WilD6 Western RPG

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Copyright 2013

Revised April 15, 2013

Table of Contents
Attributes and Skills
Character Points
The Wild Die
Complementary Skills and Lendin a Hand
Wild West Combat
Weapons of WilD6West
Making WilD6West Characters
Perks, Complications and Character Concepts
Character Concepts
Horse Perks and Complications
Man Aginst the Elements
Encumbrance and Fatigue
Buyin Gear


Howdy pardner! Welcome to WilD6West,
the rootinest, tootinest doggone game in
the West. WilD6West is powered by the
most excellent Mini Six Bare Bones Edition
by Antipaladin Games. Download it from
their website www.antipaladingames.com,
its still free I hear. Id like to take this
opportunity to say a few things before we
get started.
WilD6West is intended for and written as a
gritty western style adventure role-playing
game. There may be the odd ghost tale or
curse, but the supernatural has little power
in this version of the West. So, if yer
lookin to kill vampires, werewolves,
mummies and zombies, or build giant
steam powered airships that fly to Mars
through the Aether, look elsewheres
hombre. There are many mighty fine
games where you kin do just that, but this
here game aint one of em. But please, if
you so desire to incorporate such
mechanics, especially from the other awe
inspiring works also based on Mini Six for
SteamPunk, Victorian horror or science
fiction, feel free.

women, First Nations, Asians, Mexicans or

any other group to whom such unfortunate
epithets are all too often applied. To be
sure, such words as those rhyming with
bike, hunt, itch, Julie, bigger
and others will not be found in this
Those familiar with Mini Six will recognize
the games format. The default combat
style is Fast Static (with minor
modifications that you can ignore if you
choose) rather than the Traditional D6, but
both will fit. Also, the default damage
system uses Wound Levels rather than
Body Points, but you kin use either.
Among other divergences from cannon
include the concept of Lethal and NonLethal damage, as well, youll note that
firearms are a heck of a lot more
dangerous in WilD6West than you might
be used to. Thats cause guns kill people,
and one bullet is all thats required to put a
man down for good. If thats not heroic or
cinematic enough for ya, feel free to turn
down the firearms damage a pip er two.
Now, lets giddalong little doggee.

While I am no American History buff or

Wild West aficionado, I have done some
readin and borrowin from many sources
written by folks who are. If them folks see
somethin familiar in these here pages,
please keep in mind that I aint makin a
cent offa this and imitation is the highest
form oflattery.
I would also like to warn those readers
who may be sensitive to some of the racial,
cultural and sexual issues and prejudices
unfortunately endemic to those (and these)
times, some of the language used may be
offensive and fer that I apologize. Words
like Injun and whore and negro I
felt, although powerful and demeaning in a
certain context, when used in a game
about the Wild West to create
verisimilitude, will hopefully be seen
solely as just that. Such speech in no way
reflects the authors attitudes towards

Attributes and Skills

GRIT: a character's might, physical
strength and stamina. The damage you

inflict unarmed, and the damage you add

to most handheld weapons, known as your
Basic Damage, is equal to your GRIT plus
any additions from Perks or LiftinSkill.
Your Soak, or how much resistance you
have against physical punishment is equal
to your Grit.

MOVIN': one's agility and dexterity, as

well as speed and reaction time. Your
Pace, or how fast you can run is equal to 10
plus your 'Thletics Skill roll. Your Initiative,
or how fast you act in combat is equal to
your Movin.

THINKIN': yer brains, learning,

memory and senses.

GUMPTION: a combination of will

and spirit but also charisma and

GRIT Skills
Brawlin': fighting with your hands and
feet. No specializations.
Fightin': combat using handheld weapons
like knives, swords, clubs, axes and
Liftin': can never be more than 3D greater
than your GT. This Skill represents feats of
strength like lifting heavy objects or
bending bars, lifting gates. Every D in
Liftin above your GT Attribute adds +1 to
yer hand to hand Damage. No
'Durance: stamina, health and ability to
tough out physical hardships and

MOVIN' Skills
Archery: usin' a bow and arrow.
Big Guns: this refers to the firing and
maintenance of military style ordinance
such as cannons and gatling guns.
Dodgin': gettin outta the way. No
Specializations allowed.

Pistol: shootin a thumb buster.

Ridin': traveling on horseback.
Rifle: slingin a long iron like a
Winchester or a Spencer.
Sneakin': moving around real quiet like,
ambushin', not bein' seen.
Thievin': stealin', cheatin', gettin in and
outta places you shouldn't.
'Thletics: sports (none of the fightin' ones
mind you), runnin', jumpin', climbin'
Throwin': rocks, lassos, spears, knives
and so forth.

Craft: Smithin', carpentry, tannin',
undertakin', gunsmith and so on.
Doctorin': bandagin' a wound, treatin' a
snake bite, sawing an arm off.
Engineerin': using technology available
or just slightly ahead of its time.
Specialties include Demolitions, Mining,
Steam Engines, Construction etc.
Gamblin': Playin' games of chance and
calculating odds, also how to beat those
odds fairly or otherwise.
Know-how: this Skill covers regular stuff
that someone in the age or the Wild Wedst
should know unless they're a tenderfoot,
greenhorn or tin-ear. Basics like how to
care for your horse, which way is east and
how to mend your socks. All stuff that don't
fall under none of the other Skills but still
require a roll. Think of it like common
sense, or just gettin' by in the West.
Learnin': things you learn outta books and
fancy schoolin'. This includes stuff like the
Sciences, Philosophy, History, Geography
and a lot of -ology's, and -ography's that
they teach tenderfeet back east.
Perceivin: includes Sight, Hearing, Taste,
Smell, Touch, Searchin', Trackin', Spottin'
an Ambush and so on.
Savvy: your ability to read people and
situations, to tell if someone's bluffin' or get
a hint of danger before it happens.
Survivin': Gettin's by outside the confines
of civilization. Finding shelter, food, water,
useful plants and so on.
Palaver: is the language Skill, every D you
have in Palaver gives you fluency in a
language. The first D has to be your native
tongue (English, Spanish, French, Chinee,
Apache etc). Each pip less than a D you

have in a language means you have a -1D

penalty when tryin' to communicate or
understand that language. Your languages
have to be picked out ahead of time, and
increasing your Skill includes deciding
whether you've picked up another
language or improved upon the ones you

increase ones Fast Static scores by 1 pip

against one roll, at the cost of one
Character Point per pip. By spending
three you can roll an extra Wild Die
without any 1 consequences. They may
not be used to aid or lower someone elses
roll. Also, they may not be used on any roll
also affected by a Hero Point expenditure.

So a cowboy with 2D Thinkin and no

additional D in Palaver knows his native
tongue (English) fluently at 1D. He knows
some Apache at 1pip, and Spanish at 2
pips. If he wanted to communicate in
Apache, say use Wiles to negotiate over a
horse, hed be at a -2D penalty if the
exchange was carried on in Apache. If he
wanted to use Seduce on a beautiful
Mexican girl, hed be at a -1D penalty.
Trying to communicate without knowing
the language puts you at a -3D penalty.

Second, they may be earned more than

once per session per Complication.
Normally a Complication used during a
session earns you a Character Point, but
only one. In WilD6West, there is
something called the once, maybe twice
rule. If a second situation occurs after the
first Character Point has been awarded
that is more worthy of an award than the
first, the GM should feel free to award a
second one.

Art: Paintin, Drawin, Sculptin, Writin,
Potry and the like.
Command: this is yer leadership Skill,
getting people to do what you tell em
because of yer authority.
Handlin: your way with of all kinds of
animals, beasts and cattle.
Intimidatin: staring down or trash talking
your opponent. Beating their Guts roll
lands them a penalty on their Actions while
theyre facin you.
Guts: Your courage, your iron, what keeps
you from runnin' from a fight or a
dangerous situation.
Performin': Singin', Dancin', Playin' and
Wiles: your wiles and influence over other
people. Negotiatin', Deceivin', Persuadin'
and Seducin'.
Will: Your self-discipline and ability to
endure mental hardship.

Thirdly, if the GM assigns a situational

Complication resulting form a WilD1
(rolling a 1 on the Wild Die), a Character
Point is always awarded.

Some situations can only be resolved
through chance, the lucky succeed, the
unlucky dont. No Skill or Attribute
predominates. In such a circumstance Luck
is the operative factor.
A Characters Luck is determined using his
current, unspent Character Points and
Hero Points. Each Character Point adds a
pip, and each Hero Point adds a D. So if
you currently have 5 Character Points and
1 Hero Point, your resulting Luck equals
Hero Points and Character Points can be
spent on Luck rolls to improve the

Character Points

NPCs always roll 2D for Luck.

Character Points are earned and treated

the same way as in the Mini Six Bare Bones
Edition with a few minor exceptions.

The Wild Die

First, they can be spent to increase the

result of any die roll by 1 pip, or to

A one on the Wild Die (WilD1) results in

the highest rolled dice plus the Wild Die
excluded form the total. Under certain
circumstances such a roll may even trigger

a situational Complication administered by

the GM. In that case the player is awarded
a CP, but must face the music.
A WilD6 (a 6 on the Wild Die) permits that
die to be re-rolled and added and rerolled and added until the result is not a
WilD6. A WilD1 on these re-rolls does not
subtract from the total nor does it trigger a
situational Complication.

Complementary Skills and

Lendin a Hand
Some situations can be handled by more
than one Skill. When this occurs consider
the Skills Complementary, that is, they
help each other. Pick the primary Skill,
either taking the best one or the one that is
the most applicable and roll it. Then you
add the bonus from the Complementary
All Complementary Skills are also rolled,
each 6 rolled adds +1 pip to the primary
Skill result. Three pips can be treated as
an entire D. If a 6 is rolled on the
Complementary Wild Die, then add an
entire D to the primary Skill result.
The same rules can be used when a
number of people are cooperating to
achieve the same end. The primary actor
rolls his Skill, and add the other
contributors Complementary results to his
roll. Really large dice pools can default to
a single +1 pip per 5D, the remainder
rolled as above.
Whether or not a task is amenable to
Complementation and by how much is at
the discretion of the GM.

Wild West Combat

The standoff is a classic trope of any
Western campaign. Its as much
psychological as it is physical. Opponents
may try to Intimidate one another, failing a
Guts versus Intimidation creates a 1D
penalty against all Actions and Initiative
and lasts for a number of rounds equal to
each 10 or fraction thereof the victim fails,
or until the source of that fear is put down.
Thus failing by 6 nets -1D for 1 Round,
failing by 11, the penalty lasts 2 Rounds.
Gunslingers can sacrifice accuracy to
improve their draw speed. Before
Initiative is rolled, the shooter must
declare how much he wishes to increase
his Initiative by, preferably in increments
of 5 or 10 to make the math easier. This is
added to his rolled Initiative and applied
to the first round only. Thereafter his
Initiative decreases to its rolled value.
The amount the Initiative is increased also
increases all TN to hit for that round, thus
faster means less accurate.
An Initiative roll in excess of 20 allows the
attacker one additional Action in the
Initiative countdown, 10 Initiative counts
lower in the Round. Above 30 allows 2
additional Actions at 10 and 20 Initiative
counts lower and so on. Action Penalties
still apply. So, rolling 32 on your Initiative
permits you to Act on 32, but also on 22
and 12 if you choose. Anybody else who
rolled less than 20 can only Act on their
rolled Initiative each cycle. Every Action
beyond the first still draws an Action
Penalty however.
Weapons in WilD6West inflict two types of
damage; Lethal and Non-Lethal. NonLethal damage is typically inflicted by
blunt or non-edged, non-penetrating
weapons. So fists, clubs, hammers and
pistol butts are considered Non-Lethal

while swords, axes, picks, spears and

knives are considered Lethal. All firearms
are considered Lethal as are all
explosives, fire, electricity, falls, drowning
and pretty much any other environmental
Injuries from Non-Lethal Damage can be
reduced by one step by electing to take a
Stun instead. The number of Stuns you can
accumulate is equal to the number of D in
your Grit Attribute. Once that has been
reached you are rendered unconscious for
2D minutes.
Injuries from both Non-Lethal and Lethal
Damage can be reduced by one step by
voluntarily taking an appropriate
Complication such as One-Arm, Lame,
Blind, Ugly and so forth, representing the
maiming and scarring that occurs. These
new Complications last as long as the
recovery period for the injury they
replace, for example Wounds require
several days, Incapacitation weeks, Mortal
Wounds lasting months. For fatal wounds,
the Complication is permanent, whether or
not these Complications can be bought off
later is at the GMs whim.
Exceptionally high rolls still inflict greater
damage. For every ten and fraction thereof
rolled above the target TN, add another D
to the damage.
Wound Penalties are unchanged except
that Stun effects (-1D penalties) last until
the end of the scene or until Doctored,
whichever comes first.
New Fast Static Dodge, Parry and
Blocking Rules
Defenders that are not Dodging, Parrying
or Blocking have a TN of 1 to be hit. This
usually occurs when a character is
surprised or helpless. The usual range and
cover modifiers apply.
When using Dodge as your Defense TN, if
the attacker doesnt beat the TN, he simply
misses, inflicting no harm. The only down
side to Dodge is that you must have the
freedom and mobility to do so, thus being

trapped, entangled or unable to move

negates Dodge. Whether Dodging a chair
swung in melee or a bullet fired at range,
your Dodge TN remains the same. You
cannot Dodge an attack you dont know is
coming, but you can Dodge an attacker
you are aware of, even if you cant exactly
see where he is.
When using Parry as ones defensive TN, if
the attacker misses it is assumed that the
parrying object deflected the blow.
However, if the attacker hits, the defender
has three options.
The first option is to take the damage
against his Soak as per usual.
The second option is to sacrifice his
weapon instead of taking the damage
himself. The attacker rolls his damage
normally but instead of facing the
defenders Soak, the damage is matched
against the parrying objects Durability.
Durability for weapons usually equals their
damage modifier in pips. Thus a Bowie
knife might be 4, a spear 6 and so on. This
is modified if the weapon is exceptionally
well or poorly made, or in already
damaged condition. Any other objects
Durability may be calculated based
roughly on its size and composition.
Usually hand held things are a Lift TN of 1
to 4, plus the inherent Durability of the
object (wood 4, iron 6 and so on). Thus a
wooden chair might be a Lift TN of 3, plus a
Wood durability of 4, yielding a value of 7.
The tables for the Durability of objects are
presented in MegaSix, the SuperPowered
Game for Mini Six. Its probably just as
easy to make it up as you go along though.
If a pistol or rifle is used to Parry, consider
their Durabilities to be 4 and 6
If the attackers damage exceeds the
parrying weapon/objects Durability, each
point above reduces the objects
Durability by one. If Durability reaches
zero, the object is destroyed and any
excess damage is resisted by the
defenders Soak.

A weapon that isnt damaged is

automatically subject to option three. The
third option a parrying defender can use,
either if he doesnt wish to damage his
weapon or take damage himself is to lose
the weapon; it is knocked out of hand or
bashed aside such that an Action must be
taken in order to use it again, either to pick
it up or to right it.
Parrying is only good for melee weapons.
Your Parry is reduced by 10 for slow
moving missiles (thrown objects or
arrows) and by 20 for firearms. If youre
unaware of, or cant see your attacker you
cant parry a missile at all.
When using Block as your defensive TN,
you are interposing a part of your body
(not a weapon, shield or object) between a
more vital part of your body and the

attack. This doesnt work well against

ranged attacks or against melee weapons.
Against a melee weapon (other than brass
knuckles) Block is reduced by 5, against
slow missiles Block is reduced by 10, and
against firearms Block is reduced by 20.
You cant Block attacks you cant see or
dont know are coming. The GM may rule
that certain attacks (fire, explosions and
such) cannot be Blocked or Parried.
Movement in Combat
As in Mini Six, the base rate that a person
can move is 10m (sorry about the metric
system, Im Canadian like that), and only
5m without triggering an Action Penalty. In
order to run add your Thletics or
Thletics/Runnin to the speed. If yer doin
nothin but runnin that round (sprintin),
you kin double that number. A horses
Pace is 20m.

