Quiz 2

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EDPS 693

Quiz 2
Amy Donovan

1. Parenting styles are identified along the two axes of control/demandingness and
responsiveness into four main styles. These are:

1. Authoritarian
2. Indulgent Permissive
3. Authoritative
4. Neglectful

2. Auger (chapter 3) states that A first step in effectively addressing racial and cultural issues
impacting students is to examine one's own beliefs/attitudes regarding race and culture.

3. Auger (chapter 4) talks of two types of cognitive processes youth engage in when
choosing behaviours. The two processes are called:

4. Response Valuation, which involves making a judgement about whether the behavior
under consideration is socially/morally acceptable.

5. Outcome Expectancy, which involves making a prediction about whether the behavior
under consideration will bring about positive outcomes.

6. When seeking to understand students disruptive or aggressive behaviours, it is helpful to think

of three distinctions that characterize the behaviour or personality of the child. These are:
Proactive vs reactive aggression
Understimulated vs overstimulated
Chronic vs acute problems

7. Define the term managing contingencies :

Auger describes 'managing contingencies' in terms of the following - "make it pay to

behave". He advises educators to recognize that which is reinforcing for students by
involving them in the selection of reinforcers; individualization is essential for the success
of contingency management, particularly for disruptive students. Reinforcement is
contingent on the display of desirable behavior. Two examples of contingency management
interventions: Token Economy & the Good Behavior Game.

8. Auger (chapter 5) discusses several behavioural feedback strategies for classroom use
for elementary students with AD/HD. Name 2 of these:
Proximity Control
Behavior Chart

9. Name 6 strategies to increase structure for AD/HD students in the classroom:

Be predictable

Make rules clear & explicit

Provide an advanced organizer

Set learning expectations

Set behavioral expectations

Signal impending transitions

10. For children with mood disorders, Auger (chapter 6) suggests three specific classroom
strategies to maximize students success. Name them:

Enlist teacher's help

Provide assistance with memory

Prize effort, not intellect

11. Mood disorders have core symptoms of disruptions of mood and affect. Youth with mood
disorders may look sad and depressed but are as likely to come across as touchy and irritable.

12. Auger (chapter 7) states that anxiety cannot coexist with deep physical relaxation. Thus,
they might benefit from learning a relaxation procedure such as progressive muscle relaxation.

13. (Auger chapter 8) Autism spectrum disorders are described in the DSM as being
characterized by severe and pervasive impairment in several areas of development:

Reciprocal social interaction skills

Communication skills

Presence of stereotyped behavior, interests and activities

14. Name four strategies to make the school experience predictable for ASD students (According
to Auger):

Be consistent

Signal upcoming transitions

Illuminate the hidden curriculum

Make adult language clear & simple

15. Auger (chapter 9) discusses a process for sharing difficult news with parents or caregivers.
The sequence of this process is:

Step 1- Check parents perceptions of the problem area

Step 2- Validate areas where parents' perceptions are correct & gently share new

Step 3- Engage in a therapeutic discussion about the news

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