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Sonya Breaux
Kennesaw State University

Teachers juggle different elements and situations daily. Such elements can
range from different teaching models to the lack of technology or the students we
serve. They can be culturally, socioeconomically impaired. Each individual has a
different learning style and different way to see their school life.
I am teaching at Woodstock High School where the number of student is
continuously growing. Last year we had 1952 students, and this year we have
2,018. We increased tremendously the number of Hispanic/Latino population (13%
now), and since last year, we have decrease the number of students receiving free
or reduced lunch from 623 to 590.
Our SIP is trying to increase the cultural and global awareness through
technology. One of our goals for this year is to have a computer per student with
internet access. Each classroom was adapted with two desktops and one laptop
with the ability to connect to the internet. The mobile labs have been updated 70%
at the end of the 2014-2015 school year and students disposition to use technology
is high.
The more our schools population increases the more diversity it will bring into our
system. I have learned through the vision paper how this diversity can be
accommodated to their needs. Much planning and data analysis is crucial in the
development of new procedures and policies to get the funds the school needs in
order to accomplish the goals established in the SIP.
Through the use of the internet, teachers and other channels of
communication, the stakeholders will support and promote other ways of diffusion

according to the shared vision in a strategic plan. My experience in this program
has taught me the importance of facilitate, model, research and recommend
strategies. I have observed the importance of collaborating and supporting teachers
through department meetings or professional development classes. I will advocate
the iPad lab and the digital language lab for our school. I hope we can better serve
the minorities which is an increasing number in our school.

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