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My First Teaching Experience

Ashley Jordan
Ivy Tech Community-College


INTASC Standards for Beginning Teachers

Standard #6 Assessment
The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own
growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teachers and learners decision making.
Name of Artifact: Service Learning Log #1
Date: February 27, 2013
Course: Education 101
Brief Description: For this assignment, I will describe my initial observations upon entering and
working with my first grade class at Brookside Elementary School. I will discuss the classroom,
teacher, and students in Mrs. Robertss first grade classroom. Given this standard, I gained
understanding that there is a way for each student to learn and I have to aide them in their
decisions as an aide.
Rationale: To document my Standard #6, Assessment, I included the idea that there are various
methods to engage students in learning. I will throughout my time at Brookside Elementary
school monitor the progress of the students that I work with. This assignment allowed me to
learn that every student learns differently and it is my priority to find out how each student learns

Teaching is the foundation for all other careers or technical degrees; everyone at some
point has had a teacher or instructor. We as students sometimes base our opinions on what our


past teachers have taught us and some students will even continue their college career to become
a teacher themselves (Koch, 2012). Not having any prior experience working with children,
which I plan on teaching in a classroom environment when I begin my career has led to several
eventful findings. I chose to stick to a first grade class, which as far as two sessions has gone I
am very grateful to work with the children in Mrs. Robertss class. By only being a student
teacher and helping my chosen teacher twice I have learned a tremendous amount of information
from all aspects including the students, Mrs. Roberts, and the overall classroom environment.
Studying children that are in a public school system can really teach someone a great
amount. By just observing Mrs. Roberts first grade class I can see how diverse each child was.
In Mrs. Robertss first grade class, there are a total of twenty students, half boys and half girls.
As far as the racial makeup goes the classroom is predominantly African Americans, there are
five white people, and there is one child that is part Native American. There are several children
that are classified as special needs because they simply need extra help or are not at the level
they should be in first grade; based on their reading scores four children are special needs, five
students are in speech therapy, three kids are in occupational therapy, and one child has a special
tutor who come into the class three days a week. Religious reasons permit one student from
saying the pledge in the mornings.
For being such young children the kids in Mrs. Roberts class, they have a uniformed
sense of respect for each other and for their teacher. The boys and girls will shush each other
when they are supposed to remain quiet and all of the students work well with one another. To
respond to questions that Mrs. Roberts asks, the students raise their hands and patiently wait to


be called upon. Overall, there is a sense of community and unity in the classroom among the
students, with the teacher and volunteers that come in to help.
The teaching style of Mrs. Roberts is one that involves the students she often uses her
hands to sound out vowels; during reading time the students participate by reading together as a
class. The students are active in group discussions or activities, daily. If a student arrives late to
school they are to sign in on a computer in the office once they do so the computer will print out
a pink slip for them that they will give to Mrs. Roberts. Any student that is to leave early from
school is to ask Mrs. Roberts and she sends them to the office (Roberts, 2013). The students
gave me helpful insight into their classroom by just simply observing their interactions with
others and their reactions to certain activities.
Mrs. Roberts is a first grade teacher at Brookside Elementary School. She is Caucasian
and is a female; she has been teaching for approximately twenty-six years. In the classroom, Mrs.
Roberts has one volunteer that helps her daily and has about three teachers that come in during
reading time to work with the students. There is one tutor that comes in to work with a specific
student three times a week. Mrs. Roberts is a very interactive teacher she enjoys sitting or
standing in front of the class to engage the students more. For the class to transition from one
activity to another, it actually does not take very long at all. It only takes three or four minutes to
transition from one activity to another or to line up to leave the classroom. The students are not
allowed to have food, drinks, or electronic devices. However, they are rewarded candy when they
behaved well in the class or get a compliment from another teacher. Behavior charts are the main
form of discipline for the students if they are behaving badly their color will change from green
to yellow or yellow to red. On Fridays a weekly folder is sent from with the students for the


parents to look at the students behavior reports for the week. There are comments for the
students behavior and how they can improve. The parents are to sign the weekly behavior
reports and if behavior becomes too, terrible throughout the week, Mrs. Roberts calls home.
There are a set of classroom rules in the classroom (Roberts, 2013). Mrs. Roberts gave me
insight into her classroom rules, activities and ideas that occur.
Classroom Environment
Initially, by observing the classroom, I noticed that as a whole, the classroom has a
diverse culture and a welcoming climate. The students come from various backgrounds meaning
that every student has several traditions they follow outside of school and sometimes in school.
All of the students have to dress in uniform, so there is no cultural difference in that aspect. The
climate of the classroom is very friendly and welcoming, Mrs. Roberts tries to ensure that every
student feels safe in her classroom and I believe that she does this well. The classroom is
arranged in four rows of four, along with two groups of four in the back of the classroom; there
is one student that has her desk by herself. The chalkboard had my name, Ms. Jordan written on
it, there are various alphabet and vowel charts posted on the chalkboard, along with number,
calendar, weekly, clock, and other various charts or pictures. The projector is used to work on an
assignment together as a class. Pictures or charts of the alphabet, writing rubrics, coins, numbers,
presidents and various other pictures or charts are hung up around the classroom. Mrs. Roberts
strongly believes in posting student drawings around the classroom walls, too. The main
equipment that is seen around Mrs. Robertss classroom includes a happy birthday crown,
laptops, headphones, two area rugs, cubbies, bookshelves, and a podium for larger storytelling
books. Major areas of learning or reading in the classroom consist of a laptop center,
audio/listening center for reading, the area rug is used for reading, and there is one individual


