weeding, which Devotion 1epresents; n Qo, ge (42) The final watering is Austerity, which makes The ears of corn to sprout. By Reverence The field will bloom as does a lotus-5ed. fart qa an. cyaraa fiaaa off at a. da wage ara.fa wea.fe az fase do The objects of the senses are your cattle; keep Them well—no harm. But let these not devour Your crops: come out to keep a careful watch afa aft af af ager aa aa. gift qr aa wa aa dag. Ota alsa aleqa aa ado The field will be in blossom when the ears are ripe With scythe of Non-attachment mow it down, And bind the sheaves with blades of grass--- afe aaafa te afe afe az ae fa sa ara aor aa aT fafa aa. gufte ag. aff wa Go These sheaves, with Duty bound, upon your back Do carry. Get your friends to help—work hard And daily, regularly gather corn, so that You may soon have a barn of golden corn. fay am. am ae aU a faata. cia faata. 9 wa Vea an fara. et sre Ho Make one stack—rise above the Gunas three Rg. ae. Rx. (43) Of Nature, called Sloth, Passion, Balance. Mind Not honour or’ dishonour, win Nirvan. wr. aaa arm. ae faa Qld. Gla. ale. ala. are. fay ae Aas Bgaa. az. fea Fat uo Let Meditation be the thrashing bleck at which You separate good grains of Truth from chaff; Thrash well the grass by Reason’s stick. ams 2. Ca a. gaara a a. oT wa § gaa aa sift tet amafa aria saa de Thus werking by Renunciation’s hand Keep ‘white’ and ‘brown’ grains separate, and while You seem asleep, your Harvest watch. afaa ag. 7a sara aa Wen 4s. Ga AG. ae ofa ae aaa'faa aa. aa te Weigh your produce by scales of “I am He” You'll feel relieved when it will reach the Ghat. RIA. QW. aa. aa. Te aa. ala aif safe sa. cata ara gaa fie.faa maa do By Mind-control, Goodneess, and Practice now Propel the boat on waters of Firm Faith And peace. And then well satisfied retire to rest At Manasabal, the ‘Strength of Mind’. ae. ay. gk. a ° (44) ara aft art sia. az area a4 a. OFM evea AVE atfaa a. oat aft ea aa eo Pay to the King, O farmer, what is due to him; And see that servants and the Jagirdar are paid ; Then you will neither owe nor have aught over-paid aria fat eal af aa dia fe fafa aia af % aa SIH. Tag aa a’a ae Ho Keep well-selected ‘seed for future springs Then sow each grain. This Altruism will yield No end of e’er—fresh crops. Good multiplies. aa. aren ge akit ara Ret gaa qa fia wa ag aa gla aa eng. a sa wo Remove what keeps you separare from God, And then of Yoga-Maya be Enjoyer, Since ‘You are a Sadhu called, be one. eH. ta afta aeacqa afaa feaata sncara au. aig. af AR ara. gaat do If you the Teachcr’s Word do follow well All Karm—The store, the part you operate, And what you now produce—is ‘burnt and gives A flame of knowledge of the Self. aaa setfafe faaraa (45) alfaa ama fafa affarea svfat ts giegnea avea uo With Knowledge of the Self-existent. Light You will not care for honour or disgrace. And so to ‘Highest Centre’s bliss attain. qaag ait aatae gia wa. am afta az aia afte a’ faa cine o Parmanand was a farmer who paid up All dues, was free, and left the borrowed house For his own Home of. peace, his Lord Shri Krishn. 17 Ta-a afr HATTA aiqa sar. a ft ea As in the five-to-three division of produce Between the tiller and the owner of the land, One must perform the promise made to God As that made to the king—no less, no more ffs dit. wafea ana fate aR ofa casa s gafa ga q)a Wa mega aH By means of Deep thought as a pick at mind, &. (46) The fountain-head, and by repeating names Of God one gets the Zam-Zam water pure. But one must be prepared to die as did Farhad for Shirin, his sweetheart. Rar T)Ta at saa sift af gaat a aq @xI Bae Bl A sme Hea argue If you will till the New land—Navabad— You will not for old sins be ta’en to task; Till it yourself; wait not for friends to help. aufta white ar fait waa ft aft cfr far aa fren safia ara wret ataete When you have earned somewhat beware of thieves— The gang of Hate—Of Jealousy. O sage, Do feel ashamed. When you have done the task The joy of it is yours—do and deserve. we avi 3H aa sae aft as aaa eda Sat BIH CA Gs aaa guea argue. With sods of Angerlessness fertilize the field From reeds you will the ‘high and low notes” hear,, With steady measured steps you'll reach the goal. aria hh sat fa, gorge faa arf sie. 8 aa a ae We TW A. Varga aqeae (47) Melt down the steel of Pride and make of it A ploughshare ; patiently and manfully The bellows work Breathe not till you have come To learn the art from Master-Smiths. fa qaqa ada qe ae shea gaa wer wea fea aa faa ata ama aizao I thought Wahab would diagnose my ills And unto wounds apply the healing balm. But grace comes where it will—it is not sought. fan. wat wa whta.fae ae wet ge TIAA afgaa aafca aq qT = -alqeto I failed to keep the promise