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Hee TT TRE US | Dedication SCALE MILITARY VEHICLE CONVERSIONS DUNCAN HOWARTH THe cnowono PREss i pubic in 207 by The Comodo ad Ramah, Matberigh ‘oor © Duncan Homan 2007 A ih re No pf hi pbicon maybe pod or anid {nay fm or by any am decor mechan nding pomp. ‘org rant nrmaon tore rec hou prmion a ‘tng oe the pb Bikh Lary Calosing i Pubiion Data ‘aloe etl eth Bok ari om the Bh bry “et phompapy nd ol tens by Denis How ted by Rad Hwa ‘ional nappy by Chron Howard Phoonk previous page: KV arf ak, “ytd dig yD &N bain ined nd bund i Sngpr by Caf Pin Into. Contents Acknowledgements Introduction ~ Tools and Techniques Getting Started ‘Hetzer Flammpanzer 38(1) Ford of Canada F30s Ambulance Jeep T27 Rocket Launcher ‘T19 105mm Howitzer Gun Motor Carriage Panther Raketenwerfer (Skoda) KV3 Obiekt 220 M31 Lee ARVIL Dioramas Panzerkampfwvagen II Ausf C mit Schwimmksrper Sherman Beach Armored Recovery Vehicle BAD 2 Amphibious Armoured Car ‘Vomag with 88mm Flak Bibliography and Useful Websices Index ul 22 30 40 53, 78 on 105 M1 121 133 152 173, 174 Acknowledgements During the preparation of this book many people have provided me with help, both materially and in the way of encouragement Tan Young. Editor of Miliary Machines Internationa, and Matl Askew, Editor of Jeep World Magazine forthe provision of invalable phororaphic material. Dex, Alex and all of the frew at Modelsone, Manchester for their encouragement. James Waters for his patient computer work and procurement of weapons. Terry t Casto for the FAMO wheels My very good frend Tony Barber for his limits help, Sed without whom ny skills, such as they a would five been much lest, My: daughter, Rachiel Howarth, for a Herculean syping and editing flor My son, Christan Howard forall Finished vehicle photography in effet. quali ing che whale boo Inspiration to persevere throughout the years has come foe the incredible works of Ale Gee Norman Abbe, Jian Benasi and ley from Marcos Nicholls Raul Garcia Latore and shove ll Gary Norris who was brave enough vo give me imy fine writing break in Miltny Modelo ‘agate, and without whom this book would not have been possible Introduction — Tools and Techniques Military hardware has been converted. by the men of mechanized armies since wheeled and tracked vehicles fret averse the worlds bate- fields Even though the model making industry Fig 1 Pg and irfi ia fhe 1950 worldwide has produced a vac range of ypesand {ub-ype of almon every vehicle ever conecved ‘here ae sill, and il remain, significa gaps in their usp. Modal companics are hampered by P pod chekie. antiaircraft take INTRO ICTION ~ TOOLS AND TECHNIQU Scammell tank tamiporter inwo an arillery tractor, 1 was completely hooked “The 1970s broghe «change in sale, and in rmanufictuer, One of my teachers a grammar ‘chool had boughe a Dacsun Cherry. Ane ca, trai did ase very long? When Tamiya set up shop, everyone expected, wll very lil. A end ‘of mine bought thi fs Kabelwagen kit on the ‘ame weckend that | boughe the Aire Sam 1th Hssar model. A week ater during my fst atzempt to atach is 5 thou plastic eros sraps tnd sire, my mate earned up wil his coe pleted Kabel, We wete both bir gobsmacked fay Hussar had cox 36d (17-5p) wheres the el was 13 shlings (65p) and worth every penny. Thad heard the amour that Tamiya had Sesgned thir kis orginaly wo be compatible ‘with the world standard of 132, oF Simm, scale modal olen. Due to the plastic contacting on leaving the mould thir Pancher tank shrank 19 1735 cle, and they never looked bac! In al but model soldier ‘icles, 1/32ad sale miliary ‘chile kits at al but forgorten (Fg). “Throughout the 1990 and inc the new mil lennium, the hobby of military modelling and conversions has changed radically. Aftermarket product, particularly in resin and etched bras. Reve presented new opporcunitcs and challenges to modeler, while radical surgery wid plastic Sheer and od as seemed ler necessary (0 produce a orignal and exiing model "There are sls good many vehicles thar have rnc been produced a kit in any sale, and ‘emain unity to be. In conversion and com- pletely scratch-buile model projects thee is no enon why etched brass and rsa components Cannot be used slong with plastic pars shert, fod and strip ~ eo produce vehicles varying ‘widely in complet, ize