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[pO SOESHESUETSOSTSIESOES : fi ard Military Railway Service | Director and General Manager Col. Frank S. Besson, JR. | General Superintendent Lz Col. J. J. Cluez Supt. Of Transportation Lr. Col. R. E. Mattson Asst. Supt. Transportation Lt. Col. A. L. Hunt Supt. Car Service Major E. J. Career Supt. Of Equipment Le. Col. A. M. Bruce Chief Engineer Major C.'M. Jordan General Storekeeper Lt. Col. C. L. Wakeman All personnel in the Military Railway Service will exert every effort to insure the prompt move- ment of all trains at all times. Subject to the military situation safety is of first importance in the discharge of duty. ESE SOE OE SSO SSS SSE SE EE SOS SES SOS seve EEE EE IRANIAN STATE RAILWAY TIMETABLE . No. 4 Taking Effect 1400 Hrs. 20 OCTOBER 1944 Supersedes Time Table No. 3 For information of Military Railway Service Personnel MRS Form No. 17 No. 2266 ‘ a * 3s f i Division Officers | | | | Northern Division Maj. Geo. Baylor Superintendent Teheran | Cape. H. C. Kahn Asst. Superintendent ‘Teheran ] Lt. W. C. Henshaw Train Master Teheran iy ‘MiSgt. M. R. Deckinger Division Operator Teheran Capt. C. F. Grigg Division Engineer Teheran righ V. Hilstrom Maszer Mechanic Teheran Central Division i Maj. W. T. Rice Superintendent Andimeshk | Capt. H. W. Martens Asst, Superintendent ‘Andimeshk / Lt. W. T. Aye Train Master Andimeshk i Capt. L. B. Trout Chief Train Dispatcher Andimeshk , Capt. T. H. Fowler Division Engineer Andimeshk | Capt. C. F. Gilpin Master Mechanic ‘Andimeshk Southern Division { Maj. H. M. Curtiss Superintendent Ahwaz 1 Maj. G. E. Lourie ‘Asst. Superintendent Ahwaz Capt. F. H. Wagner Train Master Ahwaz | Lt. W. A. Taft Chief Train Dispatcher Ahwaz } Capt. C. Djuvik Division Engineer Ahwaz Capt. D. W. Ramsey Master Mechanic Ahwaz | Special Instructions» | 1, When but one time is shown at a station it will be the leaving time | from that station. } 2s At. points where passenger trains meet the schedule time for both trains is shown in heavy type. 3. The following abbreviations shown immediately to right of station name indicate. “ } a > W = Water ” ae F - Fuel P - Telephone T - Turntable Y - Wye NORTHERN DIVISION = Time Table = ae Beep! 30 October 1944 ms 1i700|tosoof yard | o | TRN TEHERAN W-r-T-P-y | 927.1 12135 |aos00 \ 10.1 1716| 0817 44|46 [46 10.1] TSD —Tappeh-Sefid P| 917.0] 2121] 0742 | poco 101 — — Xa 1732| 0835] 44) 44 20.5] ARI Aprine P} 906.6] 2103] 0727 15.5 1759} 0902] 46|46/—} 36.0] SRR — Shahriar W-P| 891.1] 2039} 0704 23-0 * 1834] 9938]45/45,—]| 59.0] RSR — Rode-Shoor P] 868.1] 1957] 0624 | 23-3, 4928] 1029] 45/45|—| 82.3] PRK Parandak P| 8448] 1928] 0544 16-3 1954] 1108] 45| 45/37] 98.6] NHI Nahid P| 828.5] 1839] 0508 ay 2030) 1141} 45] 45 116.3] KPG — Koub-pang we Je} 16.7 2055] 12051 45| 47/47] 133.0] AVD Andjilavand P | 14.8 2124) 1236|44|44|—| 147.8] NWJ Nowdej P } 16.6 2150] 1302}45|47|47| 164.4] POL Pell P 16.0 180.4] QUM QUM W-EP-Y 180.4] QUM QUM W-EP-Y 19.9 200.3] SAI Zageh P 20.0 220.3] BGK —Baghyek we 14.0 234.3 SAN Savarian we 13.4 o0ss|—_|44) 44 —| 247.7] RGR Rahgerd P jer 47.7 0138| —__} 45] 47| 47] 265.4] NGR —Nanegerd P veiw . - 20:2 0214 46|46|—| 285.6] MHD Meshkabad we j 18.7 | 0249 }___] 46 46 | 46] 304.3] MKD — Malekabad P ! 16.0 1Ao315|___| 320.3] ARK ARAK Daily Daily Except | Friday Friday | Except Only Only } Thur. aFri | andSat| - Iranian State Ra z From From Gee SOUTHERN DIVISION S| Khorramshahr - Branch 2 me Table = No. a 30 October 1944 oO} AWZ Ahwaz W-F 200 20] ATR Abe - Tamour., 210 41|HMD Hamid wre 20.0 61] AHU — Ahou 20.0 81} HEH — Hosseinieh we 20.0 101]GAT — Garm - Dasht 22.0 123| KRM Khorramshahr W-F-Y-P SOUTHERN DIVISION 19.4 43:0] CBI Cheybassi = 30 October 1944 0| HEH — Hosseinich wre 19.4 International Boundry Iraq Iran 5.6 25.0] AKA Akela 18.0 g » « Kilometers T-P Sinn Kilometers From heybassi <3 ae a a RULES i ( § The general rules and regulations governing personnel in the ¥ i transporsation department are issued in book form. | _ Personnel whose duties are prescribed by these rules must pro- ] i me) re ee a No. 4 Leaving Teheran Saturday and No. 3 