Weapons of WilD6West
Handguns-Pistol Skill
Harpers Ferry Pistol
U.S. Percussion Navy Pistol
Rifled version
Allen and Thurber Pepperbox
Pocket Deringer
Sharps Pepperbox
Remington Double-Derringer
Single-Action Revolvers
Colt Walker Dragoon
Colt New Model Army
Remington Pocket Pistol
Reids Knuckleduster
Colt Peacemaker
S&W Schofield
Double-Action Revolvers
Starr Army Revolver
Webley RIC
Colt Lightning
Colt Thunderer

Longarms-Rifle Skill

M1816 Flintlock Musket
M1842 Percussion Musket
Harpers Ferry Rifle
Hawken Rifle
Sharps Rifle
Sharps Carbine
Spencer Carbine
Henry Rifle
Winchester 73
Sharps Big Fifty
Loomis Side-by-Side
Remington Single-Barrel
Remington-Whitmore M1873
Winchester Lever-Action
Heavy Weapons-Big Gun Skill
Gatling Gun (HMG)


Ammo Dam

Rng(m) Rate








1 mzl
1 mzl
1 mzl
6 mzl
1 mzl








4 int
2 int








6 cyl
6 cyl
5 cyl
7 cyl
6 cyl
6 cyl








6 cyl
5 cyl
6 cyl
6 cyl








1 mzl
1 mzl








1 mzl
1 mzl
1 int
1 int
7 box
15 int
17 int
1 int




15 ga
12 ga
10 ga
10 ga




2 int
1 int
2 int
5 int







400 box 40.0 $1500

Range: the distance for each range increment (short, medium, long etc). Point blank is considered
within 2m.
Rate: how often a weapon can be fired in an Action. SS = Single Shot, weapon must be reloaded before
re-use, A = Automatic, each round fired adds +1 to hit and to damage to each target hit, -1 per additional
target. Greater than 1 adds +1 per round fired to hit and to damage, but only one target may be hit this
Mag: number of rounds held by the gun. cyl=cylinder, int=internal hold, mzl=muzzle loading

Volatile Weapons
Black Powder (0.5kg)
Dynamite (one stick)
Excelsior Grenade
Ketcham Grenade
Nitroglycerin Vial



All volatile weapons require safe storage and handling. Failure to do so may result in a TPK.
Damage from volatile weapons is reduced by 1D for every square (roughly 1.5m) away from
ground zero. The damage or effects of volatiles can be Complemented by ones
Engineering/Demolitions Skill.

Missile and Thrown Weapons





Blowgun and dart*
Crossbow, Light*

1D L
+2D+2 L
+1D+2 L
4D L
4D+1 L
3D+2 L


Boomerang, heavy*
Rock, fist-sized
Throwing dagger

Thrown Weapons
+1D+1 NL
See Throw Skill
+1 L
See Throw Skill
+2D L
See Throw Skill
+1 NL
See Throw Skill
+1D L
See Throw Skill
+1D L
See Throw Skill


Melee Weapons
Awl, ice pick, household scissors,
pocket knife, stake
Arrow-used in melee
Ball and chain
Baton, night stick, fire iron
Brass knuckles
Club, axe-handle, large stick,
walking stick
Sap, hammer (tool)
Sword, broad*
Sword, short*
Sword, two-handed*




+2 L
+1 L
+2D L
+2D NL
+1D+1 NL
+2 NL
+1 NL
+2 NL



+1D NL
+1D+1 L
+3D L
+1D L
+1D+1 L
+1D+2 L
+1D+2 L
+1D+2 NL
+1D+2 NL
+2D L
+1D+1 L
+1D NL
+2D+2 L
+1D+2 L
+3D+1 L
+1D+2 NL



*not permitted without GM approval.

Increment lbs DC Price

Making WilD6West Characters

Step right up pardner, dont be shy. If
youve read the Mini Six Bare Bones
section on Character Generation then
youre ready to go. The process for
WilD6West aint much different.


You cant have less than 1D and anything
more than 4D costs double. Remember
that the average Joe has 2D in all

Step 1: Think up a Character, a name, a

background, wheres he/she from, why
are they in the West and why are they
adventurin instead of settlin down an
makin homestead? In my game a good
backstory and a picture (inserted
preferably on the character sheet) can
yield you an additional 1 to 3 Skill Dice at
the GMs discretion.

Step 3: Assign Skill Dice. You start with 7

Skill Dice. With these you may buy Skills,
Perks and Concepts. You can cash in up to
one Attribute Die fer 6 extra Skill Dice, or 2
pips fer 4, one pip fer 2. Have a look at the
list of Perks, Complications and Character
Concepts available. Talk to yer GM if
theres something youd like but dont see
on the list. You can spend up to 2 Skill Dice
on a Skill, this includes Specializations.

Step 2: Assign Attribute Dice. You start

with 12 Attribute Dice to distribute among


Step 4: Choose your Complications (if

any). Thats right, you dont have to have
any). But if you do, youve got to have a
reason for them, and preferably no more
than three Complications per customer,
unless theyre part of a Character
Step 5: Buy yer stuff. If youve taken
Poverty, you start with nothin but the shirt
on yer back. If youve taken Wealthy,
welllll, the world is yer oyster. Characters
should start with whatever is reasonable
for them to have. Guns for gunslingers,
horses for Wranglers and so on. Talk to
yer GM. In addition you start with your
rolled Luck x rolled Luck for the number of
yankee dollars in yer drawers.
Step 6: Play.

Concepts, Perks and Complications are

compatible and I leave it up to the
common sense and discretion of the GM
and players. The Skills and benefits of a
Character Concept are intentionally
discounted to reward players for having
coherent character ideas consistent with
the genre.
Each Concept contains certain Skills, Perks
and Complications. Its assumed that any
Skill mentioned also includes its
Specialties (unless otherwise stated) and
thus Skill Dice spent on Specialization are
tripled as per the Mini Six Bare Bones
Edition Rules on Skill Specialization. Perks
listed as part of the Character Concept
may be purchased at half price only after
Character Creation if not chosen initially.
Associated Complications however cost
double to buy off.
When taking multiple Character Concepts,
any Perks and Complications in common
between Concepts dont stack or double
up. The Skill bonuses do add up though,
but not over and above the initial
recommended Character Generation
limits of no more than 2 Skill Dice per Skill.

Character Concepts
The Artist (6) yer a tortured genius, fleein
to the wild open spaces of the West to avoid
the cloyin vicissitude of the East. Out here,
youll either find yer muse or yer grave.

Perks, Complications and

Character Concepts for
There are lots of characters to play in a
Wild West setting. Below are just a few
suggestions, or Character Concepts.
These templates are merely examples,
and are not mandatory. You can buy one,
or more than one if you have enough Skill
Dice, or you can make up your own.
Having multiple Concepts in one character
merely implies a colorful history. Indeed
not all combinations of Character

Start with 2D in Art or 1D plus 3D amongst

its Specialties. You can add 1D to any three
of the following; Craft, Learnin, Perceivin,
Savvy, Palaver, Wiles.
You start with the Creative Perk and may
choose one of the following in addition:
Alertness, Acute Hearing/Vision, Alluring,
Ambidextrous, Charmin, Confident,
Conviction, Cussin, Deceptive, Dextrous,
Dirty Fighter, Drunk Shot, Educated,
Famous, Feminine Wiles, Funny, Inspire,
Iron Liver, Meticulous, Observant, Quick
Study, Reputation, Rugged Charm, Social
Drunk, Steady Hands.


You must choose at least two of the

following Complications; Alcoholism,
Addiction, Anemic, Arrogant, Blabber
Mouth, Brash, Chickenshit, Clueless, Clutz,
Compassionate, Competitive, Curiosity,
Death Wish, Delusional, Gentlemanly,
Haunted, Jealous, Lame, Lecherous,
Lightweight, Marginalized, Notorious,
Obese, Obstinate, One Arm/Ear/Eye/Leg,
Pacifist, Poverty, Surly, Temper,
Tenderfoot, Thrill-Seeker, Young.
The Bounty Hunter (6): you hunt men and
sometimes women. You make yer livin from
the price on their heads, but you dont
judge em, cause there but for the grace o
God. Sometimes they come in the easy way,
sometimes they come in the hard way.
Either way, they come in.
Add 1D to any five of the following Skills:
Brawlin, Fightin, Durance, Ridin, Pistol,
Rifle, Sneakin, Know-how, Percievin,
Savvy, Survivin, Wiles and Intimidatin.
Pick any two of the following Perks:
Authority, Commanding Voice,
Determined, Dirty Fighter, Fearsome
Countenance, Knock-out Blow, Observant,
or Tough.
Pick two of the following Complications:
Alcoholic, Addiction, Arrogant, Brash,
Enemy, Greedy, Intolerant, Lawful,
Murderous, Notorious, Sadist, Surly,

Gumption as yer base Attribute for any

Brawlin, Throwin or Fightin rolls.
You may choose three of the following
Perks: Acrobatic, Acute Hearing/Vision,
Alertness, Ambidextrous, Animal Affinity,
Athletic, Blind-Fight, Blind-Shot, By The
Grace of Buddha, Confident, Conviction,
Creative, Danger Sense, Deflection,
Determined, Educated, Escape Artist,
Explosive Speed, Fast as Lightning, Fast
Healer, Fleet-Footed, Flexible, Hard to Kill,
High Pain Tolerance, Horse Whisperer,
Iaiutsu, Iron Grip, Iron Will, Knockout
Blow, Lightning Reflexes, Lightsleeper,
Natural Born Healer, Nimble, Observant,
Quick Study, Sidewinder, Slippery Fighter,
Stealthy, Sure-footed, Trademark Weapon,
True Grit, Warning Shot.
You start with Marginalized and
Anachronism, or Stranger in a Strange
Land, or Obligation (no firearms)
Complications, as well as any two of the
following: Addiction, Always the Hero,
Blind, Cautious, Charitable, Clueless,
Code of Honor, Compassionate, Curiosity,
Death Wish, Distinctive, Elderly, Enemy,
Haunted, Lawful, Lightweight, Loyal,
Murderous, Obligation (another one),
Pacifist, Poverty, Pious, Superstitious,
Vengeful, Wanted, Young.

The Celestial Ascetic (7) maybe yer a

white man who grew up in a Shaolin
monastery, maybe yer a dispossessed
samurai or ninja from the Land of the Risin
Sun, maybe yer a temple warrior from
LuTsu, the Sacred Valley of Eternal Life
wanderin the barbaric West in search of
who knows what r why. Regardless yer
here, and probably eschew the gun for the
ancient, more pure arts of a martial kind, an
boy kin you whoop some ass.
Divide 6D amongst Brawl, Fightin, Liftin,
Durance, Archery, Dodgin, Sneakin,
Thletics, Throwin, Doctorin, Learnin,
Perceivin, Palaver, Will. Also, instead of
Grit, you may choose Movin, Thinkin or


The Civilized Injun (6): youve given up

livin among yer people on the reservations
or in the wilds and decided to spend yer
time among the white man.
Youre native tongue can be one of your
Peoples languages, or it can be something
else, usually English, Spanish or French.

You must choose at least two of the

following Complications; Alcoholism, All
Thumbs, Cautious, Charitable,
Chickenshit, Clueless, Clutz,
Compassionate, Dependants, Elderly,
Greedy, Gullible, Jealous, Lawful, Loyal,
Obstinate, Pacifist, Poverty, Proud, Rustic,
Surly, Temper, Tenderfoot, Young.

Add 1D to the any five of the following

Skills: Brawlin, Fightin, Durance,
Archery, Ridin, Shootin, Sneakin,
Thletics, Throwin, Craft, Know-how,
Learnin, Perceivin, Survivin, Palaver,
Handlin, Will.
Take any two of the following Perks:
Alertness, Animal Affinity, Athletic, Brave,
Conviction, Danger Sense, Dirty Fighter,
Drunk Shot, Explosive Speed, Fly On The
Wall, Hollow Leg, Injun Wise, Light
Sleeper, and Tough.
You must take the Marginalized
Complication, and pick another one of the
following: Alcoholism, Arrogant, Bad Luck,
Code of Honor, Death Wish, Distinctive,
Haunted, Illiterate, Intolerant, Innumerate,
Loyal, Murderous, Poverty, Superstitious,
Surly, Vengeful, Wanted.
The Clodbuster (4) yer a brave soul who
has weathered the risks of the West and
begun a homestead.
You start with +1D in Craft, or 3D to be
distributed among any of its Specialties.
Add 1D to any four of the following Skills:
Liftin, Durance, Ridin, Rifle, Craft, Knowhow, Savvy, Survivin, Handlin, Guts and
You may choose two of the following
Perks: Animal Affinity, Brave, Builder,
Confident, Conviction, Creative, Cussin,
Determined, Dextrous, Fast Healer, Handy,
Hard to Kill,
YOU!, Injun Wise, Inspire, Iron Grip, Ive
Got Just The Thing, Jack-of-All-Trades, Lay
of the Land, Logical Thinker, Lucky
Bastard, Meticulous, Quick Study, ShickShick!, Teamster, The World is my Arsenal,
Town Authority, Trail Wise, True Grit.

The Criminal (6): yer an escaped felon, a

wanted man. You make yer living at some
kind of illegal enterprise.
Add 1D to any five of the following Skills:
Brawlin, Fightin, Pistol, Sneakin,
Thievin, Gamblin, Know-how, Savvy,
Intimidatin, Wiles.
You may pick two of the following Perks:
Alertness, Cussin, Deceptive, Dextrous,
Dirty Fighter, Escape Artist, Reputation,

You must take the Wanted Complication

as well as at least one of the following:
Alcoholism, Addiction, Bad Luck,
Brash, Enemy, Greedy, Jealous,
Lecherous, Murderous, Notorious,
Sadist, Surly, Temper, Ugly or Vicious.


The Doctor (6) you are a highly trained

practitioner who finds himself/herself out
here in this godforsaken wilderness.
Start with 2D in Doctorin or 1D and
distribute 3D amongst its Specialties. Add
1D to any four of the following Skills:
Ridin, Doctorin, Learnin, Savvy, Palaver,
Wiles and Will.
You may pick two of the following Perks;
Alluring, Ambidextrous, Charmin,
Confident, Conviction, Determined,
Dextrous, Educated, Elderly,
YOU!, Ive Got Just The Thing, Know-itall, Logical Thinker, Meticulous,
Observant, Quick Study, Reputation, Slick,
Social Drunk, Steady Hands, Studious,
Surgeon, Town Authority, Trademark
Weapon, Trustworthy.
Start with the Obligation Complication and
choose another from the following
Complications; Alcoholism, Addiction,
Anemic, Arrogant, Blabber Mouth,
Cautious, Charitable, Chickenshit,
Clueless, Compassionate, Curiosity,
Dependants, Elderly, Gentlemanly,
Greedy, Lecherous, Lightweight, Loyal,
Notorious, Obese, Pacifist, Proud, Sadist,
The Drifter (6) you are ubiquitous in the
Wild West genre. Mysterious and
dangerous, quiet and serene, until
provoked, then watch out.
Start with either 1D in Pistol, Rifle, Brawlin
or Fightin. Add 1D to Intimidatin. Add 1D
to any three of the following Skills:
Brawlin, Fightin, Ridin, Pistol, Rifle,
Know-how, Perceivin, Savvy, Survivin,
Intimidatin and Will.
You start with Fearsome Countenance and
may pick any one of the following Perks:
Alertness, Ambidextrous, Athletic, Blazing
Saddle, Born in the Saddle, Bullets
Unlimited, Cinematic Shot, Confident,
Conviction, Dead Shot, Deflection,
Determined, Dirty Fighter, Escape Artist,
Eyes in the Back of Yer Head, Fast as
Lightning, Fly on the Wall, Hammer Fan,
Hard to Kill, Harder to Kill, HipShootin,

High Pain Tolerance, Killer Instinct,

Lightning Reflexes, Lightning Reload,
Natural Born Killer, Nerves of Steel, Quick
Draw, Shadow of Death, Trademark
Weapon, Trail Wise, True Grit, Unshakable
Dawg, Yer Dead.
You start with the Haunted Complication
and must take at least one of the following:
Always the Hero, Arrogant, Bad Luck,
Code of Honor, Death Wish, Enemy,
Gentlemanly, Marginalized, Murderous,
PTSD, Sadist, Surly, Vengeful, Vicious,
The Drunk (5): you may have been
someone once, but now yer just a smelly old
drunk. Believe this kin come in handy.
Add 1D to any five of the following Skills:
Durance, Dodgin, Thievin, Gamblin,
Know-how, Savvy or Wiles.
You automatically start out with the Hollow
Leg Perk and can choose another Perk
from the following: Charmin, Cussin,
Deflection, Dirty Fighter, Drunk Shot,
Eloquent Spit, Fly On The Wall, Funny,
Lucky Bastard, Nerve, Social Drunk,
Warning Shot.
You must have the Alcoholic Complication
and must choose one of the following: All
Thumbs, Brash, Clueless, Delusional,
Elderly, Lame, Marginalized, Poverty,
Surly, Temper or Ugly.
The Duelist (6) you travel the land slingin
yer iron for the highest bidder, takin down
any swingin dick that thinks he kin shoot.
Sometimes some of em can.
Start with 2D in Pistol, add 1D to four of the
following Skills: Dodgin, Ridin, Shootin,
Thletics, Craft/Gunsmith, Know-how,
Perceivin, Savvy, Intimidatin, Guts.
You may choose two of the following
Perks: Acute Vision, Alertness,
Ambidextrous, Cinematic Shot,
Commanding Voice, Confident, Danger
Sense, Dead Shot, Deflection, Eyes in The
Back of Your Head, Famous, Fast as
Lightning, Fearsome Countenance,
Hammer Fan, Hip Shootin, Hold Out,


Iaiutsu, Instant Load, Killer Instinct,

Lightning Reflexes, Lightning Reload,
Natural Born Killer, Quick Draw,
Reputation, Right Between the Eyes,
Shadow of Death, Show-off, Sidewinder,
Trademark Weapon.
You must take at least two of the following
Complications: Arrogant, Brash, Code of
Honor, Competitive, Death Wish,
Distinctive, Enemy, Gentlemanly,
Haunted, Jealous, Lecherous, Murderous,
Notorious, Sadist, Surly, Temper,
Tenderfoot, Thrill-Seeker, Wanted, Young.

