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These are some of the sightings

I saw in Tadoba National Park

where I saw 5 tigers (4 were
cubs and one was a mother) and
I also saw a herd of deer and
these are some of the pictures

of them. I was very excited to see such a wonderful

site as such a site is very rare and a man needs to
be very lucky to see such a site. So I think myself
to be very lucky to see such a site. The tigers were
not at all afraid as you can see as we got all the
pictures from close up. The tigers were also roaring
as you can see in the last picture. The deer was not
an amazing site as it is very common to see in a
forest but I wish I had seen wild dogs. This is the
second reason tourists come to the forest for
sighting of wild dogs but unfortunately this is a
very rare site. I had seen guides walking on the
forest when the tigers were standing with guns just
a few meters from the tigers. The guide in our jeep
asking us to talk softly or else the tigers would get
scared. We also heard the barking of barking deer
alerting other animals other animals that the tigers
have arrived. I also heard the chirping of birds in
the forest which was really amazing.

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