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A DESIGNERS’ HANDBOOK SERIES N2 9014 DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE SELECTION AND USE OF STAINLESS STEEL The material presented in this publication hes been prepared for the general information of the reader and should not be used or relied on for specific applica- tions without first securing competent advice. The Nickel Development Institute, its members, staff and consultants do not represent or warrant its suitability for any general or specific use and essume no liability or responsibility of any kind in connection with the information herein. CONTENTS Introduction Identification of Sziniess Ste! Guidelines for Selection. Corrosion Resistance Material Selection Mechanical & Physical Properties Austenitic, Ferric Martensiic Precipitation Hardening High Temperature Mechanical Propertias ‘Thermal Stabilty Lowemperature Mechanical Properties Heat Transfer Properties ‘Szes, Shapes, and Finishes. Fabrication Hot Forming Cold. Forming Machining Joining Welding Soldering Brazing Fastening Surface Protection & Cleanirg Appendix A Corrosion Characteristics Appendix B Figures References INTRODUCTION Stainless stee's are iron-base alloys containing 10.5% or more chro- ium. They have been used for many industrial, architectural, chemical, and consumer applications for over a half century. Currently there are being marketed a number of stainless steels originally recognized by the ‘American Iron and Stee! Institute (AIS!) as standard alloys. Also commer: cially available are proprietary stainless steels with special characteristics. (Gee Appendix A.) With so many stainless steels from which to choose, designers should have a ready source of information on the characteristics and capabilities of these useful alloys. To fill this need, the Committee of Stainless Stee! Producers initially prepared this booklet. The data was reviewed and updated by the Specialty Steel Industry of North America (SSINA). ‘Written especially for design engineers, it presents an overview of a broad range of stainless steels — both standard and proprietary — their compo- sitions, their properties, their fabrication, and their use. More detailed infor- imation on the 60 standard grades, with special emphasis on the manufacture, finish designations and dimensional and weight tolerances of the product forms in which they are marketed, is contained in the Iron and Steel Society of the AIME (the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers) "Steel Products Manual—Stainless and Heat Resisting Steels.” The AIME undertook the publication, updating and sale of this manual after the AISI discontinued publication in 1986. IDENTIFICATION Reference is often made to stainless steel in the singular sense as if it ‘were one material. Actually there are over 50 stainless steel alloys, Three general classifications are used to identify stainless steels. They are: 1, Metallurgical Structure. 2. The AISI numbering system: namely 200, 300, and 400 Series numbers. 3. The Unified Numbering System, which was developed by American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and Society of Autornotive Engineers (SAE) to apply to all commercial metals and alloys. ‘There are also a number of grades known by common names that resemble AISI designations but that are not formally recognized by AISI These common names, which are neither trademarks nor closely associated with a single producer, are shown and identified in the tables. These common (non-AS!) names do not appear in the ASTM specifica- tions, so itis important to. use the UNS designations with these grades. On the following pages there is a description of these classifications. Tables 1-5 list stainless steels according to metallurgical structure: austenitic, fertic, martensitic, precipitation hardening, and duplex. NiDI Distributed by NICKEL DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE Austenitic siiniess steels (Table 1) containing chromium and nickel are iden- tihed as 300 Series types, Alloys contain. Ing chromium, nickel and manganese are ‘dentiied as 200 Series types. The stain less steels in the austenitic group have Afferent compositions and properties, ‘but many common characteristics. They ‘can be hardened by cold working, but ‘ot by heat treatment. In the annealed Condition, all are essentially nonmag- ‘netic, although some may become sightly magnetic by cold working. They have excellent corrosion resistance, unusually good formabily, and increase in strength as a resut of cold work ‘ype 304 (hequenty reerred to as 188 stainless) is the most widely used alloy of the austenitic group. Ithas a nominal Composition of 18% chromium and 89% nickel ‘Table 1 AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEELS Equivalent [Equivatent Tyee | "UNS || TYPE | "UNS zor] S20100 |f 310 | Ssi000 202 | s2o200 |} sios | sst008 205 | scosoo |] a4 | sar400 sor | saoio || si6 | sst600 02 | saoz00 || sre. | sa1e0a 028 | sao2is || ater | sa1e20 303 | sa0s00 || sien} so1651 soase| ‘ssos2s || s17 | 831700 30a | sooaoo || ai | sar70s soa | sao4as || sr7umn} sat726 sozto} ss04s0 || 321 | ss2t00 oan | saoasi |] 350 | Noasa0 308 | saosoo || 47 | sae700 308 | ssosoo || 4a | sa4e00 309 | ssov00 || ss¢ | s3seoo 098 | sa0908 Ferritie stainless stools (Table 2) are straight cannot -chromium 400 