Determined, Dextrous, Educated, Famous,

Handy, Ive Got Just The Thing, Jack-of-allTrades, Know-it-all, Logical Thinker,
Mechanical Inclination, Meticulous,
Observant, Powder-monkey, Quick Study,
Reputation, Studious, The World is my
Arsenal, Windfall.
Select any two of the following
Complications: Alcoholism, Addiction,
Anemic, Arrogant, Bad Vision, Bad Luck,
Blabber Mouth, Chickenshit, Clueless,
Clutz, Competitive, Curiosity, Delusional,
Elderly, Greedy, Jealous, Notorious,
Obese, Obstinate, Proud, Tenderfoot.
The Entertainer (6) musicians, dancers,
actors and orators eek a sparse living in the
Wild West, nevertheless the show must go
You start with 2D in Perform or 1D plus 3D
to be divided amongst any of its
Specialties. Add 1D to three of the
following Skills: Ridin, Pistol, Sneakin,
Thievin, Thletics, Craft, Know-how,
Learnin, Survivin, Palaver, Performin,

The Engineer (6) you design and invent

the new technologies that will cut a path to
the bright and shining tomorrow of your
vision. Or maybe you just build railroads,
bridges and steam engines. Men like Tesla,
Faraday, Edison, Stephenson, Eastman they
are your heroes.
Start with 2D in Engineering, or 1D and
distribute 3D amongst any of its
Specialties. Add 1D to any three of the
following Skills: Craft, Doctorin,
Engineerin, Know-how, Learnin and
Select any two of the following Perks:
Ambidextrous, Builder, Charmin,
Confident, Creative, Cussin, Deflection,

You may select any two of the following

Perks; Acrobatic, Ambidextrous, Animal
Affinity, Athletic, Charmin, Commanding
Voice, Creative, Deceptive, Deflection,
Dextrous, Educated, Escape Artist,
Famous, Feminine Wiles, Flexible, Fly on
the Wall, Funny, Handy, Hollow Leg,
Inspire, Nerve, Nimble, Purdy, Quick
Study, Reputation, Show-off, Slick, SureFooted, Teamster.
Choose at least two of the following
Complications: Alcoholism, Addiction,
Arrogant, Blabber Mouth, Brash,
Chickenshit, Clueless, Competitive,
Distinctive, Enemy, Gentlemanly, Greedy,
Lecherous, Marginalized, Notorious,
Obese, Proud, Skeleton in the Closet,
Tenderfoot, Thrill-Seeker, Young.
The Gambler (6) you make your livin
partin fools from their dollars in the course
of an honest (or perhaps not so honest)
game of chance.


You start with either an additional 2D in

Gamblin or 1D in Gambling plus a
Specialization (3D) distributed among one
or many different games of chance (dice,
poker, faro etc). Add another D to any
three of the following Skills: Dodgin,
Thievin, Know-how, Savvy or Wiles.
Pick two of the following Perks: Alertness,
Alluring, Card Sharp, Charmin, Confident,
Deceptive, Dexterous, Funny, Holdout,
Lucky Bastard, Observant or Slick.
Pick at least two of the following
Complications: Alcoholic,
Addiction/Gambling, Competitive,
Gentlemanly, Greedy, Lecherous, Obese
or Poverty.

Together, Inspire, Ive Got Just The Thing,

Low Profile, Nimble, Observant, Purdy,
Quick Study, Slick, Trustworthy.
Pick two of the following Complications;
Alcoholism, Addiction, Anemic, Arrogant,
Blabber Mouth, Chickenshit, Enemy,
Gentlemanly, Lecherous, Obese, Phobia,
Superstitious, Tenderfoot, Thrill-Seeker,
Wanted, Young.
The Gunslinger (6) ubiquitous throughout
the Western genre, yer a practitioner of the
way of the gun.
Add 2D to Pistol or add 1D each to Pistol
and Rifle. Add 1D to any three of the
following Skills: Dodgin, Ridin,
Craft/Gunsmith (add 3D), Know-how,
Savvy, Intimidatin or Guts.
Pick two of the following Perks: Alertness,
Ambidextrous, Blaze of Glory, Bullets
Unlimited, Cinematic Shot, Dead Shot,
Deflection, Fast As Lightning, Fearsome
Countenance, Hammer Fan, Iaiutsu, Instant
Load, Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflexes,
Nerve, Quick Draw, Reputation, Right
Between the Eyes, Shadow of Death,
ShootnRun, Tough, Trademark Weapon.
Take two of the following Complications:
Always the Hero, Arrogant, Brash, Code of
Honor, Competitive, Death Wish, Enemy,
Intolerant, Murderous, Notorious, Surly,
Thrill-Seeker, Vengeful, Wanted.

The Grifter (6) some folks steal by force,

you steal by wits and charm.
Start with 1D in Wiles, Savvy and Thievin.
Add 1D to any two of Ridin, Sneakin,
Thievin, Craft, Gamblin, Know-how,
Learnin, Savvy, Survivin, Palaver,
Performin and Wiles.
Take two of the following Perks: Alertness,
Alluring, Card Sharp, Charmin, Confident,
Creative, Danger Sense, Deceptive,
Deflection, Dextrous, Dirty Fighter,
Feminine Wiles, Fly on the Wall, Funny,
Holdout, I Love It When A Plan Comes

The Hired Hand (4) as the West is being

won, farms and ranches are getting bigger
an bigger, requirin men with strong backs
and sometimes flexible morals.
Start with 1D in Liftin, Ridin, Craft,
Handlin and Know-how.
Pick any two of the following Perks: Animal
Affinity, Athletic, Born In The Saddle,
Builder, Cussin, Dextrous, Eloquent Spit,
Fly on the Wall, Funny, Handy, Heavy
Hitter, Horse Whisperer, Horse Wrangler,
Iron Grip, Ive Got Just the Thing, Jack-ofAll-Trades, Lay of the Land, Low Profile,
Quick Study, Rugged Charm, Shick-Shick!,
Shotgun Rider, Surefire Driver, Teamster,


The World is My Arsenal, Trail Wise, True

Grit, Trustworthy.
You must choose at least two of the
following Complications: Alcoholism,
Addiction, All Thumbs, Bad Luck, Blabber
Mouth, Brash, Chickenshit, Clueless, Clutz,
Illiterate, Lecherous,
Loyal, Marginalized, Obligation, Rustic,
Ugly, Young.
The Hunter/Trapper (6) you make your
livin huntin big or small game and selling
their skins, meat and other parts.
Add 1D to any five of the following Skills;
Ridin, Rifle, Sneakin, Craft/Tannin,
Know-how, Perceivin, Survivin, Handlin.
Pick two of the following Perks: Acute
Vision/Hearing, Alertness, Animal Affinity,
Cussin, Danger Sense, Direction Sense,
Fleet-Footed, Injun Wise, Lay of the Land,
Marksman, Natural Born Tracker,
Observant, Ride-by Attack, Scavenger,
Stealthy, Trail Wise.
Pick two of the following Complications;
Alcoholism, Addiction, Elderly, Illiterate,
Lecherous, Obstinate, Poverty, Rustic,
Superstitious, Surly, Temper, Ugly,
Vicious, Young.

You add 1D to the following Skills:

Brawlin, Fightin, Ridin, and either Rifle,
Pistol or Archery, Thletics and Guts.
You may choose two of the following
Perks: Acrobatic, Animal Affinity, Athletic,
Blaze of Glory, Blazing Saddle, Born in the
Saddle, Brave, Conviction, Determined,
Dirty Fighter, Fearsome Countenance,
Fleet-Footed, Frenzy, Hard to Kill, Heavy
Hitter, Injun Wise, Killer Instinct, Lay of the
Land, Natural Born Killer, Nerves of Steel,
Ride-By Attack, ShootnRun, Slippery
Fighter, Spirited Charge, Trail Wise.
You start with Marginalized and must take
at least two of the following Complications:
Alcoholism, Addiction, Always the Hero,
Anachronism, Arrogant, Brash, Code of
Honor, Competitive, Death Wish, Enemy,
Illiterate, Innumerate, Intolerant, Jealous,
Lecherous, Loyal, Murderous, Notorious,
Obligation, Obstinate, Proud, Rustic,
Sadist, Superstitious, Surly, Temper, ThrillSeeker, Vengeful, Vicious, Wanted or
The Injun-Hunter (6) whether employed
by a third party or for your own reasons, you
hunt down the red man and take him to the
rez/justice/an early grave.
Add 1D to any five of the following Skills:
Brawlin, Fightin, Durance, Ridin, Pistol,
Rifle, Sneakin, Know-how, Perceivin,
Survivin, Palaver (Injun languages only),
Pick two of the following Perks: Alertness,
Authority, Danger Sense, Dead Shot,
Determined, Injun Wise, Light Sleeper,
Marksman, Natural Born Tracker,
Observant, Trail Wise.

The Injun Brave (6) you fight for your

tribe, sometimes against the white man,
sometimes against other tribes. You wear
paint in battle and proudly display the
trophies taken from your enemies.

Choose two of the following

Complications: Enemy, Haunted,
Intolerant, Murderous, Sadist, Surly,
Vengeful or Vicious.
The Injun Scout (6) you are a tracker and a
hunter, and in war you are your tribes point
man, reconnoitering and leading stealthy


You may add 1D to Sneakin and Survivin,

and 3D to Perceivin/Trackin. Add 1D to
any two of the following Skills: Brawlin,
Fightin, Durance, Archery, Dodgin,
Ridin, Rifle, Sneakin, Thievin, Thletics,
Throwin, Craft, Doctorin, Know-how,
Percevin or Survivin.
Take any two of the following Perks: Acute
Hearing, Acute Vision, Alertness, Athletic,
Blind-Shot, Blind-Fight, Born in the Saddle,
Danger Sense, Dead Shot, Direction Sense,
Dirty Fighter, Escape Artist, Fleet-Footed,
Flexible, Injun Wise, Lay of the Land, Light
Sleeper, Marksman, Natural Born Tracker,
Nimble, Observant, Scavenger, Slippery
Fighter, Stealthy, Trail Wise.
You must take Marginalized plus at least
one of the following Complications;
Alcoholism, Addiction, Anachronism,
Brash, Code of Honor, Curiosity, Death
Wish, Enemy, Illiterate, Loyal, Murderous,
Obligation, Proud, Rustic, Sadist,
Superstitious, Thrill-Seeker, Vengeful,
Vicious, Wanted and Young.

footed, Flexible, Fly on the Wall, Funny,

Hard to Kill, Lay of the Land, Lucky
Bastard, Nerve, Nimble, Quick Study,
Scavenger, Slippery Fighter, Stealthy, Sure
Footed, True Grit, Unshakable Dawg,
Warning Shot.
You start with the Young Complication and
must pick one of the following in addition:
Blabber Mouth, Brash, Charitable,
Clueless, Competitive, Curiosity,
Dependants, Greedy, Haunted,
Illiterate/Innumerate, Lightweight, Loyal,
Marginalized, Obstinate, Poverty,
Superstitious, Temper, Tenderfoot, Thrill
The Lawman (5) yer duty is to uphold the
law, or at least yer understandin of it, such
as it is. You might be a marshal, a sheriff or
a deputy.
Add 1D to any five of the following Skills:
Brawlin, Fightin, Ridin, Pistol, Rifle,
Know-how, Savvy, Intimidatin, Guts.
You start with the Authority or Town
Authority Perk. Pick another one of the
following Perks: Brave, Bullets Unlimited,
Commanding Voice, Conviction, Dead
Shot, Deflection, Determined, Eyes In The
Back Of Your Head, Famous, Fearsome
Countenance, Hip Shootin,
YOU!, Inspire, Lay of the Land, Lighting
Reload, Quick Draw, Reputation, Rugged
Charm, Schick-Schick, True Grit,
Trustworthy, Unshakeable Dawg, Warning

The Kid (6) yer a youngun. And no one

takes you seriously, but youll show them.
Add 1D to any five of the following Skills:
Brawlin, Fightin, Durance, Dodgin,
Ridin, Sneakin, Thievin, Throwin,
Gamblin, Know-how, Perceivin, Savvy,
Survivin, Handlin, Guts and Wiles.
Take any two of the following Perks:
Acrobatic, Alertness, Ambidexterity,
Animal Affinity, Athletic, Born in the
Saddle, Brave, Charmin, Confident,
Creative, Danger Sense, Deceptive,
Determined, Dexterous, Fast Healer, Fleet-

You start with Obligation (to uphold the

law). Take at least one of the following
Complications: Always the Hero, Arrogant,
Brash, Cautious, Charitable, Code of
Honor, Dependants, Enemy, Intolerant,
Lawful, Loyal, Surly, Temper, Vicious.
The Laborer (5) whether you slog away in
the mines, buildin the railroad or toil away
in a sweat shop, yer really just this side of
bein a slave.
Add 1D to the following Skills; Liftin,
Durance, Craft, Know-how and Savvy.