made to God; Now what excuse may [ for failure give ?. My ‘Day’ is at its end What if He should Forgive my fault—He knows that I meant well : fea-aral ga ale snaraa aaa 3 dai aa Pine. at warfaa age TEES The free man, of convention rid, is frank :- I, Nanda, in devotion lack—My God, O Thou who hearest all, do hear my plaint ! ee cea (48) 18 aa RR a IA FL Hae oe fray With steadied mind worship the Lord; and let Your mantra be the name of Shiv, Shambu. a. whe wa-faa-srara. fei Fa. Gist we sys faci Gs Pada sara. a7 Aa Within the Body’s cave the Lingam is— Truth-Knowledge-Bliss, the one without A second, seated on the throne of Mind, Which common men may call Kailasa’s peak. et FT aad) Fa Ada Vy Va Ta. FI A aa aH. &q. afi wpa wa daa Hato Oh, list’n! it is Sarasvati who speaks : Do you not feel impressed though often told ? She gives of holy places name ‘and sense ate fe ga sacar} 224m. ata cera a. ga. WH AgeaaT aa She sings of Amar Nath—of Solitude Despite one’s body and one’s home. The cave Means peace with Mind and senses well controlled a & (49) ‘arfe ara’ gt Ala 4.4% al WG. Wa Wa a whe ta fa we & acac Heo With “‘God’s our savior’’ on your lips perform This pilgrimage. At Haramukh, Shiv’s crown, Do realize your Self.’ That “cave’and your ‘heart cave’ Are equally temples cf the Lord. Ws. TI Fes TTT RQ Aaa, cha a fet AST. gree Ae ae First comes Ganesh of Ganpatyar—so near To you—the Lord of Muladhar, the Base. aa ya Ge wat warfirsra., gurane Tat WEA Ga FAR Ae Brahma, the Lord of Svadhishthan resides At Shurayar. Six petals has) the ‘’Lotus’’ there, Like Skandha’s all-regarding faces six. foaait- Sx. gue’at Oe. a.77 STU aa eT aa agi fa gat ao At Shivapur the coils of Kundalini are- The water there’s the vital force. Its depths And shallows are the ‘Seven Seas” weed g ga TIT. Sat (50) aa_ ax aga aa. ca fat. a4 a. dan. qa Fae The Lotus with eight petals is a flower-bed It lures. Stray not that way. Shun worldliness Enter Discrimination’s path. fo. A al ae ae RR TT qi Aga ga va. ama? Ta LAT ast ST a. are Hao Come higher, nearer draw to God; why lag behind ? Come list’n to that which guides one to the Goal. a2. aa, ce ar af sig g)ar aan ft diate. faa aar Waa we aad Wao ° No foot of Earth but is a holy place ; The Veds have not a word that is not OM, The Highest Self, the giver of release. a. aifatiy ax ca. dare | We asa an BU Wat saa Fao At Sangam is the Navel Lotus ; ten Its petals cre; of holy company it gives A taste; to Krishn it sacred is—to Him Who is all life and what without life seems. 92. eer avfta ara asaate wea af fta. ser 4a (51) Sat. ALSHA Ya Ar Hao Leave worries ; come to Thajiwor, There flows On all sides water from the hair of Shiv. Upon Anahat Centre set your foot. FAI Be aa aa Aws.aa fagg we. sia. te 2. Ge a sha-aaqa Hae Now unobserved reaeh Chundabal, the home Of men—Vishudha Centre called—Leave hence The human stage, and God alone worship. Wey ata fara a. Aare aaa ft oa daa aa ga aaa jana Fao Now come to Khelan by the way, whereat The self meets Self divine, and is so filled With it as oil-seeds are with oil. aaa afa afe dafaca afa fea a. aaa ate faa TAM. ZA, TIAL eta Fae Now try to come, along the path, to Virsiran. E’en great minds fail to solve the mystery there, By stormy winds are giants blown away. aa. fart aq at aa faata airs maga ava ar qa I. ga 7a wade wae (52) Remove from Mind its sleep and restlessness. This bathing of the Mind, removes from it All sin and makes it fit for offering Of Ratna-dip, ‘the light of gems’ to God. aa. Hi. aa. oe. ga war at far whats a zat A. HS. Oey. gat F ax Hae . From Bharga Tirth onwards ’tis Heaven itself. Lag not behind the pilgrims, Reverence Is worship’s essence. Rice and flowers may Make offering enough when reverence is there. 4, ae. BI ge Wee waa | Se-ifit cas ae arate afa at qaqa sia gaa Hae The centre at the Throat is fourteen worlds In one; from Nila Gang te Vavajan It runs. Beyond, the winds alone do blow. Ro. Wit | Wea asa ara Be Aa ge ae ar ar sift git. ay fixer Hae Between these lie some minor stages, yea What here we briefly say has much detail. That is what one may do where little can be done. ee SU.-20. Fa Agar gear a. 7a fea ati wT are Ta Aer det Hae (53) In .Jshadesh is holy Sheshanag. Watch here, if you can, day and night) Attain To Non-attachment, and then sing for joy. a Ga-at TATA aq age. a fra att qq ataa faa faa fa or The rivers five of five-fold matter Ppass— Thought-waves of Being’s ocean—these too are Some aspects of the Lord, from off whose navel sprang a ” Wao The Lotus of the Universe. 