A08 Matt Moxham (Test)

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Name____________________ Date:

File Tab:
Word Bank
top left

excel spreadsheet


1) If you are looking for the help button, go to the _______________ tab.
2) You go to the file tab to create a new powerpoint.
a) True
b) False

3) You are able to scroll through your powerpoint while in the file tab.
a) True
b) False

4) The file tab contains...

a) The save button, but not the print button
b) The print button, but not the save button
c) Both the print button and the save button
d) Neither the save button nor the print button

Home Tab:
5) The home tab is where you begin when first opening the program.
a) True
b) False

6) You are able to add a variety of new slides by pressing the _______________ button towards
the top left of the screen.
7) You should be in the home tab if you are trying to...
a) Change the font on slides
b) Add new slides
c) Create a duplicate slide
d) Do all of the above

8) The home tab contains the "find" button.

a) True
b) False

Insert Tab:
9) The order of subcategories in this tab is...
a) Illustrations, Links, Tables, Media, Symbols, Text, Images
b) Tables, Images, Illustrations, Links, Text, Symbols, Media
c) Media, Symbols, Tables, Images, Text, Illustrations, Links
d) Tables, Illustrations, Links, Images, Symbols, Text, Media

10) You can add text boxes and tables to your powerpoint in this tab.
a) True
b) False

11) It is impossible to add audio or video to your powerpoint while in this tab.
a) True
b) False

12) You can insert an _______________ by using the _______________ button in the
_______________ corner.
Design Tab:
13) The subcategories in this tab are...
a) Themes, Plot, Setting
b) Page Setup, Themes, Background
c) Page Setup, Binding, Paper Texture
d) Background, Foreground, Middleground

14) You can change the background of your slides in this tab.
a) True
b) False

15) Page Setup and Slide Orientation are located in the top right corner.
a) True
b) False

16) How do you change the theme of your powerpoint?

Transitions Tab:

17) The order of the subcategories of this slide is "preview", "transition to this slide", and "timing".
a) True
b) False

18) There are over fifty transitions to choose from.

a) True
b) False

19) You can activate the transitions by _______________ or by setting a _______________.

20) The "preview" button lets you preview the effect.
a) True
b) False

Animations Tab:
21) This tab contains a "preview" button, just like...
a) The home tab
b) The insert tab
c) The design tab
d) The transitions tab

22) There are exactly 51 different animations to choose from.

a) True
b) False

23) The effects can be triggered by _______________ or by setting a _______________.

24) This is the _______________ of the nine tabs.
Slide Show Tab:
25) This is the _______________ of the nine tabs.
26) Of the nine tabs, this is the _______________.
27) If the slides are put in numerical order, this would be number _______________.
28) If there were numbers next to each tab title, there would be a _______________ next to this
Review Tab:

29) The order of the subcategories is...

a) Proofing, Language, Comments, Compare
b) Language, Comments, Compare, Proofing
c) Comments, Compare, Proofing, Language
d) Compare, Proofing, Language, Comments

30) In the proofing subcategory, the order of buttons is...

a) Thesaurus, Spelling, Research
b) Research, Thesaurus, Spelling
c) Spelling, Research, Thesaurus
d) None of the above
e) All of the above (including none of the above)
f) A combination of the above answers

31) ______ Spelling

a) Language

32) ______ Translate

b) Proofing

33) ______ Edit Comment

c) Comments

34) ______ Compare


d) Compare

35) This is the second to last tab.

a) True
b) False

View Tab:
36) This is the _______________ tab.
37) You are able to convert your presentation to grayscale in this tab.
a) True
b) False

38) There is not a zoom button in this tab.

a) True
b) False

39) How relieved are you that this test is over

a) Slightly relieved
b) Relieved
c) Very Relieved
d) Extremely Overwhelmed By How Relieved I Am

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