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Customer Service FAQ Rubric

Rubric instructions: This rubric will be used by the teacher to grade the Customer Service FAQ
Activity according to the specific instructions given in class. Further explanation of the four
categories (Needs improvement, Developing, Satisfactory, and Exemplary are given below)
improvement (1)

Developing (2)

Satisfactory (3)

Exemplary (4)


Questions are
relevant to the
given topic and
correctly use
the target
Answers are
reasonable for
the questions
asked and
correctly use
the target
The tone of the
language is
formal and
vocabulary is
Instructions of
the assignment
are followed

Needs improvement- This means that the student showed some understanding of this aspect, however the concept needs to
be developed much more
Developing- This means that the student showed progress towards achievement of this aspect, however the concept still needs
to be developed more.
Satisfactory- This means that the student showed achievement of this aspect and the concept is well developed, however there
is still room for improvement.
Exemplary- This means that the student showed mastery in this aspect and the concept is very well developed.

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