Learn Coding

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The Best Websites to Learn Coding Online



The Best Websites to Learn Coding

Amit Agarwal

20 May 2015
The best tutorials and websites where you can learn how to write
code in PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Python and all the other
popular programming languages.
couch mode print story
The Learn to Code movement has picked up momentum worldwide
and that is actually a good thing as even basic programming skills
can have a major impact. If you can teach yourself how to write
code, you gain a competitive edge over your peers, you can think
more algorithmically and thus can tackle problems more efficiently.

Dont just download the latest app, help redesign it. Dont just play
on your phone, program it. Obama.
Theres no reason why shouldnt know the basics of coding. You
can automate tasks, you can program your Excel sheets, improve
workflows, you can extract data from websites and accomplish so
much more with code. You may not be in the business of writing
software programs but knowing the basics of coding will help you
communicate more effectively with developers.
Gone are the days when you had to enroll in expensive computer
training classes as now exist a plethora of web-based courses that
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The Best Websites to Learn Coding Online


will help you learn programming at your own pace in the comfort of
your web browser.
If you are ready to take the plunge, here are some of the best
websites that offer courses in a variety of programming languages
for free. I have also added a list of companion ebooks that will give
you a more in-depth understanding of the language and they dont
cost anything either.
Online Courses &



Books (Free)
Eloquent JavaScript,


Code Academy, Learn

JavaScript Guide,

Street, Code Combat,

Speaking JS, JS The

Code Avengers

Right Way, Oh My JS,


Code Academy, Dont

Mozilla, Dive into

Fear The Internet,

HTML5, 20 Things I

Tutsplus, Learn Layout, A Learned, HTML Dog,

HTML & CSS to Z CSS, Dash, Web



Accessibility, The Hello

for Designers, DOM

World, Khan Academy,

Enlightenment, HTML

HTML5 from Scratch


Code Academy, Tutsplus, jQuery Fundamentals,

Code School

Learn jQuery
Python for You and Me,

Code Academy, Google,


Learn Street, Python

Tutor, IHeartPY

Dive into Python, Learn

Python the Hard Way,
Think Python, Python for
Fun, Tango with Django,

Code Academy,
Ruby & Ruby TryRubyCode Learn,
on Rails

Railscasts, Rubymonk,
Learn Street


Code Academy

Whys (Poignant) Guide

to Ruby, Learn Ruby the
Hard Way, Learn to
Program, Learn Rails by
PHP Programming,
Practical PHP

Also see: How to Learn Regular Expressions (RegEx)

Google Apps Getting Started, Office Hours, Google Scripts

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Examples, Learning Apps Script


Treehouse, WordPress TV

Linux & Shell Stanford.edu, Explain

Conquer the Command




Friday 24 July 2015 02:38 AM

The Best Websites to Learn Coding Online


The Node Beginner


Nodetuts, Node School

Book, Mixus Node book,

Node Up and Running,
Mastering Node.js
Angular JS Tutorial,

Angular JS

Code School, Egg Head, Thinking Angular,

Learn Angular

Angular Tutorial, Getting

Started (Adobe)

Also see: Learn Touch Typing & Code Faster

Git (version
(iOS & Mac)

Code School, Git

Immersion, GitHub
Training, Udacity

Pro Git, Learn Git, Gists

in Github

Code School, Stanford, iTunesU

Chrome Dev Code School, Dev Tools Secret, Chrome Dev Tools

Tutorial, Udacity, Building Browser Apps

Programming in Go, Go

Go Language Golang.org, GopherCasts

by Example, Learning
Go, Building Web Apps
with Go, Learning Go
Programming in Java,


Learn Java, Coding Bat,

Java Udemy, Learneroo

Thinking in Java,
OReilly Learning Java,
Think Java, Java & CS,
Java for Python Devs

Android App
D3 (data

Udacity (Google Developers), Coursera, The New

Boston, Google University, App Development
Essentials, Code Learn, App Inventor (Visual)
Data Visualization for the Web, Dashing D3, D3

visualization) Tips & Tricks

Also see: Learn VIM, the text editor for programmers

SQL Zoo, SQL @Stanford, Essential SQL, SQL for


Nerds, Intro to SQL, SQL Bolt, PHP & MySQL


Udacity, edX.org, Coursera, Udemy$, Lynda$,

Pluralsight$, Treehouse$, Open Consortium, One
Month Rails$

Teaching Kids to Code

If there are kids in the family, you should download either Tynker
(Android/iOS) or the Hopscotch app for iPad and they can learn the
basics of programming through games and puzzles.
Theres also Scratch, an MIT project that allows kids to program

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The Best Websites to Learn Coding Online


their own stories and games visually. Scratch is available as a web

app or you can download it on your Mac/Windows/Linux computer
for offline use. Microsoft TouchDevelop, Blockly and Alice are some
other web apps that will introduce the concepts of computer
progamming to your children.
On a related note, the following chart from Google Trends shows
the relative search popularity of various programming languages
over the last 5 years. The interest in PHP has dipped over the
years, JavaScript has more or less maintained its position while the
popularity of Python & Node.js is on the rise.

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Coding Online

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Friday 24 July 2015 02:38 AM

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