that has her own desk in the classroom. The classroom as a whole is covered with learning ideas
or charts for the students to look at but it is cluttered and not organized in any way (Roberts,
2013). The classroom can really say a considerable amount about the students, but especially
about the teacher.
With having two Service Learning experiences thus far, I have gained tons of knowledge
based on the students, Mrs. Roberts, and the classroom environment. The students did a fantastic
job by showing me different aspects in their particular classroom along with the diversity that is
present. Mrs. Roberts has given me a new perception on what it takes to be a teacher based on
her own class. Essentially, having a welcoming, safe, and friendly environment is what every
teacher needs in their classroom; Mrs. Robertss class is a prime example of this (Koch, 2012). I
have learned quite a bit from only working with the first grade students in Mrs. Robertss class
for two Service Learning sessions.



Koch, J. (2012). TEACH (Vol. 13). (M. D. Kerr, Ed.) Belmont, California: Linda SchreiberGanster.
Roberts, L. (2013, 02 04). Personal Communication. (A. Jordan, Interviewer)


Service Learning Log Report # 1 Questions


How many students are in the class?

20 total: 10 boys, 10 girls


What appears to be the racial make-up of the class?

Predominantly African Americans students, 5 Caucasians, 1 student is part Native American


What is the gender make-up of the class?

10 boys, 10 girls
Does there appear to be any special needs students in the class? If so, what are the
4 classified as special needs due to reading or skill levels. 3 are in occupational therapy, 5 are in
speech therapy.
Does there appear to be any English as Second Language students (ESL) in the
class? If so what are the signs?

Does there appear to be any religious diversity present?

One student cant say pledge due to religion of parents

In your opinion, how do the students interact with each other? Is there a sense of
classroom community?
The students seem to respect each other, sometimes they my interrupt but there is a mutual
respect shared in the class. Work well together. There is a classroom community they seem to
work well together.

In your opinion, how do the students interact with the teacher?

The students are very respectful, raise hands to answer questions. Quiet down when they are told,
students shush other student when they are being loud.
What is the teaching style of the teacher? (i. e. sits at the desk, stands behind a
podium, walks around, etc.)
Reading time- class sits on carpet reads as a class out loud listens to audio. Students raise hands
to answer questions. Group discussions. Mrs. Roberts uses her hands to sound words out loud.



What is the procedure for students arriving late to class or leaving early?

Check in at the office- on a computer prints pass. If students leave early they are sent to the

What race does the teacher appear to be?


What is the gender of the teacher?


How long has the teacher been teaching? (Approximately how many years?)

26 years

Does this teacher have an instructional assistant or volunteer working with them?

There is a volunteer present daily. Have special needs instructors come in when reading time
What is the teaching style of the teacher? (i. e. sits behind the desk, stands behind a
podium, walks around the room, or does a combination of these, etc.)
Stands in front of classroom
How long does it take for the teacher to transition from one activity to another or
line up to leave the room? Any special instructions given?
It takes maybe 3 or 4 minutes to transition from one activity to another. 3 or 4 minutes to line up
and leave the classroom. 2 line leaders are chosen based on whom is sitting nicely. 1 line for girls
and one line for boys.

Are students allowed to have food, drink music or electronics in the classroom?

No food or drink allowed and no electronics allowed. Mrs. Roberts does give out candy
sometimes for good behavior or working well with others.
How is discipline handled in the classroom? Are there a visible set of classroom
Do behavior charts, sheets go home with parents on Fridays, signed and sent back to school. If
behavior gets too terrible Mrs. Roberts calls the parents home.
Classroom Environment




How would you describe the culture and climate of the classroom?

The culture is diverse. All of the students come from different backgrounds. The climate is very
open and friendly. Mrs. Roberts is open to students suggests. Very inviting climate and

How is the classroom arranged? (attach a diagram/chart to the report)

Classroom is arranged in rows. 2 groups of 4. One computer section for 6 students. 1 student is
by herself.

What is written on the Chalkboard, White Board or Overhead Projector?

The chalkboard is covered with weekly words, vowel/word sounding pictures, coins, days of the
week, calendar, and numbers around the classroom 1-120. Counter clock, rocks & minerals
picture, the daily schedule, alphabet, my name Ms. Jordan is on the board. Projector is used to
show a group worksheets/ activities.

What is posted on the Bulletin Board or Walls around the room?

Alphabet with words under each letter, writing rubrics, charts with contractions, scholarship
excellence, respect, courage and what each of these words mean are presented. Coin chart,
president chart, student drawings, bins with books, counting tree, United States map, kids at
work sign, good and bad habits charts, sea animals around charts, flag, happy b-day crown, treat
bin, sink/wash station, phone, cubbies for supplies. Cubbies for student backpacks.
List all of the equipment found in the classroom. (Computers, Laptops, I Pads,
Smart Boards, Rocking Chairs, Area Rugs, Book Shelves, etc.)
Laptops, area rug, book shelves, audio/listening section, podium for storybooks (big books)

Are there any learning centers, reading areas, individual spaces in the classroom?

One individual student, audio center, reading area is the carpet area, laptop group

What is the overall condition of the classroom? (i. e. neat, cluttered, etc.)

The classroom is very packed with learning pictures/charts for students; it is cluttered.

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