You may pick any two of the following

Perks: Alert, Ambidextrous, Animal
Affinity, Athletic, Builder, Cussin, Danger
Sense, Deceptive, Determined, Dextrous,
Escape Artist, Explosive Speed, Fast
Healer, Fleet-Footed, Flexible, Fly on the
Wall, Handy, Hard to Kill, Heavy Hitter,
High Pain Tolerance,
YOU!, Iron Grip, Iron Will, Jack-of-allTrades, Low Profile, Nimble, Scavenger,
True Grit.
You must choose two of the following
Complications: Alcoholic, Addiction, All
Thumbs, Bad Luck, Charitable,
Chickenshit, Clueless, Clutz,
Compassionate, Dependants, Illiterate,
Marginalized, Obligation, Pacifist, Poverty,
Rustic, Ugly.
The Maverick (6) somewheres between a
Gambler, a Gun-fighter and a Grifter lies
the Maverick.
Add 1D to Pistol, Gamblin, Savvy and
Wiles. Add 1D to any of the following
Skills: Brawlin, Dodgin, Ridin, Pistol,
Sneakin, Thievin, Gamblin, Know-how,
Savvy, Survivin, Performin, Wiles.

they want, youll sell it. You might be a bar

owner, mercantilist, supplier of mining
equipment, a huckster selling the latest
snake-oil panacea, you name it. The Wild
West is chock full of business opportunities.
Add 2D to Wiles, or 1D plus 3D distributed
among its Specialties. Add 1D to any three
of the following Skills: Brawlin, Fightin,
Ridin, Pistol, Craft, Gamblin, Know-how,
Savvy, Palaver, Wiles.
Take any two of the following Perks:
Alertness, Alluring, Authority, Cavalry
Buddy, Charmin, Confident, Cunning
Linguist, Deceptive, Feminine Wiles, Fly
on the Wall, Funny, Holdout, I Love I When
A Plan Comes Together, Injun Wise, Ive
Got Just The Thing, Jack-of-all-Trades,
Logical Thinker, Lucky Bastard, Purdy,
Quick Study, Reputation, Scavenger, Slick,
Social Drunk, Teamster, Town Authority,
Trail Wise, Trustworthy.
Choose at least two of the following
Complications: Alcoholism, Addiction,
Arrogant, Bad Luck, Blabber Mouth,
Charitable, Competitive, Dependants,
Elderly, Gentlemanly, Greedy, Jealous,
Lecherous, Marginalized, Obese,
Obligation, Tenderfoot.

Take two of the following Perks: Alertness,

Alluring, Ambidextrous, By The Grace of
God, Card Sharp, Charmin, Confident,
Creative, Danger Sense, Deceptive,
Deflection, Dextrous, Dirty Fighter, Escape
Artist, Eyes in the Back of Yer Head,
Feminine Wiles, Fly on the Wall, Funny,
Holdout, I Love It When A Plan Come
Together, Ive Got Just The Thing, Jack-ofall-Trades, Knock-out Blow, Low Profile,
Lucky Bastard, Nerve, Purdy, Quick Study,
Show-off, Slippery Fighter, Trustworthy,
Unshakable Dawg, Warning Shot.
Take any two of the following
Complications; Always the Hero, Bad Luck,
Cautious, Charitable, Chickenshit,
Compassionate, Curiosity, Gentlemanly,
Greedy, Lecherous, Pacifist, Superstitious,
Tenderfoot, Thrill-Seeker, Wanted.
The Merchant (6) the expanded frontier
has opened brand new untapped markets
for the industrious entrepreneur. Whatever

The Military Officer (6) youre not an

enlisted man, youre a graduate of West
Point. You might be a grizzled veteran of
one of the wars or perhaps a wet-behindthe-ears lieutenant looking for an
opportunity to get his hands bloody.


You start with 3D distributed amongst

Learnin/History, Tactics or Logistics. You
also start with 1D in Ridin, Fightin,
Command and 1D in Big Guns. You may
add 1D to any two of the following Skills;
Fightin, Ridin, Pistol, Thletics, Doctorin,
Engineerin, Learnin, Palaver,
Intimidatin, Command or Guts.
You start with Military Rank and may
choose one other Perk from the following:
Athletic, Born in the Saddle, Brave,
Cavalry Buddy, Cavalry Training,
Commanding Voice, Confident,
Conviction, Cussin, Deflection,
Determined, Educated, Famous, I Love It
When A Plan Comes Together, Injun Wise,
Inspire, Logical Thinker, Meticulous,
Reputation, Warning Shot.
You must take two from the following list of
Complications: Alcoholism, Addiction,
Always the Hero, Arrogant, Brash,
Cautious, Chickenshit, Clueless, Code of
Honor, Competitive, Delusional, Enemy,
Gentlemanly, Gullible, Haunted,
Intolerant, Jealous, Lecherous,
Lightweight, Loyal, Murderous, Notorious,
Obese, Obligation, Obstinate, Proud,
PTSD, Sadist, Temper, Tenderfoot,
Vengeful, Young.
The Miner (6) you tunnel under the earth
and into the heart of mountains lookin for
the mother lode.

Thumbs, Bad Luck, Blabber Mouth,

Delusional, Dependants, Elderly, Enemy,
Greedy, Hearing Impaired, Jealous,
Obstinate, Poverty, Rustic, Surly, Temper,
The Mountain Man (6) you have a bushy
beard, yer dressed in furs and leathers and
you aint bathed sincewell you aint
bathed. No wonder only the bears can stand
Add 1D to Sneakin and Survivin. Add 1D
to any three of the following Skills:
Brawlin, Fightin, Liftin, Sneakin, Rifle,
Craft, Doctorin, Know-how, Percievin,
Survivin, Palaver, Handlin.
Take two of the following Perks: Acute
Hearing, Acute Vision, Alertness, Animal
Affinity, Blind-Fight, Blind-shot, Cussin,
Direction Sense, Escape Artist, Fearsome
Countenance, Frenzy, Hard to Kill, Heavy
Hitter, Injun Wise, Killer Instinct, Lay of the
Land, Lightsleeper, Marksman, Natural
Born Tracker, Scavenger, Stealthy, Trail
Wise, True Grit, Unshakable Dawg (wolf,
coyote etc), Yer Dead.
Take any two of the following
Complications; Death Wish, Delusional,
Enemy, Haunted, Illiterate, Loyal,
Marginalized, Murderous, Obstinate,
Poverty, Rustic, Superstitious, Surly,
Temper, Ugly, Vengeful, Wanted.

You start with 3D to distribute among

Engineerin/Minin, Demolitions or
Construction. Add a D to any four of the
following Skills: Brawlin, Liftin, Durance,
Thletics, Craft, Know-how, Perceivin and
Choose any two of the following Perks:
Alertness, Blind-Fight, Blind-Shot, Builder,
Danger Sense, Direction Sense, Dirty
Fighter, Explosive Speed, Flexible, Fly On
The Wall, Funny, Handy, Heavy Hitter,
Hollow Leg, Ive Got Just the Thing, Jackof-All-Trades, Mechanical Inclination,
Powder-monkey, Nimble, Shick-Shick!,
Mine Wise, True Grit.
Choose at least two of the following
Complications: Alcoholism, Addiction, All

The Outlaw (6) you thumb yer nose at the

law. You may be a ruthless killer, or just a
misunderstood victim of unjust
circumstances, but you live outside the


confines of normal society. If yer not careful,

the law will catch up to you.
Add 1D to any five of the following Skills:
Brawlin, Pistol, Rifle, Ridin, Shootin,
Sneakin, Thievin, Gamblin, Know-how,
Savvy, Survivin, Intimidatin, Guts, Wiles.
Take two of the following Perks: Animal
Affinity, Blaze of Glory, Brave, Charmin,
Cinematic Shot, Cussin, Danger Sense,
Deceptive, Direction Sense, Escape Artist,
Eyes In The Back of Yer Head, Fearsome
Countenance, Hammer Fan, Holdout,
Natural Born Killer, Reputation, Ride-by
Attack, Rugged Charm, Scavenger,
ShootnRun, Sidewinder, Stealthy, Trail
You start with the Wanted Complication
and must choose another from the
following Complications: Alcoholism,
Addiction, Arrogant, Brash, Code of
Honor, Death Wish, Distinctive, Enemy,
Gentlemanly, Greedy, Illiterate,
Lecherous, Marginalized, Murderous,
Notorious, One arm/eye,leg, Sadist, Surly,
Temper, Ugly, Vengeful, Vicious, Young.
The Pinkerton (6) initially a private
security company, Pinkertons have
branched out into various aspects of
investigation and enforcement.
Add 1D to any five of the following Skills:
Brawlin, Pistol, Learnin, Perceivin,
Savvy, Palaver, Wiles.
You start with the Authority Perk. Pick one
of the following Perks in addition:
Alertness, Alluring, Brave, Charmin,
Commanding Voice, Conviction,
Determined, Educated, Escape Artist, Fly
On The Wall, I Love It When A Plan Comes
Together, Ive Got Just The Thing, Logical
Thinker, Meticulous, Observant, Slick,
Tough, Trustworthy.
You start with the Obligation (to the
Agency) as well as one of the following
Complications: All Thumbs, Always The
Hero, Arrogant, Brash, Cautious, Clutz,
Code of Honor, Curiosity, Lawful, Proud or

The Politician (6) you earn votes for a

livin. You might be a mayor, a governor, a
judge or some other public officer that
requires glad-handin and kissin babies.
Add 1D to Wiles and Savvy, add 1D to any
three of the following Skills: Ridin, Pistol,
Gamblin, Know-how, Learnin, Savvy,
Palaver and Wiles.
Start with either Authority or Town
Authority, choose another Perk from the
following: Charmin, Commanding Voice,
Confident, Conviction, Cunning Linguist,
Deflection, Educated, Famous, Funny,
Inspire, Reputation, Slick, Trustworthy.
Choose two of the following
Complications: Alcoholism, Addiction,
Arrogant, Blabber Mouth, Brash,
Charitable, Chickenshit, Clueless, Clutz,
Code of Honor, Competitive, Distinctive,
Elderly, Enemy, Gentlemanly, Greedy,
Intolerant, Jealous, Lame, Lawful,
Lecherous, Lightweight, Notorious, Obese,
Obligation, Obstinate, Pious, Proud,
Skeleton In The Closet.
The Pony Soldier (6) you are or was a
member of the US Cavalry and involved in
the Injun Wars.
Add 1D to Fightin, Ridin, and Rifle. Add
1D to any two of the following Skills:
Brawlin, Fightin, Ridin, Rifle, Pistol,


Sneakin, Thletics, Craft, Doctorin,

Engineerin, Know-how, Survivin, Palaver
(Injun languages), Handlin, Guts.
Pick two of the following Perks: Animal
Affinity, Athletic, Blazing Saddle, Born in
the Saddle, Cavalry Buddy, Cavalry
Training, Horse Whisperer, Injun Wise,
Instant Load, Iron Balls, Military Rank,
Ride-by Attack, Spirited Charge, Sure-fire
Rider, Tough Rider, Trail Wise, Trample.
Pick two of the following Complications:
Alcoholism, Addiction, Always the Hero,
Brash, Code of Honor, Death Wish,
Gentlemanly, Haunted, Intolerant, Lame,
Lecherous, Murderous, Notorious,
Obligation, One Arm/Eye/Leg, PTSD,
Sadist, Vicious, Young.
The Preacher (6) the word of God must be
heard, and you are the one who will share it
with your flock. However, some sheep are
more willful than others.
Add 3D to Learnin/Scripture and add 1D to
four of the following Skills: Durance, Craft,
Doctorin, Learnin, Know-how, Savvy,
Palaver, Intimidatin, Guts, Wiles.
You start with Man Of The Cloth Perk and
may choose any one of the following
Perks: Authority, Brave, By The Grace Of
God, Charmin, Commanding Voice,
Confident, Conviction, Determined,
Educated, Fearsome Countenance,
Inspire, Natural Born Healer, Reputation,
Studious, Town Authority, Trustworthy,
Warning Shot.
You must have Obligation (Word of God)
and must pick one of the following
Complications: Alcoholism, Addiction,
Arrogant, Blabber Mouth, Cautious,
Charitable, Chicken Shit, Code of Honor,
Compassionate, Dependants, Elderly,
Greedy, Intolerant, Lawful, Lecherous,
Lightweight, Loyal, Obese, Obstinate,
Pious, Proud, Superstitious, Temper,

The Prospector (6) you know theres

gold/silver/copper/coal in them hills, you
kin smell it in the air, taste it in the water.
Just as soon as you can put together a stake,
youll stake yer claim and get to work
makin yer fortune.
You start with Engineerin 1D or 3D spread
around the following Engineerin
Specialties: Mining, Demolitions or
Construction. You also start with Craft 1D
or 3D spread amongst any of the following
Specialties: Carpentry, Surveyin,
Masonry, and Smithin.
Add 1D to any three of the following Skills:
Liftin, Durance, Craft, Know-how,
Learnin, Savvy, Survivin or Will.
Take two of the following Perks: Builder,
Conviction, Cussin, Deflection,
Determined, Direction Sense, Drunk Shot,
Eloquent Spit, Fly On The Wall, Handy,
Hollow Leg, Iron Grip, Ive Got Just The
Thing, Jack-of-all-Trades, Mechanical
Inclination, Scavenger, Tough, True Grit,
Unshakable Dawg, Windfall.


Take at least two of the following

Complications: Alcoholism, Addiction,
Clutz, Delusional, Dependants, Elderly,
Enemy, Greedy, Hearing Impaired,
Jealous, Lame, Poverty, Rustic, Surly,
Temper, Young.

Take any two of the following

Complications: All Thumbs, Arrogant,
Brash, Clueless, Clutz, Competitive,
Gentlemanly, Illiterate, Lecherous, Loyal,
Murderous, Notorious, Rustic, Sadist,
Surly, Temper, Ugly, Vicious, Young.

The Professor (6) you have left (or fled) the

cloistered corridors of academia. You now
find yourself in the breathtaking wilderness
of the new frontier. God help you.

The Rifleman (6) mister, you ever seen

what a Henry rifle can do to a man in the
hands of someone who knows how to use it?

Distribute 5D among the following Skills:

Art, Doctorin, Engineerin, Learnin,
Palaver and Performin.
You may take two of the following Perks:
Authority, Charmin, Commanding Voice,
Creative, Cunning Linguist, Deceptive,
Deflection, Educated, Famous, Funny,
YOU!, Know-it-all, Logical Thinker,
Meticulous, Observant, Quick Study,
Studious, Warning Shot.
Take two of the following Complications:
Alcoholism, Addiction, All Thumbs,
Anemic, Arrogant, Bad Vision, Blabber
Mouth, Chickenshit, Clueless, Clutz,
Competitive, Curiosity, Delusional,
Elderly, Gentlemanly, Greedy, Hearing
Impaired. Lame, Lecherous, Lightweight,
Notorious, Obese, Obstinate, Pacifist,
Phobia, Proud, Tenderfoot, Young.

Start with 2D in Rifle. Add 1D to any three

of the following Skills: Brawlin, Fightin,
Ridin, Pistol, Sneakin, Know-how,
Perceivin, Savvy, Survivin, Intimidation.
Take any two of the following Perks: Acute
Vision, Alertness, Blazing Saddle,
Blindshot, Bullets Unlimited, Cinematic
Shot, Dead Shot, Iaiutsu, Instant Load,
Lightning Reflexes, Lightning Reload,
Marksman, Quick Draw, Shotgun Rider,
Show-off, Trademark Weapon.
Take any two of the following
Complications: Always the Hero, Arrogant,
Brash, Code of Honor, Competitive,
Dependants, Enemy, Gentlemanly,
Greedy, Lawful, Marginalized, Murderous,
Rustic, Surly, Vengeful, Wanted, Young.

The Pugilist (6) you fight with yer fists,

goin from town to town in all-comer beat-athons to earn a little cash. Sometimes these
hayseeds can even fight back.
You start with 2D in Brawlin. Distribute 3D
among Liftin, Durance, Dodgin, Thletics,
Intimidation and Guts.
Take any two of the following Perks:
Ambidextrous, Athletic, Brave,
Determined, Dirty Fighter, Famous, Fast as
Lightning, Fearsome Countenance, Frenzy,
Heavy Hitter, High Pain Tolerance, Iron
Grip, Killer Instinct, Knockout Blow,
Lightnin Reflexes, Nimble, Reputation,
Rugged Charm, Slippery Fighter, Tough.

The Robber (6): whats yers is yers and

whats thars is yers too. Youll steal
anything, cause thats how you get by in the
Add 1D to any five of the following Skills:
Brawlin, Fightin, Ridin, Shootin,
Sneakin, Thievin, Engineerin, Craft,
Know-how, Savvy, Intimidatin, Wiles.
Take two of the following Perks: Acrobatic,
Alluring, Blaze of Glory, Charmin,
Commandin Voice, Confident, Cussin,
Deceptive, Dextrous, Dirty Fighter, Escape


Artist, Fast As Lighnin, Fearsome

Countenance, Heavy Hitter, I Love It When
A Plan Comes Together, Knockout Blow,
Nerve, Yer Dead.
Take at least two of the following
Complications: Arrogant, Brash,
ChickenShit, Death Wish, Distinctive,
Enemy, Greedy, Illiterate, Jealous,
Lecherous, Murderous, Notorious, Surly,
Temper, Thrill-Seeker, Vicious, Wanted,
The Rustler (6) you steal cattle and/or
horses. Most folks think yer the lowest form
of criminal life in the Wild West and deserve
to swing from the highest bough fer it.

