Physicalscience Procedures

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Parents and students need to initial by each procedure indicating they have read and understand each. Signatures are
required at the bottom as well. Students will be issued an additional copy for their interactive notebook for reference.

___/___ Electronic devices and food will be confiscated on the very first offense. They will be held until the end
of class. Electronic devices must remain in a pocket, book bag, or in the designated parking lot in the front of the
room. Devices should not be visible (even if you are just checking the time). Water bottles with a lid are permitted.

___/___ Absences: When a student is absent, he or she is responsible for retrieving his or her missed work from the
file crate the day they return to school. If the student has difficulty finding what they need, he or she should ask Mrs.
Drobnich. It is the students responsibility to follow deadlines for work missed.
All make-up work MUST be turned in within one week of the absence. If a student or parent requests
assignments from the office, assignments are expected when the student returns to school.
To make-up quizzes and tests, students must make an appointment with Mrs. Drobnich. All quizzes and tests
must be made up within a week of the students return.
*NOTE: The Western Harnett High School attendance policy states that when a student has accumulated more
than 7 absences, the student must complete an attendance portfolio in order to receive credit for the course.
Students with more than 20 absences will not receive credit for the course.

____/____ Tardies: A student is considered tardy when entering the room at any time after the bell has rung. If a
student is not present at the time roll is taken, they will be marked as absent. It is the students responsibility to sign
in on the tardy clipboard located next to the door in order to have their status changed to tardy when Mrs. Drobnich
updates attendance on Friday afternoons.

___/____ Academic Honesty: Any form of cheating, including plagiarism, will not be tolerated. On a first offence, a
deduction of at least 50% from the assignment will be imposed. Any additional offences will result in automatic zeros.

____/____ Late Homework: Homework is considered late if it is not turned in at the time it is collected and/or
checked. Late homework will receive half-credit for the first 5 school days after it has been checked. After 5 school
days, the homework will not be accepted.

____/____ Internet Access: If a student does not have access to the internet to turn in an assignment on Weebly or
Google Classroom, handwritten or typed paper copies will be accepted. Internet access is no excuse for late or missed

____/____ Textbooks: There is a classroom set of textbooks available to students at all times in my classroom.
Students or parents may request to check out a textbook at any time.

____/____ Beginning Class: Each student is expected to be in his or her seat working diligently on the Do-Now when
the bell rings. Do-Now activities will count as part of the Learning Activies portion of the report card grade.
Homework should be placed in the upper corner of the desk before beginning the Do-Now.

____/____ Hall Passes: At the beginning of each 6-week grading period, students will be issued 6 tickets. Students
must turn in a ticket to receive a signed hall pass. Students that have used up all of their tickets will still be allowed to
use the restroom, but must serve a 10-minute detention during lunch or after school in return.

____/____ Test & Quiz Corrections: When a student takes a quiz or test, they are allowed to come and make
corrections to improve their score. Students have one week from the day they get their score to make corrections
during lunch or after school. Students will receive half-credit back on questions they successfully correct.

*Please contact me with any questions or concerns. -OR- 919-499-5113 ext. 2716

I have read and agree to comply with the classroom procedures as written above:

Parent Signature: _______________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________
Student Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________

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