Valley Booklet PDF File May 04 2015

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Volume 01

Dear Friends

April 28th 2015

Issue 01


You, and your spouse or friend, are cordially invited to attend

a reunion of former Valley Ice Cream staff
at a function in Noel Ryans Pub in Parnell Street, Thurles on
Sat May 16th 2015 at 9 pm.
Refreshments including hot finger food, sandwiches, cake, and
tea/coffee will be served.
An admission charge 10 per person will be collected and a raffle
will also be run to defray expenses.
We would like to see you all being able to attend on the night!
SIGNED: Willie Kelly and Michael Sutton
RSVP: Text/Call to Willie at 085 1587088 or to Michael at 086 4009989 0504 21482 or to confirm your attendance

Note: Bring along any photographs you might have from your days in Valley

Page 1

Front Cover and Invitation

Page 1

Booklet Contents

Page 2

Reunion Programme & Contact Team

Page 3

An Idea Whose Time Has Come!

Page 4

A Little Bit Of History

Page 5

Photo Gallery

Page 6

Names Of People Who Worked For Valley

Page 13

Names Of Deceased

Page 15

Poem High Flight by John Gillespie Magee Page 17

Change and Onward March of Time

Page 18

Valley Reunion Quiz

Page 19

Hold the Back Page! Reminders

Page 20

Compiled, Printed, and Published by Michael Sutton

Page 2

Evening Programme
01 Champagne reception starts

9.00 pm

02 Musical Entertainment starts

9.15 pm

03 Tipp FM Down your Way recording starts

9.30 pm

04 Welcome Address /Speech

9.45 pm

05 Photographer Arrives

9.55 pm

06 Film Archive/Old Photographs DVD Show

10.00 pm

07 Moment of Remembrance

10.30 pm

08 Refreshments and Food Serving

10.45 pm

09 Band starts up /Music/Songs/Stories

11.30 pm

We would very much appreciate if you

could confirm your attendance before Sat
May 9th for planning and other logistical


Jimmy Kavanagh
Philip McNeill

Willie Kelly

Pat Kinnane

Tommy Brolan

Walter Ryan
John Flanagan

Sean Boyle

John Joe Ryan

Joe Troy

Page 3

Willie Moloney

Tom Hayes
Michael Sutton

Jean Barry


The letter that started the ball rolling towards tonight!
Dear Friends and Helpers
Fri April 3rd 2015
Following many years of encouragement and the persistence of Willie Kelly, he and I
have decided at long last to go ahead with this reunion. We met in Noel Ryans pub
on Mon March 16 last to discuss the whole idea and tease out how we would go
about it.
The attached pieces of preparatory homework and analysis are the suggestions we
have come up with.
We are writing to seek your support, co-operation, advice, other suggestions you
might have, and to correct any errors or omissions we may have made.
We feel it is necessary to have a meeting within the next two weeks to discuss the
finer details of the project. I hope this meets with your approval and that we can go
ahead along the lines proposed. This is about celebrating and remembering the
social aspect of our lives in our place of work - and not about the business
complexities that challenged the company in its latter days.
We think it is important to remind ourselves that this is a once off event; that we
will not be having it again; and that it will bring down the curtain on an era in our
lives that gave us so much friendship and lifelong memories. Indeed life has already
moved along and times have changed for all of us since Valley closed its doors in
Then Willie Kelly will be able to get on with his life and the rest of us can get on with

This will be a special night, we assure you!