and mass appeal The Hetce Fammpancer ia ret place to seat, needing outwaelly only 4 new Aare pro- jector in place of the models original main arma ment. At the ater end ofthe sale, the Vomag swith its mm Fisk gun has an almoxe com: pletely scratch built body, chasis and running fear mated to an excellent replica ofthe lege ndary ‘8 Step-by-step instructions are peo- Wied to research, plan and exccute the models herein. They wil hopefly inspire you o eck ‘out more ofthis ‘undiscovered county, which {mounts toa hobby within s hobby, and a source ‘oF endles fscnation (CHAPTER 1 Getting Started RESEARCH “The interne san incredible source of informa tion for modellers and kit converters alike. On ‘the web you wil find all manner of previously unscen mtr fom all coener of the globe However, caveat empeor - buyer beware! infor. maton found on the web should always be Alouble-checked, ae with any teach. Webwies are produced by human beings and while che ‘ast majorey ofthe information wil be of dhe highest quay, there will inevitably be some 11 MG and Kar 90k frm te ‘allio ofr James Votre mabe ore five The military hor and modeling communi iy arenow beter cater for in publi terms than ever before, The wealth of well-eseached ‘material produce in Gres Britsn, America. and Europe has now been enhanced by previously unseen mater fom behind the Former ron ‘Corain. Publishers like Crowood, lan Allan (Osprey. and Arm and Armour have proce « ‘umm of quite remarkable books, spanning all ‘spect of the miliary word from all ge Magazines lke Militery Madeling sed Model Miliary Inernatona, along wich many of the forcign modeling enaazins are usually the ist Fig 1.2 Ahi phteap i thi on ae her. They are Machine which not reproduced of official and uno Local military vehicle trust groups are often swell word avate Alo wih ibe mew of meee ing and rls chat they atend, such as Belring in’ Kene and. the “Yanks extrvaganza at Uppermil, Lancashire in August each yan these ‘nehusasts ae often sen in monthly atl re enactments all over Englad and aso in Europe and the USA. With ale di fin these mle individ a {00 eager olet you phorograph and measure che For example, Iam indebrd to James Waters for he loan of is MG 42 and Kar 98k (Fig 11) to use at modeling references. However, dont forget hat tothe lender, thir vehicles are their models, eat them as you would your own fie overlooked are Family. photograph archives Fig 12) which arinvaable for vide and figure research, An ertile neighbour of seri Goes ca be the Emergeny there let ‘Canadian Oxer armoured put ain roe appointments [used wo work wth an old German gpilemin who was on the last half oack eur of Kicw in lae 1943, bur unforunaely is album Id ben sole n'a cent burr! throughout the county. Ar well as providing invaluable help in the local community, the Lancashire Fuser in Bury have an extensive chive, which they ate more than wing to let you wse (Fig. 1.3). Thee new premises promise ‘wien complete © Royal Armoured Corps, mumcam st nn Dor an excepional source rea bewildring torte of riches fot goer lla pl ue, along with an ive. In Pance the dears yout ‘Several sae wil alsa and thicker (Fig. 1.7), a well as various when working with an thee cg wil a Yor Selingen sel Howeres Lteocody ound a pack Srallcoping ew ‘atm local Ikea. in the USA pro Saumur Armour Muscum and inthe USA she TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES Aberdeen Proving Ground ae just «wo of tmany sources you could exploit while on family Conversion work, forthe most pare i pr and would like wo see Po Karl wacked mortar and bund ure vehicles, ry Moscow Kabinka Tank and meal ruler imported from Chi other very_parens can afford laving ud hata rt a Museum, Esen in the depehe extraordinary place. Dei fr these and man more establishments with extensive vehicle col When all ce fs ery the scrapyard, Several Whichever fe you ch ars age ina Bolton yard found cwo Scare ‘Commanders «1942 Fordson and 1943 Bed ‘Ql command vehicle. The later provided basi fr plans and che subsequent con Jc finger while ui mold Arie/Max QU it ioe a radar command wood-plane aan i al edge berween you and the blade: ba vehide say the lan ‘ruucd was more than vce san excelent resource Foe further deals I saighe edge are an excell

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