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My Goals for Semester Two

Nate Vanderwal
Activities I
enjoyed so
far this
where I
well or
made good

The activities I have enjoyed so far this year are:

taking part in AFL 9s, the swimming program, the
Chinese Lion Dance in LOTE, playing basketball in
PE and practising for the production in Performing
Arts. I am looking forward to the production
I think I have done well in Basketball in PE and
AFL 9s.
I think I done well in Performing Arts because I
have been working harder and concentrating
I think I have done well in Art because my
drawings have improved a lot.

Areas I find Areas I find a bit challenging are:

Thinking of ideas to write about
Division in Maths
, or feel I
I want to learn more about the Chinese words
need to
Getting better at drawing figures in Art
improve in:
My goals
Two are:
I will
these by:

How I will
know I
my goals:

Learning my x7, x8 and x9 times tables

I want to improve my ICT skills
I want to improve my understanding of
Division in Maths
I will practise every night, I will practise my
Maths fast facts in class until I am confident.
I will get better at my ICT skills by listening to
people when they talk about ICT and by
asking people to show me things
I will practise my skills in Division and work in
a small group, I will ask for help if I need it.
When I can recall my x7, x8 and x9s facts
straight away.
I will know when I will get better at ICT when I
dont have to ask people for help and can use
more programs independently.
I will know I get division when I can do the
Maths activities and understand the strategy

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