Online Discussion For CAMS 1102 Roman Civilization

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Online Discussion for CAMS 1102 Roman Civilization

The goal of the weekly online discussion forum is to encourage the exchange of ideas
and to increase your knowledge of the Roman world.

Starting March 1 CAMS 1102 will start using the class website on Ning for discussion
response submission. Instead of handing a weekly typewritten response, you will be
responsible for posting your response on the assigned readings in the Ning discussion
forum for your discussion section. You will be responsible for posting your response
before your discussion group meets. Teaching Assistants will set a deadline for
posting responses for each of their sections. Please check with YOUR section leader
regarding deadlines.

Guidelines for participation in the CAMS 1102 online discussion:

1. Your response should be well written and show considerable reflection. It

should demonstrate that you have read the assigned materials for your
discussion section. Do not summarize the reading. Instead, highlight points
of interest, and give your opinion supporting it with examples, reasons and

2. Do the appropriate preparation before you leave your response in the

discussion forum by reading the assigned lecture material readings.

3. Keep your comments to one or two paragraphs. (500 word max)

4. When contributing to a discussion, read the responses left by other

students. You can build on what other students have said and also present
your own ideas.

5. Remember online etiquette and always respect the ideas and opinions of
others. Disrespectful communication is not acceptable. It is fine to
disagree, but express your opinion in a respectful manner.

6. Review your response before you post it. Pay attention to your spelling and
grammar, and be sure your response makes the points you want to make
in a clear and concise way. Remember, all members of the class can read
your messages.

7. Check back with the forum after you leave your response to follow the
evolution of the discussion.

Technical instructions for how and where to post will be added to the Ning site in a
video by Friday, February 26 at noon.

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