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Luck and the dynamic power of Ori (Head)

Few people realize their head is a powerful deity that direct and
protect them throughout their entire life span, and furthermore their
head contains the blueprint of destiny. Traditional Yoruba people of
South West Nigeria, West Africa, believe that prior to the birth of a
child, the child appears before Oldmar (God all Mighty), and on
bending knees receive his or her destiny.
In the Yoruba language, Ori means the physical head, including the
brain and mind. Ori is essential to life because no one can live without
a head. Ori is the supreme deity charged with the responsibilities of
creator and dispenser of destiny. Ori epitomizes the essential
qualities of God and is an extension of Gods functioning in creation.
Therefore, Ori is each individuals personal god, the god within, that
creative spark that exists in every human being. As the blueprint of
ones destiny, Ori is essential to the understanding of luck; and luck is
the most important element responsible for human success or failure.
Your Ori must approve of any and everything you do; good or bad.
Everything you think of doing has come to you from the source of all
thought, the unmanifest, absolute, unified field of being and is part of
destiny. The Sacred Ifa Oracle of traditional Yoruba culture indicates
that the spiritual universe is the plane of potentiality and the physical
universe is the plane of actuality the plane where potentiality met
preparedness and manifest into physical reality. Each individual is
born into this Earthly world with his or her own share of potential luck,
good and bad. Potentials are expressed through the faculties of the
five senses: sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch. Thoughts, hopes,
wishes, dreams, and desires are influenced by these five senses. In
traditional Yoruba culture each individual desire to have Ire (good
fortune): long life, good health, peace of mind, prosperity, and a wife
or husband. On the other hand, Ajogun (warriors against man): death,
sickness, lost, paralysis, and litigation represent bad fortune and bad

Ori, the outer head symbolic of destiny has its counter part in Ori Inu,
the inner head symbolic of character. Destiny and character works
hand in hand for the progress and success of an individual soul.
Ones good character is a reflection of ones higher self, the god
within. In fact, it can be said that the real purpose of life is to display
ones good character to the world. By practicing good character one
increases the power of his luck. Good character is morality and
connotes positive and virtuous attributes such as integrity, straight
forwardness, and honesty, including honesty of conduct, meaning
being trustworthy, loyal, fair, and sincere. . Conversely bad character
typically involves lying, cheating, stealing, gossiping, envy, jealousy,
using profane language and engaging in underworld activities such
as murder, rape, selling of illicit drugs, prostitution, and committing
any unlawful act.
Life is full of potential opportunities waiting to be manifested on the
physical plane. Ones destiny is the will of God. All your life goals are
already an accomplished fact. If this were not true you would not have
been able to think of them in the first place. Anything you can think of,
can visualize your self-doing and is willing to work towards achieving
can be accomplished, with a strong, approving, Ori. I will share one
technique that will help strengthen your Ori and that is by being
grateful to your Ori for all its blessings.
Morning prayer to your Ori (Head)
When you wake up in the morning before you do anything or speak to
anyone do this simple but dynamic technique: place both your hands
on the right and left sides of your head, with your palms open and
facing upward, grasp your head with your hands, greet your head and
pray. Good morning to you, my beloved Ori (head). I think you for all
your blessings of yesterday. Thank you for guiding me in the right
direction, in the direction of long life, good health, peace, and

prosperity. Thank you for protecting me from all harm. Thank you for
opening my roads to success. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
You should customize your prayer to fit your own unique life situation.

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