Leg, Ive Got Just The Thing, Knockout

Blow, Nerve, Purdy, Quick Study,
Reputation, Slippery Fighter, True Grit.
Take any two of the following
Complications; Alcoholism, Addiction,
Arrogant, Blabber Mouth, Brash,
Charitable, Chickenshit, Clueless,
Compassionate, Dependants, Distinctive,
Elderly, Enemy, Greedy, Illiterate,
Lecherous, Loyal, Marginalized, Notorious,
Obese, Obligation, Obstinate, Poverty,
Rustic, Sadist, Superstitious, Temper,
Tenderfoot, Thrill-Seeker, Ugly, Vengeful,
Vicious, Young.

Add 1D to Ridin, Sneakin, Thievin, Wiles

and 3D in Handlin distributed among the
Specialties of Horses, Steer and Sheep.
Take two of the following Perks: Animal
Affinity, Born in the Saddle, Cussin,
Deceptive, Dirty Fighter, Eyes in the Back
of Yer Head, Fleet-Footed, Horse
Whisperer, Iron Balls, Nimble, Sure-fire
Rider, Teamster, Tough Rider, Trail Wise,
Take any two of the following
Complications; Alcoholism, Addiction,
Blabber Mouth, Brash, Chickenshit, Clutz,
Dependants, Enemy, Greedy, Illiterate,
Jealous, Marginalized, Poverty, Rustic,
Surly, Temper, Thrill-Seeker, Ugly,
Vicious, Wanted and Young.
The Saloon Gal (6) is a polite way o sayin
whore. You may not be spreadin yer legs
at the moment but sure enough you will be,
lessn yer ugly. Even then, with enough
Add 1D to Wiles, and then to any four of
the following Skills: Brawlin, Fightin,
Dodgin, Sneakin, Thievin, Doctorin,
Gamblin, Savvy, Performin, and Wiles.
You may choose two of the following
Perks: Alluring, Blind-Fight, Cavalry
Buddy, Charmin, Confident, Cussin,
Deceptive, Determined, Dirty Fighter,
Drunk Shot, Escape Artist, Feminine Wiles,
Flexible, Fly on the Wall, Holdout, Hollow

The Sawbones (6) you didnt go to no high

fallootin University, you learned yer craft on
the battlefields of the Civil,
Mexican/American and Injun Wars. Let
them Tenderfoots have their fancy leeches,
least out here a man kin get a haircut and
his piles sorted out in the same sitting, and
fer lessn a dollar.
Start with Doctorin 1D plus 3D among the
Specialties of Battlefield Surgery, Birthin,
Dentistry, Whores and Horses. Add 1D to


any three of the following Skills: Ridin,

Shootin, Doctorin, Know-how, Learnin,
Savvy and Wiles.
Choose two of the following Perks:
Ambidextrous, Authority, Cavalry Buddy,
Cavalry Training, Charmin, Cussin,
Dexterous, Educated, Injun Wise, Ive Got
Just the Thing, Meticulous, Natural Born
Healer, Observant, Quick Study,
Reputation, Social Drunk, Steady Hands,
Surgeon, Trustworthy.
Choose two of the following
Complications; Alcoholism, Addiction,
Anemic, Arrogant, Blabber Mouth,
Cautious, Charitable, Chickenshit,
Clueless, Code of Honor, Compassionate,
Curiosity, Elderly, Greedy, Haunted,
Hearing Impaired, Lame, Lecherous,
Loyal, Marginalized, Obligation,
Obstinate, Pacifist, Rustic, Sadist, Surly,
The Scout (6) you learned from the Red
Man how to track and hunt and in war, how
to spy and attack from the cover of shadow
and brush.
Add 1D to Rifle, Sneakin, Know-how,
Survivin and 3D to Perceivin/Trackin.
Pick two of the following Perks; Acute
Hearing/Vision, Alertness, Animal Affinity,
Blind-Fight, Blind-Shot, Cavalry Buddy,
Danger Sense, Direction Sense, Dirty
Fighter, Fleet-Footed, Injun Wise, Lay of
the Land, Lightsleeper, Marksman, Natural
Born Tracker, Scavenger, Slippery Fighter,
Stealthy, Trail Wise.
Take two of the following Complications:
Alcoholism, Addiction, Brash,
Competitive, Illiterate, Intolerant, Lawful,
Lecherous, Loyal, Marginalized, Rustic,
Surly, Thrill-Seeker, Ugly, Vengeful,
Vicious, Young.

The Shaman (6) you are/were the

Medicine Man/Woman of your tribe.
Add 2D to Doctorin, and 3D to
Learnin/Injun Legends, you can distribute
3D among Performin/Singin, Dancin or
Storytellin. Add 1D to any two of the
following Skills: Fightin, Sneakin,
Thievin, Craft, Know-how, Perceivin,
Savvy, Survivin, Palaver, Critterwise,
Intimidatin, Performin, Wiles.
You may choose any two of the following
Perks; Animal Affinity, Authority, By the
Grace of God (Manitou/Coyote/Raven
etc), Charmin, Commandin Voice,
Confident, Conviction, Danger Sense,
Deceptive, Escape Artist, Fearsome
Countenance, Horse Whisperer, Horse
Wrangler, Injun Wise, Inspire, Lay of the
Land, Logical Thinker, Lucky Bastard, Man
of the Cloth (Totem), Observant,
Reputation, Trail Wise.
You start with Superstitious or Elderly and
must take one of the following
Complications: Alcoholism, Addiction,
Anachronism, Arrogant, Bad Vision, Blind,
Cautious, Charitable, Chickenshit,
Greedy, Haunted, Hearing Impaired,
Illiterate, Jealous, Lame, Marginalized,
Obstinate, Pacifist, Pious, Proud, Vengeful
or Wanted.
The Soldier/Veteran (6) Either Civil,
Mexican or Injun Wars, you served in one or
all of em.
Add 1D to any five of the following Skills:
Brawlin, Fightin, Durance, Ridin, Big
Guns, Rifle, Thletics, Doctorin,
Engineerin, Know-how, Handlin,
Intimidatin, Command or Guts.


Take two of the following Perks: Authority,

Blazin Saddle, Brave, Cavalry Buddy,
Cavalry Training, Commanding Voice,
Hollow Leg, Inspire, Killer Instinct,
Marksman, Military Rank, Nerves of Steel,
Powder-Monkey, Ride-By Attack, Spirited
Charge or Yer Dead.
You must take at least two of the following
Complications: Alcoholism, Addiction,
Code of Honor, Death Wish, Distinctive,
Enemy, Intolerant, Haunted, Lame,
Murderous, One Arm/Eye/Leg, Phobia or
The Sophisticate (6) perhaps from a
wealthy family out East, you came out to
show Daddy and Mumsy that you were
made of sterner stuff than they tend to give
you credit for. Now if you could only find a
reputable haberdashery in this cesspool,
you might be able acquire a decent pair of
calfskin gloves, the dry air is wreaking
havoc upon your nails.
Add 1D to any five of the following Skills:
Archery, Ridin, Thletics, Doctorin,
Fightin/Fencin (add 3D not 1D),
Gamblin, Learnin, Palaver, Art,
Performin, Wiles.

children, prepare the food, heal the sick and

take care of everyones needs but your own.
Add 1D to five of the following Skills:
Brawlin, Fightin, Durance, Archery,
Sneakin, Thletics, Throwin, Craft,
Doctorin, Know-how, Percievin, Savvy,
Survivin, Handlin, Wiles, Will.
Take two of the following Perks: Acute
Hearing/Vision, Alertness, Alluring,
Animal Affinity, Confident, Creative,
Danger Sense, Deceptive, Determined,
Feminine Wiles, Fleet-Footed, Flexible,
High Pain Tolerance, Horse Whisperer,
Injun Wise, Lay of the Land, Natural Born
Healer, Nerve, Nimble, Purdy, Scavenger
or Trail Wise.
You must take Marginalized and at least
one of the following Complications:
Alcoholism, Anachronism, Charitable,
Code of Honor, Compassionate,
Dependants, Elderly, Enemy, Illiterate,
Intolerant, Jealous, Loyal, Obligation,
Pacifist, Proud, Rustic, Superstitious,
Temper, Ugly, Vengeful, Vicious or Young.

Take two of the following Perks: Alluring,

Athletic, Authority, Commanding Voice,
Confident, Creative, Cunning Linguist,
Deceptive, Deflection, Educated, Famous,
Feminine Wiles, Funny, Holdout,
YOU!, Know-it-All, Meticulous,
Observant, Purdy, Quick Study, Slick,
Social Drunk, Studious.
You must take at least two of the following
Complications: Alcoholism, Addiction, All
Thumbs, Anemic, Arrogant, Bad Luck,
Blabber Mouth, Brash, Cautious,
Charitable, ChickenShit, Clueless, Code of
Honor, Enemy, Gentlemanly, Greedy,
Intolerant, Jealous, LightWeight, Obese,
Obstinate, Pacifist, Phobia, Proud, Sadist,
Surly, Temper, Tenderfoot, Young.
The Squaw (5) you and the others like you
are the backbone of the tribe, you raise the


Loyal, Obese, Obligation, Phobia,

Tenderfoot, Young.
The Tradesman (6) youve mastered a
trade and ply it anywhere in the Wild West.
You might be the brawny smith, the wily
undertaker, or the friendly barber.
You start with either 3D in any Craft
Specialty and can add 1D in any four of the
following Skills: Brawlin, Fightin, Liftin,
Durance, Ridin, Shootin, Craft, Knowhow, Savvy, Handlin, Wiles and Will.
You may pick two of the following Perks:
Ambidextrous, Animal Affinity, Authority,
Builder, Conviction, Cussin, Deflection,
Dextrous, Fly on the Wall, Handy,
YOU!, Iron Grip, Ive Got Just The Thing,
Jack-of-All-Trades, Mechanic Inclination,
Meticulous, Quick Study, Reputation,
Shick-Shick!, Teamster, The World is my
Arsenal, Tough, Trademark Weapon,
The Tin Star (4) you never planned on
becoming Sheriff/Deputy, but when they
asked fer volunteers everyone stepped back
some and there you were standing out in
front. Now yer just taking it one day at a
time, hopin to make it to the next.
Add 1D to the following Skills: Ridin,
Thletics, Know-how, Savvy and Wiles.
Select two of the following Perks:
Alertness, Animal Affinity, Authority,
Brave, By The Grace of God, Conviction,
Creative, Danger Sense, Deflection,
Determined, Eyes In The Back of Yer
Head, Fleet-footed, Handy,
YOU!, I Love It When a Plan Comes
Together, Inspire, Lay of the Land, Logical
Thinker, Nerve, Quick Study, Shick-Shick!,
The World is My Arsenal, Warning Shot.
Choose two of the following
Complications; All Thumbs, Always the
Hero, Anemic, Bad Vision, Bad Luck,
Cautious, Charitable, Chickenshit,
Clueless, Clutz, Compassionate,
Dependants, Elderly, Enemy,
Gentlemanly, Lame, Lawful, Lightweight,

You must choose two of the following

Complications: Alcoholism, Addiction,
Always the Hero, Bad Luck, Brash,
Charitable, Clueless, Clutz,
Compassionate, Competitive, Dependants,
Elderly, Greedy, Hearing Impaired,
Jealous, Lame, Lawful, Loyal, Marginalized,
Obese, Obstinate, One Eye, One Leg,
Pacifist, Proud, Surly, Temper, Ugly.
The Wrangler (5) you find horses and
break them in.
Start with 2D in Ridin, 3D in
Doctorin/Horses, 3D in Handlin/Horses
and 3D in Throw/Lasso.
You may choose two of the following
Perks: Animal Affinity, Athletic, Blazing
Saddle, Born in the Saddle, Cavalry Buddy,
Cavalry Training, Cussin, Handy, Horse
Whisperer, Horse Wrangler, Iron Balls,
Ride-by Attack, Rugged Charm, Surefire
Rider, Tough Rider, Trail Wise, Trample,
True Grit. You also have a Trusty Steed.
Take two of the following Complications:
All Thumbs, Brash, Compassionate,


Illiterate, Loyal, Obstinate, Rustic, Shy,

Surly, Temper, Thrill-Seeker, Ugly, Young.

Acute Vision (1) your sense of vision is

better than normal. Once per session
double any vision based roll.
Alertness (2) once per session you may
double any rolls that represent your
senses. Your Passive Perceivin checks are
never penalized by the usual 1D.
Alluring (1) you have style, eloquence,
and sex appeal. You may double any
social roll once per session with members
of the opposite sex.
Ambidextrous (1) your writing with either
hand is equally poor. Oh yeah, and you
ignore the off-hand penalty of 1D. This
does not mean you can do two things
simultaneously. You still have Action
Penalties. You must have a Movin
Attribute of 3D at least for this Perk.

Most Perks either add a fixed benefit (a
bonus to a Skill or ability under certain
circumstances) or allows you to double a
particular roll (that is, double the die code
rolled, rather than the result). If the benefit
is of the latter variety, it will almost always
only be available to you once per session.
However, if you spend a Hero Point, you
may renew all of your used Perks again.
The number of times you may do this is
limited only by the number of Hero Points
youre willing to sacrifice.
Perks that double a roll do not stack, that is
you cannot quadruple and octuple a roll
because you have multiple Perks affecting
the same roll. Fixed benefits do stack.
The number in parenthesis is the number
of Skill Dice required to purchase the Perk.
Acrobatic (1) once per session double any
roll involving leaping and vaulting and
doing acrobatic stuff.
Acute Hearing (1) your sense of hearing is
better than normal. Once per session
double any auditory roll.

Animal Affinity (1): Once per session you

can double any roll relating to animals;
Ridin, Handlin, Intimidatin animals etc.
Athletic (1) youre good at physical
activity, once per session you can double
any roll for athletic activities like running,
jumping, climbing, swimming and so on.
Authority (1) you are in charge of
something and get to tell people what to
do. You could be a marshal, a mayor, a
foreman and those underneath you must
respect you or face the consequences.
Double any Intimidation or Persuadin rolls
when throwing your weight around, once
per session.
Blaze of Glory (1) once per session can
shoot with both hands without an offhand
or additional Action penalty for an entire
scene, but only if the odds are stacked
against you.
Blazing Saddle (1) once per session can
double any Shootin roll while ridin
Blind-Fight (1) once per session ignore
penalties when fighting blind.
Blindshot (1) literally shooting at stuff you
cant see. The target must be within range


(penalties apply) and you must be able to

detect them somehow (Perceivin Skill,
hearing them, smelling them). Youll still
add 15 to your TN though.
Born In the Saddle (1) Double any Ridin
or horse related rolls once per session.
Brave (1) once per session you may
double a Guts roll.
Builder (1) once per session double any
rolls to construct something using Craft,
Engineerin, Know-how or similar Skill.
Bullets Unlimited (3) you never run out of
bullets while in the middle of a gunfight.
By the Grace of God (3) Once per session
you can burn Character Points to cause an
enemys Action to fail by reducing their
roll by one pip per Character Point.
Cavalry Buddy (1) You have a friend in
the cavalry who, once per session, can
provide free horses, weapons, and other
army-related supplies on a temporary
basis. Youve got to make either a Wiles or
Intimidatin roll against the difficulty
determined by the value of the item
requisitioned. Should the gear not be
returned within a matter of days, cavalry
officers begin searching for you and arrest
anyone who has the gear in their

Commanding Voice (1) Double any rolls

to Intimidate or tell someone what to do,
once per session.
Confident (1) once per session double
any social interaction rolls such as
Intimidatin or Wiles where confidence
would be beneficial.
Conviction (1) you have a deeply held
belief or set of beliefs. It could be a
religion, a certain ethical or moral code.
Once per session you may double any roll
to resist being persuaded or manipulated
if it violates that Conviction.
Creative (1) once per session double any
roll where creativity is involved such as
Performin, Craft, Wiles and so on.
Cunning Linguist (2) can become
Familiar with any language youve been
exposed to within days, increasing your
Palaver by 1 pip without spending
Character Points. This may not happen any
more frequently than once per session.
Also, you purchase Languages at half the
cost (rounded up).
Cussin (1) no one can spit invective quite
like you. Once per session you can double
any Intimidatin or Negotiatin roll because
of your foul mouth.