Willie Kelly and Michael Sutton

Page 4


Sometime in the mid 1950s the then manager of Thurles Creamery John Cleary began
to experiment in the making of ice cream and water ices. From these small beginnings,
and with his foresight and sense of enterprise, Suir Valley Ice Cream soon became a well
known brand and a substantial player in the emerging Irish frozen confectionery market.
Their vans became very familiar to us as they supplied local shops going to hurling
matches was not complete without being treated to a samll tub or a choc ice by your
father. Suir Valleys name and fame soon spread across the land far beyond the borders
of County Tipperary.
Twenty years later in the mid 1970s the operation was purchased by Dublin
businessman, Gerard Kilcoyne. He shortened the name to Valley. Under the stewardship
of Gerry OSullivan the company experienced further growth and began exporting to
Northern Ireland and other parts of the UK.
With the purchase of the HB ice cream brand by multinational Unilever in the late 1960s,
and with the arrival of large multiple group supermarkets, a small company like Valley
was unable to compete with the purchasing power and scales of economy enjoyed by
these giant players in the Irish market place.
In the end, and notwithstanding great efforts, the inevitable came to pass in 1997 when
Valley ceased trading. Throughout the same period the town of Thurles lost other great
employers the Sugar Factory, Erin Foods, Dwans Soft Drinks, and Phoenix Yarns Textiles.
In spite of the loss of Valley a great spirit of friendship and fond memories have remained
in the nostalgic narrative of its former staff. That is why we have gathered here tonight to
celebrate and enjoy that continuity of comraderie - and to remember and appreciate the
contribution made by all of those who have gone before us.
Michael Sutton

Page 5


Figure 1 First Suir Valley Plant 1959/1960

Figure 2 Staff: Noel Kenehan; M Carroll; Tesie Ryan; Eileen Brennan;

and Richie Spillane

Page 6

Blessing of Ice Bar Freezer in 1960? T. Dwan, Chairman; Fr Harney, CC; Fr Bergin, CC;
Fr Noonan, CC; Dr Thomas Morris, ; and John Cleary, Manager

Figure 3 Suir Valley Staff early 1960's: M Ryan; M Kennedy; J Fahy; M Ryan; M Dermody;
T Ryan; S Ryan; C Kennedy; At back: J J Ryan and P Stakelum.

Page 7

Figure 4 1977/78 - Standing: John Shanahan; Sean Donnelly; Anne Donnelly; Marie Bryan;
Mary Studdert; Kathleen Mulcaire; and John Ryan?; Front: Aileen Ryan; Mary Seymour; and
Denise Walsh

Figure 5 Early 1960s? M Kennedy; J J Ryan; M Ryan: and S Ryan

Page 8

Figure 6 Early 1970's?: Front: Larry Flynn; J J Ryan; Anne Shanahan; Jim Hayes; M Kennedy; W
Leahy; Jean Barry; and Peter Quinlan; Back: S Devitt and J Lowe.

Figure 7 Back: John Flanagan; Mick Maher; Christy Doherty; Noel Carey; Michael Breen;John Joe
Ryan; and Michael Fitzgerald; Front: Siobhan Byrne; Bridget Ryan; Martina Maher; Mary Butler;
and Kathleen Moloney

Page 9

Figure 8 Willie Kelly and Paddy Mahony - Munster Hotel Function 1982?

Figure 9 Munster Hotel Function Sept 1982: Nicky Russell; Michael Breen; Arthur Griffin;
Michael Fitzgerald; and Sean Boyle.


Figure 10 - Function Munster Hotel Sept 1982: Seamus Cooke; Stella Sutton; Pat Kinane; and
Michael Sutton

Figure 11Martin Dunne; Margaret Fitzgerald; Declan

Kennedy; and Willie Kelly 1980s


Willie Kelly =- 1990s

Figure 12 Ria 10 Plant 1980's: Mary Lanigan; Seamus Loughnane; John Flanagan; John Joe Ryan;
Mary Ryan; Pat Kinane; and Kathleen Mulcaire.

Figure 13 Valley Function Sept 1982: Tommy Brolan; Dennis Maher;

