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Easter traditions.

Reading comprehension
Choose one of the options given

1. What's the origin of the word "Easter"?

1. ?

It comes from Latin and it means "spring".

2. ?

It derives from Eoster or Eostra, the goddess of spring.

3. ?

The origin of this word is unknown

2. The rabbit is a symbol of Easter because...

1. ?

It's really cute and cuddly.

2. ?

It's a farm animal, like the chicks.

3. ?

It is related to the goddess Eostra

3. Where did the legend of the egg-laying rabbit start?

1. ?

In Germany

2. ?

In America

3. ?

In Britain

4. Children go egg hunting on...

1. ?

Easter Sunday

2. ?

Palm Sunday

3. ?

Good Friday

5. Tick the sentence that is true.

1. ?

Egg rolling only takes place in America.

2. ?

Children in the USA can take part in the egg rolling competition

in the White House.

3. ?

The most famous egg rolling competition takes place in

6. According to legend, ...

1. ?

the Easter rabbit hides eggs in the garden

2. ?

it's the parents that hide the eggs in the garden.

3. ?

it's the children that hide the eggs in the garden.

7. Hot cross buns are mainly eaten...

1. ?

during the Holy Week.

2. ?

on Good Friday

3. ?

on Easter and Palm Sundays

8. On Easter Sunday the Christians celebrate...

1. ?

the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

2. ?

the arrival of Jesus to Jerusalem.

3. ?

that Jesus Christ died on the cross

9. On Good Friday the Christians celebrate...

1. ?

the Last Supper of Jesus with the Apostles.

2. ?

the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

3. ?

the crucifixion of Jesus Christ

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