Unit Plan Template: Stage 1 - Desired Results

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Unit Plan Template

A template based on Understanding by Design

What makes a good friend?

Title of Unit

Language Arts, Math, Science


1 week

Cay-Lee Honey

Developed By

Stage 1 Desired Results

Prescribed Learning Outcomes:
Social Emotional Thinking: caring behaviors build healthy relationships
Students can make AB patterns using provided materials
Students will be able to go on a nature walk and find a rock that is unique to them.
Making predictions while engaging in literature.

Unit Theme/Issue of Inquiry/Narrative

Background knowledge is the zones of regulation, which focuses on self-regulation.
In order to create a caring community in the classroom, students first need to be able to be empathetic towards a

Rationale: The unit focuses on how to build healthy relationships with peers. Students will engage in math play,
language arts lessons and nature walks, all of which connect to a theme of friendship.
Behavioral Objectives:
Students will be able to name two things they can do to be a better friend.
Students will be able to make AB patterns using materials provided.
Students will be able to verbally explain why it is important to have friends.


Essential Questions:

Building healthy relationships with peers is a lifelong

skill that begins at a young age. Healthy relationships
are the key to empathy in the classroom and leads to a
healthy community of learners.

How can you be a good friend?

What makes a good friend?

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

Formative Assessments

Summative Assessments

AB pattern friendship bracelets

Verbal confirmation of understanding

Students will be assessed verbally through a one on one

conference to see if they can name two things they can do
to be a good friend.

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Should be Differentiated
Potential Barriers to Success / Areas to Differentiate:

Lack of motivation from boys thinking that this unit is too, girly. To overcome this barrier I will provide several books
for the boys to see an example of ways that boys have developed positive and healthy relationships with each other.

Introducing the Unit: Introduce the unit through the story, Everybody needs a rock. Further introduce the
story through asking the question: what is a friend? And doing a K/W/L chart.

Sequence of Lessons: The basics of what you plan to do in each lesson of the unit.


Lesson Activities (Learning Experiences)

Read the story everybody needs a rock: Discuss the importance
of nature to aboriginal cultures. Talk about what a friend is and



what can be a friend (relating to the book.)


Go on a nature walk to pick out their own rock:

Questions to inquire: What does it mean to be a good friend?

Involve their rock in an art project- painting the rock and making it
unique to them

Friendship learning centers, in which students work with peers to

promote a healthy community around the school.
Question to inquire: How can we make a difference as a class?
Field Trip: Students go to a senior center to read stories with the

Digital Citizenship: students log on to school website and write

complements about each other on the compliments page.

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