2. Ga a. Bea. 2 TaaT ater Wa TAT saya aft aff waaaa Now slowly climb the Bhairay Hill of “I am He” Take care you do not hurt ‘the Gem’. RB. fara. Oe ats farqa aoa mH. aan ante aoa aft g via faa aon aHe Live long and hear of dying while you live— The crossing of the Soul beyond the Womb, Here faithful Sati weds Her Lord, Shankar. ay. qafta deeq. faft aa itm, Va wag. aa fre fora Sx. HAC. | Ta Wao When you have cleansed the mind of Sankalpas (54) (Imaginings) of hate and love, of space and time, And of distinctions as between the Lord And Jiva who is not the Lord as yet. Re. How a, ad aa meq a, Jed ar aa fay sae & av-asat Hao Great sages who perform austerities Do live in first and second stages of Pure Consciousness, and not in third and fourth— In Madhyama and Vak, or thought and speech. Rs. aa. sauadt a. ne Wa aya Fa Tew. ura fa gaat aa gfe Rae Now in Love’s Amaravati take a bath And, ash-besmeared and rid of cares of house And home, surrender self to Shiva’s feet. RS erga of ga qe ag’s aa fa adn ga a. asfag MAW FE a. Te a. ae Fae He who is in the cave is pure. All-conscious Bliss 3 He is the Lord of Treasures nine and Powers eight. He is like space that grows not less nor more. Re. at wa gn. aa da. de Seal - Gia. Req als WA Wa. oa a a. ata Ao As if by surprise struck, a mad man stripped ee (55) Of clothes (all conventions), you hear the cries Of ‘Lo the vision!’ Love the’ Lord and unto Him Let all your thoughts and meditations flow Ro, af as af aa cia ava @fafa a. Raat sat gaa ga. fir. aye sep Pass from the Cave to that within yourself ; Forget all other gods and ; goddesses. These rocks of lime by no means empty be. Wao Re. af da we ga af da ghee Fa 2 wf dg a9 et 2. seq da Wao Within them is the Gem, the same as in the Mind’ ’Tis hollowness that makes the sound in bells. Within the body's forest do perform Austerities, and practise Yog. RR. aaa weg. Fa. suaa srg ftawa ala wa AAT BN? BraeaT Wao With “I am He’ with Om the word of Love, And songs of doves above, to Ajnashikhar pass, RR, Beaaa. Wald Ff. Aa mega & facsa ware qa. 3 onfa aca. arg atc Attain in Sahasrar to merger in the Lord— For that’s the nature of the Brahma-Randbr (56) Here, fructifies your) practice with the Breath, RY. qe fe see we WaT am 7a fa af fiers gear warfa Ast ge a agua aa Way-farers bow-when they the Door=way reach. The House within is where one lives and moves, (Not) where one is no more). Activity There is within Samadhi’s peace ! ° ay. qaqa WA WAG AEA a aaa a aga at aaa WA GA We. A Wa aya Hae One must appreciate one’s Self, and that Is merging into Peace. The flame of love Must there blaze up and_ there subside. 3a. gy wa Ba. a GyT aaa far.aa. sia saa aa fama qual ast.faa fa aa ao This stage has not by Yam himself been won. They who were in it knew, none else. They, found this Mind to be the ‘highest! Self. ay, aft toga sated. arg eased a. agate are , gat a. gatdla aang ‘Fao ‘Tis where Dream ends, Deep Sleep begins, And ever, hums the uncaused’ sound, the! OM, It is stage ‘Fourth’ and’ what beyond’ that lies! (57) ac. afta gerfs fea aaa qa quad agua a. aa afa ae sed Ga aa 7 aa Fao You who have been all- Bliss above come down To Sangam through Ida, for there the Yogis send Good wishes unto all—perform the’ Shradh. we wa a. arfaa va faa RE. aa wet | a. aT faa qa gfga ga aa ae Now leave the Cave to Shiv, without whom none May enter hence your mind, To Him surrender self: aoe fea. faa. oora. feet WI Fy. Sat qa Fa AAI gota 4 ad a f& faa maf am Fao Turn not away from contemplating Shiv; Miss not the Man within the body’s veil— The juggler’s work of Maya’s hands. Be. ga nga ga fanart aifaaa a gga arat gaat Bp aa. Tat Hae To come, to go, is fancy of the mind; To watch this is the sage’s pilgrimage. All holy places are in one’s own Self ee. Tt 4a gt Wa aa Ga avfaa afar aH. ago a2. Be. By. ee. (58) ae. ara afa a ‘ana: Hao With senses satisfied come now te Navadal “Where all the’ worries end, and success. crowns One’s efforts in the pilgrimage of life. ae Sa gad Part aan. singe Faq aM Bl a, STA ae sae Wao Your body is the house of Gods, the deva-dvar Of this World’s forest. Give your all away— Know that the body is a borrowed house. hea ga a a. faqaara avfaa aa faay yaaa Fade FT. FUME F. A? TAA Hao You need not wander through the triple-world When you this ‘Vishnu’s Home’ attain, which has Three springs, Yamal, Kamal, and Bhavan called. s CEN aT. We GX AAT. At TRS BABA BAT FEAT GH, GeH.ea_ Fat Bao Worship the feet of Bharga and come out Of worldliness. Let light from Self remove Your darkness and so put an end to all The ills you earned in many lives, a. BI AagT! FB. ATA s& an mea fea wea ana za ta Fat sara ate Be. (59) Know that this Bharga Shakti is Durga’s self. The gods all bow to her; she is our own, Our chosen one+to us above all Gods. frase He a A.eT saa qa. as afar war g)a aga Qadq Wad aga Wao The Shiva-Shakti’s one, Her names and forms