Series types that be hardened by heat treatment, land only moderately hardened by cold ‘working. They are magnetic, have good ‘ductility ‘and resistance to corrosion and ‘oxidation. Type 430 is the genera: purpose stainless of the feritc group ea eae] ee ames vos ten eve a Martensitic stainless stools (Table 3) are sta that are ight-chromium 400 Series types hhardenable by heat treatment. ‘They are magnetic. They resist corrosion in mild environments. They have fairly ‘good ductlty, and some can be heat treated t 200000 0 tensile strengths exceeding ps (1979 MP) ‘ype 410 is the general purpose alloy of the mart tense group. Table 3 MARTENSITIC STAINLESS STEELS TYPE Equivalent [Equivalent ‘uns’ |] TYPE UNS: 403 410 aa a6 41680 420 ‘340300 || 420F | s42020 ssx000 || 422 | s42200 841400 || 431 | 43100 1841600 || 44a | saaoo2 841623 || 4408 | s44oos 842000 |} s4oc | s44o04 Precipitation-hardening stainless steels (Table 4) ae chromiumr-nickel types, some containing other alloying ele ‘ments, such as copper or aluminum. ‘They can be hardened by solution teat ing and aging to high strength Table 4 PRECIPITATION HARDENING. STAINLESS STEELS UNS UNS, 13800 ‘515500 17400 817700 Duplex siainiess steels (Table 5) have {an annealed structure which s lypically ‘about equal parts of austenite and fer ‘Athough not formally defined, it's gener: ally accepied that the lesser phase will be atleast 3096 by volume. Duplex stainless steels afer soveral advantages over the common austenitic stainless stee's. The duplex grades are highly esistant to chlonde stress corr sion cracking, have excellent piting and Crevice corrosion resistance and exhibit about twice the yield stength as conven tional grades. Type 329 and 2205 are typical alloys, \With respect to the Unified Numbering ‘System, the UNS designatons are shown alongside each AISI type number, in Tables 15, except ior four stainless stools (see Tables 4 and §) for which UNS. esignations only are listed, Tables DUPLEX Type UNS 229 ‘s32900 2205 sSst803, 332208 AUSTENITIC. 3028 resttance 302 202 201 a7 | [a6 | [3 200 00 305] [200 | F201 we? | | wetties | | 3888 | | cee the weceoe| | sme | | ety fas H Sree | ete | | ESe Eo eee | | Rize) | eee reson | | | | eee | Behe = “ene rong TI I L —l I am] [a] [ao | [a7 | [an | [com see | [ soase gumtw | | cSetine | | 385. | | nase, | | cnmens vem | | seme wwe | | Sem | BS | | Eee 1 See | | Se Swe | | Sia? 1 I T 1 I I oun | [asen | [om] [oe aon soouse | [_ aser saa Se Solemn Stee wen FERRITIC 430 OT ws we o | [aoe cor] [ase ce, | | oe, | | sit ase | | owecr | | es | Juels Sig age’ | | sey fer codea| | Sacre imiciong || eotance jomeaes aaor se] [ase Sensoee | |e Consses maces | [ithe oping MARTENSITIC 410 gees en NS agen an ae 402 420 a6 a0 lernteses| | manmea | | sone trem | | pas canned sss | | seter || gy ee Roeases | | SARE Pecsronen Fis | | Bete] | fpr tape. | [ieee ge ||| | Ser) Ee | SS) ee cea ad oe 422 aise] [soe xen sezaze | [comes mae smames | [ingle® Seacaton Rae" | ieee. “4408 Secu 0 So Geer vance fin Wipes — vanon ho heyeceren We GUIDELINES FOR SELECTION Stains steels are engineering ‘materials wth good corrosion resistance, strength, and fabrication characteristics. They can readily meet a wide range of design criteria — load, service lif, low ‘maintenance, etc. Selecting the proper stainless steel essentially means weigh- ing four elements. In order of importance, they are: 1. Corrosion or Heat Resistance — the primary reason for specifying stain- less. The spectier needs to know the ature of the environment and the degree Of corrosion or heat ressiance required. 2. Mechanical Properties — wih par- ticular emphasis on strength at room, elevated, oF low temperature. Generally ‘speaking, the combination of corrosion resisiance and strength s the basis for selection 3. Fabrication Operations — and hhow the product is to be made isa thir level consideration. This includes forging, ‘machining, forming, welding, etc 4 Total Cost — in considering total cost, itis appropriate to consider not only ‘material and production costs, but the life ‘ete cost including the cost-saving benefis of a mainlenance-tree product, having along lite expectancy. CORROSION RESISTANCE Chromium isthe alloying element that imparts to stainless steels their corrosion resistance qualities by combining with ‘oxygen to form a thin, invisible chromium ‘oxide protective fm on the surface (Figure 1, Figures are shown in Appendix BB) Because the passive fm is such an important factor, there are precautions which must be observed in designing slainless sles! equipment, in manufactur ing the equipment, and in operation anc Use ofthe equipment, o avoid destroying fr disturbing the fim, In the event thatthe protective (passive) firm is disturbed or even destroyed iw, in the presence of oxygen in the environ: ‘ment, reform and continue to give max: mum protection, ‘The protective film is stable and protec tive in normal atmosphenc or mild aque: ‘ous environments, but can be improved by higher chromium, and by molybde- ‘num, nickel, and other alloying elements. Chromium improves film stabil molybdenum and chromium increase resistance to chloride penetration; and Dickel improves film resistance in some ‘cid environments. Material Selection ‘Many variables characterize a corto- sive environment — ie, chemicals and their concentration, atmaspheric