Cavalry Training (1) once per session

double any Ridin roll.
Card Sharp (1) once per session you can
double any roll to cheat at cards or to spot
a cheat.
Charmin (1) you have a way with folk.
Once per session you may double any
Wiles roll.
Cinematic Shot (1) once per session,
immediately after a successful Thletics
roll (jumping, summersault, swinging from
a rope etc), you can double your next
Shootin roll.

Danger Sense (2) once per session double

any Perceivin or Savvy roll to detect
danger. This also applies to Passive


Perceivin or Savvy rolls. Oh, and you get

to double one Dodgin roll per session.
Dead Shot (1) adds +1 to any ranged
attacks damage. It also allows you to
double your attack roll with a ranged
weapon once per session. You must have
at least 5D Skill with the ranged weapon
you are using.
Deceptive (1) once per session double
any roll to bend the truth or put someone
Deflection (1) once per session, upon
receiving a Wound or worse, you discover
that your lucky bible/locket/belt
buckle/bandolier/whisky flask/cigar case
or such caught and deflected the bullet,
reducing the injury to a Stun.

Eloquent Spit (1) you can communicate

simple messages with a well-timed hawk
and spit during a situation when itd be
best not to speak.
Escape Artist (1) you have training or a
knack for getting out of bonds and lockups. Once per session double any rolls to
do so.
Even Harder to Kill (1) like Hard to Kill
and Harder to Kill but turns a Dead injury
result into Incapacitated result. Must have
Harder to Kill.
Explosive Speed (1) once per session
double any Sprint speed for the first

Determined (1) very little distracts you

from your goal once youve set it. Double
any roll required to achieve that goal once
per session.
Dexterous (1) you are good with your
hands, able to manipulate small objects
and possessed of fine motor control (not
combat). Once per session double a roll
pertaining to this.
Direction Sense (1) regardless of where
you are, you know what direction you face.
This works whether youre underground
or blindfolded and stuffed in a cave.
Double any attempt at finding your way
once per session.
Dirty Fighter (1) the best defense is a
good offense, especially when the other
guy aint lookin. Once per game session
you can double a single attack roll by
pullin some low down dirty trick. The
Dirty Trick must be adequately and
entertainingly described to the GMs
satisfaction however.
Drunk Shot (1) once per session you may
double any Shootin roll after consuming
the equivalent of the number of D in Grit
Attribute in drinks.
Educated (1) one per session double any
Learnin rolls.

Eyes in the Back of Your Head (1) No one

gets a bonus for attacking you from
behind. You make regular Perceivin rolls
instead of passive ones when folks are
tryin to sneak up on you.
Famous (1) your reputation precedes you.
You did something notable in your past
that you are known for. Double any
Intimidatin or Wiles roll where this is a
factor, once per session.
Fast as Lightning (1) Add 1D to your
Initiative rolls and 5 to your Pace.
Fast Healer (1) doubles one natural
healing roll once per session.
Fearsome Countenance (1) when you
want to, you can scare people with a glare.
Double any Influence roll when looking


scary might be beneficial. Once per

Feminine Wiles (1) men are always
flustered in your presence. Double any
Wiles or Intimidatin rolls versus men once
per session. Sorry fellas, ladies only.
Fleet-Footed (1) you may increase your
pace by 10m.

Hard to Kill (1) you may double the Grit

component of your Soak roll once per
Harder to Kill (1) like Hard to Kill, but
turns a single Dead injury into Mortal
Wound once per session. Must have Hard
to Kill.

Flexible (1) youre double-jointed. It

might be natural or trained, but you can
bend in ways that make some people want
to lose their breakfast, or ask you out.
Once per session double any rolls that
benefit from flexibility such as Dodgin,
Grapplin (Brawlin), Climbin, escapin
bonds and so on.
Fly On the Wall (1) Youre good at
blending into the crowd. Once per session
double any sneak roll in a crowded
environment (saloon, rodeo etc).
Frenzy (1) once per session, after
receiving a Stun or worse, you may add
one additional attack per round without
incurring an Action Penalty. This effect
lasts for an entire scene. A miss when
rolling a 1 on the Wild Die means youve
hit the closest ally within range.
Funny (1) you have a great sense of timing
and wit. Youre likeable because you
make them laugh. Double any Influence
roll due to a well timed quip or bon mot.
Gain a Character Point once per session if
you make the GM laugh.
Hammer Fan (1) can only be used with
revolvers. Basically the gunman, rather
than pull the trigger, rapidly and
repeatedly draws his opposite hand over
the pistols hammer achieving an
astonishing rate of fire. Adding 10 to the
TN of your shot allows you to fire an
additional bullet. Missing your TN means
youve missed your target but still fired off
the intended number of rounds.
Handy (1) youre good with tools and
fixing stuff. Once per game session you
can double any roll pertaining to repairing

Heavy Hitter (1) you punch above your

weight class. Add +1 to your Basic
Hip Shootin (1) once per session double
one Initiative roll when drawing your
High Pain Tolerance (1) once per session
double any roll required to resist the
effects of painful stimuli.
Holdout (1) Once per session you can
double a Sneakin roll to hide something
on your person.
Hollow Leg (1) once per session double
any roll to resist the effects of alcohol.
Horse Whisperer (1) you have a rapport
with horses. Once per session you can
double any Ridin or Handlin roll for
Horse Wrangler (1) out in the wilderness,
once per session, you can find a group of
wild horses.


OfYOU! (1) only after receiving at least
a Wound from an opponent who has
attacked the character on a prior occasion,
the character must utter (or paraphrase)
these words in a brief Stanislovskian
monologue and may double the damage of
his next successful attack against said
opponent, once per session.
Iaiutsu (1) once per session you may draw
your weapon and attack as a single Action.
The attack may be defended against
normally and occurs on your regularly
scheduled Initiative. You must have Quick
Draw and at least 5D in that weapon Skill.
I Love It When A Plan Comes Together
(1) whenever youre in a leadership role
orchestrating a complicated plan of action
for your team, roll any pertinent Thinkin
or Gumption Skill. For every 10 or fraction
thereof, each member of your team
receives a temporary CP that can only be
spent on rolls related to the plan. When
the operation is over, the CPs disappear.
Injun Wise (1) once per session double
any skill checks relating to Native
American cultures and customs.
Inspire (1) by using an appropriate Skill
such as Wiles or Performin, you can create
temporary CPs which can be used by
members of your audience for the
particular task or challenge at hand, for
each 10 or fraction thereof on your Skill
roll. You still have to win them over using
this Skill if they are not favorably disposed
to you or your cause. The Character Points
may not be used for Character
Advancement and will vanish by the end of
the session.
Instant Load (1) allows you to chamber a
single round, nock a single arrow, slap in a
magazine after releasing the empty one,
without using up an Action.
Iron Balls (1) once per session you can
double any Thletics roll from or onto the
back of a horse. You also never take any
falling damage (nor do you injure your

horse) by leaping onto horseback from

any height.
Iron Grip (1) Youre hands are like vices.
Once per session double any roll that
might benefit from a powerful grip such as
Climbin, Grapplin (Brawlin), Intimidatin
(with a handshake).
Iron Liver (2) You have a very high
tolerance for alcohol and drugs. Double
any roll to withstand intoxication or
poisoning once per session.
Iron Will (1) once per session double any
WillPower roll.
Ive Got Just The Thing (1) you are
always thinking one step ahead, planning
for contingencies others dont even
consider. Once per game session you can
pull from your pocket or backpack just
the thing needed for a given situation.
The item must be plausible, thus no
Gatling guns or sticks of dynamite after
getting frisked, or tomahawks out of your
Jack-of-All-Trades (1) once per session
you can double the roll of any Skill that you
havent spent either Skill dice or Character
Points on.
Killer Instinct (1) may double any Skill
roll when competing with an individual in
a life or death struggle, once per session.
Knockout Blow (1) you may pit your
Fightin or Brawlin against anyones Soak
to render them unconscious.
Know-it-all (1) You are well-read and
once per session can double any Learnin
Lay of the Land (1) You know yer way
around, even in new territory, you quickly
learn the landmarks and major routes.
Double any rolls that may benefit from
knowing the local geopolitical situation,
once per session.
Lightning Reflexes (1) sometimes youre
astonishingly fast, much faster than you
look. Once per session you can double a


Block, Dodgin or Parry roll, or any test of

speed (but not Pace). Add +1D to your
Initiative rolls.

Man of the Cloth (1) Double any roll to

Intimidatin or Persuadin when displaying
the collar, once per session.

Lightning Reload (1) allows you to fill a

multi round (bullet) chamber or magazine
in a single Action instead of the usual
Action/bullet. This assumes no more than
six rounds. If the weapon uses a preloaded
magazine, you can release the empty and
slap in the re-up without using an Action.

Marksman (1) may double a single

ranged attack Skill roll per session if you
are not moving and you take a round to

In the age of black powder weapons, you

may load your weapon in a third of the
time usually required.
Lightsleeper (1) even while sleeping, you
make a normal Perceivin check to see if
noises (and things trying to creep up on
you) wake you up.
Logical Thinker (1) you are very good at
putting ideas together and making plans
that work. Youre also good at solving
problems and figuring things out.
Whenever this is an advantage, double the
pertinent Skill roll, once per session.
Low Profile (1) once per session you may
double a Sneakin roll when trying to
blend in to a crowd.

Mechanical Inclination (1) once per

session double any rolls when trying to
build, jury rig or fix a mechanical device.
Meticulous (1) you have an eye for
details. Double any roll where such
precision is of benefit.
Military Rank (1) you hold some
meaningful rank and people in the military
respect you. Double any social interaction
rolls with them once per session.
Natural Born Healer (1) you are a gifted
healer, once per session you may double a
roll when trying to use Doctorin to treat
someone who is injured.
Natural Born Killer (2) youve got a
knack for killing. Add +1 to your damage
on any attack, and once per session you
can double any attack roll.
Natural Born Tracker (1) once per
session you can double any Trackin roll.
Nerve (1) you got chutzpah kid. You may
double one Skill roll once per session if
performed under ridiculously risky
Nerves of Steel (1) ignore 1D of Wound
penalties (not Stun however) for one
scene, once per session.
Nimble (1) double any rolls involving
jumping and moving around quickly,
including Dodgin, once per session.

Lucky Bastard (1) your never roll less

than 2D for any Luck test. Once per session
you can re-roll anything and choose the
best result.

Observant (1) once per session double

any rolls to notice something or to
investigation efforts.
Powder-monkey (1) either you were a
miner, worked on the rails or in the army,
but you learned how to rig up explosives.


Once per session you may double any roll

to set up or defuse an explosive device.
This usually requires
Engineerin/Demolitions, Construction or
Purdy (1) youre sexy and you know it.
Once per game session you may double
any roll where flirting may be helpful.
Quick Draw (1) allows you to add 10 to
the Initiative of the first round when
drawing your weapon without sacrificing
accuracy. This bonus to Initiative
disappears after the first round, and
reholstering your weapon during the same
combat doesnt allow you to reset it.
Quick Study (1) you learn quickly, but the
knowledge gained by such intense study
fades rapidly. To simulate this, you may
add +1D to any Skill youve closely
observed or studied, even for a short
period of time. This bonus only lasts for
one scene, and cannot be repeated on the
same Skill, in the same session.
Reputation (1) among the circles you walk
in you are well known (but not necessarily
famous) for something that is beneficial to
you. Once per session you may double
any Wiles or Intimidatin roll affected by
that Reputation. The specifics of that
Reputation must be outlined in advance.

Scavenger (1) youre good at finding

useful stuff where others might only see
junk. Double any roll used to scrounge for
tools, weapons, food and water, supplies
etc once per session.
Shadow of Death (1) You gain a +1 to all
attack rolls and damage but on a WilD 1,
regardless of the outcome, you
accidentally hit some innocent bystander
or ally.

The same thing that gives you a Reputation

may also make you Notorious depending
on the circumstances and can be treated
as a Complication.
Ride-By Attack (1) once per session
double any attack from horseback while
riding past.
Right Between The Eyes (1) once per
session you can sacrifice 1D from your
ranged weapon skill to knock 3 points off
your targets Soak.
Rugged Charm (1) no matter how dusty
or dirty you are, the ladies all swoon when
you walk by. Double any Wiles rolls
against the womenfolk once per session.

Shick-Shick! (1) once per session, when

chambering a round or pumping a shell
into the breach of a firearm (rifle, shotgun,
assault rifle etc) with dramatic authority,
the next shot may add +2D damage,
because doing that makes the bullets fly


harder dont you know (at least in the

ShootnRun (1) you can run and shoot
without penalty to either.
Shotgun Rider (1) once per session
double any ranged attack while riding in a
Show-off (1) you can twirl and flip your
guns in ways that suggest you have more
skill with a shootin iron than you actually
do. Once per session you can use that to
double an Intimidatin roll or Wiles trying
to redirect someones attention away from
something else.
Sidewinder (1) once per session double
your dodge against ranged attacks.
Slick (1) Yer good at manipulatin folks
and takin vantage of their good nature.
Double any roll to manipulate, deceive or
seduce once per session.
Slippery Fighter (1) Double any roll to
Dodge, or to escape from any attempts to
entrap such as Grapple, Entangle, Pin,
Choke, Tackle, Bear-Hug etc. once per
Social Drunk (1) once per session double
all social interaction rolls (except
Intimidatin) after imbibing at least the
number of drinks equal to the number of D
in your Grit Attribute.
Spirited Charge (1) once per session
double the damage of any melee weapon
while charging from horseback.

Studious (1) once per session, may double

any Learnin roll after studying an
appropriate written resource.
Surefire Rider (1) you ignore any
horseback penalties for actions performed
while riding.
Surefire Driver (1) you ignore any
penalties to actions from driving a wagon.
Sure-Footed (1) you are agile and
graceful. Double any roll on a task that
depends on this (not combat, although
Dodgin might apply).
Surgeon (1) once per session can double
any Doctorin roll to treat a traumatic
injury. Must have Doctorin of 4D already.
Teamster (1) once per session double any
Drive rolls while in a wagon.
The World is My Arsenal (1) once per
session you can double an attack roll when
using an improvised weapon, a rock, a
whiskey bottle, a barstool, whatever is
handy at the moment and isnt an actual
weapon per se.
Tough (2) once per session you may
double any one Durance, or Willpower
roll. Add +1 to your Soak.
Tough Rider (1) once per session you can
double your Ridin or Handlin to motivate
your horse to do something dangerous or

Steady Hands (1) you have hands like a

statue. You never take penalties from
manual tasks while running or in a moving
vehicle, mount etc. Once per session you
can double any roll where having Steady
Hands would be an asset (neurosurgery,
picking pockets, shooting from horseback,
building a ship-in-a-bottle).
Stealthy (1) once per session you can
double any Sneakin rolls.

Town Authority (1) you are a muckitimuck

in a specific town. You might be the
mayor, a councilman, a deputy, the sheriff
or perhaps the only person who can read.