Are numberless. This understand yourself— Why need I say ? One has to raise oneself To Param Anand, the Highest Bliss. SoS 19 fiigat & farg. ABA gia. WA TWA Toa gest. fae BOA To know one’s own ‘Eternal Self ; to meditate Upon the real ‘I’ without the ‘me’ and ‘mine’ ; To stake one’s all on that—this is to die While one is active in the world. we Ta wa BA a gag wet gw q aya He sal’ BEg.0 The Veda says that naught beside That is | (60) Because what dies is not the living Self ; For it to say, ‘I am’ can not auspicious be te aaa a ae fegar faa za faa fa gar alg a. wa a. aq fa gar’ West. The Self is not the body or the mind ; Nor Reason, nor the’rules, nor yet success In Yog, nor yogic Power ; yet it is No illusion or fantasy ; aaa 9)yaa7 gaa af saga ga fafa Sagar aET.0 It has been by the Ved declared, and by The wise well recognised ; though it beyond All Reason. is beyond, the mind. ue grea a. fara aa Sa a. MA TIT fag a. fen fight a. ta aET.© It is by some named Shiv, by others called The Shakti. ’Tis not born. It is all light— The Sun by day, the Moon by night. aa faa srarq at afe a af wa avfaa aaa aa wea ° ?Tis Being, Gonsciousness, and Bliss, and fills The smallest mote. No one who knows it dies. a (61) aft ga weagda arfaa sre. gga avfaa ara. gaa Oo It takes away duality from minds ; It is because it is; it. makes that which Is non-existent seem to live and move, QeaeAT FT. AIT ag wa. faa aq We WRI VHA AUT Ea. The Highest Self, with naught above it, is _ Beyond all Time and Space ; the Teacher of Yo. The ruth. By it is filled what m ves and what Moves not—the liviug and the so-called dead. qfaa a. wher at faa ever senior qa a. Wat _- SET When one has with attention heard of It, One must form all dear ones and others turn Sway from hypocrites and those who learn The Books by rote but- do. not. understand. faa gags fare aff aft Gat AIST aeraqa ge a. fya ae aea.o Reflect on Consciousness without content Like empty space, and-see the Sun that rises not Nor sets—that is not born, nor dies. (62) 22. aft ea gq ata afa ar aa saga amar wea fee gata ‘ do In That all things are lost, absorbed ; the: self, The person, has no place. And this is God. aR. qa at} art qa qq af my aft aaaa 3 ot . wo The Sun no shadow has; you intercept His light and shadows make; you get away And shadows cease to be—no doubts remain. 22. a’ me. cafa oea, avfaa ge. neat 1 ge am fa fra g ara... ao Teo much of learning is no gain; throw out The lumber, nothing then will need repairs. 28. arata aifaeray afaara strat ae. si faaa a. 7 ao The Lord immortal shines by His own light By day and night—eternal as is space. ay. qa deat a y. aa a @ 3 4. ame dae a7 valas ao g&. ew. as. ge. (63) Without Him all you ‘may conceive, desirable Or otherwise, must hide the Light from you. siaifa afa av far faa ga wa sifaa arfaa wa ar fart ae | Oh. happy they who left all doubts behind For mind to struggle with! they found straightway . The Self, and, having done the task, now rest In perfect peace, the peace of Self. OF at. Vea Ye af af et aia aft de. aA Ho i i Love’s flaming notes will burn down all the dross ;. F’en water poured on it will act Ike oil. aaa agit ; | qav’a aa at afa a4 faut ao In this nine-windowed house the mind looks out 1 From all of them and never rests; the asperant Should shut them all—even holes and chinks, ar. Afa gfe aac dha a. Pea sat A aeq. VE TIA. Gal ae When he has seen the Temple thoroughly, He need not stay for ever there ; for God | . | | | (64) Is not confined to any ‘shrine ; ‘He is Within, without, and’ everywhere. ag. avfaa a. ae ae sift ate at aa faa sar fa at ae Let him 'tbrow open all the gates and go Where “hé''may like, for nowhere is there aught But God; so there is nothing that may taint. 20 af avfia [ga savas avfas fe arfas g)va ats Wat a. AS vf gear ar fas a You who presume to teach, though you have uot Come out of home, must learn that those who tread The Path are masters of the world—they who Without a: murmur took the bitter things And sweet—whichever came from ,God. aaa aa 3 arias ae for Ufa a ag as aaft var te X ea a fas ao Some this conveyance had some that; some slept All day and night ; some found a grave,some were Consigned to flames when dead. (65) ada: afte af ge. arfas aq. 4. aafa gal da wee frat faa a’ fae ao They were degraded ere they rose to higher ranks (Bewace, my soul! within your limits keep) They were first crusbed, and honoured afterwards. ga ga. th a | wa. ar’ fae arfae SIR PARC ate eat SF Aas Ta avfas ao He only who himself forgets the Master is ; Impostets lead the simple folk astray ; To those alone who walk upon the Path Its ins and outs are known {full well. naa. faa Safa afas a. ar fas fagaa faaa fa gala ata Eat F. USK