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Logo Design - Assessment Task

Your task is to redesign the logo for Your Own Multimedia Company
The logo should incorporate the following key points.

The logo should symbolically (in graphic form) incorporate the

values of the company.
The logo must be unique to your design/multimedia company and
be instantly recognizable as representing that company e.g. may
include graphics that show how the company physically look or
more importantly what it does.
It should be modern and striking.
Should be created in Adobe Illustrator.
The logo must be created from no more than 4 colours.
The logo must include the name of the company.
You should conduct research into images, graphics, colours and
logos that already exist.
You must use the Design Principles when creating your logo.

2) Create a 1 page Word.docx that covers the following.

You must find at least 10 examples of well designed logos as part of

your research;
5 from multimedia/design companies and 5 from businesses of your
choice. Analyze these logos from the perspective of the Design
Brainstorm a list of words, graphics, symbols and colours that speak
positively about your company and what it does.
Sketch as least 5 draft versions of your design before creating your
final design in Adobe Illustrator.

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