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Win/DSS is a registered trademark of JDA software group, Inc.

T h e W i n / D S S El e ct r o n i c Jo u r n a l
V ie w e r is t h e f ir st a p p lica t ion w e
la u n ch w h e n w e n e e d t o q u ick ly
look a t a r e ce ip t or isola t e a n issu e
w it h a POS t r a n sa ct ion
Clarion, the Win/DSS Electronic Journal Viewer is then able
to access the data contained in these files and create a useful
presentation to the user.

Ex e cu t i v e o v e r v i e w
Re a l, M e a su r a b le ROI w h e n
u si n g t h e W i n / D SS El e ct r o n i c
Jo u r n a l V i e w e r !

The Win/DSS electronic journal viewer provides immediate,

real time access to every transaction generated by your Point
of Sale device at the moment a z-read is performed. This
enhances the productivity of your sales audit department, loss
prevention and store support teams.
You can mitigate or eliminate the cost of sending receipts
back to your corporate office or receipt storage facility by
using the Win/DSS electronic journal viewer.
The Win/DSS Electronic Journal Viewer provides:
Immediate, real time access to sales transaction data
and xread/zread data.

Fig u r e 1 : Sor t , Gr o u p , V ie w a n d Se a r ch
f o r y o u r El e c t r o n i c Jo u r n a l s !

Relief from shipping charges to ship receipts back to Technical Benefits:

home office.
No software installation required for the
store server.
Ability to quickly investigate and isolate issues with
errant POS transactions.
100% compatible with Windows 2000,
Windows XP, Windows NT 4.0 SP6,
Other functions allow the electronic journals to be
Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2003
sorted, grouped, filtered, emailed, printed and faxed
server .
as needed, all from within the easy to use journal
viewer interface.
Managed C# for maximum reliability &
T e ch n ica l Br ie f
The Win/DSS
Electronic Journal Viewer will take
advantage of your WAN to access the proprietary Clarion
journal files created by the Win/DSS POS. These files are
typically moved to your in store server at the time a ZREAD
is performed. Using a custom access layer written in C# and
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100% Compatible with the .NET 2.0

Framework and Visual Studio 2005.

Clarion code is kept to a minimum and

used only for access to proprietary
TopSpeed journal files (.TPS files).
Distributed as an installable MSI package
by default for ease of implementation.

Fi g u r e 2 : Ex a m p l e o f t h e j o u r n a l w i t h
a ct io n t o olb a r

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