KB - Sage Intelligence On Two Load Balancing Servers

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SERVERS Micromega setup case

Scope of Work

BIC Nodes Sage Intelligence Reporting missing on most users

Issues Raised

BIC Nodes Sage Intelligence Reporting missing on most users

Client running on VMware with two load balancing servers for Pastel Evolution and one SQL server.

Trouble shooting:

Logged in as Admin and test user on both servers Sage intelligence report could be seen
except for the customised reports

Consultation Report


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Sage intelligence Node was not available on the other users (Financial Managers(4))

Issue Description
1. The BIC path was pointing to the Metadata folder or was blank and was not pointing to
the R:\ drive where BIC executable files are installed.

Consultation Report


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Issue Solution

1. Ensure that the Sage Intelligence path is pointing to the R: in under Utilities explorer options for Sage

2. Added / Rebuild the Sage intelligence Node from the Admin system tree and the problem on Customised report
for Admin and test user was resolved

1. ALWAYS Ensure that all BIC users have the Utilities explorer options for Sage Intelligence path correctly setup
to point to the R:\ where BIC programs are installed. This must be setup for both Evolution servers (PastelApp1
and PastelApp2)

2. When a user requires to run BIC reports must not log onto branch but all branches.(Agent Setup, tick all
branches + the specific branches required)

Consultation Report


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