and Willie Moloney


Figure 14 Photo Montage


Barry, Jean

Donnelly, Anne

Keane, Jim

Mahony, Paddy

Behan, Christy

Dowd, T J

Kelly, Noel

Manton, Marian

Behan, Peter

Dunne, Martin

Kelly, Willie

McKenna, Terry

Boyle, Sean

Dunne, Alice

Kenehan, Willie

McNeill, Philip

Breen, Sean

Dunne, Ger

Kennedy, Declan

Moloney, Kathleen

Brolan, Tommy

Fitzgerald, Margaret

Kinane, Pat

Moloney, Willie

Bryan, Marie

Fitzgerald, Michael

Kirwan, John

Molumby, P J

Butler, Mary

Flanagan, John

Lawless, Declan

Morris, Ann

Byrne, Siobhan

Flynn, Larry

Leahy, Patsy

Mulcaire, Kathleen

Cahill, Joe

Flynn, Pat

Lennon, James

OBrien, Mary


Cahill, John

Gibson, Ann

Loughnane, Seamus ODriscoll, Stephanie

Carew, Ray

Gleeson, Pat

Lyons, Mary

OKeefe, David

Coffey, Ger

Griffin, Arthur

Maher, Breda

OSullivan, Gerry

Collins, Nuala

Murphy, Betty

Maher, Dennis

Quinlan, Michael

Collins, Anne

Hayes, Tom

Maher, Martin

Reilly, Eamon

Cooke, Liz

Hickey, Ray

Maher, Mary

Ryan, John (B Cah)

Cooke, Seamus

John, Bernie

Maher, Paul

Ryan, John (DNF)

Dardis, Sean

Kavanagh, Ann

Mahony, Brian

Ryan, John Joe

Doherty, Christy

Kavanagh, Jimmy

Mahony, Jody

Ryan, Mary

Ryan, Mary S

Ryan, Walter

Saunders, Sean

Shorley, Ger

Shorley, Michael

Shortall, Bobby

Skehan, Martin

Smith, Kay

Stapleton, Bridget Stapleton, Packie

Sutton, Michael

Taylor, Willie

Tobin, Joe

Toner, Joe

Toner, Anne

Troy, Joe

Maher, Richard

Jordan, Paul

Ryan, Helen

Barry, John

Jimmy (Cashel)

Russell, Jim

Russell, Niko

OMeara, Michael

Eddie (Accounts)

Redmond, Anne

Ryan, Martin

Seymour, Mary

Ryan, Paddy

Ryan, Aileen

Ryan, Donal

Power, Bridie

Cullen, Mai

Ryan, Bernie

Hanly, Margaret

Lanigan, Margaret

Lyons, Bridget

Ryan, Joan

Mahony, Seamus Moloney, Tony

Breen, Declan

Whelan, Ann

Kennedy, Catrine Kennedy, Margaret

Loughnane, Gary

Bourke, Kevin

Callinan, Ian

OGorman, Martin

Doran, Paddy

Troy, Margaret

Troy, Mary

Ryan, Pauline

Connolly, Bridget

Clancy, Elizabeth


Dwyer, Kevin

ODowd, Bernard ODowd, Ray

Ryan, Martin

Kathleen ODowd

Troy, Martin

Lawlor, Noreen

Cooke, Jimmy

Power, Seamus

Power, Marie

;Comerford, Margaret

Troy, Kitty

Dunne, Jimmy

Carey, Noel
Collins, Jimmy

McEntee, Pat

Ryan, Brendan

Lanigan, Michael

Bambrick, Paddy

Murphy, John

Hallinan, Michael

Kavanagh, Michael

Kerrigan, Joe

Cahill, Jackie

Fogarty, Con

Kennedy, Tommy

Jordan, Tommy

Bergin, Eileen

Tierney, Una

Ryan, Pat (A/Cs)

Finn, Jim

Studdert, George


Bourke, Ger

Breen, Michael

Callanan, Paddy

Clancy, Tommy

Quinlan, Peter

Donnelly, Sean

Duggan, Matt

Johnson, Seanie Kennedy, Sean

Leahy, John Joe

Maher, Michael

Ryan, Chrissie

McInerney, Ray

Purcell, Joanne

Quinn, P J

Russell, Nicky

Mahony, Seamus

Ryan, Tesie

Saunders, Mrs

Hayes, Jim

Quinlan, Peter

Shorley, Robert Walsh, Jim

Ryan, Ann

OBrien, Michael

Ryan, Pat

Ryan, John Joe

OGrady, John

Cleary, John

Carey, Jimmy

Quinlan, Paddy

Heffernan, Ml

Maher, Danny


Berry, Sam

Carter, Michael


It can surely be said of our late colleagues above that they have individually
and collectively carried in their souls the spirit of Quaker missionary, Etienne
de Grellet who wrote

I shall pass this way but once: any good that I can do or any kindness I
can show to any human being; let me do it now. Let me not defer nor
neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.