aea_ dar faa Ho Garib says, “‘When they cleansed their hearts (of hate And lust and greed), their backs that had been bent Were made full straight; and then they could straight things And crooked ones cope ‘with so easily. x. (66) 21 ava ava waa | aa ae tS Z Waar aa —aita. God Himself is here, there, and everywhere. He does all things—Admirable are ail His ways ! QUT Far BX waa aera? faa sa faa ma sat—ota. , faa sna faa sna afta a’ APG «go The Springs and Autumns had no hand in aught ; All who were born have gone to waste; who killed Them all, when their life-spans did end? ga aja fara fara ara ara a4 at sie fa aa—aa ARP T GE GE Psa eT WG_ go Those whom He called found Him, none else, none else. Without His grace who can the Problems solve ? What dies and what survives? In what consists Our gain and in what less ?—Who knows ? ara Al gaa. Wane aT ara_ fa ere ey aaa. . s gy vy Tea aT saa ge Whence are these flocks ? Did potter or the smith Make them? Did butchers or the did shepherds tend Them all, or those who deal in skins? aifeer avfea g are wara_ (67) af afe afaeer at—aea. gia fe saat sear Fars go Had that Fakir my pain well diagnosed, A single dose would cure me. But he said,— “You will get well if you can bear the pain” aft 4 agro a. aaa faa aps Be > a aa Per Wa aa. Re Bh | LA saa ge No one will die: all will be well; let not Misgivings vex your mind. Paramanand has Preparations made and keeps himself in readiness ' 22 2. quar saa aq aufy aa TT. ag. Wa a sig None of us could the true life find if we did not Believe in ‘Thou are That’, the highest Self. UTA FVG sa we gen aa. ag. ad a sig afa qa. ga go ae oa a8 We must all bow to OM! and none need fear When we pronounce the mantra ‘He I am’. We do believe this e’en though men may laugh at us. vo (68) gaa. aff afe wa. aa. cae ae g)e aft ga a ae Qs af afa af aff aa wo Why should a torrent boistrous be? I’t may be gone A moment hence. Men call the ocean great, The torrent small. If man were told the truth (About his outer sheath) -he would enter A grave to hide his face in shame. aa ofa rar aaa afr aa aa yt wa aa aa a. ate gfe awe aban ga 3’o You can’t depend on walls of mud; for they May any moment tumble down. Why place A roof o’er them? No one can live there long. Oh, worry not yourself by piling more And more handfuls of mud on these! qa er qe aaa Fa ae arat fiat aa a aie BIST FATT Ae. TAB What seems so solid is mere mind; ’tis born Without a father-mother. Look outside The ‘Self, and Moha’s‘viper will bite you forthwith qa ga Way ae ae Weard qa ae qa a wie ay af gafaa. af aaa vo He who depends on his small self is lost— So lost that none may put him on the path— Salvation is the fruit of goodness, not of tricks ! REG. GA Bq. Aa ie aq gfe tqra ae go When I give my small self away with ‘I am He As mantra, none may laugh at me; for I Shall have retired to my heart’s Vrindavan. | z FARIA UWA We. ATE i! i 69) ©. garage aft Wa wae } | | ao aa fa Se a svan aa fa aeataa aaa Desirelessness brings perfect bliss; and when ‘A man loves naught but God, it means that God Is gracious unto that man’s mind. q WA TAA area aval aft asa % arfad aga a, 7a afa aft saga aa. afaga ofa aifaat qs 4, Ofer Ea. aha ga aa AAT oBa Should my Soul catch the meaning of the Bocks And know the Real Self, no questions would arise— No What or How-—She would no longer be To changes subject—grow nor young nor old; But if she won’t, how long shallI this truth Din into her unwilling ears? a aaa Gaaaa fren far vaga ga a ga a aaa wage at age qe AG a BRITA caTaT A qq AAA BAO (70) The mind in various aspects has been called Enjoyer and the object, knower and the known Shiv-Shakti, peace, control, affection, love, Devotion and Release. It is at’ once A pauper and a King Desirelessness Is for its ills the only remedy 8 aT gy daa a aa qa us. afaga ga ga aaa fraleat aa aaa sa Raq tea faa aren Fart aT sao The world’s a battle-field; the mind, the King, Is out to win, With latent longings or with none He tries to measure with a rod the Infinite, His Victory lies in turning back—in nothing else. xX. See WT ge a. Fe aT aR. afta vega ava, AT. Waa F wer tefl ware sega aa A, 3)a Bre, a af are Baa @T AAG ARO As in a mirror there is none except The seer himself, and no one fails to cee His face therein, unless he’s blind; so There’s nothing in the world except the Self Let man as ego cease to be, And cure his blindness—that removes the rust From off his mirror of the mind, §. aa fARA aa aKa ha aga age aa fi wa 2 Of aga of faa anteaa aa. varcastia faa aft af af at sa aaa stato By gentle persuation and by argument And slowly it behooves a man to bring The mind to reason, as the doctors do A lunatic; for otherwise ‘twill do ». 