You can double any rolls to influence the

Trademark Weapon (1) you love using
this specific type and make of weapon,
whether its the Bowie Knife or the Colt
Peacemaker, something about you and it
just click. Once per game session you can
double a Skill roll with this weapon.
Trail Wise (1) once per session you can
double any Perceivin, Survivin or Knowhow roll while on the trail.
Trample (1) rider may use own Ridin roll
to direct attacks by his horse, rather than
using the steeds Grit.

dimension to your characters. Protagonists

that can do everything well or who have no
flaws arent much fun to read about, nor
are they fun to play. While not every
character has Complications, most do, and
are more interesting for it.
Its not an oversight that there is no
payback for taking on a Complication.
Thats right, you dont get any extra
Generation Points for taking some kind of
drawback. What you do get is a way of
making your character more fun to play

True Grit (1) once per session may

double any Will, Guts, or Durance roll.
Trustworthy (1) people tend to trust you,
rightly or wrongly. Once per session
double any Wiles roll.
Unshakable Dawg (1) Some mangy mutt
always follows you around and warns you
at the first sign of danger. When the dog
barks, double your Initiative or Perceivin
roll. Can be used once per session.
Warning Shot (1) once per session, you
can declare that the first shot fired at you
automatically missed. This applies to the
first shot an opponent fires at you, not
subsequent attacks.
Windfall (1) once per session, your wealth
doubles but you must be in the right
circumstances to pull it off; stumble across
a hidden cache, win a poker game, snag a
drunkards pocket watch. Doesnt stack
with Poverty.
Yer Dead (1) everyone thinks you died.
This gives you a bit of a psychological
edge when you meet them and as a result
you can double your Wiles or Intimidatin
rolls once per session.

As in fiction, the purpose of a Complication
is to add depth to your story and

In many games, taking a character flaw

results in additional resources with which
to build your character. This often results
in a number of predictable problems: MinMaxing, the Lost Disadvantage, and Flaw
Min-Maxing, sometimes referred to as
Munchkinism, is all about maximizing your
advantages while minimizing your
liabilities when designing a character.
Hey, its a game, so who wouldnt do that?
Use the rules to your advantage. True, but
the game is also a story, created and
shared by the other players and if the fully
decked out, indestructible loophole
exploiting uber-character is ruining the
story for the others, then that character is a
failure. Beware the blind, deaf, mute,


quadriplegic with a terminal illness, OCD

and a dependant, alcoholic ex-wife with
three kids. That character could probably
kick your ass.
The Lost Disadvantage occurs when the
GM has so much to keep track of that they
forget all about a player characters flaws.
Since its not in the players best interest to
remind the GM of the disadvantage, it
doesnt get used. The player winds up with
extra resources for his character, gratis
because his disadvantages arent being
accounted for. More importantly a great
role-playing opportunity has been lost.
Flaw Overload is what happens when so
many disadvantages are in play that the
actual game plot is derailed by all the
enemies, dependents, physical and social
issues that keep cropping up during game
in the GMs attempts to make the character
suffer for each and every benefit they
derived by taking the flaws in the first
place. Sometimes these on the fly
scenarios can be fun, but more often
theyre a drag for the rest of the group and
tend to keep the character with the flaws
perpetually in the limelight at the expense
of the other players.

game somehow. The GM is the final arbiter

on this.
Complications come into play in a variety
of ways.
The GM can evoke a Complication
whenever she sees fit. Complications
should never be used punitively but if the
situation calls for it, the GM should never
shy away from using a characters
Complication against him, just make sure
the character gets a CP in the process.
A 1 on the Wild Die can evoke a
Complication whenever the GM can think
of one. It doesnt have to happen every
time the Wild Die 1 is rolled, only when it
adds something to the game. The player
can be helpful in suggesting possible
adverse events related to the roll, but the
result should be a dilemma worthy of a
Character Point. If the Character has no
worthy Complications pertaining to the
Action, then the GM should feel free to just
manufacture a problem on the spot. It
doesnt have to be huge, but if its more
than an annoyance for the player, then the
player should be awarded a Character

The Complication is a way of addressing

these issues. Since a Complication
generates Character Points, it behooves
the player to bring them up rather than
hoping the GM forgets about it. Because
Complications dont net any additional
Generation Points, you cant Min/Max
them. And since Complications arise only
within the context of the games story,
rather than being extrinsic to the plot, they
will only come up when it is relevant to the
Character Points are awarded only if the
Complication results in actual harm to the
character or another party member or has
significantly hampered the goals of either
the character or his party. Mere
inconveniences or cosmetic problems
should not yield any CPs. The exception is
if the Complication has generated a
moment of hilarity or entertainment for the
group, or has significantly added to the

Players can also invoke a Complication. If

it results in a worthy disadvantage, the GM


should award the player with a Character

Voluntarily failing a Skill roll or some
crucial test should earn a Character Point if
the failure is the result of a Complication.
This is called Taking A Fail.
Taking A Fail involves voluntarily failing a
roll that a Character might normally
succeed at, due to their Complication. The
roll being failed should have significant
gravitas, and should not be used for trivial
or relatively minor things (unless failing
such a roll provides entertainment for the
rest of the party). Failing the roll needs to
create some kind of real disadvantage for
the player or the party.
Some Complications just add to the TN of
certain tasks, when a significant failure
occurs due to the Complication, a CP
award should be considered.
Character Points from Complications
should rarely be awarded more than once
per game session. If they do, it should be
because the consequence of the current
Complication is much worse or more
entertaining than the previous one. This is
sometimes called the once, maybe twice
provision for Complication awarded
Character Points. Repetitive use of the
same Complication with the same old
consequences should not earn a Character
additional Character Points (unless of
course its funny or entertaining in some

Good role-playing around a Complication

should earn CPs whenever possible
because thats what Complications are all
about. However the GM has the right to
subtract or withhold Character Points if a
player is NOT living up to his
Complication. For example, a Pacifist
wouldnt gun down a room full of nuns
(unless maybe they were all possessed by
Satan). As a GM you may subtract a CP or
withhold the next one unless the player
can adequately rationalize it or at least do
penance (maybe a 1D penalty on
everything for the next session due to her
existential suffering and what not).
Hopefully this wont be necessary very
Alcoholism: You are a serious alcoholic.
You need to drink every day or you will
suffer the effects of withdrawal. Otherwise
you are perpetually drunk. Take a Fail on
Addiction: youve got a problem. It could
be opium, gambling, sex you name it.
When under its influence youre messed
up, when youre without it you go into
withdrawal, and its hard to tell which is
worse. Take A Fail on just about anything.


All Thumbs: your hands are deadly

weapons to all devices and fine pieces of
equipment, as well as delicate objets dart
of all varieties. You tend to drop, crack,
strain or induce a major malfunction in just
about any item you get into. Take A Fail on
attempts to repair things, or to use
complicated gadgetry like watches and
screwdrivers. And drop your keys down a
sewer grate while youre at it.
Always The Hero: you risk your neck to
help others all the time. One of these days
itll be the end of you. The sad part is, most
of the time no one cares.
Anachronism: you live in the past, you are
from a culture that has not caught up to the
modern world. Earn Character Points by
not knowing how a doorknob works, or
generally not understanding the local
technology or social context. Really
outdated attitudes and mannerisms will
also yield hilarious results.
Anemic: your bone marrow sucks. Youre
often weak and lethargic. Take A Fail on
tests of endurance or strength.
Arrogant: arent you just Gods gift to
everything? You turn people against you
and piss them off because they just dont
see how great you are, and hey, theyre
jealous anyway so who gives a shit. Take A
Fail on any social interactions, or just be a
Bad Vision: self-explanatory, you get to
add 10 to the TN of any roll involving
visual acuity; missile weapons, driving,
piloting, searching for stuff etc. Also, you
can Take A Fail on these tasks as well.
Bad Luck: if something crappy is going to
happen, itll probably happen to you. Your
Raw Luck will never exceed 1D, and in a
contest of Luck, you always lose. Take A
Fail on anything where chance is a major
determinant of success.

Blabber Mouth: you just cant keep it

shut. You cant keep a secret and you often
just blurt out the first thing that pops into
your head. Take A Fail on social rolls or
anything else requiring tact or discretion.
Blind: youre pretty much always in the
dark, and that stuff about blind people
having keen senses to compensate is just
crap. Add 20 to the TN of any task
requiring vision, or Take the Fail for a CP.
Brash: you tend to dangerously
overestimate your own abilities, often
placing you in difficult situations.
Cautious: something will always go wrong
unless you can examine the plan from
every conceivable angle. Because of your
careful attitude your more foolhardy
companions tend to hate your guts. The
fools, dont they realize what you do for
You enjoy giving to charities and those
less fortunate than yourself. Sometimes
this can be a problem when your own
needs are neglected.
ChickenShit: you are a yellow-bellied
coward. Add 10 to any fear or intimidation
TNs, you can Take A Fail on such checks as


Clueless: little things like current events,

your location and what the hell the plan
was tend to slip beneath your notice. Take
A Fail whenever something such as that
becomes the focus of attention.
Clutz: you tend to drop things or trip over
yourself at the worst possible time. Take A
Fail on any Moves based test.
Code of Honor: youve got a set of rules
youve got to follow or else youll feel bad,
also, the other folks who follow those rules
might get mad at you. Or worse. Youve
got to outline for the GM what these rules
are at the time you take on this
Complication, but common themes tend to
be the The Hippocratic Oath, Gentlemans
Code, the Pirates Code, the Laaaaaaaw of
the West, the Phi Gamma Delta Pledge
code and so on.

right and you might get two CPs for that

one). Regardless, theyre weaker than you
and you are compelled to rush to their
Distinctive: you are memorable for some
reason, no one ever forgets you.
Elderly: you are undeniably old. You can
Take A Fail on anything that an aged
person might find challenging. This
ground is fertile for all sorts of offensive
clichs. Start planting.

Compassionate: You care, and sometimes

this gets you into trouble, defending the
weak, helping the poor and so on.
Competitive: no one, but no one, can beat
you at this one thing, or heck, at anything.
You take crazy risks to win at all costs.
When you dont win the you-know-what
hits the fan.
Curiosity: not only does it kill the cat, but
also you and the rest of the party.
Death Wish: you dont care whether you
live or die, and neither does anyone else.
So you take ridiculous chances for no good
reason. Is it the rush? Is it the attention?
Maybe youre just freakin crazy or maybe
youve got some secret agenda youre not
letting anyone in on. You decide.
Delusional: you whole-heartedly believe
something that no one else seems to
believe. Is everyone else just whacked,
crazy, cant they see it? What are they,
blind? Or maybe theyre just in on it
Dependants: the character has an aging
aunt, children, or a hapless love interest
that keeps getting into harms way.
Sometimes ones Enemy gets a hold of
them and hilarity ensues (play your cards

Enemy: you have a nemesis, it may be a

single person, a group or organization or
may be an entire nation/tribe. The enemy
means to do you harm, and it may not even
be physical harm. They may be trying to
discredit you, or steal your girl (man), or
ruin you financially. Whenever this
becomes a significant problem, collect a
Gentlemanly: You believe in the code of
the gentleman. Never mistreat a woman or
child, deal with others fairly and honestly,
never exploit someone elses misfortune
unless he is an enemy.
Greedy: youll do anything for a quick
buck. Anything.
Gullible: isnt in the dictionary. Really. Go
check, Ill wait. You trust people way too
much. Take a fail whenever someone is
using their Wiles on you.
Haunted: Youve seen things most people
wouldnt believe. Its given you that look
that makes people uncomfortable. Take a


Fail on any social interaction and gain a

Character Point.

thoroughly convinced that it is in your

friends best interest.

Hearing Impaired: youve got auditory

problems! Add 10 to the TN of any hearing
based actions! Add 20 if you are deaf! This
includes attempts at communication and
social skills! Take A Fail on any of the

Marginalized: you belong to a group of

people looked upon with disfavor or even
outright hatred by society at large. Add 5
to 10 to the TN of any social roll when this
becomes an issue. Take A Fail on the
above, earn extra CPs when the ignorant
masses come to lynch or ethnically cleanse

Illiterate: cant read or write this.

Innumerate: cant do math (dont worry,
neither can I).
Intolerant: you hate a certain group of
people, or perhaps all people of a
different race/religion/caste/class than
yourself. Earn a Character Point when you
insult or harm such persons and such an
action results in consequences to yourself.
Jealous: it might be around a specific
object (your girl, your car, your status) or
it may just be a general if you got it better
than I do, I want it. Regardless, youve got
a little green monster inside you itching to
get out. When it does, and its a problem,
grab a Character Point.
Lame: cut your Pace in half, and Take A
Fail on tests of Running, Jumping and
Lawful: Youre sworn to uphold the law.
You would never knowingly commit a
criminal act youd also turn a friend who
has broken the law over to the authorities,
although your loyalties would make it
Lecherous: you just cant leave the ladies
(or boys) alone can you? Whenever you
see an opportunity to turn up the Barry
White and get busy, you take it. If this
causes a problem, you get a Character

Murderous: youre not a psychopath, its

just that well, your enemies all deserve to
die. If they beg for mercy you clamp your
ears and sing la la la la la while you
stomp on their throat. You may never
voluntarily change your Wounding
damage to Stunning, ever.
Notorious: you are well known for
something and it isnt good. Take a Fail
whenever your Notoriety is a problem.
The nature of your notoriety must be
specified at the time of purchase.

Lightweight: You cant hold yer liquor.

Take a Fail on withstanding drugs, alcohol
and hangovers.

Obese: you are more than a little

overweight, and its not your bones or
your glands, unless theyve mutated and
started secreting lard. Add 10 to any TN
where your weight might be an issue
(Thletics, Runnin, Jumpin, Climbin,
Swimmin etc) or just Take A Fail.

Loyal: Once youve formed a bond with

someone, youll remain loyal for life,
betrayal is unconscionable unless

Obligation: whether its related to your

job, religion, culture or just something
your momma drilled into you from a young


age, theres something that you feel

compelled to do even at your own risk.
Protect the weak, uphold the law, heal the
sick, obey the Word of God, never eat
bratwurst on a Tuesday, that sort of thing.
It might also be a debt owed, either
financial or otherwise.
Obstinate: you must have your own way.
Earn a CP by being a stubborn prick.
One Arm: add 10 to 20 to the TN of any
task usually requiring two arms (climbing,
driving, playing piano etc.) or Take A Fail
on the same.
One Eye: add 10 to the TN of any action
requiring depth perception or Take The
One Leg: Take A Fail or add 10 to 20 to the
TN of any task normally requiring two legs
(running, climbing, swimming). Cut your
Pace in half.
Pacifist: you will not fight, maybe in selfdefense, but maybe not. Far from being a
coward, you would rather come to harm
than harm another.
Poverty: youre poor. You decide why.
When your poverty is an issue, gain a
Character Point.
Phobia: add 10 to all TNs when in the
presence of your irrational fear. Or Take A
Fail under the same circumstances.
Pious: Your faith is unshakeable, you are
empowered by your beliefs and find it
difficult to break your faiths code or

doing. You could stand to be knocked

down a peg or two.
PTSD: or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
comes from extremely stressful
experiences such as childhood trauma,
exposure to extreme violence and
hardship. Survivors of war-zones, people
in law enforcement, acute care medicine
and those who have endured physical or
mental abuse often suffer from this.
Difficulty sleeping, flashbacks, emotional
lability and relationship difficulties are key
Rustic: youre from the boonies, but that
doesnt make you a moron. So why do
does everybody in the big city speak to
you so slowly.
Sadist: You take excessive pleasure from
hurting others. When this complicates your
life get a Character Point.
Stranger In A Strange Land: you just
dont understand) the culture around you.
Youre from waaaaay out of town, and you
fail to grasp many of the nuances of these
social interactions.
Superstitious: You believe in the
supernatural and actively try to prevent
badness from happening to you. When this
causes problems, get a Character Point.
Surly: you are mean-spirited and illtempered, its easy not to like you. Add 10
to social tests where meanness is a
drawback, or just Take A Fail.
Temper: you lose it. A lot. In a big way.
Its a problem, collect CPs when it
becomes significant, and get some help.
Tenderfoot: You are unfamiliar with the
ways of the West and can Take a Fail on
any task that any self respecting cowboy
should be able to do. It is an inexhaustible
well of hilarity among the unwashed
retards with whom you have been forced
to associate.

Proud: You have an excessive amount of

dignity. There are a lot of things that are
too far beneath you to even consider

Thrill-Seeker: You are into doing crazy

and risky shit just for the kicks. When you


take a ridiculous risk for no good reason

you might earn a Character Point.

from them) as if they were part of your

Character. The death of your steed will
cause you to lose it for the rest of the
session but the points spent on such a
valuable sidekick can be used the
following session on a new mount, if one
becomes available.
Trusty Steed (2) you have a mutual bond
with your horse, it can anticipate some of
your needs and is loyal to you. You may
create a horse sidekick using the Sidekick
Perk in Mini Six. See Horse entry in Mini
Six Bare Bones Edition creature section for
basic Attributes.

