Human Dimension: HOME (Standard Films)

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THE HUMAN DIMENSION prevuate A documentary production of the Radio and Television Commission Paul M, Stevens, Director Produced and Directed by John ©, Stevens ee NARRATION ADAPTED FROM A SPEECH BY CHIEF SEATTLE OF THE DUWAMISH TRIBE, WASHINGTON TERRITORY, IN 1055, WHEN INDIANS WERE STILL ‘tHte'PROPLE OF DREAMS AND BELIEVED THEIR LAND AND THEIR DESTINY TO BE - INSEPARABLE . «(65 ‘THE HUMAN DIMENSION presente PAN LANDSGAPE SCENES M1) The Great Chief ss Washington a OF MEADOWS AND MOUNTAINS. that ne wiahew to buy our tands ny }The Great Chief alo sends us words of falendehip and goodwill, Tha te kind of him, ve since we know he has little need of ou friend ‘ship in return. But we will consider your ae otis Foe e know that if we do not sett," ‘7 the white man may come with gune and take our land. CONTINUE PAN OF LAND- Vit How SCAPE, SHOWING FENCED PASTURE. you buy oF #ell the sky, the waenith Tae As Yi if we do not own the freshness of the alz and the sparkle of the water, he ean you buy G47] Wo will decide in our times Gee what Chiel Seattie rays, the Great Chief in Wanhington can count on aa truly aa our white brothers can count on the return of the seawoie CUT TO SEQUENCE OF SCENES dy My worda are like the stave. “They do aot eet IN REDWOOD FORESTS, 7 1y Every part of thle earth is ancred to my people S'Every shining pine needle, évery sandy thor avery miat in the dark woods, every cle .nd humming insect i holy in the memory ans experience of my peapie, The 4ap Which courses through the tree eareies the memorie SEASHORE SEQUENCE WITH THE WATER CRASHING ON ‘THE SHORE. © The white manta debd forget the country of ward. Our dead never forget thin beautiful arth, for st ta the mother of the red man.

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