condi tions, temperature, time — so itis dificult to select which alloy to use without know: ing the exact nature of the erwironment, However there are guidelines: ‘Type 304 serves a wide range of appl: cations It withstands ordinary rusting in architecture, tis resistant 1 food: processing environments (except poss: bi for high-temperature concitions involving high acid and chloride con tenis), tresists organic chemicals, dyestuffs, and a wide variety of inorganic chemicals. Type 304 L (low carbon) resists nitric acid well and sulfuric acids at ‘moderate temperature and concentra: tions. tis used extensively for storage of liquied gases, equipment for use at ‘cryogenic temperatures (304N), appl ‘ances and other consumer products, kitchen equipment, hospital equipment, transportation, and waste-water treatment ‘Type 316 contains sightly more nickel than Type 304, and 2.3% malyodeaum giving It better resistance to corrosion than Type 304, especially in chioride ‘environments tha tend to cause piting. ‘Type 316 was developed for use insult pulp mils because itresiss suture acid ‘compounds. Is use has been broad: ‘ened, however, to hanaling many chemi- cals in the process industries. Type 317 coniains 3-4% molybdenum (higher levels are also avalable inthis series) and more chromium than Type 316 for even better reestance to piting ‘and crevioe corrosion, “Type 430 has lower alloy content than ype 304 and is used for highly polished trim applications in mild atmospheres. It is also used in nitric acid and food processing. ‘Type 410 has the lowest alloy content ‘of the three general-purpose stainless steels and is selected for highl stressed Parts needing the combination of strength and corrosion resistance, such as fasteners. Type 410 resists corrosion in mid atmospheres, steam, and many mild chemical environments. ‘Type 2205 may have advantages over Type 304 and 316 since i is highly resis {ant to chioride stress corrosion cracking {and is about twice as strong, “Table 6 ists the relative corrosion resis- tance of the AISI standard numbered stainless steels in seven broad categories Of corrosive environments. Table 7 details ‘mote specific ervironmenis in which var: us grades are used, such as acids, bbases, organics, and pharmaceuticals The above comments on the suitability ‘of stainless steels in various environments are based on a long history of successful application, but they are intended only as {Quidelines. Small differences in chemical ‘content and temperature, such as might ‘occur during processing, can affect cor rosion rates. The magnitude can be con: siderable, as suggested by Figures 2 and 3 Figure 2 shous smell quantities of hydrofluoric and sulfuric acids having a serious effect on Type 316 stainless stee! inan environment of 25% phosphoric acid, and Figure 3 shows effects of tem perature on Types 304 and 316 in very Concentrated sulturic acid Service tests are most reliable in deter- mining optimum material, and ASTM G4 is a recommended practice for carrying ‘oul such tests, Tests should cover condi ‘ions loth during operation and shut down. For instance, sulfur, sullurous and polythionic acid condensates formed in some processes during shutdowns ‘may be more corresive than the process stream ts. Tests should be conducted under the worst operating concitons anticipated. ‘Several standard reference volumes discuss corrosion and corrosion control, including Uig's Corrosion Hanabook: LaQue and Copsons’ Corrosion Resistance Of Metals and Alloys: Fontana ‘and Greens’ Corrosion Engineering: A Guide to Corrosion Resistance by Climax Molybdenum Company; the Corrasion Data Survey by the National Association ‘of Corrosion Engineers; and the ASM Metals Handbook, Corrosion data, specications, and recommended prac tices relating fo stainless stee's are also issued by ASTM. Stainless sels resist Corrosion in abroad range of conditions, but they are not immune to every erwiror ment. For example, stainless stoes per form poorly in reducing environments, such as 5086 sulfuric and hydrochloric acids at elevated temperatures. The cor rosve attack experienced isa breakdown ofthe protective fil over the entre metal surface ‘Such misapplications o stainless steels are rare and are usually avoided. The types of allack which are more ikely to be of concer are pitting, crevice attack, stress corrosion cracking, and intergranu lar corrosion, which are discussed in ‘Appendix A Table 6 Relative Corrosion Resistance of AISI Staini Steels (1) Mid atmos: ‘Atmospheric Chemical TYPE uns phone ang | Number Number Fresh Water Industiat Marine ia Oxidizing Reducing 201 (s20100) x x x x x 202 (20200) x x x x x 20s (20500), x x x x x 301 ($0100) x x x x x 302 (30200) x x * x x 3028 (20215) x x x x x 303 (530300) * x x 303 Se ($3032) x x x 208 ($30400) x x x x x oa $3040) x x x x x 180430) x x x x x oan ($3085) x x * x x 208, ($30500) x x x x x 208 ($30800) * x x x x 208 ($3080) * x x x x 2088, ($3080) x x x x x 310 (891000) x x x x x 3108, ($9100) x x x x x ae ($31400), x x x x x 316 (31600), * x * x x x ater (331620) x x x x x * are (331603) x x x x x x Bien (s90651) x x x x x x 317 ($31700}, x x x x x * ai (31703), x x x x x 2 (32100), x x x x x m9 (32900), x x x x x x 300 (woss30), x x x x x x Mr (34700) x x x x x 328 (34800), * x x x x 388 (38400), x x x x x 403 (40300), x x 405 (#0500), x x 409 (#0300), x x 410 (21000), x x aia (323400) x * a6 (541600), x 48 Se ($4162) x 420 (42000) x 420 (42020) x 422 ($42200) x 429 ($2000) x x x x 430 (43000) x x x x 430 (43020) x x x 430F Se (S42023), x x * 331 ($43100) x x x * a ($43400) x x x * x 436 ($4300), x x x x x ‘0 (S4a002) x x ‘08 ($4003), x ‘40 (S#4004), x a2 (#4209, x x x x 246 (#4600), x x x x x (19800), x x x x (15500) x x x x x (17400) x x x x x ($1700) x x x x x * Tha neainsnscao tat aspect anles sal pe maybe consdeed pani Whensloctngastaelss efor any cross envtnment lgalaysbest resent the coroieenvtonmetcalogoes, ‘ocoreutwinacaroson engineer and, épcesbie, condita the enerment ‘vtedundr actual operaing snore “Ths sngpeded as agudeine ny aed doesnot upgeet x mply a waranty on ‘hopartttnSpacaty Soe industry othe UntodSatese any cfthemerbe co Table7 Where Different Grades Are Used (15) Cromer ies Toit Gales ine sd ocaig igen 30 8 ‘tte it | sins gale mt eanmanes xcst sd ete ate 2 ce ie ta ell eae reed ia pe aioe ewe ance sada |re sly opp tak on type 204 cgredy e304 pe 1 ewe ote ease a ee et tr ity Shh espe 1 os reat peters toe! hr ot ive act | ype 30m or 430s use 5316 under severely corse cones, Hone af rst aet_ |e 304 asta ri i ore th ln ee se oon re ier esh sc nae etn arr grt le i Eien ace he |ing and manufacture if the fluorine content is not ee eee Cee eee eager Stat et gies {rye 16 may peerd ope 20 arsenic may beaded Sulu aid | type 308 can be used at rom temperature for con eetratins over 80%. Type 316 can be used in Eantaet with sulfuric acd up to 10% at tempera tres upto 120F (0 ) it the sautions are aerate, the attack s greater in ites solutions. Type 317, inay be used at temperate a high a8 180 (5 0) ith upto5% concentration. The presence of other materia may markedly change the carsion rate Rs litle 2s 500 to 2000 ppm of cupric ions make it possible fo use Tipe 30¢m ot solutions of moder te concentration Other aditives may have the op- posit fet. Sulfurous acid | type 304 may be subject to pitting. pariuaty if same sulfuric acid is present. Type 316 Is usable at moderate concentrations and fempeatues ‘Ammonium hy- | stels in the 300 series generally have good core Sroxie, sos |sion resistance at vill all concentations and hycroside, caustic | fomperatues in weak bases, seh a5 amonium sutions hydroxide. In stronger tases, such as sodium hy eroxide, there may be some attack, cracking or etehing in more concentrated solutions and at high fer temperatures. Commercial purity caus sal which will acentuate any allack and may use pitting of Type 316 28 tions may contain chlorides well Type 308 Ovganies Acetic atid | Acetic ac is seldom pure in chemical plants but gonealy incites numerous and varie minor con Situens. Type 304 is used for 2 wide variety of equiment including stil, base heaters, balding tanks, eat exchanger, pipelines, valves and pumps for eancetrtions upto 89% at temperatures up to about 120F (0 G. Type 304 sao satisfactory for ontact with 100% acetic acid vapors, and—if small anounts of turiity or color pickup can be Tolerated—for room temperature storage of glacial etic acid. Types 316 and 317 have the broadest range of usefulness, especially if formic acid 20 present or if slutions ae unaerated, Type 316 is Type S16. At concentration up to 85%, the metal temperature should not exceed 212 F (00 ©) with Type 316 and sighty higher with Type 317. Oxi ing ions inhibit attack an other itbitars suchas Celse acetate Citi, formic and tartaric aids Esters Fatty acids Paint vices Pritalc any Soaps Sonthete setergens Talo gup and paper industry) Urea Phama: cutlets ype 304i satisfactory for fw temperatures, but Type 316 oF Type 317 ts needed for high tempers tutes, Type 304 is generally acceptable at moderate te petatues, but Type 316i resistant to all concen Artis at temperatures up to boiling From the corrosion standpoint, esters ae compar: le wth organi ais Up to about 300 F (50 C, Type 308 is resistant to fats and fatty avis, but Type 316 is needed at 300, to B00 F (150 to 260 C) and Type 317 at higher temperatures. Type 316 may be needed if exact colar and lak of antanination ae portant ‘Type 316 is usually used for reactors, fractionating columns, tap, baffles, caps and piping. ‘Type 304i used for pars suchas spray tomers, but Type 316 may be preferred for spray nozles and ‘ake dying Bets (0 minimize ofedorprodut, Type 316 is used for preheat, piping, pumps ant reactrs in catalytic hyrogenation of fatty aids to ve salts of sulfonated high molecular sleahos Type 304 has only Umit usage in tli iti tion service. Highrosinacid streams can be han ea by Type 316L with a minimum malybderum car tent of 275%. Type 316 can also be used in the more corosive hihtty acid steams at tempera tures up to 475 (25 C), but Type 317 wil probably be require at higher temperatures, Tar distilation equipment is almost all Type 316 because cael tar has a high chloride content; Type 804 does not have adequate resstnce to pitting ype 316L i generally require. Type 316 is usualy selected forall pats in contact with the product because of is Inberentcorosion Fesistane and greater assurance of product purity Chemical Analysis % Max unless noted oller wi Table 8 AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEELS. Nominal Mechanical Properties (Annoniod Sheet unless noted etverwive) Jenaia—_srengin ocr “et Skenghh —(@2raHet