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I am asking at this time if maybe you can take some time to read my Research Page on
my Website. I do believe that it is possible to help define ISIS for the reasoning behind
the Murders of this being a Satanic Deception towards a Biblical Matter that may need
to be discussed in regarding the Seventh Angel of the Apocalypse.
As you know today, there is a Goddess being mentioned of being ISIS, an Egyptian
Goddess for all we know, and much of the Egyptian Beliefs of Reincarnation have often
been the get-go belief to confuse much of Christians in our Times.
However, the thing that is surprising me is the remote stunning issue that is issuing me
today that it could respond to a great Luciferian that is being played out from the Vatican
and from Iran to connection of Mary Magdalene. I am starting to believe that she plays a
flip-sided coin, and could be Eve in the Flesh; having eaten the Forbidden Fruit from the
Tree in the Garden of Eden. The reason I bring this up is that the awful extent of
knowledge in Californias Churches in USA is becoming a problem to substantial belief,
and the burial of Mary Magdalene is simply to be as a result that nobody talks about her
When you Google: Mary Magdalene Lucifer, there are results popping up that ties into
the Greek Roman Goddess NYX, a Moon Goddess. From my Research, I have been
led to believe from the appearance of ISIS has something to do with the secret
encoding to who the Seventh Angel of the Apocalypse really is, and with who the true
Identity of Maria Divine Mercy is. Lady Faustima. Her soul being devoted to Mary
Magdalene, the Angel of Death, or should say, Diana Lucifera of Ancient Rome.
Mary, the sister of Lazarus?
Understand Albert Pikes Quotation as prophecied about WWIII in the deception given
of Nihilists and Atheists given the course of bringing about a Luciferian Doctrine to
breakdown Christianity. Ironically, this being the case is as crazy as it may seem. There
is a deception that behind Mary Magdalene through the Protogenoi aspect that
connects well to a Satanic insticated set-up towards understanding the Pyramids and
Hidden Religions such as Mandaeism that have to do with Space and Moon Worship.
When I perform a Search On YouTube about the YouTube Message To Atheists, it
describes that she is from Iceland. My thought at first was that she is a Mother of some
sort, but it dawned on me that she could in fact be Nyx (Nox), and as Ive been research
the Emerald Tablets, I came to realize that the Emerald Tablets Of Thoth play into the
understanding that he was an Atlantean, and it instigates of the Sun (Jesus Christ) and
the Moon as Mother (Nyx), and it reads much into a Revelation towards a massive
separation between the two that our Churches are no longer teaching for such a
massive long time in history towards what is coming for the New World Order.

