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Teacher Assistants: Can we adapt with or

2 Hours

Most schools use various resources to help students with learning; such as helpful
educational websites or board games. Today, schools have agreed to allow a team of
professional educators with various backgrounds to assist them with students who are
not reaching their educational goals. These professionals are called Teacher Assistants
or Paraprofessionals here in Illinois.

Teacher Asst. goal is to work closely with the head teacher to make sure that students
can maintain and excel in their current class. It is also, the T.A. goal to build
relationships with students.
The T.A. must accomplish a daily goal of the Head teachers lesson plans and make
sure students are following each lesson fully.

Learning Objectives:
Students will:

Learn the strategies of Teacher Assisting

Evaluate assisting teachers in a classroom setting
Review the you tube video on experience T.A. in the classroom


Read the following documents from websites:

Occupational Outlook Handbook

Typical Questions Asked at a Teacher Assistant Interview

Content Outlines:
When you think of Teaching Assisting, what do you think of? Can it involve more than
one individual? Can it be understood as a career? Do you currently teach at a school
that require Teacher Assistants? if, so what goals are the school looking to meet with
the assistance of teaching?. Once, you have developed a response please answer the
questions and provide it by attaching a one page double-space word document.

Lesson A: Educational requirements
The educational requirements can vary from state to state. In Illinois the requirements
for a T.A. must have a Bachelors Degree and some educational courses will be helpful.
Certification must be met through the Board of Education confirming that the candidate
for the T.A. position is legally able to teach in a classroom setting.

Lesson B: Physical requirements

A complete Medical Clearance must be done before T.A. begins assisting with students.
Students must be free and clear from any and all diseases.

Lesson C: Strategies a Teacher Assistant must use

T.A. must make sure that they are interactive with all students. However, if there to
many students in the class students should be placed in groups according to ability of
learning or test scores. This identity comes easy once you meet with the head teacher
to further review any IEPs or other learning disabilities. Communication is always a
positive involvement. Working with the students one-on-one can help the students
making sure that every requirement is met in order to determine a promotion to the next

Lesson D: Statistics
Students must be monitored by keeping a track record in a notebook. A weekly
correspondance should be given to both head teacher and school case worker for
school records. Students may develop mental, emotional, physical, and learning
problems throughout the school year therefore, it is the T.A. position to maintain close
attention to detail.

***** T.A. you must prepared daily.

Paper and pencil are will be handy for taking notes on students to add in the daily
activities notes in case Administration requires report on progress of students.

1. Review general requirements for becoming a TA or in your own State :

2. What are the long term goals of being a TA?

A. Which grades are you most comfortable; to determine expectation of learning
B. How long to do you expect to assists students? Or list general needs of the

Review websites: what does a teacher assistant do? how to be great teacher assistant
Review video: Teaching Assistants-Stars in our classroom

Assessments (Discussions Questions)

Choose Question 1 or 2
Part 1.
After reading the teaching websites on the requirements and Typical Questions
asked for Teacher Assistance interview. In your own words how do you relate to
these readings? Why?

What have you learned from this lesson of being a T.A.?

When reading the other peer opinions please share your thoughts and questions
with them about TA.
Classroom peers response:
Part 2.
In order to complete the assessment of this discussion please make sure you
read all of your peer opinions. Please write one paragraph of your feedback of
your thoughts about TA for all student levels.
What are your thought after reviewing the youtube video of the Teacher
assistance? How do you relate to the video?
Based on the resources please comment in your own words what teaching
assistant means to you and what you would expect of your students?

Classroom peers response:

Completing the Assessment

Please provide all requirements including the salary information for TA. Include your
experience as a TA with a student and share with us. If, you are not a TA please
discuss anyone you may or may not know as well.
Make sure you review all material given and give enough information on TA from the
helpful website given above.

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