S0domm) wel) Form te 6 MP8 Other wei ps kal MPa 21015550750 oom oom 100 teonteen 250850 oan | as ss as mwa m2 0157391900 008 00% 100 rPoDeCD 40080 oan | se ss om 205 02025 14001550 008 00% 050 YesOI8G0 Y0075 oz@o4m | ras ear 2 475 58088 (ae) mi 0152600885 0009 100 18001800 Ga0800 0 75849 276s 202015 200045 cm 100 rea%B00 sont0c0 wo 62 om os 2B 015-200-0045 0000 200200 17001800 8001000 ss 65s 40755 20015200020. osSm 100 Yreai900 BoD1000 O60 ee) (ea aosse 01 20002 080 100 r7c0%B00 sont000 orssemn | 90 sat a8 a0 (ean ta 0082000045 00% 100 t8oD2000 BoBI0se ce ) oul 0m0 2000045 00% 109 tonz009 B001200 8 $8 as seco 068 2000045 0099 100 17001900 sooi000 aoosencs | 7 so 1 ame aun 008 2000085 0020 140 80072060 8.08050 crovien | coer 8 os 2080 2000045 00% ~ 100. rron900 rosn200 mo ome om see 0082000045 00% 100 Y9on21a0 rooo2e0 is mm se we) 20s 02 2000045 00% 100 e2002400 r2001s00 so ec 48 ass 095 008 2000048 00 100 22002400 120000 wos oss 210028 200004 00% 180 24002800 19002200 85 055 5 oss 21S 0c 200045 00% 130 240nz800 19002200 5 655 580s 34 025 200 a045 0009 150800 zn00%800 19002200 oo Gao so ats goes 36 008 2000085 0089 100 1600800 to00460 200800 us 2 mw on Q16F 008200029 Os0mn 100 16001800 1OODN4O0 175280 fs 96 oe ae as 9090 2000048 00% 100. seoniaco YooDee0 200000 se 2 am 50 oN 008 2096045 0009 100 H800IRe0 rwonH4o0 zone a1005eN | oo eat ae aah ae eS 317 008200045 0089 160 #002000 s1001500 800400 er ee 27. 00% 200 6045 0009 100 s@onz000 rH001800 aonsa0 sc ssa mse Sas Zi7uyN oxo 260 00K como 075 700000 rasan7$9 4ons00 onan | 96 oe se mmo 49 Be ce 008200 004s 00m 100 rro0i900 pontec = stim) | ao eat as ata aD 80008200049 00% 078150 17002000 s4n8700 own | wo 2 me wo oto alr 00a 200045 ca 160 701800 9001200 me eo mas Bien aus 008200 00ss 0000 100 r7o01900 po0ts00 costa toxCrmn | 9s ess 40 ame ASS Goer tat 008 2000045 0000 1401500700 r700N800 7 os 38 an 55 BD (Mm) “May be added at manatacurer’s open be hardened by heat reatment bur can aT bbe strengthened by cold work, and thus they exhibit a wide range of mechanical properties. At room temperature, austenitic stainless steels exhibit yield strengths between 30 and 200 ksi (207-1379 MPa), depending on composi tion and amount of cold work. They also exhibit good ductility and toughness even thigh strengths, and this good ductility, ‘and toughness is retained at cryogenic: temperatures. The chemical compos: tions and nominal mechanical properties of annealed austenite stainless steels are diven in Table 8 The difference in effect of cold work of Types 301 and 304 is indicated by the sltess stain diagrams in Figure 11 ‘Carbon and nitrogen contents affect yield strength, as shovin by the difr. ences among Types 304, 304L., and 304N. The effect of manganese and rio {gen on strength can be seen by compar- ing Types 301 and 302 against Types 201 ‘and 202, Figures 12, 19, 14, and 18 illustrate ‘other effets of small composition changes. For example, ata given amount ‘of cold work, Types 202 and 301 exhibit higher yield and tensile strengths than Types 305 and 310 Ausleniic stainless steels which can be Cold worked fo high tensile and yield strengths, while retaining good ductility ‘and toughness, meet a wide range of ‘design criteria. For example, sheet and stip of austenitic stee's — usually Types 301 and 201 — are produced in the fo Towing tempers: Tensile Yield Strength Strength Temper = Minimum = Minimum. ksi MPa isi MPa| VHard 12586275. BIT veHard §— 150 1034110758 sicHard 175 1207135 9at Ful-Hard 185 1278140 965 In structural applications, the tough ‘ness and fatigue strength ofthese steels are important. At room temperature in the annealed condition, the austenitic steals exhib Charpy V-noich energy absorption values in excess of 100 ft-lb. The effect of cold roling Type 301 on toughness is ilystrated in Figure 16. This shows Type 301 to have good toughness even after ‘cold roling 0 high tensile strengths, Fatigue or endurance limits (in bend: ing} of austenitic stainless steels in the annealed condition shown in Table 9 are ‘boul one-haif the tensile strength, familar American institute for Steel Con- struction and AISI design specications for carton steel design do nat apply to the design of stainless steel members because of cfferences in strength properties, modulus of elasticity, and the shape of the stress strain curve. Figure 17 shows thal there s no well-defined yield Point for stainless stee!, Table 9 TYPICAL ENDURANCE LIMITS OF ‘ANNEALED CHROMIUM-NICKEL STAINLESS STEEL SHEET (2) ‘Alsi | Endurance Type_| limit ksi | MPa 301 35 Bat 302 34 234 303 35 pat 304 35 241 316 39 269 321 38 262 347 Es 269 Now the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), in conjunction with the SSSINA, has prepared a standard (ANSVASCE-8.80) "Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Stainless Stee! Structural Members,” This standard ‘covers four types of austenitic stainless steel, specticially Types 201, 201, 304 ‘and 316, and three types of fert¢ stain- less steels (See Ferric section below), This standard requires the use of struc: tural quality stainiess steel as defined in {general by the provisions of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) specifications, ‘Some ofthe physical properties of austenitic stiniess steels are similar to those ofthe martensitic and ferric tain- loss stoe's The modulus o elasticity, for ‘example, is 