5 Xo, (71) As it may please, and’ not serve you aq faega g ae son oY 10% Your first requirement is listening to teachers : Then you may reflect on what you havérheard. Win the stage of living your thought-out philosophy and you will have direct perception of the Self. a TA FTE GA. aI FT frra-fta, aed ga. APRIL Bt um. Be. eet geaa aR Ba ia MAAN Ta WIGAN ni ow Freed from loves and hates, you may ‘enjoy the garden of peace with its fine lawns of intense dis- passion and cascades singing Shiva Om, Shiva Om ! me fata gfe aft efafa ae ga faa ae ma faa ag. saa fer we gaua ve faqname fea BL GE HC FEIT The bridge over Moha’s river consists of (controlled) (88) senses. Those who crossed over are God-men. Make the ten senses calmand they will be your servants. Then you can celebrate the festival of victory. ‘o. ofa suaa afe €% aren ga gaa aed Gage gafia ga ga wal aU ga ada sae Ba ge y. gear Be H. geaicl You ‘have ‘found the pearl-garland of Release. You - ,can put, it on. There is noone ‘to ‘bid @r ‘for- bid “you. You are independent. & eg mo mfa a a aa ae By ava seria anara a Fa mea. ta aftr aa. we Fa “He. SAAT Ae. SANT Though ‘you possess niuch, ‘not a bit ‘of’ it‘is' really yours. You have come to take your turn at this _ Grinding Mill. What you have brought here to operate in this life is passing out of the’Mill-basket of your physical requirments : When it is’ all out, you: must speed hence. “a, qUMAg. AA GAN Fa wa gt gq ah swe ga Gea fara. et Ba aatfaee aatfaarey , You, Parmanand, are supposed ‘to be’ a | house-holder. You too do your business like other men. He who a) (89) _is the Reality of the triple world will grant you all worthiness. 32 Miscellaneous faa ae. wa a. aa Ga BT aT saa sare A A WAT The Mind arising from Chit (Consicousness) is the * Moon; the Vital! Breath born of Sat (Being) is the Sun, ' Both enjoy the’ bliss of harmony. watead) at at sa aa “gremted awed. AS. Fa sey sated ag fers AA GSLATATA «To The great Lalla, when she practised yoga, was alone by herself in the highest Centre in the head, and recognised the Om in the “Sound-Point’” of the Spontaneous Hum’’ qq af aa. sarfa farerara efe -aesae BT Ae gna ara faa qa Fara She made the fifteen Jiva-digits of the Moon (of Consciousness) meJt away, till the sixteenth, Atma alone shone forth. Immediately the ‘Full Moon Day” appears before her inner vision. (90) qa whan 2a) gat arara oa. as. far. afe aga. ae @ 7a at sa wAaTaa sITo She showed (looked) the full image of the Mother just as butter comes out of mi’k by churning, That is the ghee which makes light (?) Rag. Fa | BART aA WAS. TH RTA BT. ge ats gia Ba. qa facarata sre O Parmanand, you have longed in vain to see the Shakti of Highest Bliss without a veil. Know that water is ice melted by the sun of love (?) We vaqa sesiga faa. sig agg am, Weyd sf qa qa aa gaa a wug7 Desirelessne ss, it has been said, is the desire for Bliss in the Self. Carry your vessel filled full and give up the habit of waking and sleeping. The contents of a Partiely, filled vessel move from side to side and may ‘all out. safe aa a. Skat ata ana sgeraa a fea fier. fafeee ferme dsr @ft ange afea are Nescience is like the springing-up into consciousness of a place that never existed; or, to givea simile, as a rice-field should seem to be seething with heat and giving out a foul smell in mid-winter ! ma Fer aaa: fa ag. ara aga Re. (91) gaa a sla siataa faat ga var aga qa afasa ga YS ga Be ga aringa ll arae Brahm in itself is the inactive Witness; but due to this false Maya. we cannot see it. Now, if it was inactive, what is the world it has thrown out ? The running away of Vasishta in the famous story was as much an illusion as the coming of the elephant. geal TT Ay TA WIA aaa aga qa ava STA WAS aA TAS STA taga fae diva amt ara Haga | ATae Listen to this advice in brief; for exact listening is a fair achievement: One must know the: Self, obey it, meditate on God, and live alone. This is to get rid of Maya’s division (?) ala qada. aa aa fafa arena sade aA We-eGsE AE) Be wa a. Te ga. fa aa. AA ANT. AAG. ATTA HAO Know, O Paramanand, the truth is the same everywhere Give up craving for sens -objects - sounds, contacts, sights, tastes and smells—and sport with Bliss, for you are the emptiness of pure Conciousness, and the light of Being. maz faaa e’ua aaaa fanaa fa aa fee ll warm fama aaa aNd BoM BAA TIT Sa | gaa sya gt fe a waa—faaae quidaa a faaa fana gaa arfiea } oa a 1a vem fa aqme Weat salaa—faade (92) Yama, the Judge of departed souls, does not summon them (or, cannot bring any charges against them), in whom this mind has become calm and cool In their hands ordinary stones become rubies, and blind eyes begin tosee They are never inclined towards empty words(or, useless