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Information & Technology Department.

Network Files and Storage Server Policy

Version Control
Network Storage Guidelines

6. DATA FOLDER MANAGEMENT..........................................................#

Data Folder
Data Folder;
Server (Shared) Folders;
Departmental (Shared) Folders;
Common Folder;

Version Control
Document Reference Number
Document Version
Document Approval Date
Document Approved by
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Document Classification
Version Control

Review Date


IT Division


Review Details
Completed Initial Draft

This policy covers management of data that is owned or acquired by the ABPT. Also,

centralized network file

storage, sharing and backup services to individuals, groups and departments with
integrity and availability of information across the ABPT. Which cover only the
this policy primarily addresses structured data to provide

centralized computer systems and servers controlled by, and operated by the IT

2. Purpose

The purpose of this policy and guidelines document is to improve the integrity,
management, storage, transmission, acceptable usage, availability and security of the
ABPT Business data. It also provides instructions and safeguards for managing data to



Issue Date

November 18, 2013

File Name:


Information & Technology Department.

Network Files and Storage Server Policy

ensure that necessary controls are in place to protect data in the event of a hardware
failure, accidental deletion or unauthorized changes.
The audience of this document is all associates of ABPT Co. Ltd. Who uses


network file storage, Business shared Data over the ABPT Network.
The scope of this policy document is for the data element which applies to all USERS of
all business units of ABPT Co Ltd. who use IT Storage Server connected to the ABPT
network or who process or store information. This Policy comes in force effective
approval date, applicable to all divisions and companies within ABPT
1. Storing all sensitive information, including protected Business Data (BD) on the
network server.
2. It should be noted that Servers are the ONLY computers that are backed up by the IT
Operations department. Generally, all Business data and information on computers
should be saved only on the Storage Server - whose data is backed-up periodically.
3. All networked PCs will use the designated drives on the server. Under no
circumstances Business data should be stored on the local drives or Desktop of PCs.
4. Data stored anywhere else (eg on a PC's hard disk, Desktop or My Document Folder)
will NOT be backed-up by these procedures. in such a case any data not stored on
the Storage servers will be lost if the medium it is stored on is lost or damaged or
otherwise made unreadable
5. Shared network folders may be requested by the department Manager.
6. Copying critical Business data on a regular basis to a Shared network folder Storage
Server that is properly backed up by the ABPT-ITD.
7. Shared folders are not to be used by individuals to store personal or private
information which is not related to the Business.
8. Shared folders are only permitted on network servers; shared folders on individual
computers are not permitted.
9. All users are responsible for arranging adequate for the data stored on their PC
assigned to them IT Dept.
10. All users are responsible their Personal data before updating or upgrading software
on their computer.
11. The individual user is responsible for backup of PERSONAL DATA of their own

6. Best Practice guidelines

If you are working on your PC and suddenly a file or some data is lost, STOP
IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT strike any more keys on your PC; there might be ways of

retrieving lost data, even though it may seem to have disappeared.

Call the help desk immediately and they will try to recover what you seem to have



Issue Date

November 18, 2013

File Name:


Information & Technology Department.

Network Files and Storage Server Policy

The help desk can never guarantee data recovery but can guarantee a best effort to

do so.
To avoid data loss kindly follow the guidelines provide by the IT Department

6.1. Network Storage Guidelines

1. Employees may use the ABPT network storage system for reasons related to
business. (In normal circumstances, Business Data must be stored within the
appropriate Folder system (e.g. USER-FOLDER, BUSINESS DATA, SHARED DATA) on
network drive; it must not be stored on the C drive, Desktop and My Document of
any machine.
2. All files created and stored on the ABPT network storage system, including back-up
copies, remain the property of the ABPT and are not to be considered private.
3. Department users are required to store all data, information or files that are created
or managed as part of their work function on the departmental shares.
4. Only business related data and files can be stored on Network Storage Server. The
ABP-ITD assumes no responsibility for the loss, protection or restoration of personal
5. Materials that are subject to a copyright where the ABPT or user does not have a
license for such materials should not be stored on network storage system..
6. Files and folders should be named appropriately and uniquely for ease of
management and discovery.
7. Data backups of individual Business data, departmental shares are performed on a
daily basis. Data can be restored as far back as 30 days from the time they were
deleted or modified.
8. If individual or departmental needs arise for storage for legitimate business needs,
your designated IT Support should be contacted to assist with the request.

6.2. Data Folder Management

User Data:

Business Data Folder;

Outlook PST Folder ( Email Folder)

The Business Data Folder

BUSINESS DATA is a very important special folder. In a standard ABPT PC, the
BUSINESS DATA folder is configured on D: drive. All your data should be saved there
and not anywhere else because:


In case your system crashes and need to be rebuilt, only the files in BUSINESS
DATA will be rescued.


Issue Date

November 18, 2013

File Name:


Information & Technology Department.

Network Files and Storage Server Policy


If IT Support staff need to work on your PC (upgrades, fixes, etc.), they will
consider protecting ONLY the data in your BUSINESS DATA folder.
If you have excel, word, etc. files stored in other folders, move the folders to the
BUSINESS DATA folder or the server folders.

The Outlook PST Folder

OUTLOOK PST FOLDER is a very important special folder configured on D: drive. All
your Email, offline email folder and email archives should be saved there.


Network Data;

Business Data Folder;

Server (Shared) Folders;
Departmental (Shared) Folders;
Common Folder;

The Business Data Folder

Saving your PC files on a server hard drive or folder will enable you to retrieve them in
case your PC hard disk crashes or if you delete a file by mistake. In case your system
crashes and need to be rebuilt, only the files in BUSINESS DATA will be restored from
Storage Server.

Departmental (Shared) Folder:

As the names implies, all associates in your division can access this folder, read, or
create new folders in it. You can create a folder and then restrict access to specific team

Shared folder
A cross divisional group of associates can access this type of folder. To open a folder in
this drive call the help desk and open a ticket. Specify the name of the folder, the
owner, and who will access it.

Common Folder
Everyone in the company can access this folder. In HO, for example, every associate in
HO can read and write to this folder. This folder, however, is deleted completely at each
month end. Files intended for long time sharing should be stored in the Department or
Projects Shared.



Issue Date

November 18, 2013

File Name:


Information & Technology Department.

Network Files and Storage Server Policy

For Individual Desktop

Critical data should be stored on a department server to protect from compromise.
Keep documents in an appropriate folder and assign similar names for easy backup.
Your PC hard disk can fail with little or no warning resulting in major Data loss. Recovering your PC data can be very
difficult and time-consuming, and sometimes impossible. Please note that ITD can never guarantee recovery from the
data loss in your PC.

For Network Users

Users connected to LAN will be allocated storage area on a network server. This storage area will be usually a separate
drive and, maintained by system administrator.
This drive will contain folders or directories by the same name of system, Files can be copied from the user computer
to this folder.




Issue Date

November 18, 2013

File Name:


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