28 x 106 psi (193 GPa) and density is 0.29 Ib. per cu. in. (8060 Kayn®), ‘The physical properties of annealed Type 304 are shown in Table 10. Ferritic Stainless Steels Ferric stainless steels contain approx ‘mately 12% chromium (and up). The chemical compestton othe standara ‘grades are shown in Table 11 along with ominal mechanical properties. Also several proprietary grades (see Appendix AA) have achieved relatively wide commer cial acceptance. Three fertic stainless steels, namely “Types 409, 430 and 439 are included in the ASCE "Specification for the Design of Cole-Formed Stainiess Stoo! Stuctural Members.” Designers should be aware of (OF THe TaNTTOM THORESS TOF WBS 490 and 439 ferrtc stainless steels Is limited to 0.125 inches. Thisis in recognition of concems for the ductile to bile transition temperature ofthe ferric stainless stees in structural application. It should be noted that these alloys have been used in pate thickness for other applications. Generally, toughness in the annealed Condition decreases as the chromium ‘content increases. Molybdenum tends to increase ductity, whereas carbon tends todecrease duct. Fert stainless stools can be used for structural applica: tions (as noted above), as well as such traditional applications as ktchen sinks, land automotive, appliance, and luggage trim, which require good resistance to Corrosion and bright, hghiy polished finishes. When compared to low-carbon steels, such as SAE 1010, the standard num. beted AIS ferric stainless steos, such a8 Type 480) exhibit somewhat higher yield and tensile strengths, and low elon. gations, Thus, they are not as formable as. the low-carbon steels. The propritary fer fite stainless stools, on the other hand, vith Iower carbon levels have improved those of carbon and aly steels at the same svength vel oom emperature physical properties of Tipe #10 are shown in Table 10. The property of ost intrest s modulus of astoty The modulo he martensitic stainless steels (29 x 10® psi) (200 GPa) fare softly fess an the modulus of car bon see! (20x 108 ps) (207 GPa) but are markely highe han tho modulo ether {engineering material, such a aluminum {G0 10¢ ps) (67 GPa) The densities of the martensitic stain less steels (about 0.28 lb, per cu. in) (7780 Kim?) are sightty lower than those Of the carbon and alloy stools. As a result, they have excellent vibration damping capacty The martensitic stainless stools are generally selected for moderate ress {ance to corrosion, relatively high strength, and good fatigue properties ater suitable heat treatment, Type 410 is Used for fasteners, machinery parts and press plates. f greater hardenabilty or higher toughness is required, Type 414 ‘may be used, and for better machinabi ‘iy, Iypes 416 or 416 Se are used, Springs, flatware, knife blades, and hand tools are often made from Type 420, while Type 431 is frequently used for aircraft parts requiring high yield strength and Fesistance to shock. Cutlery consumes most of Types 440A and B, whereas Type 440C is frequentiy used for val parts requiring good wear resistance. High-carbon martensitic stainless steels are generally not recommended for welded applications, though Type 410, ‘can be welded with relative ease. Hardening heat treatments should folow forming operations because ofthe poor forming qualties of the hardened steels. " ‘Table 12. MARTENSITIC STAINLESS STEELS (1) ‘Chemical Analysis % (Max. unless noted otherwise) Type c Ma 5 8 3 or Ni Me Other aos | 015 x00 | 0040 | 0030 | os0 | 1150/1300 410 | ons 100 | 0040 | 0030 | 1.00 | 1150/1350 aa | ons. 100 | oo40 | 0030 | 100 | 1150/1380 | 125/250 aie | ons 1.25 | 0060 | o15iMin) | 1.00 | 120071800 060" 416se | 015 125 | 0060 | 0060 | 1.00 | 1200/1800 0.15 Se Min) 420 | orsimin) | 1.00 | 0020 | 0030 | 1.00 | 1200/1800 a20F | orsiain) | 125 | 0060 | o15imind | 1.00 | 120071800 oor 422 | 020025 | 100 | 0025 | 0025 | 075 | 1100/1300 | 050/100 | 075/125 | o1s/os0v o7s/.28W a1 | 020 100 | 004 | 0030 | 100 | 1500/1700 | 125/250 asoa | 060075 | 100 | 0040 | 030 | 1.00 | 1600/1800 o7s asoa | o7si9s | 100 | os | ooa0 | 1.00 | 1e00/a00 075 soc | 098/120 | 100 | 0040 | 0030 | 100 | 1600/1800 ors Table 13 Nominal Mechanical Properties (Gnmoaled sheet unless noted otherwise) wwe Tensile Strength Bengetonin, | wardnoss | product val Pa co * (Rockwell) | "Form 403 70 483) 35 310 25 ‘880 410 70 489, 45 310 25 880 44 120 827 105 724 18 298 a6 78 817 40 276 20 a2 (ea0) 41680 15 si 40 276 30 882 (ean 420 95 655, 50 345 25 B92 (an 420° 95 655 55 ara 22 220 (Bnei | (Bar) 422 145 1000 125 362 18 320 (Brine) | (Bar) 431 125 862 95 655, 20 2a (ean) 4408 105 724 60 a4 20 895 (Ban 4408 107 738 62 ar 18 296 (an aoc 110 758 65 448 14 e097 (ear! Brecipitation Hardening Stainless Steels “The principle of preciptation hardening is that a supercooled solid solution (solu- tion annealed materia) changes its metal lurgieal stucture on aging. The principal ‘advantage is that products can be fabri Ccatedin the annealed condition and then strengthened by a relatively ow. temperature 800-1150F (482-6200) treat ment, minimizing the problems ‘associated with high temperature trat- ments. Strength levels of up to 260 ksi 2 (1793 MPa) (lens) can be achieved — exceeding even those ofthe martensitic slainless steels — while corrosion resis lance is usually superior — nearly equal to that of Type 304 