pursuits). Parmanand and all, whoever they are, will ultimately reach the Goal. This is the grace of the OM tous who are igno- rant. QR, ALATA Ff SF Ala. ata @ asa AT a’ TT afaqaa Jaa. tifa arias st — Azo am wa Te Ga Reale i. 2 Sa Fa. We. aor 7a! afa eran ofa ofa aa. ga va—sigao ead. DL aa are wey Pa. wa eafa Va 7a I Maya, though unreal, is to be taken for real; for neither the ignorant nor the learned could under- stand it. Did you mark how a stone was thrown on the head of the most wise Kalidasa? It has been regarded asa garden in which flowers bloom, or as agrove with fruits, flowers, and blossoms of vari- ous kinds and colours. In’ some places (or sometimes) it is black as black poison ; in othors, whiter than butter. All these Cows - red, white, dappled, or grey— belong to, and are meant for feeding on butter, the milk stealing Child (Krishna) _ QQ ALTA. Tada Ha Aga SL EAT AVS) ga sa fr aga Sa HT Gaga wer Bea a GT aagga ae | (93) At ala AIGe GA A eaaT gfe gaa. gs tgga ara ll azo O my soul, die now, for in the end you must. Do something useful and be not idle like a cripple. Your body with so many holes is not worn > out now for the first time. Why then do you weep for it ? Pay not too muchyattention= to this flesh; one cannot eat dog’s meat even if one is hungry and thirsty A GLIMPSE OF SHRI LAKSHMAN, PARAMANANDA’S BEST DISCIPLE 33 afm 2 Ga et TS Tea a4 He. 8.8. T Wa aT AIT 2. OR Ree BA a. Tq aA aa a. at ANAL.) WZga TA a af ofa aa. wa wa a! Hé.0 2. den an., ofa et wae aa qa G aA BI aa Bart af da saa at wet a1 Fe.0 3. fa gaa. gf Par va waaa at wat at a. Aa’ ua fx afa aa (94) wa ae af at. sa aaa aa! Wz.0 g. ofa aa. aa tafe df ga a off at. saa a. ae. waa aft wo a aa & oa. aga aa Fz.0 x Fay. aa. fer Ga A BAT wy. AQ He a. WAT TVs AATA a. Ga sia oma sft Ga Waal = Az0 & Tae Whe aTAT 7 af aa go Waee aa at aa qa. afa wag wad a7! Wz.0 34 WA. AGA AWM, BATA aT. IVT qa gf ara zou aud fifcad Q. mMfarq aTar waeaaat feeetar aa. gear mfiera @.fe faa at att aghast aarad | ate % Ta Be ge a. gat efa star aPftaa aaa sifa am fafa a aim Far sa ga a att svat | age a (95) MUA Mer 2 MIUIT-AT? facarana fafterna er faa’ afa! rq aq gH te. RET aaa igo gad sare sftqaa ak af wen wagd ca af ga _ afa sufa @a_ga_aa_® fea sf era i dao —20s00— 35 aa aft dean gy frisea waa afta alga 21 a.fefe sma agate ga deat aFI0 rat ga ga sft dq mea aed YT. Mer, aa fa snfa wea afieana steal ao aft ¢q aaa afr afaniga arate aga g frcsne fq ary fa fagaa agea. mega! a’eqo qarat wea | VIRI aga eae a. Watt ag ara qaqa glg7 | ao (96) qe. Wega yt aq aelga- qe. gat af wey are aria Aa atftaa died aga | a. GX ga wr. X ag7 Tt afar a. ufsat ala. waa @a aa da aa wate | qa gt Fa. Tg aleT anft sraarfe aa Ga-STEIT aa. BI Ga q*)a-weg’ NST | quadg Vea ga a ga aaa v Ta at faa sr etat Sa. ALA Fa. AAT WET! 36 alae. AT SF aT Tet wat art et OTN eet aH FECHA TE. a aa asaa fafa sea dae. TaTAT aft aa. et. a! aa | RET a. digs sez. wVeqo awRIe | ayo aro © “laze a a. (97) ae. afr we. wife ee. at. WA Lae Mae Wel TAC! Mazo RX WG F. AAT | aL TEL. waa oa g7 esq Waar sana fea of aaet a aaer. | Hato i. tH. at aart Vez. gaa alt aa. &Ge WA wa-et. fra ait. Fe ar F Fa. | Hlazo WENA. TA. AA. A a. at phe “ax. Faz. gftaq? wht qr aracq faft sax. | Hato 37 ar 2a vaadgt. fea A scae sr || HU Wa UA-aw. AKA FASC HI aaat agia ga. vig X Fa a = fear! aif aay. ara fat. Sl MAE ws aa Il aig. &)a a) arg. @ faa ae aa fae AE g)a 2 ga a 8a waa Ge are. HlaPe afar | Qa THAT TT SQ)a AGA’ GA a. At A va we t ATA aT HAH A OT WRA AAT. ST Fgd Ia a (98) vy seal ge gat aca war sara a STS, AMAT AL TA BW FA. BAT aT. ufo % Sa gea mar frat war a. gran area’ Wa gen px wen ga a det Sua’ gate vq aq Ft aaa @fea.faa qed 7a’ | afto x. faa a. aera me gst wea sig avfiqa a OF aa 2 Waa aasaa orga a. sa aria F TIM se UI va a aa far af a a) arf g. sftga area € a.Uge Brat. Tsar ga a. Hat grqtga me. feat gaaq ga a aa awa gle Bea ATR AAT rater ara | atfato eo Ba Tat walt Baz, FAA. ACB ATTY ea qed Wa Wea as Meg HA a. | Hoa Wa Bar Hl ea Ha Gare A | aifae 5. aerate sta. aeny fragfaa ax g’ a 1 aT ga gaa a g Veet Ga waa a ae car ga F. sas WAT FAYE WaT | safer 38 Ua. ATA UA. aaa, BTA Ba ATA. Beal Q. Mara MIATA aT array (99) ETS Ua aad, wfraa ef ara a7. 37 fea de Tad) ara ago QATAR HR-aTa Garacat fa. safe dart aval. é-fe ofa. - grad sIAe faa aa. fara. flrs favre aft ga aa sual aia. Afs gar ala Aa a Ua aat| |. RIA igaran. faaraa. taal aa.2a waad aad, atetafa aafagke wet GR. Wsa ga Psi a. aati! Gime aa. facut faeamaqa aa. saa araaa fafa dee. qeatada az. % Ae Uaae me maaan afe aad! ITO qualag. 