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Conversation Contents Fwd: Recapture, draft itr to Lyman 1146, Fwd: Recapture, draft itr to Lyman/1.1 Lyman letter 4-25-14 Spm draft.docx “Whitlock, Jenna” From: “Whitlock, Jenna” Sent Fri Apr 25 2014 17:28:42 GMT-0600 (MDT) Lola Bird , Lance Porter , Juan Palma ro Subject: Fwd: Recapture, draft Itrto Lyman Attachments: Lyman letter 4-25-14 Spm draft.docx Current Recapture letter. ‘till has to clear AUSA, Have asked for a final not later than 10 AM Monday. j Forwarded message From: Steiger, John Date: Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 5:12 PM ‘Subject: Recapture, draft Itr to Lyman To: "Christensen, Carlie (USAUT)" , john.huber@usdo).gov, scolt,omney@usdoj gov, Erie Boik , Rand Stover ‘Cc: Aaron Moody , Jenna Whitlock ‘Attached for your review and edit is the letter that Lance Porter, the Canyon County DM, plans to hand deliver to Lyman on Monday at approximately 1pm Mountain. As we've discussed, one of the primary purposes of the letter is to help insure a successful prosecution should the planned ride go forward; consequently, your review is critical. The letter was also drafted with the expectation that it will be widely publicized, To the extent possible, please provide us with your edited version by 10am Monday so that we can finalize it and get a final draft circulated to the relevant Interior folks here and in DC before 1pm. Sorry for the tight time-frame. Thanks. Jenna Whitlock, Associate State Director, Utah BLM (801) 539-4010 office (801) 503-6254 cell (801) 539-4013 fax Join the Conversatio “Porter, Lance" From: "Porter, Lance” Ser Fri Apr 25 2014 17:35:23 GMT-0600 (MDT)

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