stainless. Duct i simiar to corresponding martensitic (grades at the same strength level, Table 45 shows the chemical compostion and the nominal mechanical properties of four ‘AIS standard precipitation hardening Slainless sleas in solution treated and ‘age hardened concttions. Precipitation hardening stainloss steels have high strength, relatively good duct ity, and goed corrosion resistance at moderate temperatures. They are uted for aerospace structural components, fuel tanks, landing gear covers, pump parts, shatting, bats, sav, knives, and flexible bellows-ype expansion joins Physical properties of UNS 19800 are shown in Table 10. ardent Twe UNS Tome F 1G) HB 403 and $40300 1800 (981) 410 410° 541000 416and 841600 1800 (981) 410 4165e Sa1623, 414 8414001800 (981) 425 4318431001900 (1036) 440 420 9420001900 (1036) 40 440A 844002 1900 (1036) 570 440844003 1900 (1036) 590 Table 14 NOMINAL MECHANICAL PROPERTIES ‘As Quenched Hardness and Properties After Hardening and Tempering 1 in. (25.4 mmn) Diameter Bars ‘As Quenched Hardness Terme, | Wels St Bion. in. Red. of tzod impact Tempering, Strength, Ksi 0.2%.” 2in. (80,80 mm) "Area -V-Notch HR Temp. F (C) (MPa} "otter i ‘(Pa) % % Ft Lbs. (J) ©43 400 (208) 19011910) 145 (1000), 15 5835 (47) 00 (315) 180(1281) 140. (965), 15 5835 (47), 800" (426) 1951344) 150 (1034) 7 55 1000"(538) 145 (1000) 115 (793), 20 65 1200 (648) 110 (758) 85 (586) 23 65754102) 1400 (760) 90 (621) 60 tara) 30 7 1001136), 643 400 (204) 1901310) - 145 (1000) 2 4520 (27) 00 (315) 180(1241) 140. (965), 13 45 20 (27) 800" (426) 1951344) 150 (1038), 13 50 1000" (538) 145(1000) 115 (79a) 15 50 1200 (648) 110 (758) 85 (586) is 55 30 (a1) 1400 (760) 90 (621) 60 (814) 25 60 60 (61) 44 400 (208) 10011379) 150 (1034) 18 5545 61) 600 (315) 190(1310) 145.1000) 18 55 45 (61) 800 (426) 2001378) 1501034) 16 58 1000"(638) 145(1000) 120 (627) 20 60 1200 (760) 120 (827) 105 (724) 20 65 50 (68) 645 400 (204) 205 (1413) 155 (1069) 15 58 30 (41) 800 (318) 195(1348) 150 (1034), 18 55 45 (61) 1800" (426) 2051413) 155 (1089), 18 60 1000"(638) 150(1034) 130. (696), 18 60 1200 (760) 125 (862) 95 (655), 20 60 50 (68) 054 600 (315) 230(1586) 195 (1384), 8 25 10 (1) 656 600 (315) 260(1793) 240 (1655), 5 2 4 8) €58 600 (315) 280(1931) 270 (1862), 3 1% 3 060 600 (315) 29511965) 275 (1896) 2 12 4406 44004 1900 (1036) 610 “Tempered Hardness He 390 376 300 300 225 380 390 375 390 300 225 180 410 400 415 290 250 415 400 415 325 260 500 510 555 580 cat 639 cat 31 B97 389 cat a9 cat cat 897 869 cas cat cas 630 cee cas cat 43 cas 2a 50 cst oss. cs7 Tempering within the range of 760 to 1080 F (39910 565 C) ie not recommended because such ireatment wil result low and erratic impact pro perties and oss of corrasin resislance. Note. Variations in chemical composition within the individual type ranges may alec! the mechanical pro- pertes Table 15, PRECIPITATION HARDENING STAINLESS STEELS (1 \Ghamical Analysis (atone noted other ™ c [mfr [s fs |e Ni co Other siseco | 00 | ov | 0010 | ooo | ovo | vaasiaas | rsomso | 20080 | 0907 sew : oor | +00 | oo%0 | oa20 | 1.00 | ra00r18s0 | 2sorss0 acpi Soca $18500 018/048 Oo Ta sirs90 | oor | 100 | ao10 | oo20 | 100 | 1550/1780 | 3.001500 Sous oocu 01804800" Ta 817700 | 008 | +00 | ooo | ooso | oso | 1600/1800 | es0v775 Brett 8A Nominal Mechanical Properties {Soltion Tested Bar Tensile Strength Weld Strenath nga, varoness Te ry wa cy MPa e (Rockwell) sia800 | 160 v0 120 eer 7 oa siss00 | 160 +103 us 1000 1 cas siz | 180 108 us 1000 15 cos si7%00 | 120 oe 0 276 10 890 13 HIGH-TEMPERATURE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES ‘Stainless steels are used at tempera- tures up to about 2000F (10830) because they have good strength at elevated temperature and good resis- tance to corrosion and oxidation In steam power generation, for exam- ple, high allowable design stresses permit the use of thin sections and high operat- ing temperatures. In aircraft and space- Craft design, the AISI numbered siainless stools are used for pars in which hot strength is crucial. Staines stools are Used extensively in heat exchangers in hich there is need for bath corrosion resistance and hot strength, especialy for pressure service. The nuclear power Industry represents many high temperature applications for stainless steels, such as superheaters, boilers, feed-water heaters, valves, and main steam lines ‘At steam temperatures over 1050F (6680), the austenitic stainless stoo's are preferred, This ilustrated by Table 16, \which shons allowable stresses for Type 304 seamiess pipe in unfired vessels, a8 ‘compared with 2 owalloy chromium rmotybdenum steel Inanalyzing high-temperature proper: tie, hot strength and thermal stability {from the standpoint of softening oF ‘embiitioment) are important. Prysical properties are aso significant Figure 21 gives a broad concept of the hotsrenath advantages of stainless stools in comparison to low-carbon unal loyed steel. Preciptation hardening stain, less steels also have excellent hot strength at moderate temperatures, but their stength deciines sharply as they overage at high temperature, Figure 22 compares the effect of tem perature on the strength and ductility of annealed vs. cold worked Type 301 ‘Above 1000F (637C), design will be bbased on creep or rupture strength Figure 23 shows shorttime tensile and yield strengths of various