Ugly: your were born with an ill favored

look. Take A Fail on any roll where this
becomes an issue, as it is, add 5 to the TN
of any social skill roll.
Vengeful: you tend to hold grudges.
Revenge is a dish best served raw and
bloody with a side of your enemys own
entrails, figuratively speaking of course.
Vicious: youre a mean mother-so-and-so.
If theres a cheap shot to be taken, youll
take it. And sparing prisoners, forget it,
youd rather just kill them, or at least maim
them to prevent any acts of revenge. This
tends to get you in a lot of trouble.
Wanted: youre either on the lamb or a
person of interest to some law
enforcement body. When they find you
theyll take you away, haha! Earn a CP
whenever this becomes a problem.
Young: youre noticeably younger than
your peers, which wouldnt be a problem
except no one seems to think youre even
toilet trained yet. Golly gee whiz, youll
show them.

Horse Perks and Complications

Horses form a large part of the Wild West
mythos, sometimes your horse says as
much about your character as any of your
Attributes or Skills. If you have a Trusty
Steed, you may also purchase Perks and
Complications (and earn Character Points

Horse Perks
These Perks are specifically for horses.
Other Perks may be applicable to your
steed with GM permission.
Danger Sense (1) the horse is very aware
of its surroundings and always warns its
rider of dangers ahead. Once per session
it can double its Perceivin roll in the face
of danger and will whinny or bristle if it
senses trouble.
Horse Sense (1) the horse is relatively
intelligent and possesses a Thinkin
Attribute (normally animals have 1D or
less). It might even be smartern you.
Noble Steed (1) once per session, while
ridin this horse, you can double any
Intimidatin or Wiles roll (not Deceivin
Ornery (1) the horse will only accept you
as the rider. Anyone else and he/she will
buck and possibly attack the rider (biting
and kicking).
Tough Hide (1) your horse is toughern
most. Once per session it can double a
Soak roll.
White Lightning (1) The horse is faster
than typical, and adds 10m to its Pace.
Workhorse (1) your horse is a mighty
beast of burden, or at least used to a days


work. Double its carrying/pulling


Man Aginst the Elements

In many Western stories, the environment
is just as savage an obstacle as any Injun
on the warpath or any band of desperados.
Heres some quick and dirty rules on how
to play these up.

Horse Complications
Clumsy as an Ox
Your horse is not very graceful and will
likely stumble and dump you if you try to
jump or ride along a narrow path.
Your horse aint motivated. Hes never
done an honest days work in his life.
Forget about hitching him up to a wagon,
carrying two riders or any difficult terrain.
Slow as Molasses
Your horse has half the starting Pace of a
regular horse.
Your horse is obstinate. You need a
successful Handlin roll against its
Gumption to get it to do anything.
The horse requires either a Handlin roll
against its Gumption or it will buck. This
happens every time you or anyone tries to
ride it.
Your horse will not accept a bridle or be
hitched to a team.

The ambient temperature extremes can

cause accumulating damage anywhere
from 1 pip to 1D per hour of exposure
depending on degree unless protected by
the appropriate clothing, equipment or
shelter. A Durance roll against this
damage, Complemented or replaced by
Survivin Skill is made every few hours or
other dramatically acceptable period.
Degree of failure determines the amount of
Lethal type Damage taken.
The accumulating environmental damage
roll can be reduced by taking shelter at a
rate of no more than 3 per hour.
The Wounds take the form of frostbite and
hypothermia, or heatstroke and
hyperthermia. Each of these can be fatal.
Characters may substitute their Survival
Skills, or Complement their Durance
checks when under such harsh conditions.
Infectious diseases present in a myriad
forms, from the common cold to the Ebola
virus. Typically a disease will have a
Virulence score, or a TN to match Durance
against or else suffer the effects. Some
diseases like flesh eating bacteria and
necrotizing fasciitis act almost
immediately. Others, like tertiary syphilis
dont show symptoms for years, and have a
long, latent phase.
Effects can be damage, or debility
represented as reduced Attributes, or
other effects such as somnolence,
delirium, wracking pain and so on. The
duration is disease dependant and may


last for a single day or persist chronically

for the rest of the characters days.
Drowning and Asphyxiation
Every round spent unable to breathe adds
to the TN of an asphyxia (Durance) roll,
made each round after twice the number
of rounds equal to the number of D in
Durance. Failing a roll results in Lethal
type damage.
For every 3m you fall, you take 1D of
damage. So falling 50 feet (15m), you take
Fires burn. The amount of energy
imparted by a campfire after a round of
exposure might be anywhere from 1to 2D,
A large bonfire maybe 3D. Larger fires will
generate more energy and thus impart
greater amounts of damage.
The real risk of fires, especially in
enclosed spaces is asphyxiation from
oxygen depletion and poisonous gases
such as cyanide and carbon monoxide.
See Asphyxia above.
Thirst and Starvation
Every day spent without hydration, and
every three days spent without nutrition,
creates an accumulating D of Lethal type
Damage, resisted by your Durance check
made each day. Any Fatigue penalties act
as penalties against these Stamina checks.
Survivin Skill can be substituted for or
Complement Durance.
Toxins affect biological systems, wreaking
physiologic havoc at the cellular or
molecular level. Each toxin will have its
own effects, and may not necessarily be
lethal in small quantities (alcohol is a

The specific effects of each toxin must be

individualized, as is their route of
ingestion and Potency. Potency is what
provides the TN against a Durance roll to
avoid the toxins effects.
Effects of toxins may include damage,
unconsciousness, hallucinations, Attribute
decrease, paralysis and so on. We leave
the specifics up to your imagination.
Examples of toxins and their effects
include cyanide (potency 20, 8D damage),
sodium pentothal (truth serum, potency 20,
causes truthfulness and suggestibility),
rattlesnake venom (potency 10, damage
4D) and so on.

Encumbrance and Fatigue

A character is not considered Encumbered
until they are carrying a weight equal to
twice the number of D in their Lift skill as
per the Lift Capacity Table. After that point
a 1D penalty applies to all physical
Actions requiring Movin Attribute,
including Initiative. For every point on the
Lift Capacity Table of additional weight the
character carries, they suffer an additional
1D penalty to all Movin Actions.
So, the average man (GRIT 2D) can carry
an equivalent of 4 on the Lift Table (8 kg)
before he is Encumbered, at 12kg (5 on
the lift table) he has a -1D penalty to
Movin Actions. If he carries more weight,
say up to 6 on the Lift Table (20kg), he will
acquire an additional 1D of penalty, at 7
(30kg) another 1D for a total of 3D
penalty to Movin Actions.
His Pace also drops by 2m for each level of
Encumbrance he bears. If he were
carrying 50kg his Pace would drop by 6m
to 4m/round. If Pace drops below 0, he
cannot move any further.
Horses and other beasts of burden have
twice the carrying capacity of two legged
characters and thus dont become
encumbered until 4 times the D in Lift. A
horses Pace also starts at 20m rather than
a humans 10.


Fatigue uses the Durance Skill. Failing a

Fatigue roll gives you Stun damage
(penalty lasts until you rest, 10 minutes of
rest removes one Stun). The TN for a
Fatigue roll is calculated as 1 for each
round of extreme exertion (Combat,
Sprinting, role-playing game design).
Thus ten rounds of fighting (or a single
combat scene say) would require
everyone to roll their Durance against 10
Fatigue. Whether you make your Fatigue
roll or not, the Fatigue clock keeps ticking
and if exertion continues for another ten
rounds the next Stamina roll will be against
20, and so on. Each minute of rest erases a
single point from the next Fatigue TN.
Hard exertion (running, swimming,
climbing etc) accumulates Fatigue at one
point per minute (six rounds). Moderate
exertion (walking, treading water, easy
riding, driving, most peoples jobs)
accumulates Fatigue at 1 per hour.

Lift Capacity




Up to
















Small Child
A Dog
Little Kid
Small man
Large Man
Lions and
tigers and
bears (oh

Buyin Gear: What Stuff

Cost Back Then, and
What It Weighed
Clothing and Personal Items
Boots, military or cowboy 1.5kg $5
Boots, custom 1.5kg
Buckskin shirt 1.5kg, +1Soak, $2
Buckskin trousers 1.5kg,
Buffalo robe 18kg, +2 Soak,
Candles, wax (1 dozen)
Cap, broadcloth
Cartridge belt (holds 50 rds) $1
Chaps 3kg
Cigar, cheroot
Cigar, high quality
2 for 25
Hat, derby
Hat, cowboy
Hat, Stetson
Hat, ladys feathered
Hat, sombrero
Holster, fancy
Holster, plain
Holster, shoulder
Holster, swivel, +1 Draw Speed$3.75
Knife, pocket
Matches, safety (box of 240)
Mirror, brush, comb set
Overcoat, cloth 3kg
Overcoat, fur 5kg
Razor, straight
Shirt, average quality
Shirt, good quality
Shirt, womens, good quality $1.50
Shoes, mens or womens
Skirt, womens
Slicker, rain 2kg
Soap, cake
Socks, 1 pr
Spurs, plain
Spurs, fancy
Suit, mens, plain 2kg
Suit, mens, fancy 2kg,
Suit, mens or womens 2kg
Tobacco (1 oz.)
Travel trunk (Steamer) 11kg
Trousers 1kg
Watch, pocket with chain
Wrap, womens




Bacon, side 20kg
Beef, side 30kg
Beef, dried (1 lb.)
Beer, glass
Beer, small keg 5kg
Chewing gum, 100 pieces
Chocolate, 8 oz. Tin
Coffee, 2 lb. Tin
Corned beef 50kg
Crackers 12kg
Flour, sack 22kg
Jerky, pouch
Meal, average
Meal, good
Meal, aboard train
Oatmeal, sack 22kg
Rations (1 week) 5kg
Root Beer, bottle
Sugar, 1 lb.
Tea, 8 oz. tin
Whiskey, shot
Whiskey, bottle


Outdoor Equipment
Bed Roll 4kg
Binoculars, 5x 1kg
Binoculars, 10x 1kg
Canteen 0.5kg
Gun cleaning kit
Oil for lamps (1 gallon,3kg)
Oil lamp 1kg
Scabbard, rifle
Tent, miner's (for one) 13kg
Trail cook's kit (fry pan,
stew pot, coffee pot, etc.) 35kg $3
Trap w/chain, 5" jaw (mink) 1kg 25
Trap w/chain, 6.5" jaw (beaver)1kg 39
Trap w/chain, 8" jaw (wolf)
Trap w/chain, 16" jaw (bear)

Animals, Livestock and Pelts

Beaver (pelt) 2kg
Buffalo (hide) 20kg
Cattle, as calf
Cattle, as yearling
Cattle, at railhead
Coyote (skin/bounty)
Horse, excellent
Horse, good


Horse, fair
Horse, poor
Jackrabbit (pelt)
Lynx (pelt) 2.5kg
Oxen (yoke of two)
Puma (pelt) 4.5kg
Raccoon (pelt)
Wolverine (pelt) 2kg


Household Items
Bedroom set 120kg
Cook stove 150kg
Cookware set 40kg
Dining room set 200kg
Dishes, setting for six
Glassware, setting for six
Oil lamp, fancy parlor type
Parlor suite (couch, 4 chairs)
Sewing machine 25kg
Silverware, setting for six


Homestead (160 acres,
land must be worked five years)
Townsite (320 acres)
Townsite quarter (80 acres)
Town lot (Poor location)
Town lot (Main Street location)
Town lot (Choice location)


Medical Equipment
Doctor's bag with instruments 7kg
Ether (1 dose)
Laudanum (1 dose)
Nitrous Oxide (1 dose) 25
Veterinary bag with
instruments 10kg


Tools and Kits

Anvil 40kg
Axe 2.kg
Barbed Wire (50 yards) 10kg
Blacksmith's tool set
(bellows, hammer, tongs, etc.)
Blasting caps (1 dozen)
Carpenter's tool set
(level, plane, saw, square, etc.)



Chemical kit 25kg
Demolitions kit 10kg
Disguise kit 2kg
Druggists kit 25kg
Dynamite, stick .25kg
Electric detonator 1kg
Electrical tool kit 25kg
Evidence kit 5kg
First aid kit 2.5kg
Forgery kit 2kg
Fuse (per yard)
Handsaw 1kg
Hammer 1kg
Lantern 1kg
Lockpick set .5kg
Mechanical tool kit 2.5kg
Medical kit 7kg
Ore car 75kg
Pan 0.5kg
Pick 2kg
Plow (horse drawn) 40kg
Rope (per yard)
Scales 4kg
Shovel 2kg
Surgeons kit 10kg
Wirecutters 1kg
Wheelbarrow(miner's) 40kg


Buggy (capacity two people
or 500 lbs.) 170kg
Buggy (capacity four people
or 800 lbs.) 250kg
Canoe 40kg
Flatboat (30 ft) 4tons
Harness (single) 8kg
Harness (team, per
2 horses) 20kg
Keelboat (30 ft) 6tons
Quirt (riding whip)
Saddle and bridle, fancy 12kg
Saddle and bridle, plain 10kg
Saddlebags and saddle
blanket 5kg
Stagecoach (not including
horses) 1200kg
Wagon, light (capacity
1,200 lbs.) 250kg
Wagon, heavy (capacity
4,500 lbs.) 500kg


Travel Fares
Stagecoach, Local (per mile)


Stagecoach, Express
(per 50 miles)
Stagecoach, St. Louis to
San Francisco (25 days)
Steamboat, St. Louis to
Fort Benton
Train, Omaha to Sacramento,
1st class, express
Train, Omaha to Sacramento,
2nd class, express


Letter, by mail 1 oz.
Package, overland mail 10kg
Package, by rail freight 100kg
Telegram (50 words @
1/2 cent per word)


Banjo 5kg
Bible 1kg
Bordello, Boarding
Bordello, fancy, Boarding
Bugle 1kg
Dance Hall, one dance ticket
Dance Hall, quick date
Deck of Marked Cards
Guitar 4kg
Musical Production, ticket
Novel, paperback
Piano, upright 400kg
Poker chips, 1000 1kg
Stage Play, ticket
Trombone 3kg
Trumpet (coronet) 2kg
Violin (fiddle) 2kg


Lodging and Services

Hotel, poor (per night)
Hotel, average (per night)
Hotel, good (per night)
Hotel, luxury (per night)
Room (per week)
Room and board (per week)
Shave and haircut
Stable, overnight for man
or animal (per night)



Medical Services
Broken bone set
Broken bone splinted
Buckshot removed
Bullet hole patched
Bullet removed


Concussion treated
Lacerations stitched
Other burns treated
"Other" diseases treated
Powder burns treated



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Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to
the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all
rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are
distributing are Open Game Content.
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any
authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any
version of this License.
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor
unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so.
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some
or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open
Game Material so affected.
13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure
such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the
extent necessary to make it enforceable.


Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
D6 Adventure (WEG51011), Copyright 2004, Purgatory Publishing Inc.
West End Games, WEG, and D6 System are trademarks and properties of Purgatory Publishing Inc.
Mini Six Bare Bones Edition, Copyright 2010, AntiPaladin Games.
Mini Six, and APG are trademarks and properties of AntiPaladin Games.
Artwork and Images herein were obtained via Google Images and are assumed by the author to be Public Domain.
WilD6West Copyright 2013, Paul Hosek
Product Identity: The D6 System; the D6 trademarks, the D6 and related logos and any derivative trademarks not specified as
Open Game Content are designated as Product Identity (PI) and are properties of Purgatory Publishing Inc. All rights
The Mini Six and the Mini Six Bare Bones Edition trademarks and related logos and any derivative trademarks are designated
as Product Identity (PI) and are properties of AntiPaladin Games. All rights reserved.
Open Game Content: All game mechanics and material not covered under Product Identity (PI) above; OpenD6 trademark and
OpenD6 logo.
This is the end of the Open Game License.


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