Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law

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Passol, Alyssa L.

July 24, 2015


Pract 1a (5:30 7:10

Responsible Parenthood
Reproductive Health Law
Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law is about the RH Law
and its provisions, purpose, importance, and benefit to the citizens of the
Philippines. It also included the reproductive health care and responsible
parenthood as one of the main concerns of the law itself.
The seminar was so fruitful as to information that I have gained further
knowledge on the details of the RH Law, Responsible Parenthood, and Reproductive
Health Care. I can hear about these topics almost everywhere but information were
so vague but the speaker on the seminar made it clear for me. I learned that RH
Law is not only about controlling the population of the country through the use of
contraceptives, but is more concerned on the health and safety of the people,
especially the women and children. It emphasized the reduction of maternal
mortality, and the accessibility of information, facilities, and services of health care
providers to everybody. I also learned that Responsible Parenthood speaks about the
willingness and ability of parents to support and sustain the needs of their children,
and the proper family planning which includes proper birth spacing and decision on
how many child would the parents have based on their capability, beliefs, and
aspiration. As to Reproductive Health Care, I learned that it is also concerned with
the prevention of the distribution HIV disease to individuals through the proper use
of legally and medically authorized contraceptives . All in all, these three, if it will be
properly implemented and followed by the people, will be an aid to a healthier and
happier family, community, and the whole country.
The seminar was well handled by both the speaker and the facilitators and
the information discussed about the topic is very satisfying and will help in our
future family decisions.

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