Malala Un Speech

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Malalas Speech to the United Nations

1. Which statement most strongly supports Malalas claim as to why the Taliban restricts the rights of
women and girls?
(A) We realize the importance of light when we feel darkness, and realize the importance of our
voice when we are silenced.
(B) The Taliban thought that a bullet would silence us, but they failed
(C) The wise, old saying, the pen is mightier than the sword is true. The extremists are afraid of
books and pens. The power of education frightens them.
(D) The Taliban thought that they could stop our aims and ambitions.
2. Which media, the article or the video of Malalas speech to the United Nations, most effectively
provides information to address why Malala continues to risk her life by speaking out against the
restrictions placed upon women and girls by the Taliban?
(A) The video because in her speech Malala says she believes, Our words can change the world,
we are all together united for the cause of education.
(B) The video because in her speech Malala says, I raise up my voice not so that I can shout, but
so that those without a voice can be heard.
(C) The article because it says, How dare the Taliban take away my rights to education.
(D) The article because it says, Malala was taught to stand up for what she believed.
3. What explanation best describes the impact of Malalas use of the phrase, Dear Brothers and
Sisters ?
(A) Malala says this because she is young and wants to appeal to youth of the world.
(B) Malala says this to thank the children for their innocent words that encouraged her to heal when
she was recovering.
(C) Malala says that this is the worlds fight and not just hers. She is speaking for those without a
voice, so they can be heard.
(D) Malala says this because she is imitating other activists who came before her, such as Martin
Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela.

4. In her speech to the United Nations, Malala Yousafzei says, One child, one teacher, one book,
one pen can change the world. Explain what she means by this and how this phrase is important to
the world. Use evidence from what you know about Malala, from the article, excerpts from her
memoir, I Am Malala, and the video of her speech to the United Nations to support your response.

I cannot believe how much love people have shown me. I have received
__________________________________ from all over the world. Thank you to all of them. Thank
you to the children ________________________________. Thank you to my elders whose prayers
strengthened me.

Dear brothers and sisters, do remember one thing. Malala day is not my day. Today is the day of
every _______________, every_______________, and every _______________,who have
____________________________________. There are hundreds of Human rights activists and
social workers who are not only speaking for human rights, but who are struggling to achieve their
goals of education, peace and equality. Thousands of people have been killed by the terrorists and
millions have been injured. I __________________________________________________.
So here I stand... one girl ______________________________.
I speak ______________________________, but for ______________________________.
I raise up my voice not so that I can shout, but so that those without a voice
Those who have fought for their rights:
Their right to______________________________.
Their right to be ______________________________.
Their right to______________________________.
Their right to ______________________________.
Dear Friends, on the 9th of October 2012, the Taliban shot me on the left side of my forehead. They
shot my friends too. They thought __________________________________. But they failed. And
then, out of that silence came, thousands of voices. The terrorists thought that they would change our
aims and stop our ambitions but nothing changed in my life except this:
_______________, and _______________ was born. I am the same Malala. My _______________
are the same. My _______________ are the same. My _______________, are the same.
Dear sisters and brothers, I am not against anyone. Neither am I here to speak in terms of personal
revenge against the Taliban or any other terrorists group. I am here to speak up for the right of
__________________________________________________. I want education for the sons and the
daughters of all the extremists especially the Taliban.
Dear sisters and brothers, we realize the importance of ____________________ when we see
darkness. We realize the importance of ____________________ when we are silenced. In the same
way, when we were in Swat, the north of Pakistan, we realized the importance of
____________________ when we saw the guns.
The wise saying, ________________________________________ was true. The extremists are
afraid of books and pens. The power of _______________ frightens them. They are afraid of
_______________. The power of the ______________________________ frightens them. And that
is why they killed 14 innocent medical students in the recent attack in Quetta. And that is why they
killed many female teachers and polio workers in Khyber Pukhtoon Khwa and FATA. That is why they
are blasting schools every day. Because they were and they are afraid of _______________, afraid
of the _______________that we will bring into our society.
The terrorists are misusing the name of Islam and Pashtun society for their own personal benefits.
Pakistan is ______________________________ democratic country. Pashtuns want education for

their daughters and sons. And Islam is a religion of _______________, _______________,and

_______________. Islam says that it is not only each child's _______________ to get education,
rather it is their _______________and _______________.

Dear fellows, today I am focusing on women's rights and girls' education because they are
Dear sisters and brothers, now it's time ______________________________.

Dear brothers and sisters, we want schools and education for every child's bright future. We will
continue our journey to our destination of peace and education for everyone. No one can stop us. We
will speak for our rights and we will bring change through our voice. We must believe in the power
and the strength of _______________. Our words can ______________________________.
Because we are all together, united for the cause of education. And if we want to achieve our goal,
then let us empower ourselves with the weapon of _______________. and let us shield ourselves
with_______________ and _______________.
Dear brothers and sisters, we must not forget that _______________of people are suffering from
poverty, injustice and ignorance. We must not forget that _______________of children are out of
schools. We must not forget that our sisters and brothers are waiting for a bright _______________
So let us wage a global struggle against _______________, _______________, and
_______________and let us pick up _______________and _______________. They are our most
One _______________, one _______________, one _______________ and one _______________
can _____________________________________________.
_______________ is the only solution. _______________. First.

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