3 araea. mfaed. eget aga g ga We. % aq yeaa West ga a. ala Fa. waa SIO 39 aq faa snag. mifarg. al aq. area aware ata a fi (100) aa. mara. aa. gaat cso fara sarat SH, Ta BA aa, Tait | aye Aas Te-saI Meg. waa a. fara af wa a.fg sath ag aa | aa Haravae. Bead wa, wa. gata wat DA. He. Sa Wee. ata! aa are fag create areata areat arf ara ore. Aftaa eee aefare war | aa . Fa FA. TA. BV GAS F Tea G. Ona a ar'ara & aid. ate. waaifa aq. aa | Hae af aft avfaa a, aft gaa aera ® eft eft afa gaz fey aie. ferq-fiez aiet! Rae wag 2 ayaa qa qaa afa Qt a. gleq wWaTAa Saas aviaa a aq Wats aa ae faa 4. Waa gen. eee aaaafe ath Fa-gTE as arqaeq. Wa qaaeq. ala | aq waft aa. srfaa a. F faa -az are & Mat g B far az R.. az. ga. Re. g. (101) aa. aPfa qa Rag. Wa! -- Ba Jessa g sree safe gar arr fraae ws ga @ faqu-aeg. ala! aa aiftat agfta aa afara MEET We sea aq. aa BBM aT, ale aa Safe fea. ga-ga. Sea aia. Ga cf Saat aa aaa lit tz, ae | aa afa aaa afa afr sitet ga. ya. ga ga St Wega ya S sa-ag. ata aq sufi aif ara ma aaa Ma Mgt G7 WAT weary J ARs, aet | aa — te 40 WS. WA. Wa. aT Tet. ft TTT WIAA TAR | Hrlgy | aa aa. Aa. wig. Oa .. ARTA (102 wea. afa ear = adlg7 Pra va waits za. etfer Haaa fats ore, fan. faeaa agra fife aga gaa aga fate aft aata wafs nara qa-ga, aa. fra. ye STAT aia xeq. af ahr aig aaa a mf ast sgaaa aaa at ara Sera Henefra ar fe arte Qe. AT ala eg. a aTAT wife ga waad ee. afaaa afa aft tf wa aiga au-wme arfaa a. aa-saaa qfeafe aia gfe sata fafa-fara of frag agg. aa. afa ga faatad afeat & Seat A-SI aga. fr. ecaga agaa A eT. aca quae WAY. WA GI T. wTATAa aq. qW. ga § faadtga qr ggae wWe Wo, qe We a (103) ga. Fa Te THMs aaa Wo —copetoo— AL fra. gieC Wa-wa ax Ta wa afe yee. Tart. wa a7] fata. froma fac-screrat sua, sated. arefaeg wea eaeaeas GR. TI Te fio af aga. af sate. amet sala. faa, faaa-at faa Gas. wa TT fate fama. aff aurdat fF ef afe sfgastar FERGY-OF a. a Tas filo Bema usaf waa. aa saa. asa. TaTZTATAt sitar qa. wa wa * farqe MaMa. ATA BAA AAs FOUTATL. TWAT TOUTS Fada. FA. AA, A. We Ta Ta faze. (104) sarafe 34 qa.-9a wee Sara -wda. afe-afa gear gla. @ afa afa se. sa 97 fate ga-ga. gaa gaaazat ga. WAU Ga g mga grat aARg. Hag. TAT fae 42 aa. at. aa. saa. oferet ama dan. faa | faa a. aE AveT as ave Te after Bq. wag. GS. Fa. Wey Be. wat after Ta qaqa & aayfar algo ge a. Sac 22. ze. fart wa. aa ser wa. Oge arert a cla afa sla’far aTqo ae maze sls Tad alecne fafa ama um avga a.g afaga aer aaa amt -faeqt ta. feet ato toga. wager win. ain afar an Qo, RR. (105) s@ svfad ge. aria aa aie aearaa fea -fig. fafa saa’ fea 1 ate 2e-fife a fafa aaa aeedt sige Tt. gma gta aaa afew siga a Rat fi ae hat aqo we 297 ga faagt os. gega fa gat WFIU Fa a sgl an. fea. Para’ga ars Weaig ay. apart are af 8. g3a qa svgA qa aga Tea aft arena. aftavga sfadga a. aaa gu targa fi fr afaa aa gata aaa. ear RS sae. fer we fea. 94H: feats ais afaraa ait fafa BUR: aaa vfar alae ara afer area af arfaa ats 2 oft aga are gfow eft afar ata. sf cra age sat aifya, oz. fea arae afa fafs ga suf eigt qaqa at qee7 dat 2 at aia em amas. fgg gifs Grae, aris fare ATO! are. Aaa a. GIS wT Mele few’ re me Waa af ae aia aay ae. 3. Re. XX. 88. ge. a. (108) ga fe aiaca afte. fat Tao wa -afs fafe-fafe wiaaa eae waa. aT’ sit foaredt fase aaa ata art aa aaa a. aa. eft alae aft aG.Ae a. ait. agaa | aieq_ fafa serat Fe. PAST TEAL Us. sd Wa af sga efa ae. war ate aa Aaa aaavfaa fae af aa anf ava yeaa wRePaa wa aaa av faa at wea alle afar alge aft wfaa ge tad Raa aa ga ava araariaa arfeae qwaa ga fe at farea ara’ fret alae at aga sae da fafa géq alga aa BAG FAA. Al aT Raga ga aga aa. aa fa whaafar ale & qfa a Aafia sa. ga ga oat snfad! aa aff eat gf aft faa rat aa ata fy fade aro ag dat ofa aga fargo avast wa WENT Aa, afta geese av frat a yp parara ga aft ara —copeoo— 8 a (107) 42 Batrel ersa TaTsT'a wa wast ofarat fagdi Sad fremrar'a aa aie. fae fara wa fat qaf ag sara wae aah wa. ge are shaard aiken a. a ae TT qe BT md ga. ore wa ae. dz. tea dade axe. adem at ee. ae. area Ae. Ge HE waI0 arau fa ave fia P werd area fy Ba aA AVA qaatad fafa fae. sara wae ace Ba Gea. ATH. oT STH. ATE. ater fa ga ats afr Ss ware sae Te da ala Aa. aera eal a. Vas sat aa fata. ard wae qzea WE eM aa gaa Pa seas aaa WEA aS. TAAL ato ara areq sia Sava a’fira aer.ats a’ qa MT BA aaa aa wo afta. ara ora aaa aT aa. AAT AT Ro gy. 2. “ « 86. (108) ama fe aq at arua aa We aftaa ara st aa ava aa fee asa ap Rey a aia gat ara faqra wae FT. SA gia Was Tea’ sa. ae ara saree aa. raft as gl aara’a 310 afta & asta &. Tama arf aft aaa ay’ aay gfe wae Ta aad wae vq Vy gee we safer eva arfe aft 3)ar we, erat aft gaa am. gff gan’a sao sofa af saa mara sre Me. SteEPAy wa. azgrada af dart aa ae. Wa eam gas qs Waa aay | qt a “agar Daar’a Hao ave aPat aaa sa aft Rear 9a say ora. wala aft eta. We. a ago qearagal. ag GA TERY | TA FA AV gaa sat GWT II lszol| SeS> PRINTED AT THE FINE ART PRESS, SRINAGAR,

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