Leaving Ahwaz Monday will accommodate Military personnel only. : 8S Local freight service will be operated on each division as designated by the division superintendent. Al station tracks, except at terminals, will be numbered con. secutively starting with the track nearest the station building as No. 1. Sation track capacity in equivalent cars is based on 20 ton cars, 40 ton cars equalling one and one half cars. On the Northern and Central Divisions track capacity includes two locomotives. On the Southern Division track capacity includes one locomotive. TABLE OF SPEEDS a Kilomerers-per how One Kern — Minutes Seconds > 12 0 8 7 30 10 6 Oo E 12 5 0 5 4 0 18 3 20 20 2 0 25 2; 24 ‘ 30 5 0 35 1 43 ~— --40— L 2. 7 45 1 20 50 1 35 1 60 1 DISTANCES SHOWN. i IN KILOMETERS CHEYBASSI KHORRAMSHAHR BANDAR SHAHPOUR \ a MILITARY EDUCATION None Academic 2 ‘IVILIAN OCCUPATIONS ¢ PLAEMAN, LUCOMOYIVE: Worked for 2 years, 1940 to 1942 for New. York Central R. R., Indianapolis, ind, fired locomotives with coal stoker, Was familiar with safety rules. Was overseas 30 months in Lren with the 754th Reilway Shop Battalion | and the 730th Railway Operating Battalion. ak 3 SayayRe OF eranarion GLASuncaTION | m YAME OF OrrceR nds Simrad vAvAD R, £ANDELL SEPARATION QUALIFICATION RECORD FORM. IT WILL NOT | t ae tn, a ae a sper nk ei Ca Ly Tp eaeced 7 pomnal mcvewe The ormation those ela etara ts bod Serk Sapercnss bused on te nivdua ome semen, "The veran may greene thi document to frmer employer, spec employer, pestis of tools or college, or ase im ay other way that may prove bevel 0 him | 3 Pvt Basic Training (521 370 833| Tec 5 | Unknown __| 15 Pfco | Boiler Maker — (030 PERMANENT HAILING ADDRESS (So, Cp Coy, Sa) 8 6/6 | *sx6nen Locodoti ve: 5101 Massachusetts Ave., (111 Indisnapolis, “erion County, Ind. | 12 T/5 |; Engineer Locomotive © RATE or exray wo |7 Gare OF SEPARATION | @ OATE OF mrs | (10 |_11 Sep 42 | 5 Nov 45 | 5 Deo 20 Separation Point |__Camp Joseph T. Robinson, Arkm sas | ‘SUMMARY OF MILITARY OCCUPATIONS jm: 5 ii ENGINEER, LOCOMOrivE: Wae an engineer operating all typeé of loco=.. motives overseas, Knew semaphore signals. Was responsible for safe operation and delivery of locomotive, train aud errgo. RELAYED CiViLiAN OCCUPATLON: Locomotive Engineer WD AGO rom "Ths orm nupesedes WD AGO Form WW, 15 Taly 104 which Wil ht be Oe Mt 44s 100 Nea APFSD Ol gt lee AT of olKY St Ls. R. ‘Tpancupanckan xxenesuan nopora {X UP LINE CLEAR TICKET _ Flytenas reactonorpamma yy Us lsT aly alae ed g To The Driver of Train No. \\ afad fled oh Mauunucty noesna . g Description ) oR ee eters —Pon mosena ae . 7 aca You are Authorised to-Proveed Pasfemaerca npocnenosary «fas nn Sas-a MELE Fora et Hs ear To, Sen eee B 7 Time : Date xc of Pha ie aa eer er Station 7S aan Signature of Station Master BNI eet Crauuan 72>" Moanuce aexypHoro 10 ts fsa aot Ahew pe pad of pace grbor : i UU olagle Sg Ve oted bees Vt 205095 a Honorable Discharge Theis ts te cerlfy thal ALBERT E JONES 35 370 833 Teo fth Grade Company C 730th Rail ating Battalion Arnty of the United States a terely Henovally Discharged fiom he military service f he United Hates f Umerica. Dhei cer feca tai awarded as a lestimontal f Dienel SEPARATION Given al’ cany Joseph QDule 5 November 1945 ingon Arkansas Executive Officer SE Te ee ee i ENLISTED RECORD AND REPORT OF SEPARATION HONORABLE DISCHARGE 205095 Jones Albert E Tee 5,| 1 AUS mmerngs 6 7s0th Ry Con Ea arate smnmmen Sep Point Gp JY xobinson Ark p_J_T Robinson ark 5101 Mass Ave Indienapolis See 9 "20 Tell City Indiena oO Brown | Brown |5%9" | 155 ses. Engineer Locomotive “| E BATTLES AND CANA aera a my Nac Fas None Fequest of any guaranty oF insurance benefit unde ti European African widdle Zestern frebbe tte p00 tee tea eee Non! — ae wamermor 5 : a Sa Teal eee mae | agunas [oruas 13 Jan 45 3 Mer 43 Teo 5 ai gui 45 | Usa 16 Jul 45 None Conv of Govt AR 615-565 15 Deo 44 and RR 1-1 i BeOOLS ATTENDED az aovearign (Yoar] Baealos(O- PAY DATA erie a a “too incr INSURANCE NOTICE z Lapel Button Issued ASR 66 (2 Sep 45) De) Te "Geel, iy ThereaBes Bb? ge ~

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