I am realizing today that before Christ took the Seven Demons out from Mary, Nyx
couldve have been her original being. Many religions indicate Nyx to become among
names such as the Ratri, and of a Hindu God, but clearly couldve been a Shapeshifter.
A Protogenoi, but, as my research conspires to the belief that Religions and Churches
are basically fragmented upon theologies and theistic views to one God, theres usually
always some mix-up pertaining to Greek Mythology. Even the term Politics is a Greek
The problem persisting however is the research done on ISIS that really isnt much of a
no-brainer if you believe in the sudden Gnostic voodoo thats being played today of
what really mightve happened in the Past as we look to our Bibles, and that fact of the
belief in the Spiritual Giants basically could be a link to Protogenoi, or in other words,
Adams Sinful Family. Understanding this more, I realized that ISIS had a Twin Sister,
which was a Phoenix in connection with the Dragon, Satan.
Understand where this grows dark. The connection is Mary Magdalene among the sorts
as a confused and lost soul who many Christians claim her to being in the Bible with no
substantial reasons to why she is even being talked about today that could ironically tie
into the coming Antichrist Deception of this still being a Holy vs Unholy War that we are
residing in.
Hybrid Spirits of the Deceased Giants In The Bible, as the Origin of Demons: http://
I recommend taking a look at Nyx as shown in Persona 3 beyond this point as
symbolism to what Im getting at here.
Isn't it also surfaced in the Theogony of Hesoid that Nyx laid an Egg. And had Wings.
Gnostics indicate of a person known as Apocryphon
Please read:
Now check out this Song:
There are Books out today on Amazon called Plague Of Angels, and Scorn of Angels by
John Patrick Kennedy.
Understand this. ISIS had an Evil Twin Sister known as Nepthys, or Nephytes. The
Phoenix talked about in Egyptian Theology. She was a Shapeshifter, but understand
when it mentions of a Sword, there is mentioning of a vast deception of this being the
former Queen of Hell.
There is a book out today called Night Passages. I recommend checking this book out.
It talks very much of a Bible that pertains to similar
One thing for sure, this isnt ISIS:
Also read here:
Do check out the Holy Bible According to the Authorized Version (A.D. 1611), as well.
Apocrypha; the former Queen of Hell. Death Personified. The Angel of Death.
Understand that I have no problem with this being announced, but Id rather remain
anonymous. Announcing it could lead People into assuming it to be false and Pure Evil
for even talking about this without establishment to this even being true due to misbelief
and Modern Bibles not realizing it, taking this the wrong way among the anti-christ
spirited who perform this way.
The thing that gets me going is the strange case scenario of Nyx and some Comic
images shown of Lucifer and a dark woman following him around, and Im guessing
could be Nyx, or whither the case, is the confused Spirit; Eve after the possesion of
Satan turning her into Lilith. Persona 4 hints that theories developed that Eve went to
becoming a Demon of the Night.
Disney through Pirates of the Carribean is pushing that the 666 Ruler of Atlantis was
Lucifer himself. I also came to notice too that Ash Ketchum in Pokemon was seen to
have been possessed by the King of Pokelantis being a demonic possession of Satan,
himself, matching to a Christ Parallel.
Understand this, when CERN goes and talks about tapping into another Dimension, I
think of Dimension 666, which couldve been the Dimension that the Old Testament
livlihoods of People took place in before God swept the Earth through a Flood, maybe
even had blown it up, who knows, and now when Im coming to face terms to our
reasoning to being birthed on this planet to being tested - being birthed into this age,
clearly shows me that we are living in a World that is being infiltrated once more by the
Demonic Spirit.
When I look at Darkwings Ducks Episode with the Negaverse, I am pretty sure that
Negaducks Universe is the 666 Dimension that CERN is tapping itself into. I am not
saying that the Parallel Universes thing came from God, but came from the Deceiver to
explain what his Universe really is like. Possible means of establishing a Parallel World
of us, and things that are causing me to really think is if they are planning to bring about
an Anti-version of Jesus Christ into our scene from CERN, or are we preparing to bring
Lucifer back, himself? I mean, what really gets me questioning is this question: as we
know that the mark of 666 is LUCIFER, but of the birthing of an antichrist, are we to

really see Lucifer come into this age, or an establishment into a Parallel Universe in
effort to bring in a Anti Jesus Christ? One thing that contemplates me, is the massive
question: Whatever happened to Lucifer after Jesus died? Was he brought to Heaven
again, Judged, knew where he was going (to Hell), or what?
What really confuses me is his Wings. They differ from Angels. How can this be allowed
into Heaven? Well, the Bible tells certain that the World is orchestrated to passages
Isaiah 14:12, and Revelation 9:11 in understanding quite clearly that we are teaching

Children to become more negative in our environments through what is being seen in
our Media, Television Shows, Video Games, through the much deceiving problem and
influence in Time Travel, today. The problem is, many People in our Society lack the
spiritual knowledge on how to reciprocate from any of this.
Jesus makes it clear in John 15:18:
If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me before it hated you.
I do feel as a start that maybe upon helping to wake America up, if Churches started commuting
with setting up some kind of a donations ordering store through their own Churches to help
select merchandise sold in store that can help strengthen the individual's relationship with God,
along with USB Customized Hard-rives containing customized documents and folders; if we
choose to, but I'm concerned myself of September though even though by having good chances
in broadening even our chances with the Homeless due to select given ideas; maybe even
allowing Church Folk to order MP3 device such as an Eclipse to be given out at cheap price.
Special ordered and customized through our Churches with recorded Contemporary Church's
Bands making up their own Band Albums, singing from Books and Verses, giving off Albums for
free cost (not to be sold for money), but to help lead Christians back to reading their Bibles more
and believing in God's Word.
That's the part that often struggles me...
I thought maybe this idea could make a good establishment to help People stay more focused in
Mental Wards to help boost self-esteem, maybe even focus in hiring Artistry Clubs on Christian
Puzzle Boards for the Children, and establishing verses in Poetry Blocks. There's a lot of ideas in
Kindergarden classrooms I came to realize much that can be of use from my Church, GracePoint,
only to find that it wasn't really the right Church for me. The Home Churches were more directed
on two families that ran the Church than appearing to explain the New Testament. It was
focusing more on Old Testament, not even of the New. I gave ideas to my Pastor, and it didn't go
through. The Mormons Career service makes a good use to help People to help with entrylevelers, so I felt motivated to that as a simple benefactor towards my job searching for more
Jobs after I had received my Web Design Certificate. Understanding Business and Knowledge of
Christ while working experience with a Church for awhile did get my first Job with Sam's, and it
helped raise my awareness to the foods we are eating today that are becoming much of a
deception through Chemicals such as GMOs. So I understand much when stores mark non-gmos,
as Im starting to realize much in the chemicals being pulled into our foods.
A lot of the Churches aren't even believing in much of what will happen, and it does concern me
to this time to where I do highly feel that People will not be ready for a famine ahead. Not to
mention, so many gangs might pop. Racism that isn't even racism, and now a Queen James Bible
being pushed now is an atrostasty. Often times, I do feel like People are deceiving themselves,
but it dawned on me that from when scripture talks that the love of the Father may not be in these
People, I become curious if possible that the Holy Spirit does come out of these People?
But givenly, I usually do often come up with ideas, and from what I know so far, our Video
Games, Movies, and Music are teaching a coming Time Traveling Deception, here and there to