staniess steels “Table 17 shows creep and rupture strengths of annealed 400 Series stain less steels exposed Io temperatures up to ‘1500F (8160), while Table 18 shows data for five stainless steels at 1600-2000F (@71-10930), Figures 24, 25, and 26 show Comparative 100,000 hour stress-tupture data for Types 304, 321, and $47, respec- tively “These data generally apply to stainless steels normally furnished by mils, butt should be recognized that processing variables can occur. To minimize such variables in materials fr high- 4 temperature service, ASTM has estab: lished an "H” modification of some AISI numbered stainless steels. This modifica tion establishes a minimum carbon level in grades such as 304H and 321H when the intended application requires good high temperature properties. Welding can affect hightemperature rupture and creep strength characteris: tics. Nevertheless, good welding prac tices result in elable valves. Pressure vessels and other elevated: temperature equipment are designed to ‘American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes, These represent an excellent ‘compendium of minimum requirements ‘or design, fabrication, inspection and ‘construction. Designers should reer to the latest applicable revisions that reflect ‘current technology, ‘THERMAL STABILITY ‘With time and temperature, changes in metallurgical structure can be expected {or almost any steel or aloy In stainless siees, the changes can be softening, car. bide precipitation, or embritement Softening oceursin the martensitic stainless steels when exposed to temper. atures approaching or exceeding the ‘origina tempering temperature. ype ‘440, for example, can be held at 900F (4826) for only short periods ifthe high hardness isto be retained. Cald. worked austenite stainless steels, as shown previ ‘ously in Figure 22, may also soten at elevated temperalure Embritlement usually means the loss ‘of room-temperature toughness. Embyit. tied equipment must be handled carefully to avoid impact when itis cooled down for maintenance. Table 19 shows how ‘prolonged holding at temperatures of ‘900 to 1200 F (482-6490) can affect room-temperature toughness of various Slainless steals, while Figure 27 puts ‘embritlement in better perspective with respect tothe three “general-purpose” types. Note that the transtion tempera {re for Types 410 and 430 fa near oor temperature while there is only minor loss of toughness in Type 304. Emre ‘ment is rarely of concern with austenitic sainiess steels. Ferric and duplex stainless steals are subject to embritiement when exposed to temperatures of 700:950F aver an ‘extended period of time. Martensitc ‘grades with greater than 12%6 chromium ‘also have been known to display bitle tendencies ater extended periods in the ‘same temperature range. This phenome ‘non is called 885F embritlement ‘because ofthe temperature at which ‘embritlament is most pronaunced, ‘885F emibrittement results in low duc- tity and increased hardness and tensile strengths af room temperature, and the metal may fracture catastrophicallyf not handled careluly, The meta, however, retains its desirable mechanical proper. ties at operating temperature (00 and higher). The effect of 885F embritlement ‘can be removed by heat treatment at ‘HOOF (6890), Ferric and duplex grades are subject to sigma-phase embnitlement when exposed to temperatures of 1000-1800F (638-9870) over extended periods, which also results in loss of room-temperature ductity and corrosion resistance. Sigma- [phase can be removed by heat treatment for ferric grades at 1880F (8990) fo lowed by air cooling, and at 1900F (10380), and higher for duplex grades, Carbide precipitation ocours (see sec- tion on corrosion) in austenitic stainless slee'sin the temperature range of '800-1600F (427-871C). Tis causes a loss, ‘of toughness and may make the stee! ‘subject to intergranular corrosion in cer fain environments. can be removed by heat treatment above 1900F (10380), Bile failure under load is of concern, especially in welded fabrications. This type of embritlement is largely a problem al temperatures of 1000-1800F (638-8160), since strength and not duct ity isthe limiting factor at higher temper tures. Because of aifculy in evaluating data, and the variable conditions involved, designers are encouraged to seek technical assisiance from stainless steel producers. Physical properties such as linear ‘expansion and thermal conductivity are Of interest. Figure 28 shows austenitic Slainless staas to have greater thormal ‘expansion han martenstic or ferttic ‘grades. This should be considered when Joining dissimiar metals Thermal conduciviy is also aiferent ‘among different stainless steels. However, in heat exchange applications, fm resis tance, fouling, and ather suriace factors have a far greater east on heat transfor than the ally its Fluctuating thermal stresses, resulting from perocic changes in temperature, can lead to fatigue problems. A rue of thumb has been used with apparent suc ‘cess: For a 20-year ile, a figure of 7000, ‘oyoles — coresponding to one cycle a day — has been used in piping design, ‘while 40000 isthe number of tempera: ture swings for process equipment over the same petiod. The 300 Series stain- less steals are more sensitive to thermal fatigue than the 400 Series types.

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