Figure 15 Michael Donnelly in Valley Plant Room circa, 1989


By John Gillespie Magee, Jun.
Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth,
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings
Sunward Ive climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds, - and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hovering there
Ive chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air
Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue
Ive topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark or even eagle flew
And, while with silent lifting mind Ive trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.


Looking back to the past -which is a distant land that can never be reached
again we are reminded of the changes that the passage of time brings to our
lives. Before we know it our children have grown up, our parents have passed
away, and the grandchildren have already started to arrive!.
The places where we work have also undergone change through the demands
of ever more profit orientated shareholders and a more discerning customer
who insists on the competing parameters of lower prices, better quality, and
wider choices!
In our modern age we cannot help but notice the pace of those changes the
advance of communications, medicine, and technology are examples. It may
have been Einstein who said the only constant in life is change! How we adapt
and respond to the challenges and insecurities brought about by modern life
will reveal our strength of character - and test our will to understand and cope
with the many hurdles that may fall across our paths.
All of us here tonight have experienced these emotions and fears in varying
degrees. Yet we have succeeded in keeping our ship afloat and our lives on
track; we have been able to find other employments and discover new
interests; and then we might have wondered what all the fuss was about!
To the positive minded and forward looking person the world is still full of
opportunity. We are a busy people with so many things to do; so many places
to go; and so many people to meet! Some of us have retired and more of us are
reaching that age where we are planning for an active retirement that replaces
the constant routine of work a time to be looked forward to.
We have learned to appreciate the value of good health; the bonds of
friendship and love; and to be happy with ourselves, our good fortune, and the
values that we hold dear. May you all continue to live long, happy, and fulfilled

lives, and continue to be blessed by all the gifts that life has in store for
us. Thank you for your presence here tonight and for your support with
this project.


01. River Suir belongs to a river group known as the Three Sisters
Name either of the other two sisters.
02. Name only inland county in Ireland surrounded by other inland
03.How many gallons of milk does it take to make one pound of
butter? 2.5/3.5/4.5?
04. Tipperary has 4 great septs/clans/family names-the Ryans; the
ODwyers; the Kennedys; who are the 4th ?
05. Name of Matt Duggans horse that won the Galway Plate in 1980
or 1981?
06. The casein protein gives milk its white colour true or false?
07. Which of these Thurles hurlers captained the 1958 Tipperary
All Ireland winning team Jimmy Doyle, Tony Wall, or Mickey
08. Near which West Cork town does Gerry OSullivan come from
Bantry, Skibereen, or Clonakilty?
09. What do you add to ice cream to give it overrun water, air, or
10. At which well known European shrine did John Cleary pass away in
late 1970s Fatima, Knock, or Lourdes?
11. Name of well known stud farm located between Killenaule and
and Fethard Lyonstown, Coolmore, or Ballydoyle?
12. What fowl family are Rhode Island Reds, Leghorns, and Sussex
Whites breeds of?
13. True or false Queen Victoria visited Killarney in 1861?
14. With what song did Abba win the 1974 Eurovision song contest
Dancing Queen, Waterloo, or Knowing Me Knowing You?
15. Walter Ryan says there are 3 Ps in painting art Paint, Paper, and
what is the other P?Answers In Next Months Edition


REMINDERS: 01. Please support our raffle tonight -2 per strip or 3
strips for 5 prizes are Dinner for Two in Anner Hotel,
Twin Bottle Wine set, and box of luxury chocolates.
02. We have an exciting program put together for your
enjoyment tonight.
03. If we have missed any people that should be invited
ask them yourself or let us know.
04. We will publish another booklet listing the names we
have missed -including a report and photos of the
reunion, and copies of other photos from your Valley
05.Tipp FMs Eamon ODwyer will be on hand to record
an edition of the Down Your Way programme.


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