help strengthen relationships. Usually, when I look at the masses to when they channel
intelligence through Christ in understanding his Word more, I reciprocate instantly by renewing
myself to step away, but then realizing that it may have very much do with Revelations towards a
major deception involving the coming Antichrist, and how this will all play out.
It bothers me too even through when the Pastors Kid starts playing video games on the 3DS
given to the effects that were listed on the System as restricted for certain age groups. Ironically,
we seem to be improving as a massive populace in understanding the End Times like we are
today, but ultimately, I feel to believe like it is being done on purpose even with next-gen
systems to provoke gamers into upgrading like the iPads among Apple for example, for we are
constantly upgrading to something, not even staying clear to one thing before it becomes
obsolete where the World isn't even ready for the next Instrument, then this entire scientific
establishment becomes News where the Universe is expanding, which to me sounds like a lie if
it's designed to tire us all out until it all looks like a deception for deterioration, and ultimately I
find that a lot of People's Love for Christ is being used to help broaden self-reliance than relying
on others. It's very quite strange to me how our economy is working while Japan goes onto
believing in God(s) than the True God of the Earth.
Ironically as it may seem, the Devil is seeking to Devour, and we are in a time right where the
second coming is coming close. Scripture is becoming quite clear that an attempt on Jesus Christ
is coming sooner when he returns. Bibles even before 1975 speculate that Militarys in
Armageddon are going to attempt to blow Jesus clear out of the Sky once they spot onto him
with his army of Angels.
And as ironically as it may also seem, I am now realizing much that Lexicon G90, in my
Research maps out quite well to what the Cross really does. It blocks away and expels Negative
Particles. In which case, of this truly being a Holy vs Unholy War.
In these given times, we must all commune more with Christ. We must all find time in our hands
for Prayer, even to rebuke the Devil during these times. Satan for one given thing hates Gods
Image, and will even lie to slander his image. He knows who God is. His Children do not. They
are separated. The Bible clearly contrails that before the return of Christ sets off, question in
Scripture is often given if whither his Children will finally come to terms of Knowing him, will
they know him? Just like the similar scenario going on with Illuminati.
For one thing, I am not believing the Gender Analyists like Zinnia Jones who are openly showing
off the Satanic Tattoo. I know we cannot change the World, but from what is being talked about
of this being the End Days, Bibles such as the 1975 PTL KJV Bible truly talks that the End
Times will be for Satan, not for God and his Children.
I can mostly certainly tell you this today. Shapeshifters operate in the Spirit, not of Flesh.
One things for certain, we need to bring about more means towards for Healing and deliverance
from our Sins. Citizens of America needs to Pray more for the healing of the Nation. God sees
all. Why do you think the beliefs follow that God wants you to commune with him? Hear his

All I know is, we cannot reap what we sow. The one who calls himself the I AM is the one and
true God. Yeshua. The name into which Christs disciples were baptized, is that which they will
and die. Not to political concerns, but Biblical Concerns that are becoming Political.
So often as we are told, yet openly, practically every country in this World is breaking the First
Ammendment in not to involve Religion, yet the world was situated on Religion.
I am starting to believe that the Mormons are inheriting a false religion. For one thing is for
certain, where did they REALLY get the word Nephites from?
And why is the Third Temple being listed on the Mormon Wiki?
Passages concerning the Third Temple.
Why is the Third Temple Ministry even asking for a Sacrifice - if the Messiah was already
tributed as One? And why is a Holy Temple even being built if Scripture makes it clear that our
bodies are the temples housing his Spirit amongst us through Water Baptism?
Even Paul teaches the Saints they are the temple of God.

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